384 research outputs found

    Attitudes about and access to influenza vaccination experienced by parents of children hospitalised for influenza in Australia

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    INTRODUCTION:In Australia, influenza hospitalises more children than any other vaccine preventable disease does. Children aged six months or older are recommended to receive annual influenza vaccines, and pregnant women are recommended vaccination to protect infants aged up to six months. However, vaccine uptake is low. This study explored influenza vaccination knowledge and behaviours of parents of children who were hospitalised for influenza, in order to inform strategies that target barriers to uptake. METHODS:We conducted 27 semi-structured interviews with parents/caregivers during or shortly after their child's hospitalisation for laboratory-confirmed influenza in 2017. Questions were guided by the Social Ecological Model exploring all levels of influence on vaccination uptake from the intrapersonal through to policy, via the parents' perspective. Transcripts were inductively analysed. Themes were categorised into the components of the Capability-Opportunity-Motivation-Behaviour (COM-B) model. RESULTS:20/27 children were aged six months or older; 16/20 had not received an influenza vaccine in 2017. Mothers of 4/7 infants aged less than six months were not vaccinated in pregnancy. The themes regarding barriers to influenza vaccination were: (1) Limited Capability - misinterpretations and knowledge gaps, (2) Lack of Opportunity - inconvenient vaccination pathway, missing recommendations, absence of promotion to all, and the social norm, and (3) Missing Motivation - hierarchy of perceived seriousness, safety concerns, a preference for 'natural' ways. Though most parents, now aware of the severity of influenza, intended to vaccinate their child in future seasons, some harboured reservations about necessity and safety. When parents were asked how to help them vaccinate their children, SMS reminders and information campaigns delivered through social media, schools and childcare were suggested. CONCLUSION:Improving parents' and providers' knowledge and confidence in influenza vaccination safety, efficacy, and benefits should be prioritised. This, together with making influenza vaccination more convenient for parents, would likely raise vaccine coverage.Samantha J Carlson, Camilla Scanlan, Helen S Marshall, Christopher C Blythd, Kristine Macartney, Julie Leas

    Roles of the TRAF6 and Pellino E3 ligases in MyD88 and RANKL signaling

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    It is widely accepted that the essential role of TRAF6 in vivo is to generate the Lys63-linked ubiquitin (K63-Ub) chains needed to activate the "master" protein kinase TAK1. Here, we report that TRAF6 E3 ligase activity contributes to but is not essential for the IL-1-dependent formation of K63-Ub chains, TAK1 activation, or IL-8 production in human cells, because Pellino1 and Pellino2 generate the K63-Ub chains required for signaling in cells expressing E3 ligase-inactive TRAF6 mutants. The IL-1-induced formation of K63-Ub chains and ubiquitylation of IRAK1, IRAK4, and MyD88 was abolished in TRAF6/Pellino1/Pellino2 triple-knockout (KO) cells, but not in TRAF6 KO or Pellino1/2 double-KO cells. The reexpression of E3 ligase-inactive TRAF6 mutants partially restored IL-1 signaling in TRAF6 KO cells, but not in TRAF6/Pellino1/Pellino2 triple-KO cells. Pellino1-generated K63-Ub chains activated the TAK1 complex in vitro with similar efficiently to TRAF6-generated K63-Ub chains. The early phase of TLR signaling and the TLR-dependent secretion of IL-10 (controlled by IRAKs 1 and 2) was only reduced modestly in primary macrophages from knockin mice expressing the E3 ligase-inactive TRAF6[L74H] mutant, but the late-phase production of IL-6, IL-12, and TNFα (controlled only by the pseudokinase IRAK2) was abolished. RANKL-induced signaling in macrophages and the differentiation of bone marrow to osteoclasts was similar in TRAF6[L74H] and wild-type cells, explaining why the bone structure and teeth of the TRAF6[L74H] mice was normal, unlike TRAF6 KO mice. We identify two essential roles of TRAF6 that are independent of its E3 ligase activity

    School-based HPV vaccination positively impacts parents’ attitudes toward adolescent vaccination

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    Introduction This qualitative study aimed to explore parental attitudes, knowledge and decision-making about HPV vaccination for adolescents in the context of a gender-neutral school-based Australian National Immunisation Program (NIP). Methods Semi-structured interviews with parents of adolescents eligible for HPV vaccination were undertaken as part of an evaluation of a cluster-randomised controlled trial of a complex intervention in 40 schools (2013–2015). In this qualitative study, we purposively recruited a nested sample of parents from 11 schools across two Australian jurisdictions. Interviews explored parent knowledge and understanding of the HPV vaccine program; HPV vaccination decision-making; their adolescent’s knowledge about HPV vaccination; and their adolescent’s understanding about HPV vaccination, sexual awareness and behaviour. Transcripts were analysed using inductive and deductive thematic analysis. Results Parents’ of 22 adolescents had positive attitudes towards the program; the school-based delivery platform was the key driver shaping acceptance of and decision-making about HPV vaccination. They had difficulty recalling, or did not read, HPV vaccination information sent home. Some adolescents were involved in discussions about vaccination, with parents’ responsible for ultimate vaccine decision-making. All parents supported in-school education for adolescents about HPV and HPV vaccination. Parents’ knowledge about HPV vaccination was limited to cervical cancer and was largely absent regarding vaccination in males. Conclusions Parents’ positive attitudes towards the NIP and inclusion of the HPV vaccine is central to their vaccine decision-making and acceptance. More intensive communication strategies including school education opportunities are required to improve parents’ knowledge of HPV-related disease and to promote vaccine decision-making with adolescents

    Patients' initial steps to cancer diagnosis in Denmark, England and Sweden: what can a qualitative, cross-country comparison of narrative interviews tell us about potentially modifiable factors?

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    OBJECTIVES: To illuminate patterns observed in International Cancer Benchmarking Programme studies by extending understanding of the various influences on presentation and referral with cancer symptoms. DESIGN: Cross-country comparison of Denmark, England and Sweden with qualitative analysis of in-depth interview accounts of the prediagnostic process in lung or bowel cancer. PARTICIPANTS: 155 women and men, aged between 35 and 86 years old, diagnosed with lung or bowel cancer in 6 months before interview. SETTING: Participants recruited through primary and secondary care, social media and word of mouth. Interviews collected by social scientists or nurse researchers during 2015, mainly in participants' homes. RESULTS: Participants reported difficulties in interpreting diffuse bodily sensations and symptoms and deciding when to consult. There were examples of swift referrals by primary care professionals in all three countries. In all countries, participants described difficulty deciding if and when to consult, highlighting concerns about access to general practitioner appointments and overstretched primary care services, although this appears less prominent in the Swedish data. It was not unusual for there to be more than one consultation before referral and we noted two distinct patterns of repeated consultation: (1) situations where the participant left the primary care consultation with a plan of action about what should happen next; (2) participants were unclear about under which conditions to return to the doctors. This second pattern sometimes extended over many weeks during which patients described uncertainty, and sometimes frustration, about if and when they should return and whether there were any other feasible investigations. The latter pattern appeared more evident in the interviews in England and Denmark than Sweden. CONCLUSION: We suggest that if clear action plans, as part of safety netting, were routinely used in primary care consultations then uncertainty, false reassurance and the inefficiency and distress of multiple consultations could be reduced

    The UFM1 E3 ligase recognizes and releases 60S ribosomes from ER translocons

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    Stalled ribosomes at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) are covalently modified with the ubiquitin-like protein UFM1 on the 60S ribosomal subunit protein RPL26 (also known as uL24) 1,2. This modification, which is known as UFMylation, is orchestrated by the UFM1 ribosome E3 ligase (UREL) complex, comprising UFL1, UFBP1 and CDK5RAP3 (ref. 3). However, the catalytic mechanism of UREL and the functional consequences of UFMylation are unclear. Here we present cryo-electron microscopy structures of UREL bound to 60S ribosomes, revealing the basis of its substrate specificity. UREL wraps around the 60S subunit to form a C-shaped clamp architecture that blocks the tRNA-binding sites at one end, and the peptide exit tunnel at the other. A UFL1 loop inserts into and remodels the peptidyl transferase centre. These features of UREL suggest a crucial function for UFMylation in the release and recycling of stalled or terminated ribosomes from the ER membrane. In the absence of functional UREL, 60S–SEC61 translocon complexes accumulate at the ER membrane, demonstrating that UFMylation is necessary for releasing SEC61 from 60S subunits. Notably, this release is facilitated by a functional switch of UREL from a ‘writer’ to a ‘reader’ module that recognizes its product—UFMylated 60S ribosomes. Collectively, we identify a fundamental role for UREL in dissociating 60S subunits from the SEC61 translocon and the basis for UFMylation in regulating protein homeostasis at the ER.</p

    The UFM1 E3 ligase recognizes and releases 60S ribosomes from ER translocons

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    Stalled ribosomes at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) are covalently modified with the ubiquitin-like protein UFM1 on the 60S ribosomal subunit protein RPL26 (also known as uL24) 1,2. This modification, which is known as UFMylation, is orchestrated by the UFM1 ribosome E3 ligase (UREL) complex, comprising UFL1, UFBP1 and CDK5RAP3 (ref. 3). However, the catalytic mechanism of UREL and the functional consequences of UFMylation are unclear. Here we present cryo-electron microscopy structures of UREL bound to 60S ribosomes, revealing the basis of its substrate specificity. UREL wraps around the 60S subunit to form a C-shaped clamp architecture that blocks the tRNA-binding sites at one end, and the peptide exit tunnel at the other. A UFL1 loop inserts into and remodels the peptidyl transferase centre. These features of UREL suggest a crucial function for UFMylation in the release and recycling of stalled or terminated ribosomes from the ER membrane. In the absence of functional UREL, 60S–SEC61 translocon complexes accumulate at the ER membrane, demonstrating that UFMylation is necessary for releasing SEC61 from 60S subunits. Notably, this release is facilitated by a functional switch of UREL from a ‘writer’ to a ‘reader’ module that recognizes its product—UFMylated 60S ribosomes. Collectively, we identify a fundamental role for UREL in dissociating 60S subunits from the SEC61 translocon and the basis for UFMylation in regulating protein homeostasis at the ER.</p

    Active surveillance of acute paediatric hospitalisations demonstrates the impact of vaccination programmes and informs vaccine policy in Canada and Australia

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    Sentinel surveillance of acute hospitalisations in response to infectious disease emergencies such as the 2009 influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 pandemic is well described, but recognition of its potential to supplement routine public health surveillance and provide scalability for emergency responses has been limited. We summarise the achievements of two national paediatric hospital surveillance networks relevant to vaccine programmes and emerging infectious diseases in Canada (Canadian Immunization Monitoring Program Active; IMPACT from 1991) and Australia (Paediatric Active Enhanced Disease Surveillance; PAEDS from 2007) and discuss opportunities and challenges in applying their model to other contexts. Both networks were established to enhance capacity to measure vaccine preventable disease burden, vaccine programme impact, and safety, with their scope occasionally being increased with emerging infectious diseases' surveillance. Their active surveillance has increased data accuracy and utility for syndromic conditions (e.g. encephalitis), pathogen-specific diseases (e.g. pertussis, rotavirus, influenza), and adverse events following immunisation (e.g. febrile seizure), enabled correlation of biological specimens with clinical context and supported responses to emerging infections (e.g. pandemic influenza, parechovirus, COVID-19). The demonstrated long-term value of continuous, rather than incident-related, operation of these networks in strengthening routine surveillance, bridging research gaps, and providing scalable public health response, supports their applicability to other countries.Karina A Top, Kristine Macartney, Julie A Bettinger, Ben Tan, Christopher C Blyth, Helen S Marshall ... et al. (on behalf of the IMPACT and PAEDS investigators

    The impact of Covid-19 pandemic on hospices: a systematic integrated review and synthesis of recommendations for policy and practice

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    Background: The Covid-19 pandemic resulted in the development of numerous recommendations for practice and policy for specialist palliative care provided by hospices in United Kingdom (UK), as hospices were significantly affected by the pandemic and protections put in place. The aim of this review is to identify and synthesise recommendations or implications for policy and practice that have been generated for adult hospice specialist palliative care during the first 24 months of the Covid-19 pandemic. Methods: AMED, BNI, CINAHL, EMBASE, EMCARE, HMIC, Medline, PsycINFO, PubMed databases were searched for peer-reviewed papers, as well as hand searchers for grey literature. Literature relating to hospices and Covid-19 in the UK were included and a thematic synthesis of recommendations for hospice policy and practice was undertaken. Results: 858 articles were identified with 12 meeting the inclusion criteria. Fifty-eight recommendations or implications were identified: 31 for policy, 27 for practice, and 10 covering both. Recommendations were organised under ten themes. There were several recommendations seeking to secure hospice resources to mitigate the short-term impact of the pandemic, as well as those focused on longer-term implications such as core funding. The impact of the pandemic on the quality of hospice care was the focus for numerous recommendations around improving integration of hospice care in the community, provision of bereavement support and better use of Advance Care Plans (ACP). However, there were significant gaps related to carer visitation in hospices, inequities of palliative care, or hospice-at-home services. Conclusion: The Covid-19 pandemic and protections exposed several ongoing policy and practice needs, especially around hospice resources, while generating novel issues for hospices to address. Significant policy gaps remain to be addressed to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on the quality of hospice specialist palliative care
