966 research outputs found

    Study Abroad Experience: Ireland Spring Semester 2018

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    Carla Canseco-Maca discusses student engagement at Linfield College with regard to her semester studying abroad in Ireland and her subsequent role as a Study Abroad Ambassador.https://digitalcommons.linfield.edu/inauguration2019_students/1018/thumbnail.jp

    Lattice Expansion of (Ga,Mn)As: The Role of Substitutional Mn and of the Compensating Defects

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    We apply the density-functional technique to determine the lattice constant of GaAs supercells containing Mn_Ga, Mn_int, and As_Ga impurities, and use a linear interpolation to describe the dependence of the lattice constant a of Ga_{1-x}Mn_xAs on the concentrations of these impurities. The results of the supercell calculations confirm that Mn_Ga does not contribute to the lattice expansion. The increase of a is due to both Mn_int and As_Ga, that are both created in the as-grown (Ga,Mn)As in proportion to x, and that are most probably present in a remarkable amount also in the best annealed materials.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, presented at XXXIV Int. School. on the Physics of Semiconducting Compounds - Jaszowiec 2005, Ustron-Jaszowiec, Poland, June 4-10, 200

    Disorder-Induced Effects in III-V Semiconductors with Mn

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    The substitution of Mn in the III-V diluted magnetic semiconductors leads to a strong electron scattering on impurities. Besides the features induced in the valence band by the hybridization with the Mn d-states, also the conduction band is affected by the absence of the Mn s-states at its edge. Also the high concentration of compensating donors modifies the band structure. This is shown on the absorption coefficient epsilon2(omega) of GaP doped with Mn and Se. The absorption evaluated by ab initio density functional calculations starts with a smooth tail and does not show the structure typical for III-V materials. We analyze these features and the role of the donors on model systems using the tight-binding coherent potential approach.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, presented at XXXI Int. School of Semiconducting Compounds, Jaszowiec 2002, Polan

    Design of Electric Scooter for Urban Mobility

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    Cílem této diplomové práce je, na základě vývojové, technické a designérské analýzy, tématu navrhnout elektrický skútr, ideálně uzpůsobený pro pohyb v městském prostředí, který bude praktickou, atraktivní a zejména šetrnější alternativou k osobnímu automobilu se spalovacím motorem. Důraz je kladen na ergonomické, estetické a funkční řešení systému, díky němuž je skútr možné složit do kompaktního tvaru a táhnout za sebou, převážet v hromadné dopravě a parkovat přímo v bytě či kanceláři. Jedinečná koncepce a praktické vlastnosti činí skútr atraktivní nejen jako prostředek osobní mobility, ale také jako užitkové vozidlo pro soukromé společnosti a veřejné instituce.The main aim of this thesis is to design electric scooter, which is ideally adapted for urban mobility and which will be a practical, attractive and environmental friendly alternative to the car with a combustion engine. Emphasis is given to proposal of ergonomic, aesthetic and functional solution of the system, which makes that scooter can be folded into a mobile compact shape. Folded scooter can be carried at public transportation vehicles and park right at home or in the office. The unique design and practical features of a scooter should be attractive not only in terms of personal mobility, but also as a utility vehicle for private companies and public institutions.

    Análisis histórico y epistemológico de la noción de cuadratura en el libro II de los Elementos de Euclides y su incidencia en el concepto de área en la educación básica

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    Este trabajo propone un análisis histórico-epistemológico del concepto de área presente en los Elementos de Euclides, en virtud de caracterizar algunas incidencias en el ámbito escolar respecto al tratamiento didáctico de la medida de superficies de figuras rectilíneas regulares e irregulares. Para tal fin, se apeló a la revisión de textos escolares de grado 7°, para determinar si en efecto hay o no hay, aportes, indicios o rastros que reflejen un tratamiento de la medida en la escuela desde el método de aplicación de áreas consignada en el libro II de los Elementos

    Teaching English Speaking Skill through Pair and Group Interview Techniques

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    The problem that the participants face in the speaking class teaching is very low confident in speaking English in the class. The research aims are to find the effectiveness the pair and group interview techniques to enhance the participants’ speaking skill.  The experimental study consisting 100 participants at fourth semester of Educational English Department Bosowa University and 40 participants have been chosen randomly as a sample which divided into the treatment class and control class. The treatment class was divided into pairs and groups in conducting the three types of interview techniques in which, one participant asking the four participants and four participants asking one student. The study reveals that the participants felt free and brave expressed their language skill through the small group both pairs and groups of interview techniques. Moreover, these result also was identified that these techniques effective stimulating the participants to speak English actively, confidently, and fluently than the traditional teaching model. In which, all the treatment class, most the participants speaking English actively, whereas the control class is only 60 percent participants speaking English actively and some of the participants only kept silent in the class