552 research outputs found

    The hallmarks of cancer are also the hallmarks of wound healing

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    Weather-index based crop insurance as a social adaptation to climate change and variability in the Upper West Region of Ghana: Developing a participatory approach

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    Climate change and variability are major challenges to rain-fed crop production in Africa. This paper presents a report on a pilot project to test a concept for operationalizing weatherindex crop insurance as a social adaptation to the climate change and variability problem in the Upper West Region of Ghana. An analysis of long-term weather variables showed rising temperature of 1.7 oC over a period of 53 years as well as major shifts in rainfall patterns. Farmers face a new reality that cannot be addressed with their indigenous knowledge alone. The weather-index based crop insurance concept discussed herein was developed by combined effort of University of Ghana, the German International Cooperation (GIZ) and the Ghana National Insurance Commission (NIC) since 2010. This development was carried out via their filial, the Ghana Agricultural Insurance Pool (GAIP). The proposed concept sought to link various agricultural stakeholders such weather technical persons, farmers, agricultural extension officer, input dealers and other aggregators, and financial institutions as well as the insurance industry and focused on a participatory farmer led approach. The piloting of the concept was supported by the Climate Change and Food Security (CCAFs) project and was tested in the years 2012 and 2013 using a theatrical drama sketch in two districts in the Upper West Region of Ghana: Jirapa and Lawra. It was observed that training of farmers in the basic principles of weather (data collection, interpretation, etc.) facilitated the discussions on drought insurance, adding to the body of evidence supporting participatory design tools. The aim of this paper is to record this process and to put the results into recent context, through discussing them through the lens of insurance operations and research in Ghana. Ensuing discussions showed that although all stakeholders considered the participatory design tools to be meritorious, a number of logistical challenges were identified that need to be addressed for effective scaling. The study also highlighted the high spatial variability of rainfall in the Upper West region of Ghana, showing the necessity of satellite-derived rainfall products. Finally, the framework suggested in this report highlights the complexity and the institutional structures required to implement an effective insurance. In effect, our simple study has exposed the complexities and intricacies that must be overcome in establishing a sustainable insurance scheme in Ghana

    Mode of Biochar Application to Vertisols Influences Water Balance Components and Water Use Efficiency of Maize (Zea mays L.)

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    Vertisols belong to a group of soils with high fertility but poor physical properties of swelling when wet and shrinking and cracking when dry. The swelling inhibits infiltration, resulting in flooding, limiting the production of upland crops. Biochar (<BC) application has been shown to reduce the shrink-swell behaviour of Vertisols. However, the mode of biochar application to these soils may affect the effectiveness of the amendment. This study investigated the water relations and maize (Zea mays L.) growth under two BC application modes: (i) biochar applied into cracks that develop with drying, C, and (ii) biochar that was surface broadcast and incorporated into the topsoil, FM. A control treatment did not receive any BC amendment. Maize was grown on the BC-amended Vertisols using the two modes of application in a greenhouse under two seasonal water regimes of 610 and 450 mm. The results showed that the proportion of total water application lost to runoff was 37%, 49% and 53% for C, FM and control treatments, respectively. Both maize yield and Water Use Efficiency (WUE), for the C treatments were significantly (p < 0.05) higher than those for FM treatments. The maize yield under the C treatments was 19% over the control. Similarly, the WUE for the C treatments was 28% above the control treatment. It is concluded that the application of biochar into cracks is a more effective way of improving the water relations and upland crop productivity and WUE in Vertisols than the traditional surface incorporation

    Promoting the achievement of looked after children and young people in the City of Nottingham

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    As of March 2016, there were 70,440 children and young people in care in England. The number of looked after children has continued to increase steadily over the last eight years. Sixty per cent of these children are in care because of abuse or neglect and three-quarters are placed in foster care arrangements. Children and young people who are in or have experienced care remain one of the lowest performing groups in terms of educational outcomes. Last year, 14% of looked after children achieved five or more A*–C GCSEs or equivalent, including English and mathematics. As a consequence, they also experience poorer employment and health outcomes after leaving school compared to their peers. They are over-represented amongst the offender population and those who experience homelessness. However, research is emerging to show that children and young people in care can have very positive experiences of school and are supported effectively to reach their full potential academically and socially. The purpose of this report is to share practice in selected City of Nottingham schools that is contributing to improved outcomes and school experiences for children and young people in care. In July 2015, the City of Nottingham Virtual School (VS) commissioned UCL Institute of Education to run their Promoting the Achievement of Looked After Children (PALAC) programme with seven schools in the Local Authority (LA). This report presents an account of the programme, including the activities undertaken by the participants and the outcomes of the programme to date for pupils in care and staff in the participating schools

    The aphids (Homoptera: Aphididae) of British Columbia. 1. A basic taxonomic list

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    A list is presented of 213 species of aphids collected from 255 hosts or in traps in British Columbia

    Why, Where, and How are Organizations Using Blockchain in their Supply Chains? Motivations, Application areas, and Contingency Factors

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    Purpose Blockchain is increasingly being considered for deployment in operations and supply chain management. However, evidence from practice is still scarce on why, where, and how organizations seek to apply the technology in the supply chain across different industries. The study develops a comprehensive framework to enhance understanding of the application areas of blockchain technology in the supply chain, as well as organizations’ motivations in seeking blockchain solutions and relevant contingency factors influencing applications.Design/methodology/approachWe investigate 50 use cases of blockchain applications in the supply chain, covering six industries. We apply contingency theory and conduct a detailed qualitative textual and correlation analysis to identify and compare blockchain adoption motivations, application areas and contingency factors across the different sectors. FindingsThe analysis develops an evidence-based framework that captures ten principal motivations in seeking blockchain solutions, three main blockchain application areas along with important application sub-categories, and five clusters of contingency factors that determine blockchain deployment and its success in different industrial sectors.Research implications The study expands the limited cross-sectoral research on blockchain applications and motivations in the supply chain. Using contingency theory, we present a comprehensive framework that captures the drivers and factors relating to blockchain adoption in the supply chain in a nomological network. The study lays the foundation for further theoretical perspectives and empirical research to investigate relevant sectoral characteristics and their importance for different types of blockchain applications in the supply chain.Practical implications The study informs practitioners about potential supply chain application areas that can be enhanced through blockchain technology, taking account of the specific characteristics of their product, business and manufacturing processes, supply network configuration, industry standards, regulations, and market demand.Originality/valueThe study is the first to provide cross-sectoral evidence on the relevance of organizations’ motivations and numerous contingency factors on blockchain application areas in the supply chain

    Proeftuin Food Valley : biobased economy en energietransitie

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    In deze brochure wordt uitgelegd waarom en hoe de Food Vally inspeelt op de ontwikkelingen binnen de biobased economy en de trasitie naar groene energie. Dit wordt gedaan in het project 'Duurzame Leefomgeving'
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