1,187 research outputs found

    GRIS observations of the galactic center and the gamma ray galactic diffuse continuum

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    On two flights in 1988, the Gamma-Ray Imaging Spectrometer (GRIS) discovered the galactic center in a high state (greater than 1 x 10(exp -3) ph/(sq cm sec)) of positron annihilation line emission (511 keV) after nearly a decade of failed attempts to confirm the exciting early results of balloon and satellite instruments. These two flights represented the first flights of a new generation of high resolution germanium spectrometers designed to achieve significantly greater sensitivity for astrophysical observations. During the fall flight, an observation of the galactic plane at 335 degrees longitude was also performed. This observation showed a very low level of 511 keV emission (2 +/- 1 x 10(exp -4) ph/(sq cm sec)), confirming the galactic center origin of the line, and a high level of hard x-ray and gamma-ray continuum emission (1 x 10(exp -4) ph/(sq cm sec keV) at 100 keV), which we attribute to galactic diffuse emission. Improved fits to the spectrum of the galactic center are presented with the proposed diffuse component subtracted. We conclude that our galactic center continuum spectrum is consistent with the sum of the 1E1740.7-2942 spectrum observed by SIGMA/GRANAT and our 1 = 335 degree galactic plane spectrum. The predicted diffuse flux should be easily measurable by the Oriented Scintillation Spectrometer Experiment (OSSE) experiment on the Gamma Ray Observatory (GRO)

    Segre Types of Symmetric Two-tensors in n-Dimensional Spacetimes

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    Three propositions about Jordan matrices are proved and applied to algebraically classify the Ricci tensor in n-dimensional Kaluza-Klein-type spacetimes. We show that the possible Segre types are [1,1...1], [21...1], [31\ldots 1], [z\bar{z}1...1] and degeneracies thereof. A set of canonical forms for the Segre types is obtained in terms of semi-null bases of vectors.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX, replaced due to a LaTex erro

    Equivalence of three-dimensional spacetimes

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    A solution to the equivalence problem in three-dimensional gravity is given and a practically useful method to obtain a coordinate invariant description of local geometry is presented. The method is a nontrivial adaptation of Karlhede invariant classification of spacetimes of general relativity. The local geometry is completely determined by the curvature tensor and a finite number of its covariant derivatives in a frame where the components of the metric are constants. The results are presented in the framework of real two-component spinors in three-dimensional spacetimes, where the algebraic classifications of the Ricci and Cotton-York spinors are given and their isotropy groups and canonical forms are determined. As an application we discuss Goedel-type spacetimes in three-dimensional General Relativity. The conditions for local space and time homogeneity are derived and the equivalence of three-dimensional Goedel-type spacetimes is studied and the results are compared with previous works on four-dimensional Goedel-type spacetimes.Comment: 13 pages - content changes and corrected typo

    WKB-type Approximation to Noncommutative Quantum Cosmology

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    In this work, we develop and apply the WKB approximation to several examples of noncommutative quantum cosmology, obtaining the time evolution of the noncommutative universe, this is done starting from a noncommutative quantum formulation of cosmology where the noncommutativity is introduced by a deformation on the minisuperspace variables. This procedure gives a straightforward algorithm to incorporate noncommutativity to cosmology and inflation.Comment: Revtex4, 6 pages, no figure

    First and Second Order Perturbations of Hypersurfaces

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    In this paper we find the first and second order perturbations of the induced metric and the extrinsic curvature of a non-degenerate hypersurface ÎŁ\Sigma in a spacetime (M,g)(M,g), when the metric gg is perturbed arbitrarily to second order and the hypersurface itself is allowed to change perturbatively (i.e. to move within spacetime) also to second order. The results are fully general and hold in arbitrary dimensions and signature. An application of these results for the perturbed matching theory between spacetimes is presented.Comment: 31 pages, no figures. To be published in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Collimation of a spherical collisionless particles stream in Kerr space-time

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    We examine the propagation of collisionless particles emitted from a spherical shell to infinity. The number distribution at infinity, calculated as a function of the polar angle, exhibits a small deviation from uniformity. The number of particles moving from the polar region toward the equatorial plane is slightly larger than that of particles in the opposite direction, for an emission radius >4.5M > 4.5M in extreme Kerr space-time. This means that the black hole spin exerts an anti-collimation effect on the particles stream propagating along the rotation axis. We also confirm this property in the weak field limit. The quadrupole moment of the central object produces a force toward the equatorial plane. For a smaller emission radius r<4.5Mr<4.5M, the absorption of particles into the black hole, the non-uniformity and/or the anisotropy of the emission distribution become much more important.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures; accepted for publication in CQ

    Gravitational Instantons from Minimal Surfaces

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    Physical properties of gravitational instantons which are derivable from minimal surfaces in 3-dimensional Euclidean space are examined using the Newman-Penrose formalism for Euclidean signature. The gravitational instanton that corresponds to the helicoid minimal surface is investigated in detail. This is a metric of Bianchi Type VII0VII_0, or E(2) which admits a hidden symmetry due to the existence of a quadratic Killing tensor. It leads to a complete separation of variables in the Hamilton-Jacobi equation for geodesics, as well as in Laplace's equation for a massless scalar field. The scalar Green function can be obtained in closed form which enables us to calculate the vacuum fluctuations of a massless scalar field in the background of this instanton.Comment: One figure available by fax upon request. Abstract missing in original submission. Submitted to Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Gravastar energy conditions revisited

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    We consider the gravastar model where the vacuum phase transition between the de Sitter interior and the Schwarzschild or Schwarzschild-de Sitter exterior geometries takes place at a single spherical delta-shell. We derive sharp analytic bounds on the surface compactness (2m/r) that follow from the requirement that the dominant energy condition (DEC) holds at the shell. In the case of Schwarzschild exterior, the highest surface compactness is achieved with the stiff shell in the limit of vanishing (dark) energy density in the interior. In the case of Schwarzschild-de Sitter exterior, in addition to the gravastar configurations with the shell under surface pressure, gravastar configurations with vanishing shell pressure (dust shells), as well as configurations with the shell under surface tension, are allowed by the DEC. Respective bounds on the surface compactness are derived for all cases. We also consider the speed of sound on the shell as derived from the requirement that the shell is stable against the radial perturbations. The causality requirement (sound speed not exceeding that of light) further restricts the space of allowed gravastar configurations.Comment: LaTeX/IOP-style, 16 pages, 2 figures, changes wrt v1: motivation for eq. (6) clarified, several referecnes added (to appear in Class. Quantum Grav.

    Measuring Metacognition in Cancer: Validation of the Metacognitions Questionnaire 30 (MCQ-30)

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    Objective The Metacognitions Questionnaire 30 assesses metacognitive beliefs and processes which are central to the metacognitive model of emotional disorder. As recent studies have begun to explore the utility of this model for understanding emotional distress after cancer diagnosis, it is important also to assess the validity of the Metacognitions Questionnaire 30 for use in cancer populations. Methods 229 patients with primary breast or prostate cancer completed the Metacognitions Questionnaire 30 and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale pre-treatment and again 12 months later. The structure and validity of the Metacognitions Questionnaire 30 were assessed using factor analyses and structural equation modelling. Results Confirmatory and exploratory factor analyses provided evidence supporting the validity of the previously published 5-factor structure of the Metacognitions Questionnaire 30. Specifically, both pre-treatment and 12 months later, this solution provided the best fit to the data and all items loaded on their expected factors. Structural equation modelling indicated that two dimensions of metacognition (positive and negative beliefs about worry) were significantly associated with anxiety and depression as predicted, providing further evidence of validity. Conclusions These findings provide initial evidence that the Metacognitions Questionnaire 30 is a valid measure for use in cancer populations
