2,518 research outputs found

    Properties of kinematic singularities

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    The locally rotationally symmetric tilted perfect fluid Bianchi type V cosmological model provides examples of future geodesically complete spacetimes that admit a `kinematic singularity' at which the fluid congruence is inextendible but all frame components of the Weyl and Ricci tensors remain bounded. We show that for any positive integer n there are examples of Bianchi type V spacetimes admitting a kinematic singularity such that the covariant derivatives of the Weyl and Ricci tensors up to the n-th order also stay bounded. We briefly discuss singularities in classical spacetimes.Comment: 13 pages. Published version. One sentence from version 2 correcte

    Biosphere 2 test module experimentation program

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    The Biosphere 2 Test Module is a facility which has the capability to do either short or long term closures: five month closures with plants were conducted. Also conducted were investigations of specific problems, such as trace gas purification by bioregenerative systems by in-putting a fixed concentration of a gas and observing its uptake over time. In other Test Module experiments, the concentration of one gas was changed to observe what effects this has on other gases present or on the system. The science of biospherics which encompasses the study of closed biological systems provides an opening into the future in space as well as in the Earth's biosphere

    Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati Cosmology in Bianchi I brane

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    The dynamics of Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati Cosmology (DGP) braneworld with an anisotropic brane is studied. The Friedmann equations and their solutions are obtained for two branches of anisotropic DGP model. The late time behavior in DGP cosmology is examined in the presence of anisotropy which shows that universe enters a self-accelerating phase much later compared to the isotropic case. The acceleration conditions and slow-roll conditions for inflation are obtained

    Cosmology, cohomology, and compactification

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    Ashtekar and Samuel have shown that Bianchi cosmological models with compact spatial sections must be of Bianchi class A. Motivated by general results on the symmetry reduction of variational principles, we show how to extend the Ashtekar-Samuel results to the setting of weakly locally homogeneous spaces as defined, e.g., by Singer and Thurston. In particular, it is shown that any m-dimensional homogeneous space G/K admitting a G-invariant volume form will allow a compact discrete quotient only if the Lie algebra cohomology of G relative to K is non-vanishing at degree m.Comment: 6 pages, LaTe

    Segre Types of Symmetric Two-tensors in n-Dimensional Spacetimes

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    Three propositions about Jordan matrices are proved and applied to algebraically classify the Ricci tensor in n-dimensional Kaluza-Klein-type spacetimes. We show that the possible Segre types are [1,1...1], [21...1], [31\ldots 1], [z\bar{z}1...1] and degeneracies thereof. A set of canonical forms for the Segre types is obtained in terms of semi-null bases of vectors.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX, replaced due to a LaTex erro

    GRIS observations of the galactic center and the gamma ray galactic diffuse continuum

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    On two flights in 1988, the Gamma-Ray Imaging Spectrometer (GRIS) discovered the galactic center in a high state (greater than 1 x 10(exp -3) ph/(sq cm sec)) of positron annihilation line emission (511 keV) after nearly a decade of failed attempts to confirm the exciting early results of balloon and satellite instruments. These two flights represented the first flights of a new generation of high resolution germanium spectrometers designed to achieve significantly greater sensitivity for astrophysical observations. During the fall flight, an observation of the galactic plane at 335 degrees longitude was also performed. This observation showed a very low level of 511 keV emission (2 +/- 1 x 10(exp -4) ph/(sq cm sec)), confirming the galactic center origin of the line, and a high level of hard x-ray and gamma-ray continuum emission (1 x 10(exp -4) ph/(sq cm sec keV) at 100 keV), which we attribute to galactic diffuse emission. Improved fits to the spectrum of the galactic center are presented with the proposed diffuse component subtracted. We conclude that our galactic center continuum spectrum is consistent with the sum of the 1E1740.7-2942 spectrum observed by SIGMA/GRANAT and our 1 = 335 degree galactic plane spectrum. The predicted diffuse flux should be easily measurable by the Oriented Scintillation Spectrometer Experiment (OSSE) experiment on the Gamma Ray Observatory (GRO)

    Equivalence of three-dimensional spacetimes

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    A solution to the equivalence problem in three-dimensional gravity is given and a practically useful method to obtain a coordinate invariant description of local geometry is presented. The method is a nontrivial adaptation of Karlhede invariant classification of spacetimes of general relativity. The local geometry is completely determined by the curvature tensor and a finite number of its covariant derivatives in a frame where the components of the metric are constants. The results are presented in the framework of real two-component spinors in three-dimensional spacetimes, where the algebraic classifications of the Ricci and Cotton-York spinors are given and their isotropy groups and canonical forms are determined. As an application we discuss Goedel-type spacetimes in three-dimensional General Relativity. The conditions for local space and time homogeneity are derived and the equivalence of three-dimensional Goedel-type spacetimes is studied and the results are compared with previous works on four-dimensional Goedel-type spacetimes.Comment: 13 pages - content changes and corrected typo

    A design reuse model

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    The problem with design reuse in engineering practice is the apparent lack of any formal guidelines or approach to help encourage its application and thereby allow designers to effectively benefit from previous domain knowledge. In response to this situation, this paper formalises an approach to reuse in engineering design . The resulting Design Reuse Model consists of processes: design by reuse, domain exploration and design for reuse, and six knowledge-related components: design requirements, sources of domain knowledge, reuse library, domain model, evolved design model and completed design model. The reuse processes are then proposed as the essential aspects of computationally supporting reuse, and as such are used to indicate the failure of existing support to recognise the totality of design reuse
