997 research outputs found

    Simulating FRSN P Systems with Real Numbers in P-Lingua on sequential and CUDA platforms

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    Fuzzy Reasoning Spiking Neural P systems (FRSN P systems, for short) is a variant of Spiking Neural P systems incorporating fuzzy logic elements that make it suitable to model fuzzy diagnosis knowledge and reasoning required for fault diagnosis applications. In this sense, several FRSN P system variants have been proposed, dealing with real numbers, trapezoidal numbers, weights, etc. The model incorporating real numbers was the first introduced [13], presenting promising applications in the field of fault diagnosis of electrical systems. For this variant, a matrix-based algorithm was provided which, when executed on parallel computing platforms, fully exploits the model maximally parallel capacities. In this paper we introduce a P-Lingua framework extension to parse and simulate FRSN P systems with real numbers. Two simulators, implementing a variant of the original matrix-based simulation algorithm, are provided: a sequential one (written in Java), intended to run on traditional CPUs, and a parallel one, intended to run on CUDAenabled devices.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2012-3743

    Numerical tool for tsunami risk assessment in the southern coast of Dominican Republic

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    The southern coast of Dominican Republic is a very populated region, with several important cities including Santo Domingo, its capital. Important activities are rooted in the southern coast including tourism, industry, commercial ports, and, energy facilities, among others. According to historical reports, it has been impacted by big earthquakes accompanied by tsunamis as in Azua in 1751 and recently Pedernales in 2010, but their sources are not clearly identified. The aim of the present work is to develop a numerical tool to simulate the impact in the southern coast of the Dominican Republic of tsunamis generated in the Caribbean Sea. This tool, based on the Tsunami-HySEA model from EDANYA group (University of Malaga, Spain), could be used in the framework of a Tsunami Early Warning Systems due the very short computing times when only propagation is computed or it could be used to assess inundation impact, computing inundation with a initial 5 meter resolution. Numerical results corresponding to three theoretical sources are used to test the numerical tool.This research has been partially supported by the Spanish Government Research project SIMURISK (MTM2015-70490-C2-1-R), the Junta de Andalucía research project TESELA (P11-RNM7069), and Universidad de Málaga, Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. The GPU and multi-GPU computations were performed at the Unit of Numerical Methods (UNM) of the Research Support Central Services (SCAI) of the University of Malaga

    An Internet of things example: classrooms access control over near field communication

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    La Internet de las Cosas es una de las ideas que se ha vuelto cada vez más relevante en los últimos años. Implica conectar cosas a Internet para recuperar información de ellas en cualquier momento y desde cualquier lugar. En Internet de las cosas, las redes de sensores que intercambian información de forma inalámbrica a través de Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee o RF son comunes. En este sentido, nuestro trabajo presenta una forma en la que se accede a cada control de aula a través de la comunicación de campo cercano (NFC) y la información se comparte a través de radiofrecuencia. Estos datos se publican en la Web y pueden utilizarse fácilmente para crear aplicaciones a partir de los datos recopilados. Como resultado, nuestra aplicación recopila información desde el aula para crear una herramienta de control que muestra el acceso y el estado de todas las aulas gráficamente y también conecta estos datos con las redes sociales.The Internet of Things is one of the ideas that has become increasingly relevant in recent years. It involves connecting things to the Internet in order to retrieve information from them at any time and from anywhere. In the Internet of Things, sensor networks that exchange information wirelessly via Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee or RF are common. In this sense, our paper presents a way in which each classroom control is accessed through Near Field Communication (NFC) and the information is shared via radio frequency. These data are published on the Web and could easily be used for building applications from the data collected. As a result, our application collects information from the classroom to create a control classroom tool that displays access to and the status of all the classrooms graphically and also connects this data with social networks.Trabajo financiado parcialmente por: Gobierno de Extremadura: Proyecto GR10081peerReviewe

    What can we expect from the EU legal framework in a pandemic outbreak?

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    The arrival of a new form of coronavirus at the end of 2019 and its subsequent expansion to multiple countries has already caused severe consequences whose final extent we are unfortunately still far from seeing. In our geographical context, Italy has been particularly affected by this threat. In such circumstances, it is worth asking what the EU could do to help any of its Member States (MS) to cope with such a situation. This paper will try to answer it. To this end, we will focus on the most important legal instrument: the so-called, “Solidarity Clause” and the most relevant political tool, the Integrated Political Crisis Response arrangements (IPCRs).This work was supported by Eusko Jaurlaritza [grant number Ayudas a grupos de investigación IT-1066-16]; H2020 Science with and for Society [grant number GRANT AGREEMENT NUMBER — 788039 — PANELFIT]

    IoT and iTV for interconnection, monitoring, and automation of common areas of residents

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    Internet y, en particular, las redes de computadoras se han convertido en un problema clave en nuestra vida cotidiana, debido al nacimiento de las tecnologías inalámbricas. Internet of Things (IoT) tiene como objetivo integrar sensores y actuadores en objetos diarios, maximizando la miniaturización y minimizando el costo económico de estos componentes de hardware. El propósito es conectar estos componentes a Internet a través de redes inalámbricas y fijas, y así producir información en tiempo real que luego se almacena para su procesamiento posterior. Por otro lado, la televisión interactiva (iTV) combina la televisión tradicional con una interactividad similar a la de Internet y la computadora personal. La evolución de la tecnología de TV ha llevado la potencia informática a este dispositivo, ofreciendo servicios aparte de los tradicionales, lo que lo convierte en un dispositivo capaz de ejecutar aplicaciones y maximizar su potencial de red. Este trabajo presenta un marco que incluye e integra una red de sensores inalámbricos, una plataforma IoT y una aplicación de TV interactiva real. Cubre el despliegue y la comunicación de la red de sensores inalámbricos a través de la interoperabilidad de los datos, hasta el consumo final, a través de una aplicación de televisión interactiva real. Se ha probado dentro de una comunidad residencial para proporcionar información en tiempo real, con el fin de mejorar la calidad de vida de sus habitantes. Además, incorpora la posibilidad de analizar esta información para establecer procesos con el objetivo de reducir el consumo de energía, mejorando así la sostenibilidad y contribuyendo al uso eficiente de los recursos existentes. El marco propuesto sirve como base para cualquier despliegue de características similares.Internet and, in particular, computer networks have become a key issue in our daily lives, due to the birth of wireless technologies. Internet of Things (IoT) aims to integrate sensors and actuators in daily objects, maximizing miniaturization and minimizing the economic cost of these hardware components. The purpose is to connect these components to the Internet through wireless and fixed networks, and thereby produce information in real time which is then stored for later processing. On the other hand, Interactive TV (iTV) combines traditional TV with interactivity similar to that of the Internet and the personal computer. The evolution of TV technology has brought computing power to this device, offering services apart from the traditional ones, making it a device capable of running applications and maximizing its networking potential. This work presents a framework that includes and integrates a wireless sensor network, an IoT platform, and a real interactive TV application. It covers the deployment and communication of the wireless sensor network through the interoperability of data, to final consumption, through a real interactive television application. It has been tested within a residential community to provide real-time information, in order to improve the quality of life of its inhabitants. In addition, it incorporates the possibility of analyzing this information to establish processes with the objective of reducing energy consumption, thus improving sustainability and contributing to the efficient use of existing resources. The proposed framework serves as the basis for any deployment of similar characteristics.peerReviewe

    Actualización del sistema de gestión de calidad de la empresa: Colectivos del Café Ltda. a la Norma ISO-9001:2015

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    El presente proyecto tiene como objetivo elaborar la actualización realizada al sistema de gestión de calidad de la empresa Colectivos del Café Ltda, basados en la norma ISO 9001:2015, dando cumplimiento a todos los requisitos de esta. Para soporte de lo anterior, se presenta toda la documentación necesaria para que posteriormente el sistema de gestión de calidad sea implementado en la empresa. A través de la aplicación de la norma ISO 9001:2015 en la empresa, se pretende lograr la mejora del servicio prestado por la empresa Colectivos del Café Ltda y la satisfacción de sus clientes.This Project has the objective of develop an update of the Quality Management System of Colectivos del Café Ltda, based on the ISO 9001:2015, fulfilling all the requirements of that standard. In order to support this Project, all the information required for a future implementation of the Quality Management System is provided in this paper. Through the implementation of ISO 9001: 2015, Colectivos del Café Ltda. intends to achieve an improvement of the service provided and customer satisfaction

    Parallel simulation of Population Dynamics P systems: updates and roadmap

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    Population Dynamics P systems are a type of multienvironment P systems that serve as a formal modeling framework for real ecosystems. The accurate simulation of these probabilisticmodels, e.g. with Direct distribution based on Consistent Blocks Algorithm, entails large run times. Hence, parallel platforms such as GPUs have been employed to speedup the simulation. In 2012, the first GPU simulator of PDP systems was presented. However, it was able to run only randomly generated PDP systems. In this paper, we present current updates made on this simulator, involving an input modu le for binary files and an output module for CSV files. Finally, the simulator has been experimentally validated with a real ecosystem model, and its performance has been tested with two high-end GPUs: Tesla C1060 and K40.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2012-37434Junta de Andalucía P08-TIC-0420

    Neutron beam line for TOF measurements at the Spanish National Accelerator Lab (CNA)

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    The authors acknowledge financial support from the Spanish MINECO funds (FPA2013-47327-C2-I-R, BES-2014-068808, and FPA2016-77689-C2-1-R), AECC (PS16163811PORR), Spanish Fundacion ACS, Capitan Antonio, and FEDER Andalucia (US-1261006).A few years ago, the Spanish National Accelerator Lab (CNA) developed the first accelerator-based neutron facility in Spain called HiSPANoS (HiSPAlis Neutron Source). The first applications of the line were related to integral measurements applied to nuclear astrophysics, dosimetry and single event effects produced by neutrons in electronic devices. The successful of HiSPANoS pushed the enhancement of the facility. In collaboration with the NEC (R) Company, two devices were designed for pulsing ion beams (Chopper) and for compressing in time (Buncher) the pulsed beams. The Chopper-Buncher system has been already installed and commissioned. Proton and deuteron beams are delivered with repetition rates from 62.5 kHz to 2 MHz and 1 ns pulse width. In addition, a new line of the 3 MV Tandem Pelletron accelerator was designed for neutron time of-flight (TOF) experiments. Conventional devices and a dedicated Pick-Up for timing measurements form the new line. In order to check the performance of the whole TOF system, we have carried out the measurement of the neutron spectrum produced by Li-7(p,n)Be-7 reaction at E-p = 1912 keV. Such spectrum has been measured by the TOF technique few times and it can be considered a standard neutron field, in particular in nuclear astrophysics. The first result of such experiment performed at CNA is shown in some detail. The excellent performance of the accelerator, the Chopper-Buncher system and the acquisition system allow us to offer the TOF line at HiSPANoS-CNA to the neutron community.Spanish MINECO FPA2013-47327-C2-I-R BES-2014-068808 FPA2016-77689-C2-1-RAECC PS16163811PORRSpanish Fundacion ACSCapitan AntonioFEDER Andalucia US-126100


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    Los narcocorridos y las jácaras son dos géneros de la tradición oral hispana que han surgido dentro del mundo del hampa de su respectiva época. Ambos géneros comparten una gran cantidad de similitudes tanto del espacio estético como del espacio antropológico. Las similitudes estéticas de las jácaras y los narcocorridos se pueden analizar mediante una equiparación sintáctica y semántica. La sintaxis comparada demuestra similitudes en el medio y el modo que forman estas canciones. El ámbito semántico de las canciones del hampa, igual que en las jácaras, manifiesta un lenguaje jocoso e irónico como recurso humorístico. Las similitudes antropológicas se pueden analizar mediante la normativa de géneros de sexo que existe en el hampa. Además de las relaciones humanas del inframundo social, la interacción entre el crimen organizado y el gobierno del estado exhibe otro punto de comparación entre los narcocorridos y las jácaras. Los nexos entre ambos géneros poético-musicales, que se distancian por más de 300 años, ofrecen un entendimiento del mundo del crimen que surge a raíz de un estado en el que se vive la miseria, la escasa oferta laboral y la falta de movilidad social

    Plataforma web para la gestión de un grupo de investigación

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    Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado tiene como objetivo facilitar a los grupos de investigación la gestión de su trabajo (proyectos en los que participan los investigadores, colaboraciones externas, etc.) mediante el desarrollo de una aplicación web basado en el Framework FuelPHP. La aplicación Web permite la gestión de los principales aspectos de un grupo de investigación como las personas que participan en el proyecto, las personas que colaboran con el proyecto mediante una colaboración externa, los proyectos que existen y los datos asociados a él, permitiendo que estos datos contengan formato multimedia con metadatos. También permite la gestión de informes y artículos donde se evita una edición en paralelo para evitar conflictos entre los participantes del proyecto. Por último, se ha añadido la capacidad de crear eventos para una mejor organización entre el grupo de trabajo del proyecto. Para lograr una mejor gestión se han distinguido cuatro tipos de roles de usuario: Administrador de la aplicación, Responsable del Proyecto, Miembro y Colaborador Externo. Cada uno de estos roles podrá realizar distintas acciones en la aplicación basado en el nivel de importancia del Rol. En esta aplicación se ha utilizado las últimas tecnologías respecto al diseño de aplicaciones Web, como el framework FuelPHP, Bootstrap y Twig. La aplicación Web ofrece una interfaz totalmente responsive con el objetivo de ser, a la vez, sencilla y profesional. Esta aplicación Web se basa en la arquitectura de software MVC (Modelo-Vista-Controlador) para conseguir una mejor reutilización del código y facilitar la tarea de mantenimiento en el futuro. Se ha dividido la aplicación Web en tres subsistemas, llevando a cabo para cada uno de ellos, todas las fases del ciclo de vida de un software siguiendo un modelo en cascada. Finalmente se han realizado pruebas para asegurar el cumplimiento de los requisitos funcionales y pruebas de carga y estrés para asegurar la robustez de la aplicación web desarrollada en este Trabajo de Fin de Grado.This work aims at developing an application based on the FuelPHP Framework to help research groups in their work (among others: projects in which researchers are involved, external collaborations). This web application allows the management of the main aspects of a research group, such as the people involved in a project, people who collaborate on a project through an external collaboration, projects that exist in the application and data associated with them. Likewise, the application also allows the management of reports and articles with facilities to evade conflicts between the people who try to edit a document at the same time. Finally, the application allows the creation of events for a better organization among researchers. In order to achieve a better management, four types of user roles have been distinguished: Application Manager, Project Manager, Member and External Collaborator. Each of these roles can perform different actions in the application based on the level of the importance of the role. In this application, the latest web technologies have been used, such as FuelPHP, Bootstrap and the Twig framework. The web application offers a fully responsive design with the aim of being both simple and professional. It is based on the MVC software architecture (Model-View-Controller). The application allows a great degree of reuse of the code and facilitate the task of maintenance in the future. The web application has been divided into three subsystems, performing for each of them all the phases of the software life cycle following a waterfall model. Lastly, tests have been performed to ensure the compliance of the functional requirements and load and stress tests have been performed to ensure the robustness of the application developed in this bachelor thesis