1,249 research outputs found

    Bernat Martorell i la llegenda de Sant Jordi. Del retaule als brodats

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    El Retaule de sant Jordi, distribuït entre el Musée du Louvre, el Chicago Art Institute i, potser, el Philadelphia Museum Art, és, sens dubte, l'obra mestra de Bernat Martorell, però també una de les que presenta més interrogants pel que fa a l'estil, la cronologia i la destinació originària. En aquest article, es revisen algunes de les hipòtesis proposades per donar resposta a aquests aspectes. D'altra banda, aquest retaule, probablement procedent de la casa de la Diputació del General (avui Palau de la Generalitat), no va ser l'única obra amb la qual Martorell es va enfrontar a la llegenda del sant cavaller. L'anàlisi estilística dels brodats del tern de sant Jordi, conservat encara avui a la capella del Palau de la Generalitat, permet concloure que van ser brodats probablement per Antoni Sadurní i el seu taller, cap al 1443-1450, a partir d'uns patrons pictòrics proporcionats per Martorell.The Retable of Saint George, whose panels are divided up among the Louvre Museum, the Chicago Art Institute, and perhaps the Philadelphia Museum of Art, is undoubtedly Bernat Martorell's masterpiece, but also one of the pieces which raises more questions regarding its style, chronology and original destination. This article reviews some of the hypotheses put forward to answer these issues. Moreover, this altarpiece, probably from the Casa de la Diputació del General (today the Palau de la Generalitat), was not the only work in which Martorell dealt with the legend of this holy knight. The stylistic analysis of the embroidered scenes on the Tern de sant Jordi (set of liturgical vestments), currently preserved in the chapel of the Palau de la Generalitat, allows us to conclude that they were probably embroidered by Antoni Sadurní and his workshop ca. 1443-50 following pictorial models provided by Martorell

    Supersymmetric FRW model and the ground state of supergravity

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    In this work we construct the vacuum configuration of supergravity interacting with homogeneous complex scalar matter fields. The corresponding configuration is of the FRW model invariant under the n=2n=2 local conformal time supersymmetry, which is a subgroup of the four dimensional space-time supersymmetry. We show, that the potential of the scalar matter fields is a function of the K\"ahler potential and of the arbitrary parameter α\alpha. This parameter enumerates the vacuum states. The scalar matter potential induces the spontaneous breaking of supersymmetry in supergravity. On the quantum level our model is a specific supersymmetric quantum mechanics, which admits quantum states in supergravity, and the states with zero energy are described by the wave function of the FRW universe.Comment: 18 pages, Revtex, submitted to PR

    Estudio de algunas variables que afectan la comprensión de textos de física

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    The problem about the comprehension of Physics Texts by students of the First Courses at University is the axis of analysis in this paper. Our intention is to know the learning strategies that our university students use to comprehend a scientific text. We studied the cognitive activities of the students when reading the text and the relationship between them through a global coefficient of comprehension. The results obtained let us assert that it is convenient to teach adequate strategies for the comprehension of physics texts

    Evaluación de una experiencia de aula con un diseño basado en la teoría de la elaboración

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    This work proposes a model of a curricular design in Physics and its application in the classroom. It is developed according to the guidelines of the elaboration theory and it is put into practice in a basic university course. It includes an analysis of the structure of knowledge and an organization of the contents involved at different levels. Besides, it provides information about what and how to teach and what and how to evaluate. The results achieved in the classroom according to what is prescribed in this design about Waves and Sound are analyzed and discussed in this paper

    The classroom of Physical Education and students with disabilities

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    Este estudio versa sobre el proceso de construcción y validación de un instrumento estandarizado cuyo objetivo ha sido analizar la realidad educativa de los docentes de Educación Física en la etapa de primaria ante alumnado con discapacidad motora y derivar del mismo los elementos clave que justifiquen la construcción de un plan de formación permanente del profesorado en este ámbito. El proceso llevado a cabo paso por llevar a cabo en primer lugar un juicio de expertos y expertas para posteriormente someter el borrador de aquí derivado a un pilotaje con un total de 57 docentes de Córdoba. El cuestionario definitivo goza de las suficientes garantías para ser aplicado, analizado e interpretado y ha permitido extraer como dimensiones formativas las siguientes: didáctica de la Educación Física, herramientas didáctico educativas, estrategias de trabajo en el aula, habilidades para el ejercicio de la docentes y recursos tecnológicos

    Volume elements of spacetime and a quartet of scalar fields

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    Starting with a `bare' 4-dimensional differential manifold as a model of spacetime, we discuss the options one has for defining a volume element which can be used for physical theories. We show that one has to prescribe a scalar density \sigma. Whereas conventionally \sqrt{|\det g_{ij}|} is used for that purpose, with g_{ij} as the components of the metric, we point out other possibilities, namely \sigma as a `dilaton' field or as a derived quantity from either a linear connection or a quartet of scalar fields, as suggested by Guendelman and Kaganovich.Comment: 7 pages RevTEX, submitted to Phys. Rev.