172 research outputs found

    Population Density Estimates of the Montezuma Quail (Cyrtonyx montezumae) in West Texas

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    In Texas, USA, populations of Montezuma quail (Cyrtonyx montezumae) can be found scattered across mountain ranges in the Trans-Pecos region, including the Davis and Guadalupe, and farther east into the Edwards Plateau region. Abundance and distribution information to assist land managers in the enhancement of Montezuma quail populations is scarce due to the species’ secretive behavior and unknown abundance. We aimed to provide population density indices to fill this information gap by using a search path technique. We searched for quail in the winter of 2018–2019 in West Texas at 6 study sites: 5 private ranches and Elephant Mountain Wildlife Management Area (EMWMA). We chose survey locations based on previous quail sightings and our perception that an area contained suitable Montezuma quail habitat. We searched small watersheds using at least 2 dogs while walking along contours. The average search path length was 1.82 km (range = 0.80–4.30). We produced a hexagonal grid with a cell size of 1 ha such that no pair of coveys can be encountered on the same cell. The area associated to each search was the sum of the areas of all hexagonal cells intersected by the search path. For density index, we directly used the definition of density (birds encountered divided by area searched). Mean covey density was 1.51 ± 2.53 (± standard error) coveys/km2 (range = 0.50–4.17), although abundance data were overdispersed. The highest density estimate was for EMWMA. Mean covey size was 6.55 ± 0.61 birds/covey. These data yielded an estimate of 10.07 ± 17.45 birds/km2. As we did not account for imperfect detection, our quail density estimates are lower bounds of actual density. These quail density estimates are lower than estimates for Arizona, USA but higher than density estimates reported for the Edwards Plateau and central Mexico. A prevailing concern regarding the harvest of the Montezuma quail among some wildlife professionals and the public in Texas is the perception that Montezuma quail are scarce. Therefore, our density estimates suggest that abundance of Montezuma quail in West Texas may not be as low as perceived and that Montezuma quail populations may be appropriate for an open hunt season

    Construcción de un modelo de competencias profesionales docentes para la maestría en medicina alternativa, área medicina tradicional china y acupuntura de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia

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    El creciente interés en la medicina alternativa y complementaria, ha permitido su llegada a ambientes académicos y por ende la creación de nuevos programas; para ello se requieren profesores que implementen los currículos. Es necesario reflexionar sobre las competencias profesionales docentes que ellos deben tener para cumplir los proyectos educativos con calidad. Objetivo: construir un modelo de competencias profesionales para los docentes de Medicina Tradicional China y Acupuntura de la Maestría en Medicina Alternativa de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Metodología: estudio cualitativo, que usó como estrategias la revisión de la literatura y la aplicación de una entrevista de pregunta abierta a todos los profesionales médicos docentes del área de estudio. Resultados: A partir de la revisión de la literatura se construyeron cuatro ejes de análisis para las entrevistas. Se caracterizó al grupo de docentes y se estudiaron todas las respuestas obtenidas. A partir de ellos se construyó el modelo de competencias para profesores del área. Conclusiones: El modelo de competencias contempla competencias técnicas, metodológicas, sociales y personales, cada una de las cuales fue planteada con detalle. Este estudio pone de manifiesto la necesidad urgente de generar espacios de formación docente en pedagogía.Abstract. The growing interest in alternative and complementary medicine, has allowed his arrival in academic environments and the creation of new programs. This situation requires teachers who implement the curriculum. It is necessary to reflect on the teaching skills they must have to achieve quality educational projects. Objective: Build a model of professional skills for teachers of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, Master in Alternative Medicine Masters at National University of Colombia. Methodology: qualitative study, which used two strategies as the literature review and the application of an open question interview to all medical professional teachers in the studied area. Results: From the literature review it was built four axes of analysis for interviews. The group of teachers was characterized and all the responses were studied. With both of them, it was built the competence model for teachers in the area. Conclusions: The competency model provides technical, methodological, social and personal, each of which was raised in detail. This study highlights the urgent need to create spaces for teacher training in pedagogy.Maestrí

    Document management practices in SMEs: An information management capability-based approach

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    Purpose: This research studied the current document management (DM) practices in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) of a road freight transport sector in a South American city with the aim to determine strengths and challenges for improving information management. Design/methodology/approach: The study was conducted using a survey approach based on measuring information management capabilities (IMC) through the following main dimensions: perception about DM practices, DM policies and tools, IT usage, organizational climate, and problems related to document management. Findings: The main results from the work stated the challenges for these companies in adopting electronic document management systems (EDMS) and handling information effectively even though the business experience. Also, the study highlighted the top management commitment in terms of investments for IMC development. Nevertheless, this economic support tends to be not enough to afford the EDMS implementation. Originality/value: Regarding the importance of information in road freight transport sector, this paper explored DM practices in a field in which no previous studies related to DM had been conducted and set the basis to make decisions to improve information management performance

    Winter Diet of Montezuma Quail in Arizona and New Mexico

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    Investigating the diet composition of Montezuma quail (Cyrtonyx montezumae) is fundamental for unveiling how food resources limit the species’ population size and may provide relevant tools for their harvest and habitat management. The objective of this research was to determine the composition and geographic variation of the winter diet of the Montezuma quail in Arizona and New Mexico, USA, from quail crops harvested during the hunting seasons of 2008–2017. In addition, we used beta regression analyses to determine the effect of environmental factors and ecological variables (annual mean precipitation, annual mean temperature, landscape diversity, diet diversity, time of hunt, longitude, latitude, and elevation) on Montezuma quail diet composition. We found that acorns (Quercus spp.) and sedge rhizomes (Cyperus fendlerianus) are the most frequent food items of Montezuma quail in Arizona and New Mexico, respectively, followed by tepary beans (Phaseolus acutifolius), woodsorrel tubers (Oxalis spp.) and insects in both states. Individual crop wet mass is positively associated with time of day during winter. Geographic variation in Montezuma quail diet composition in Arizona and New Mexico was associated with mean annual precipitation for acorns and with geographic variation in mean annual temperature for rhizomes and tubers of sedge (Cyperus spp.). Geographic variation of other food items was not associated with those environmental factors. These functional relationships between the species’ diet and environmental factors suggest that Montezuma quail preference towards these two principal food items is subject to climatic control. Therefore, warmer and drier environments in the southwestern United States and northern Mexico may affect the species’ distribution through changes in food availability

    “Desempeño laboral y su incidencia dentro de las ventajas competitivas en las microempresas comerciales del Cantón la Maná, Provincia de Cotopaxi, año 2020.”

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    The role of micro-enterprises in business activity is fundamental, it has the potential for self-development, self-sufficiency and growth. The problem arose from the empirical management of microenterprises, lack of knowledge about the importance of quality job performance, the low rate of training, the academic level of the owners and the impact it generates on the competitive advantages of a business, the general objective of this project was to analyze the incidence of job performance on the competitive advantages of commercial microenterprises of La Maná canton; in order to fulfill this purpose, bibliographic and field research was used, among the methods the theoretical method was used: logical historical , deductive, synthetic analytical and empirical method: expert assessment, in addition descriptive and correctional research was used. It was taken as a base the population universe of 3,830 commercial micro enterprises and 1,668 collaborators of the urban sector, applying the calculation of the sampling by strata it was possible to obtain a sample of 150 proprietors and 143 collaborators to whom the surveys were applied whose instrument was the questionnaire that was validated. The most relevant findings indicated that there is a relationship of 0.628 according to the factors of work performance (work environment, organizational culture, incentives, work satisfaction, competence, education, knowledge and experience) and competitive advantage (leadership by cost, differentiation, concentration), demonstrating that work performance is of vital importance to obtain competitive advantages. It is concluded that work performance has an impact on competitive advantages. In view of the results found, the creation of generic competitive advantages was proposed in order to improve profitability conditions and reduce costs in strategic products.El papel de las microempresas en la economía local y nacional es fundamental, tiene posibilidades de autodesarrollarse, autoabastecerse y de crecimiento. La problemática surgió frente al manejo empírico de las microempresas, falta de conocimiento sobre la importancia del desempeño laboral de calidad, el bajo índice de capacitaciones, el nivel académico de los propietarios, la investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar la incidencia del desempeño laboral en las ventajas competitivas de las microempresas comerciales del Cantón La Maná, con la finalidad de cumplir este propósito se recurrió a la investigación bibliográfica y de campo, entre los métodos se empleó el método teórico: histórico lógico, deductivo, analítico sintético y el método empírico: valoración por expertos, además se utilizó la investigación descriptiva y correccional. Se tomó como base el universo poblacional de 3.830 microempresas comerciales y 1.668 colaboradores del sector urbano, aplicando el cálculo del muestreo por estratos se logró obtener una muestra de 150 propietarios y 143 colaboradores a los cuales se aplicó las encuestas cuyo instrumento fue el cuestionario que fue validado. Los hallazgos más relevantes indicaron que existe una relación de 0,628 de acuerdo a los factores de desempeño laboral (ambiente laboral, cultura organizacional, incentivos, satisfacción laboral, competencia educación, conocimiento y experiencia) y ventaja competitiva (liderazgo por costo, diferenciación, concentración), demostrando que es de vital importancia el desempeño laboral para obtener ventajas competitivas. Se concluye que el desempeño laboral tiene incidencia en las ventajas competitivas. Frente a los resultados encontrados se planteó la creación de ventajas competitivas genéricas con la finalidad de mejorar las condiciones de rentabilidad y reducir los costos en productos estratégicos

    Composition of the Montezuma Quail’s Diet in Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas

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    The Montezuma quail (Cyrtonyx montezumae) is a popular game bird and an indicator species of oak-pine savannas in the northern part of its range. In Arizona and New Mexico, USA, robust populations allow for a hunting season from mid-November through mid-February. However, there is no open hunting season for this quail in Texas, USA. Data on the Montezuma quail’s diet can provide new information and improve management of the species. Our objective was to analyze the diet composition of the Montezuma quail in Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. Specimens were collected by hunters in Arizona and New Mexico during 2016–2020 seasons and by researchers during 2018–2020 winter and spring seasons in Texas. We estimated the diet composition by macrohistological analysis of the collected quail crops. We found a high variety of food items: 178 items or morphospecies in crops (n = 175), from which 110 and 66 items were of plant and animal origin, respectively, and 2 unidentified items. We found an average (± standard error) of 5.89 ± 0.42 items/crop (range = 0–22) in Arizona (n = 107) samples, 4.15 ± 0.99 items/crop (range = 1–13) in New Mexico (n = 13), and 4.38 ± 0.40 items/crop (range = 1–12) in Texas (n = 55). Winter diet of Montezuma quail in Arizona was mainly represented by bulbs of Oxalis spp. (35.22% of dry weight), bulbs and rhizomes of Cyperus spp. (30.92%), acorns (Quercus spp.; 7.17%), and tepari beans (Phaseolus acutifolius; 6.50%). Winter diet in New Mexico consisted mainly of bulbs of Cyperus spp. (64.13%), beans of Macroptilium spp. (15.82%), and Panicum hallii grains (10.11%). In Texas, winter diet consisted mostly of rhizomes and bulbs of Cyperus spp. (28.17%), Rhynchosia senna beans (22.49%), P. hallii grains (19.54%), Allium wild onions (8.58%), and Cylindropuntia imbricata seeds (4.16%). The Montezuma quail’s spring diet in Texas consisted mainly of rhizomes and bulbs of Cyperus spp. (61.64%) and bulbs of Oxalis spp. (19.46%). The Montezuma quail diet changes in composition and proportion according to the site and season, but bulbs and rhizomes of Cyperus spp. are the predominant food items in all 3 states. This work provides novel information about the winter and spring diet of Montezuma quail in Texas. Information about Montezuma quail diet at several temporal and geographic scales will prove to be highly relevant to implement better management and conservation strategies in the northern edge of the species’ range

    Área de puesta del listado, Katsuwonus pelamis (Scombridae), en el Mediterráneo occidental

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    Skipjack is an important commercial species with a tropical distribution, although captures in the Mediterranean Sea have been recorded for decades. The western Mediterranean Sea, specifically the Balearic Sea, is a spawning area for several tuna species. We hypothesized that the western Mediterranean warming in the last few decades could lead to the expansion of skipjack tuna spawning areas from tropical areas to the Mediterranean Sea. We analysed 454 individuals (41.8-81 cm straight fork length) caught by sport fishing vessels in offshore trolling championships in Spanish Mediterranean waters during summer months from 2014 to 2019. Analysis of the gonadosomatic index and microscopic examination of the ovaries (n=192) showed that the skipjack is reproductively active in the western Mediterranean, particularly in the Balearic Sea. These results indicate that the skipjack has expanded its distribution and spawning area from tropical waters to the Mediterranean, probably owing to the gradual warming detected in the area in the last few decades. This new spawning activity in the area should be monitored in the near future to study the possible impact on other tuna species that share the distribution range and spawning area with skipjack tuna in the western Mediterranean.El listado (Katsuwonus pelamis) es una especie muy importante a nivel comercial. Aunque su distribución es tropical, desde hace décadas se registran capturas en el Mediterráneo. El Mediterráneo occidental, concretamente el mar Balear, es zona de puesta de varias especies de túnidos. Este trabajo planteó la hipótesis de que el calentamiento registrado en las últimas décadas en el Mediterráneo occidental podría producir la expansión de las áreas de puesta del Listado desde las zonas tropicales hasta el mar Mediterráneo. Analizamos 454 ejemplares (41,8-81 cm SFL) capturados por embarcaciones de pesca recreativa en campeonatos de curricán de altura durante los meses de verano de 2014 a 2019 en aguas del Mediterráneo español. El análisis del Índice Gonadosomático y el análisis microscópico de los ovarios (n=192) mostraron que la especie es reproductivamente activa en el Mediterráneo occidental, particularmente en el mar Balear. Estos resultados indican que el Listado ha ampliado su área de distribución y puesta desde aguas tropicales hasta el Mediterráneo, probablemente debido al calentamiento gradual detectado en la zona en las últimas décadas. Además, es de interés realizar un seguimiento de esta nueva actividad de puesta en un futuro próximo para estudiar el posible impacto sobre otras especies de túnidos con las que comparte tanto área de distribución como zona de puesta en el Mediterráneo occidental

    Variability and Genetic Structure of the Montezuma Quail Cyrtonyx montezumae in the Northern Limit of its Distribution

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    A species’ geographic distribution of genetic variability is influenced by different factors including size of geographic distribution, dispersal capability, mating system, and migration. For instance, a low migration rate among populations may cause a decrease in genetic variation. Such is the case of the Montezuma quail (Cyrtonyx montezumae), a popular game bird with a limited flight capacity that prevents long-distance dispersal. In the northern limit of the species’ distribution in Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas in the United States, the species inhabits oak forests that are separated from one another by deserts. Consequently, Montezuma quail populations are distributed in patches or islands. Knowledge of the species’ genetic structure is likely to help inform habitat management decisions. The objective of this study was to determine patterns of genetic variation in populations of the Montezuma quail using 9 microsatellite DNA loci. We genotyped 119 individuals harvested from 4 populations: Arizona (AZ), western New Mexico (WNM), eastern New Mexico (ENM), and west Texas (WTX). Montezuma quail populations had low observed heterozygosity (Ho = 0.22 ± 0.04) and a low number of alleles per locus (A = 2.41 ± 0.27) compared to other quail species. A global population genetic differentiation index (RST) of 0.045 suggests a weak genetic structure. Max(RST) occurred among pairwise comparisons AZ-WTX, AZ-ENM, and WNM-WTX. A Bayesian allocation analysis indicates that individuals were separated into 3 groups (K = 3), placing the populations of Arizona and Texas in distinct groups apart from the 2 populations of New Mexico, which are in the same group. Despite this differentiation, the Bayesian allocation analysis suggests admixture among populations, which may be an indicator of migration between them, especially between the populations in New Mexico and Arizona. An isolation-by-distance analysis indicates that there is a strong correlation (R2 = 0.84) and suggestive evidence (P = 0.08) of non-independence between geographical and genetic distances, though Montezuma quail populations in the southwestern United States may not be isolated. Climate change projections indicate an increase in aridity conditions in this region, especially in temperate ecosystems where the species occurs. In this scenario, corridors between the populations may disappear, thus causing their complete isolation

    Etnodiseño: Modelo de diseño desde la perspectiva etnográfica y su aporte a la formación en diseño

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    Design and ethnography are two disciplines that have found ways to contribute to one another. More specifically, design practice has found ethnography ways to understand people's needs. However, because of the acceleration of different processes of production and consumption of goods, ethnography has been incorporated into the design practice only partially, wasting the full value that ethnography can bring to design.  In this article, we propose Ethno-design, a model that brings the essence of ethnography to be incorporated into the design process, with the intention of developing interconnections between both disciplines that allow them to keep their nature and reach. Ethno-design is presented here as a tool that promotes design as an agent of social change in favor of people and their contexts.  Finally, from the theoretical perspective and the first application of the model in teaching, research, and professional practices, we identified several aspects that allow reflection about how the model could collaborate in design education.La etnografía y el diseño han participado de distintas intenciones y reflexiones sobre su posible relación, principalmente, aquellas que tienen el objetivo de hacer ver al diseño como una disciplina centrada en las personas. El diseño, dada la aceleración de los procesos de producción y consumo, ha evidenciado por ignorancia, comodidad o conveniencia, una incorporación fragmentada, parcial e imprecisa de la etnografía a sus procesos, desaprovechando así todo el potencial que tiene para ampliar su alcance como disciplina. En este artículo se propone un modelo de diseño llamado, Etnodiseño, que recupera la esencia de la etnografía para ser incorporado en el proceso de diseño, con la intención de generar interconexiones entre ambas disciplinas que permitan conservar su naturaleza y alcance. Etnodiseño, se presenta aquí como una herramienta que promueve un diseño como agente social de cambio a favor de las personas y sus contextos. Finalmente, a partir de su construcción teórica y una primera iteración en el escenario de la docencia, la investigación y la vinculación con el medio, se identifican algunos aspectos que permiten reflexionar en torno al aporte de Etnodiseño en la formación de diseñadores

    Rescue radioguided laparoscopy surgery for meckel's diverticulum

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    The extirpation of Meckel's diverticulum (MD) via conventional or laparoscopic surgery is the definitive treatment. However, certain circumstances may modify or alter this situation and require the application of exceptional measures. We report a case under our observation who previously had an exploratory abdominal laparotomy for a suspected MD; however, the findings were negative. At that time, the diagnosis was established based on low-level gastrointestinal bleeding and isotopic tests that confirmed the existence of the diverticulum. Given the findings of gamma-graphic exploration and the previous negative surgical exploration, a decision was made to remove the lesion by laparoscopic radioguided surgery. The patient underwent bilateral laparoscopic radioguided surgery using a gamma radiation detection probe. The exploration of the abdominal cavity noted the existence of the diverticulum about 60 to 70 cm from the ileocecal valve. In this way, it was possible to proceed with the resection of the bowel loop and perform an intracorporeal anastomosis termino lateral. The postoperative course was uneventful, and the patient was discharged on the fifth postoperative day. We believe that the combination of radioguided surgery and single photon emission computed tomography/computed tomography could be useful for treating lesions in locations that are surgically difficult because of the characteristics of the lesion itself or the peculiarities of an individual patient