35 research outputs found

    Assessment of Students’ Writing Acquisition

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    Writing is one of the essential language skills to be mastered by students to communicate appropriately in written forms. Nowadays, writing is becoming a vital skill for modern communication as an increasing number of people communicate in written forms using various communication technology. This study was conducted to analyse students’ writing abilities. An ex post facto research design was conducted to collect the data required for this study. A writing assessment was administered to the selected samples, and the data were analysed descriptively. This study found that students writing skills was at a sufficient level. It means several students are still experiencing difficulty in writing. Therefore, this study implied that students’ writing skills should continually develop to a higher level of acquisitio


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    The school environment is one unit of the physical, mental and social environment of the school that meets the health requirements so that it can support the teaching and learning process properly and support the growth and development process of students optimally. A healthy school environment can be realized or maintained by involving all components of the school stakeholders. This study made use of a qualitative research design with descriptive analysis. Data were collected by conducting field studies, direct observation, and interviews with school stakeholders. This study found that to maintain school health, the essential healthy standards should be carefully and intensively implemented at schools. Therefore, this research implies that schools should maintain a healthy school environment so that students can study well and comfortably

    Teacher's Perception on the Implementation of the Assessment Process in 2013 Curriculum

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    This study aims to describe the teachers' perception on the implementation of the assessment process in 2013 curriculum. This research is a qualitative descriptive research. The subjects of the research are the Elementary school principals and elementary school teachers in Denpasar. Research data were collected through in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation which were analyzed descriptively by using the interactive technique. The interactive analysis was done by collecting data, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The results of data analysis showed that the teachers prepared the lesson plans prior to implementing the teaching and learning processes in the classroom. The lesson plans consist of the rubric of attitude assessment, knowledge assessment, and social assessment. The attitude competence assessment consists of spiritual and social attitudes. The assessment of the attitude competence is done by doing observation, self-assessment, peer assessment, and teacher's journal. The assessment of knowledge competence was done by administrating written test, oral test, and also written an assignment. The students' competencies were assessed by conducting performance assessment. The results of the assessment were written descriptively on the students' learning report by describing the student's ability to detail. Most teachers stated that the assessment in 2013 curriculum is quite good because it provides an attitude assessment, including the aspect of the spiritual and social, knowledge aspects, and skills aspects. There were some obstacles found by teachers in conducting the assessment, such as, limited time that teachers have in observing students' social attitudes and writing the results of the assessment that require a lot of time to describe the students' abilities

    Speaking Competence of University Students

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    Speaking is an important language skill to be developed continually. This language skill enables students to communicate in English appropriately. This study aims at analysing students’ speaking competence to attain explicit knowledge concerning students’ speaking ability. This study used an ex post facto research design. The data were collected by conducting a speaking assessment of the selected samples, and the data were descriptively analysed. This study found that students speaking competence were sufficient. Some students still needed help expressing their ideas using correct grammar and appropriate language functions. Therefore, the study implies that the students' speaking competence needs to be developed progressively in the classroom to attain a higher level of competenc

    The Implementation of Education National Standard in the Instrument of School Accreditation of Bali Province Education Authority

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    The present study was aimed at investigating the implementation of the eight educational national standards in the school accreditation instrument to the improvement of the education quality in Bali province. The samples were taken from the schools in Bali province comprising elementary school, junior high school, senior high school, and vocational school taking accreditation in 2016. The data were collected using written instruments equipped by Focus Group Discussion (FGD) by applying quantitative and qualitative methods. The results reveal that the two aspects, legibility, and evaluation, for those schools were categorized as good regarding contents, process, graduation competence, and management standards. While the other aspects, implementation, and achievement, were categorized as poor in the teachers and education administrators, facilities and infrastructures, financial, and education evaluation aspects

    Kurikulum Sarjana Berbasis Kkni Mengubah Mintset Pengajaran Menjadi Pembelajaran

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    Kurikulum sarjana berbasis Kualifikasi Kompetensi Nasional Indonesia (KKNI) merupakan seperangkat dokumen akademik yang disusun berdasarkan kombinasi antara ontologi keilmuan program studi (mintset deduktif) dengan kompetensi dunia USAha dan dunia industri (mintset induktif). Fokus pengembangan KKNI terlatak pada sikap, pengetahuan dan ketrampilan mahasiswa melalui pengalaman belajar dalam bentuk instruksional efek dan natural efek. Implementasi kurikulum berbasis KKNI, akan menghilangkan mintset pengajaran yakni melimpahkan pengetahuan dari dosen kepada mahasiswa (transper of knowledge) yang hanya mengutamakan aspek pengetahuan dan ketrampilan (ontologi keilmuan prodi) dan sangat minimal pengembangan sikap serta perilaku mahasiswa. Implementasi pembelajaran menekankan pada proses dan produk untuk membimbing mahasiswa malakukan pendekatan scientific yakni mendengar, melihat, menganalisis, menemukan dan mengkomunikasikan (networking) dalam pembentukan sikap, pengetahuan dan ketrampilan mahasiswa. Untuk itu diperlukan dosen sebagai pendidik profesional dan ilmuwan yang harus memahami roh kurikulum sarjana berbasis KKNI secara menyeluruh agar dapat melaksanakan pembelajaran secara maksimal dengan hasil baik dan berkualitas. Dosen harus memiliki ketrampilan teknologi dan komunikasi diera informasi yang banyak ditemukan dalam dunia maya.Ă‚ Dosen harus berkomitmen untuk kerja cerdas, kerja keras, kerja tuntas dan kerja ikhlas sesuai keilmuanya

    An Analysis of Assessment Models Employed by the Indonesian Elementary School Teachers

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    The present study was conducted to analyze the assessment models employed by Indonesian elementary school teachers in the context of assessment models as suggested by the curriculum in 2013. The analysis includes the selected assessment models and their implementation in real classroom settings to assess the students' attitudes, knowledge, and skills. This study made use of a qualitative research design in which the data were analyzed by means of deep argumentation and presented descriptively. Data were collected through direct observation and in-depth interviews with the selected elementary school teachers. The collected data were analyzed in an analytical manner to obtain the findings.   The findings of the present study indicated that primary school teachers employed various models of assessment based on the aspects of attitudes, knowledge, and skills. Assessment of the students' attitude includes observation, self-assessment, peer assessment, and teachers' records. Assessment of the students' knowledge includes a written test, an oral test, and assignment.  Assessment of the students' skill includes performance, portfolio, and project. Meanwhile,  the scores of the students' achievement were analyzed based on the scores of the students' attitude obtained by using the instruments, such as observation blank sheet, Self-assessment, peer assessment, and teacher' records. Self-assessment and peer assessment were also used as a confirmation of the scores for the report card and the teachers' records were mainly used to provide the suggestions for the students' improvement


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    Youth groups are the main asset or capital of human resources for the nation's development in the future. Along with the swift currents of globalization that hit various sectors, it has an impact on the development of adolescent health problems in Indonesia. The Indonesian government has made a breakthrough by developing a youth Posyandu program but there is still an increase in cases of adolescent health problems in Denpasar City. This study aims to analyze strategies in implementing the youth Posyandu program. The research design used qualitative and quantitative approaches with the research subjects carried out by purposive sampling of 32 people in October-December 2020. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire, and then FGD would be conducted. The data analysis used was the IFAS and EFAS matrices followed by the QSPM matrix. The results showed that the main priority strategy was to integrate the implementation of the youth Posyandu program with several related programs. The research will have implications for the approach to access to health services for adolescents and as surveillance and monitoring of adolescent health in work areas. ABSTRAKKelompok remaja merupakan aset atau modal utama sumber daya manusia bagi pembangunan bangsa di masa yang akan datang. Seiring dengan derasnya arus globalisasi yang melanda berbagai sektor, membawa dampak bagi perkembangan permasalahan kesehatan remaja di Indonesia. Pemerintah Indonesia telah melakukan terobosan dengan mengembangkan program posyandu remaja namun masih terdapat peningkatan kasus permasalahan kesehatan remaja di Kota Denpasar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis strategi dalam implementasi program posyandu remaja. Design penelitian dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan subyek penelitian dilakukan secara purposive sampling sebanyak 32 orang pada bulan Oktober-Desember 2020. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuisioner, dan selanjutnya akan dilakukan FGD. Analisis data yang digunakan dengan matrik IFAS dan EFAS yang dilanjutkan dengan matrik QSPM.. Hasil penelitian didapatkan strategi prioritas utama adalah dengan mengintegrasikan pelaksanaan program posyandu remaja dengan beberapa lintas program terkait. Penelitian akan berimplikasi pada pendekatan akses pelayanan kesehatan bagi remaja dan sebagai surveilans serta pemantauan kesehatan remaja di wilayah kerj


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    Aging is a life process characterized by decreased cognitive function. The decline in cognitive function will affect the health and quality of life of a person and their participation in society. One of the efforts to improve cognitive function is to do brain vitalizing exercises. Research Objectives: To determine the effectiveness of vitalizing brain exercise on cognitive function, hypertension and emotional. Research Methods This research design is included in the pre-experimental research design with one-group pretest-posttest design. This study used purposive sampling. The total population is 100 people and is strictly selected according to the inclusion criteria, namely seniors aged 60 years and over, seniors who are willing to be respondents, elderly people who are included in dementia sufferers, hypertension and emotional disturbances according to the interpretation of the mini mental state examination, blood pressure and geriatric depression scale, leaving 40 respondents. Interventions were carried out 24 times for 30 minutes in 8 weeks. The data were tested using a non-parametric statistical test, namely the Wilcoxon Rank Test. Results: the results of the mini mental state examination obtained p value = 0.00, meaning p 0.05 so that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected, the hypothesis of the geriatric depression scale obtained p value = 0.00, meaning p 0.05 so that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected, the hypothesis of hypertension is p = 0.000, meaning p 0.05 so that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected Conclusion Brain vitalization exercise is effective to reduce cognitive function (dementia), hypertension and emotional mental disorders . Suggestion