2,446 research outputs found

    Phosphorus Abundances in FGK Stars

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    We measured phosphorus abundances in 22 FGK dwarfs and giants that span --0.55 << [Fe/H] << 0.2 using spectra obtained with the Phoenix high resolution infrared spectrometer on the Kitt Peak National Observatory Mayall 4m telescope, the Gemini South Telescope, and the Arcturus spectral atlas. We fit synthetic spectra to the P I feature at 10581 A˚\AA to determine abundances for our sample. Our results are consistent with previously measured phosphorus abundances; the average [P/Fe] ratio measured in [Fe/H] bins of 0.2 dex for our stars are within \sim 1 σ\sigma compared to averages from other IR phosphorus studies. Our study provides more evidence that models of chemical evolution using the results of theoretical yields are under producing phosphorus compared to the observed abundances. Our data better fit a chemical evolution model with phosphorus yields increased by a factor of 2.75 compared to models with unadjusted yields. We also found average [P/Si] = 0.02 ±\pm 0.07 and [P/S] = 0.15 ±\pm 0.15 for our sample, showing no significant deviations from the solar ratios for [P/Si] and [P/S] ratios.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, Accepted to Ap

    Chlorine Isotope Ratios in M Giants

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    We have measured the chlorine isotope ratio in six M giant stars using HCl 1-0 P8 features at 3.7 microns with R \sim 50,000 spectra from Phoenix on Gemini South. The average Cl isotope ratio for our sample of stars is 2.66 ±\pm 0.58 and the range of measured Cl isotope ratios is 1.76 << 35^{35}Cl/37^{37}Cl << 3.42. The solar system meteoric Cl isotope ratio of 3.13 is consistent with the range seen in the six stars. We suspect the large variations in Cl isotope ratio are intrinsic to the stars in our sample given the uncertainties. Our average isotopic ratio is higher than the value of 1.80 for the solar neighborhood at solar metallicity predicted by galactic chemical evolution models. Finally the stellar isotope ratios in our sample are similar to those measured in the interstellar medium.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, Accepted to A

    The Galactic Distribution of Phosphorus: A Survey of 163 Disk and Halo Stars

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    Phosphorus (P) is a critical element for life on Earth yet the cosmic production sites of P are relatively uncertain. To understand how P has evolved in the solar neighborhood, we measured abundances for 163 FGK stars over a range of -1.09 << [Fe/H] << 0.47 using observations from the Habitable-zone Planet Finder (HPF) instrument on the Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET). Atmospheric parameters were calculated by fitting a combination of astrometry, photometry, and Fe I line equivalent widths. Phosphorus abundances were measured by matching synthetic spectra to a P I feature at 10529.52 angstroms. Our [P/Fe] ratios show that chemical evolution models generally under-predict P over the observed metallicity range. Additionally, we find that the [P/Fe] differs by \sim 0.1 dex between thin disk and thick disk stars that were identified with kinematics. The P abundances were compared with α\alpha-elements, iron-peak, odd-Z, and s-process elements and we found that P in the disk most strongly resembles the evolution of the α\alpha-elements. We also find molar P/C and N/C ratios for our sample match the scatter seen from other abundance studies. Finally, we measure a [P/Fe] = 0.09 ±\pm 0.1 ratio in one low-α\alpha halo star and probable Gaia-Sausage-Enceladus (GSE) member, an abundance ratio \sim 0.3 - 0.5 dex lower than the other Milky Way disk and halo stars at similar metallicities. Overall, we find that P is likely most significantly produced by massive stars in core collapse supernovae (CCSNe) based on the largest P abundance survey to-date.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    String Indexing for Patterns with Wildcards

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    We consider the problem of indexing a string tt of length nn to report the occurrences of a query pattern pp containing mm characters and jj wildcards. Let occocc be the number of occurrences of pp in tt, and σ\sigma the size of the alphabet. We obtain the following results. - A linear space index with query time O(m+σjloglogn+occ)O(m+\sigma^j \log \log n + occ). This significantly improves the previously best known linear space index by Lam et al. [ISAAC 2007], which requires query time Θ(jn)\Theta(jn) in the worst case. - An index with query time O(m+j+occ)O(m+j+occ) using space O(σk2nlogklogn)O(\sigma^{k^2} n \log^k \log n), where kk is the maximum number of wildcards allowed in the pattern. This is the first non-trivial bound with this query time. - A time-space trade-off, generalizing the index by Cole et al. [STOC 2004]. We also show that these indexes can be generalized to allow variable length gaps in the pattern. Our results are obtained using a novel combination of well-known and new techniques, which could be of independent interest


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    The automatic extraction of windows from photogrammetric data has achieved increasing attention in recent times. An unsupervised windows extraction approach from photogrammetric point clouds with thermal attributes is proposed in this study. First, point cloud segmentation is conducted by a popular workflow: Multiscale supervoxel generation is applied to the image-based 3D point cloud, followed by region growing and energy optimization using spatial positions and thermal attributes of the raw points. Afterwards, an object-based feature (window index) is extracted using the average thermal attribute and the size of the object. Next, thresholding is applied to extract initial window regions. Finally, several criterions are applied to further refine the extraction results. For practical validation, the approach is evaluated on an art nouveau building row façade located at Dresden, Germany

    The Generation of Successive Unmarked Mutations and Chromosomal Insertion of Heterologous Genes in Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae Using Natural Transformation

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    We have developed a simple method of generating scarless, unmarked mutations in Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae by exploiting the ability of this bacterium to undergo natural transformation, and with no need to introduce plasmids encoding recombinases or resolvases. This method involves two successive rounds of natural transformation using linear DNA: the first introduces a cassette carrying cat (which allows selection by chloramphenicol) and sacB (which allows counter-selection using sucrose) flanked by sequences to either side of the target gene; the second transformation utilises the flanking sequences ligated directly to each other in order to remove the cat-sacB cassette. In order to ensure efficient uptake of the target DNA during transformation, A. pleuropneumoniae uptake sequences are added into the constructs used in both rounds of transformation. This method can be used to generate multiple successive deletions and can also be used to introduce targeted point mutations or insertions of heterologous genes into the A. pleuropneumoniae chromosome for development of live attenuated vaccine strains. So far, we have applied this method to highly transformable isolates of serovars 8 (MIDG2331), which is the most prevalent in the UK, and 15 (HS143). By screening clinical isolates of other serovars, it should be possible to identify other amenable strains

    Precision measurement of the branching fractions of J/psi -> pi+pi-pi0 and psi' -> pi+pi-pi0

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    We study the decays of the J/psi and psi' mesons to pi+pi-pi0 using data samples at both resonances collected with the BES III detector in 2009. We measure the corresponding branching fractions with unprecedented precision and provide mass spectra and Dalitz plots. The branching fraction for J/psi -> pi+pi-pi0 is determined to be (2.137 +- 0.004 (stat.) +0.058-0.056 (syst.) +0.027-0.026 (norm.))*10-2, and the branching fraction for psi' -> pi+pi-pi0 is measured as (2.14 +- 0.03 (stat.) +0.08-0.07 (syst.) +0.09-0.08 (norm.))*10-4. The J/psi decay is found to be dominated by an intermediate rho(770) state, whereas the psi' decay is dominated by di-pion masses around 2.2 GeV/c2, leading to strikingly different Dalitz distributions.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    Elliptic flow of charged pions, protons and strange particles emitted in Pb+Au collisions at top SPS energy

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    Differential elliptic flow spectra v2(pT) of \pi-, K0short, p, \Lambda have been measured at \sqrt(s NN)= 17.3 GeV around midrapidity by the CERN-CERES/NA45 experiment in mid-central Pb+Au collisions (10% of \sigma(geo)). The pT range extends from about 0.1 GeV/c (0.55 GeV/c for \Lambda) to more than 2 GeV/c. Protons below 0.4 GeV/c are directly identified by dE/dx. At higher pT, proton elliptic flow v2(pT) is derived as a constituent, besides \pi+ and K+, of the elliptic flow of positive pion candidates. The retrieval requires additional inputs: (i) of the particle composition, and (ii) of v2(pT) of positive pions. For (i), particle ratios obtained by NA49 were adapted to CERES conditions; for (ii), the measured v2(pT) of negative pions is substituted, assuming \pi+ and \pi- elliptic flow magnitudes to be sufficiently close. The v2(pT) spectra are compared to ideal-hydrodynamics calculations. In synopsis of the series \pi- - K0short - p - \Lambda, flow magnitudes are seen to fall with decreasing pT progressively even below hydro calculations with early kinetic freeze-out (Tf= 160 MeV) leaving not much time for hadronic evolution. The proton v2(pT) data show a downward swing towards low pT with excursions into negative v2 values. The pion-flow isospin asymmetry observed recently by STAR at RHIC, invalidating in principle our working assumption, is found in its impact on proton flow bracketed from above by the direct proton flow data, and not to alter any of our conclusions. Results are discussed in perspective of recent viscous dynamics studies which focus on late hadronic stages.Comment: 38 pages, 27 figures, 2 tables. Abstract and parts of introduction made more comprehensible; corrected typos; acknowledgement added. To appear in Nucl.Phys.

    Leptonic and charged kaon decay modes of the ϕ\phi meson measured in heavy-ion collisions at the CERN SPS

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    We report a measurement of ϕ\phi meson production in central Pb+Au collisions at Elab_{lab}/A=158 GeV. For the first time in heavy-ion collisions, ϕ\phi mesons were reconstructed in the same experiment both in the K+^+K^- and the dilepton decay channel. Near mid-rapidity, this yields rapidity densities, corrected for production at the same rapidity value, of 2.05 +- 0.14(stat) +- 0.25(syst) and 2.04 +- 0.49(stat)+-{0.32}(syst), respectively. The shape of the measured transverse momentum spectra is also in close agreement in both decay channels. The data rule out a possible enhancement of the ϕ\phi yield in the leptonic over the hadronic channel by a factor larger than 1.6 at 95% CL.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures,submitted to Phys. Rev. Let