993 research outputs found

    Genetic Characterization of the Tick-Borne Orbiviruses

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    The International Committee for Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) recognizes four species of tick-borne orbiviruses (TBOs): Chenuda virus, Chobar Gorge virus, Wad Medani virus and Great Island virus (genus Orbivirus, family Reoviridae). Nucleotide (nt) and amino acid (aa) sequence comparisons provide a basis for orbivirus detection and classification, however full genome sequence data were only available for the Great Island virus species. We report representative genome-sequences for the three other TBO species (virus isolates: Chenuda virus (CNUV); Chobar Gorge virus (CGV) and Wad Medani virus (WMV)). Phylogenetic comparisons show that TBOs cluster separately from insect-borne orbiviruses (IBOs). CNUV, CGV, WMV and GIV share low level aa/nt identities with other orbiviruses, in 'conserved' Pol, T2 and T13 proteins/genes, identifying them as four distinct virus-species. The TBO genome segment encoding cell attachment, outer capsid protein 1 (OC1), is approximately half the size of the equivalent segment from insect-borne orbiviruses, helping to explain why tick-borne orbiviruses have a ~1 kb smaller genome

    Comparison Of Dt& Gbdt Algorithms For Predictive Modeling Of Currency Exchange Rates

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    Recently, many uses of artificial intelligence have appeared in the commercial field. Artificial intelligence allows computers to analyze very large amounts of information and data, reach logical conclusions on many important topics, and make difficult decisions, this will help consumers and businesses make better decisions to improve their lives, and it will also help startups and small companies achieve great long-term success. Currency exchange rates are important matters for both governments, companies, banks and consumers. The decision tree is one of the most widely artificial intelligence tools used in data mining. With the development of this field the decision tree and Gradient boosting decision tree are used to predicate through constructed intelligent predictive system based on it. These algorithms have been used in many stock market forecasting systems based on global market data. The Iraqi dinar exchange rates for the US dollar are affected in local markets, depending on the exchange rate of the Central Bank of Iraq and the features of that auction. The proposed system is used to predict the dollar exchange rates in the Iraq markets Depending on the daily auction data of the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI). The decision tree and Gradient boosting decision tree was trained and testing using dataset of three-year issued by the CBI and compare the performance of both algorithms and find the correlation between the data. (Runtime, accuracy and correlation) criteria are adopted to select the best methods. In system, the characteristic of artificial intelligence have been integrated with the characteristic of data mining to solve problems facing organization to use available data for decision making and multi-source data linking, to provide a unified and integrated view of organization data

    Photon Dose Enhancement Ratio at the Transition Region of Dissimilar Media

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    Accurate measurement was carried out for the dose gradient in Teflon irradiated with filtered X-ray spectra having effective energies of 40 keV and 55 keV when in contact with aluminum, titanium, copper, and tin. At low photon energies, the interface region is only extended for about 10 microns from the interface, therefore, ultra-thin LiF/Teflon discs of the order of 3 microns thick was developed and used to measure directly the dose gradient in Teflon. Due to the relatively large slope of the depth dose curves near the interfaces, a displacement correction factor was introduced to determine the effective measuring point of the detector. A fitting exponential formula is suggested and used to estimate the dose gradient for Bone-Teflon interface. The interface dose for Bone-Teflon is 3.8 times the equilibrium dose at 70 KV, while it is about 3.1 at 100 KV

    Unity Energy Response Using CaSO4:DY/Teflon

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    This study investigates the possibility of achieving unity energy response using the very sensitive CaSO4:Dy/Teflon thermoluminescent detector at photon energies below 100 keV. Accurate measurements for the energy responses were carried-out using ultra thin, 3 micron thick, TLD discs with average grain size of about 3μm. The present work shows that the experimental reduction factor for the 15 % phosphor loading with average grain size of 3 μm is in good agreement with the calculation based on the cavity theory but at grain size of 1.0 μm. This indicates that the cavity theory is underestimating the real experimental reduction factor in the energy response. The present work expect that unity energy response can be achieved with grain size of about 1 μm

    Efficient power allocation method for non orthogonal multiple access 5G systems

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    One of the hot research topics for the upcoming 5G (fifth-generation) wireless communication networks is the non orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) systems, where it have attracted both industrial and academic fields to improve the existing spectral efficiency. In fact, the multiuser detection process for NOMA systems is largely affected by the power distribution of the received signals. In this paper, a new method has been proposed to control the transmit power among active users in one of the promising NOMA systems; the interleave division multiple access (IDMA) which has been adopted here for consideration. Unlike conventional methods, where tedious mathematical computations are required; a simple and direct method has been derived. The proposed method has been applied to IDMA system with different FEC codes. The obtained results show that the proposed method outperforms the conventional one as compared to optimal results

    Lifting of the Landau level degeneracy in graphene devices in a tilted magnetic field

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    We report on transport and capacitance measurements of graphene devices in magnetic fields up to 30 T. In both techniques, we observe the full splitting of Landau levels and we employ tilted field experiments to address the origin of the observed broken symmetry states. In the lowest energy level, the spin degeneracy is removed at filling factors ν=±1\nu=\pm1 and we observe an enhanced energy gap. In the higher levels, the valley degeneracy is removed at odd filling factors while spin polarized states are formed at even ν\nu. Although the observation of odd filling factors in the higher levels points towards the spontaneous origin of the splitting, we find that the main contribution to the gap at ν=−4,−8\nu= -4,-8, and −12-12 is due to the Zeeman energy.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Transport and thermoelectric properties of the LaAlO3_3/SrTiO3_3 interface

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    The transport and thermoelectric properties of the interface between SrTiO3_3 and a 26-monolayer thick LaAlO3_3-layer grown at high oxygen-pressure have been investigated at temperatures from 4.2 K to 100 K and in magnetic fields up to 18 T. For T>T> 4.2 K, two different electron-like charge carriers originating from two electron channels which contribute to transport are observed. We probe the contributions of a degenerate and a non-degenerate band to the thermoelectric power and develop a consistent model to describe the temperature dependence of the thermoelectric tensor. Anomalies in the data point to an additional magnetic field dependent scattering.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Full Genome Characterization of the Culicoides-Borne Marsupial Orbiviruses: Wallal Virus, Mudjinbarry Virus and Warrego Viruses

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    Viruses belonging to the species Wallal virus and Warrego virus of the genus Orbivirus were identified as causative agents of blindness in marsupials in Australia during 1994/5. Recent comparisons of nucleotide (nt) and amino acid (aa) sequences have provided a basis for the grouping and classification of orbivirus isolates. However, full-genome sequence data are not available for representatives of all Orbivirus species. We report full-genome sequence data for three additional orbiviruses: Wallal virus (WALV); Mudjinabarry virus (MUDV) and Warrego virus (WARV). Comparisons of conserved polymerase (Pol), sub-core-shell 'T2' and core-surface 'T13' proteins show that these viruses group with other Culicoides borne orbiviruses, clustering with Eubenangee virus (EUBV), another orbivirus infecting marsupials. WARV shares <70% aa identity in all three conserved proteins (Pol, T2 and T13) with other orbiviruses, consistent with its classification within a distinct Orbivirus species. Although WALV and MUDV share <72.86%/67.93% aa/nt identity with other orbiviruses in Pol, T2 and T13, they share >99%/90% aa/nt identities with each other (consistent with membership of the same virus species - Wallal virus). However, WALV and MUDV share <68% aa identity in their larger outer capsid protein VP2(OC1), consistent with membership of different serotypes within the species - WALV-1 and WALV-2 respectively

    Linear magnetoresistance in a quasi-free two dimensional electron gas in an ultra-high mobility GaAs quantum well

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    We report a magnetotransport study of an ultra-high mobility (μˉ≈25×106\bar{\mu}\approx 25\times 10^6\,cm2^2\,V−1^{-1}\,s−1^{-1}) nn-type GaAs quantum well up to 33 T. A strong linear magnetoresistance (LMR) of the order of 105^5 % is observed in a wide temperature range between 0.3 K and 60 K. The simplicity of our material system with a single sub-band occupation and free electron dispersion rules out most complicated mechanisms that could give rise to the observed LMR. At low temperature, quantum oscillations are superimposed onto the LMR. Both, the featureless LMR at high TT and the quantum oscillations at low TT follow the empirical resistance rule which states that the longitudinal conductance is directly related to the derivative of the transversal (Hall) conductance multiplied by the magnetic field and a constant factor α\alpha that remains unchanged over the entire temperature range. Only at low temperatures, small deviations from this resistance rule are observed beyond ν=1\nu=1 that likely originate from a different transport mechanism for the composite fermions

    Absorption Parameters for Glucose Solution for Gamma Ray at 59.54 keV

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    Photon absorption parameters for glucose solution at different concentrations such as linear attenuation coefficient, mass attenuation coefficient, effective atomic number, electron density and density determined at 59.54 keV photon energy. The mass attenuation coefficient is calculated using the mixture rule and a correction factor to approximate the experimental model is added.  Accordingly, the effective atomic number and electronic density appears to decrease with increasing glucose concentration. Moreover, the measured linear attenuation coefficient and the density for the solution are linearly increased with concentration. We can conclude that the electrical conductivity of the solution depends on the physical nature of the electrical charge carrier in the solution, concentration of the solute material, and the electronic density of the solution at the same time
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