43 research outputs found

    A Novel Small Molecule Inhibitor of Influenza A Viruses that Targets Polymerase Function and Indirectly Induces Interferon

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    Influenza viruses continue to pose a major public health threat worldwide and options for antiviral therapy are limited by the emergence of drug-resistant virus strains. The antiviral cytokine, interferon (IFN) is an essential mediator of the innate immune response and influenza viruses, like many viruses, have evolved strategies to evade this response, resulting in increased replication and enhanced pathogenicity. A cell-based assay that monitors IFN production was developed and applied in a high-throughput compound screen to identify molecules that restore the IFN response to influenza virus infected cells. We report the identification of compound ASN2, which induces IFN only in the presence of influenza virus infection. ASN2 preferentially inhibits the growth of influenza A viruses, including the 1918 H1N1, 1968 H3N2 and 2009 H1N1 pandemic strains and avian H5N1 virus. In vivo, ASN2 partially protects mice challenged with a lethal dose of influenza A virus. Surprisingly, we found that the antiviral activity of ASN2 is not dependent on IFN production and signaling. Rather, its IFN-inducing property appears to be an indirect effect resulting from ASN2-mediated inhibition of viral polymerase function, and subsequent loss of the expression of the viral IFN antagonist, NS1. Moreover, we identified a single amino acid mutation at position 499 of the influenza virus PB1 protein that confers resistance to ASN2, suggesting that PB1 is the direct target. This two-pronged antiviral mechanism, consisting of direct inhibition of virus replication and simultaneous activation of the host innate immune response, is a unique property not previously described for any single antiviral molecule

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    sity of differing M types is proposed. The vast majority of GAS infection is benign. Nonetheless, many divergent M types possess limited capacity to cause invasive infection. M1T1 GAS readily switch to a covRS mutant form that is neutrophil resistant and frequently associated with systemic infection. Whilst non-M1 GAS are shown in this study to less frequently accumulate covRS mutations in vivo, such mutants are isolated from invasive infections and exhibit neutrophil resistance and enhanced virulence. The reduced capacity of non-M1 GAS to switch to the hypervirulent covRS mutant form provides an explanation for the comparatively less frequent isolation of non-M1 serotypes from invasive human infections. Key Words Animal models Ψ’ Bacteriology Ψ’ Immunity Ψ’ Innate Ψ’ Neutrophils Ψ’ Streptococcus Ψ’ Virulence factors Ψ’ Invasive infection Abstract Group A Streptococcus (GAS) causes rare but life-threatening syndromes of necrotizing fasciitis and toxic shock-like syndrome in humans. The GAS serotype M1T1 clone has globally disseminated, and mutations in the control of virulence regulatory sensor kinase (covRS) operon correlate with severe invasive disease. Here, a cohort of non-M1 GAS was screened to determine whether mutation in covRS triggers systemic dissemination in divergent M serotypes. A GAS disease model defining parameters governing invasive propen

    Targeted Curing of All Lysogenic Bacteriophage from Streptococcus pyogenes Using a Novel Counter-selection Technique

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    We thank the members of the Laboratory of Microbial Pathogenesis and Immunology, especially Annette Nelkenbaum and Ben Winer for their technical assistance. We also thank Estee Colleen Cervantes and Sutapa Banerjee from Hunter College for their technical contribution to this project. We are grateful to Joseph Ferretti for S. pyogenes strain SF370.Streptococcus pyogenes is a human commensal and a bacterial pathogen responsible for a wide variety of human diseases differing in symptoms, severity, and tissue tropism. The completed genome sequences of >37 strains of S. pyogenes, representing diverse disease-causing serotypes, have been published. The greatest genetic variation among these strains is attributed to numerous integrated prophage and prophage-like elements, encoding several virulence factors. A comparison of isogenic strains, differing in prophage content, would reveal the effects of these elements on streptococcal pathogenesis. However, curing strains of prophage is often difficult and sometimes unattainable. We have applied a novel counter-selection approach to identify rare S. pyogenes mutants spontaneously cured of select prophage. To accomplish this, we first inserted a two-gene cassette containing a gene for kanamycin resistance (KanR) and the rpsL wild-type gene, responsible for dominant streptomycin sensitivity (SmS), into a targeted prophage on the chromosome of a streptomycin resistant (SmR) mutant of S. pyogenes strain SF370. We then applied antibiotic counter-selection for the re-establishment of the KanS/SmR phenotype to select for isolates cured of targeted prophage. This methodology allowed for the precise selection of spontaneous phage loss and restoration of the natural phage attB attachment sites for all four prophage-like elements in this S. pyogenes chromosome. Overall, 15 mutants were constructed that encompassed every permutation of phage knockout as well as a mutant strain, named CEM1ΔΦ, completely cured of all bacteriophage elements (a ~10% loss of the genome); the only reported S. pyogenes strain free of prophage-like elements. We compared CEM1ΔΦ to the WT strain by analyzing differences in secreted DNase activity, as well as lytic and lysogenic potential. These mutant strains should allow for the direct examination of bacteriophage relationships within S. pyogenes and further elucidate how the presence of prophage may affect overall streptococcal survival, pathogenicity, and evolution.Yeshttp://www.plosone.org/static/editorial#pee

    Pathogenesis of group A streptococcal infections

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    Group A Streptococcus (GAS; Streptococcus pyogenes) is a human pathogen which causes significant morbidity and mortality globally. GAS typically infects the throat and skin of the host, causing mild infections such as pharyngitis and impetigo, in addition to life threatening conditions including necrotizing fasciitis, streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS), and bacteremia. Repeated infection with GAS may result in the non-suppurative sequelae, acute rheumatic fever, and acute glomerulonephritis. GAS remains sensitive to the antibiotic penicillin which can be administered as a means to treat infection or as prophylaxis. However, issues with patient compliance and a growing concern over the possible emergence of resistant GAS strains may limit the usefulness of antibiotics in the future. A vaccine capable of preventing GAS infection may be the only effective way to control and eliminate GAS infection and disease. [Discovery Medicine 13(72):329-342, may 2012

    Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolated from patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in northern Tanzania

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    Isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from 88 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in northern Tanzania were subjected to IS6110 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. Of 88 isolates, 73 fell into 11 groups of which 9 contained 2-5 isolates. Of 2 large homology groupsone, group H (20 isolates), was isolated only from patients resident in the Kilimanjiro region, whereas 79% of isolates from other groups came from this region. A significant association (P=0.023) was found between another group, M (24 isolates) and isolation from patients of the Masai tribe. The data from this pilot study support the idea that IS6110 RFLP analysisprovides information which may be of value in the control of tuberculosis in Africa.</p

    Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolated from patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in northern Tanzania

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    Isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from 88 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in northern Tanzania were subjected to IS6110 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. Of 88 isolates, 73 fell into 11 groups of which 9 contained 2-5 isolates. Of 2 large homology groupsone, group H (20 isolates), was isolated only from patients resident in the Kilimanjiro region, whereas 79% of isolates from other groups came from this region. A significant association (P=0.023) was found between another group, M (24 isolates) and isolation from patients of the Masai tribe. The data from this pilot study support the idea that IS6110 RFLP analysisprovides information which may be of value in the control of tuberculosis in Africa.</p

    M protein-mediated plasminogen binding is essential for the virulence of an invasive Streptococcus pyogenes isolate

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    The human protease plasmin plays a crucial role in the capacity of the group A streptococcus (GAS; Streptococus pyogenes) to initiate invasive disease. The GAS strain NS88.2 was isolated from a case of bacteremia from the Northern Territory of Australia, a region with high rates of GAS invasive disease. Mutagenesis of the NS88.2 plasminogen binding M protein Prp was undertaken to examine the contribution of plasminogen binding and cell surface plasmin acquisition to virulence. The isogenic mutant NS88.2prp was engineered whereby four amino acid residues critical for plasminogen binding were converted to alanine codons in the GAS genome sequence. The mutated residues were reverse complemented to the wild-type sequence to construct GAS strain NS88.2prpRC. In comparison to NS88.2 and NS88.2prpRC, the NS88.2prp mutant exhibited significantly reduced ability to bind human plasminogen and accumulate cell surface plasmin activity during growth in human plasma. Utilizing a humanized plasminogen mouse model of invasive infection, we demonstrate that the capacity to bind plasminogen and accumulate surface plasmin activity plays an essential role in GAS virulence

    Phenothiazine-derived antipsychotic drugs inhibit dynamin and vlathrin-mediated endocytosis

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    Chlorpromazine is a phenothiazine-derived antipsychotic drug (APD) that inhibits clathrin-mediated endocytosis (CME) in cells by an unknown mechanism. We examined whether its action and that of other APDs might be mediated by the GTPase activity of dynamin. Eight of eight phenothiazine-derived APDs inhibited dynamin I (dynI) in the 2-12 ΞΌm range, the most potent being trifluoperazine (IC50 2.6 Β± 0.7 ΞΌm). They also inhibited dynamin II (dynII) at similar concentrations. Typical and atypical APDs not based on the phenothiazine scaffold were 8- to 10-fold less potent (haloperidol and clozapine) or were inactive (droperidol, olanzapine and risperidone). Kinetic analysis showed that phenothiazine-derived APDs were lipid competitive, while haloperidol was uncompetitive with lipid. Accordingly, phenothiazine-derived APDs inhibited dynI GTPase activity stimulated by lipids but not by various SH3 domains. All dynamin-active APDs also inhibited transferrin (Tfn) CME in cells at related potencies. Structure-activity relationships (SAR) revealed dynamin inhibition to be conferred by a substituent group containing a terminal tertiary amino group at the N2 position. Chlorpromazine was previously proposed to target AP-2 recruitment in the formation of clathrin-coated vesicles (CCV). However, neither chlorpromazine nor thioridazine affected AP-2 interaction with amphiphysin or clathrin. Super-resolution microscopy revealed that chlorpromazine blocks neither clathrin recruitment by AP-2, nor AP-2 recruitment, showing that CME inhibition occurs downstream of CCV formation. Overall, potent dynamin inhibition is a shared characteristic of phenothiazine-derived APDs, but not other typical or atypical APDs, and the data indicate that dynamin is their likely in-cell target in endocytosis