23 research outputs found

    Detection and Automated Scoring of Dicentric Chromosomes in Nonstimulated Lymphocyte Prematurely Condensed Chromosomes After Telomere and Centromere Staining

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    PurposeTo combine telomere and centromere (TC) staining of premature chromosome condensation (PCC) fusions to identify dicentrics, centric rings, and acentric chromosomes, making possible the realization of a dose–response curve and automation of the process.Methods and MaterialsBlood samples from healthy donors were exposed to 60Co irradiation at varying doses up to 8 Gy, followed by a repair period of 8 hours. Premature chromosome condensation fusions were carried out, and TC staining using peptide nucleic acid probes was performed. Chromosomal aberration (CA) scoring was carried out manually and automatically using PCC-TCScore software, developed in our laboratory.ResultsWe successfully optimized the hybridization conditions and image capture parameters, to increase the sensitivity and effectiveness of CA scoring. Dicentrics, centric rings, and acentric chromosomes were rapidly and accurately detected, leading to a linear-quadratic dose–response curve by manual scoring at up to 8 Gy. Using PCC-TCScore software for automatic scoring, we were able to detect 95% of dicentrics and centric rings.ConclusionThe introduction of TC staining to the PCC fusion technique has made possible the rapid scoring of unstable CAs, including dicentrics, with a level of accuracy and ease not previously possible. This new approach can be used for biological dosimetry in radiation emergency medicine, where the rapid and accurate detection of dicentrics is a high priority using automated scoring. Because there is no culture time, this new approach can also be used for the follow-up of patients treated by genotoxic therapy, creating the possibility to perform the estimation of induced chromosomal aberrations immediately after the blood draw

    Oncoplastic breast surgery: A guide to good practice

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    Oncoplastic Breast Surgery has become standard of care in the management of Breast. Cancer Patents. These guidelines written by an Expert Advisory Group; convened by the Association of Breast Surgery (ABS) and the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS), are designed to provide all members of the breast cancer multidisciplinary team (MDT) with guidance on the best breast surgical oncoplastic and reconstructive practice at each stage of a patient's journey, based on current evidence. It is hoped they will also be of benefit to the wide range of professionals and service commissioners who are involved in this area of clinical practice

    Malignant Catarrhal Fever-Like Disease in Barbary Red Deer (Cervus elaphus barbarus) Naturally Infected with a Virus Resembling Alcelaphine Herpesvirus 2

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    Eight Barbary red deer (Cervus elaphus barbarus) developed clinical signs suggestive of malignant catarrhal fever (MCF) over a 28-day period. These animals were housed outdoors with four other species of ruminants. Affected red deer had lethargy, ocular signs, and nasal discharge and were euthanatized within 48 h. Lesions included ulcers of the muzzle, lips, and oral cavity associated with infiltrates of neutrophils and lymphocytes. Serologically, six of seven red deer tested during the outbreak were positive by competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for antibodies to a shared MCF virus antigen. PCR using oligonucleotide primers designed for a conserved protein of alcelaphine herpesviruses 1 (AlHV-1) and 2 (AlHV-2) and for conserved regions of a herpesvirus DNA polymerase gene was positive for tissues from all eight clinically affected animals and negative for eight out of eight red deer without clinical signs of MCF. DNA sequencing of PCR amplicons from the diseased red deer indicated that they were infected with a novel herpesvirus closely related to AlHV-2; immunohistochemistry using polyclonal anti-AlHV-2 serum and in situ hybridization demonstrated the presence of virus within salivary glands adjacent to oral lesions of affected animals. A survey of other ruminants near the outbreak subsequently showed that normal Jackson's hartebeest (Alcelaphus buselaphus jacksoni) that were cohoused with the diseased red deer were infected with the same virus and were shedding the virus in nasal excretions. These findings suggest that a herpesvirus closely related to AlHV-2 caused the MCF-like disease epizootic in Barbary red deer and that the virus may have originated from Jackson's hartebeest

    Systemic Disease in Vaal Rhebok (Pelea capreolus) Caused by Mycoplasmas in the Mycoides Cluster

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    In the winter of 2002, an outbreak of mycoplasma infection in Vaal rhebok (Pelea capreolus) originating from South Africa occurred 15 weeks after their arrival in San Diego, Calif. Three rhebok developed inappetence, weight loss, lethargy, signs related to pulmonary or arthral dysfunction, and sepsis. All three rhebok died or were euthanized. Primary postmortem findings were erosive tracheitis, pleuropneumonia, regional cellulitis, and necrotizing lymphadenitis. Mycoplasmas were detected in numerous tissues by electron microscopy, immunohistochemistry, and PCR. The three deceased rhebok were coinfected with ovine herpesvirus-2, and two animals additionally had a novel gammaherpesvirus. However, no lesions indicative of herpesvirus were seen microscopically in any animal. The rheboks' mycoplasmas were characterized at the level of the 16S rRNA gene, the 16S-23S intergenic spacer region, and the fructose biphosphate aldolase gene. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis was carried out to address the possibility of infection with multiple strains. Two of the deceased rhebok were infected with a single strain of Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. capricolum, and the third animal had a single, unique strain most closely related to Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides large-colony. A PCR survey of DNA samples from 46 other ruminant species demonstrated the presence of several species of mycoplasmas in the mycoides cluster, including a strain of M. capricolum subsp. capricolum identical to that found in two of the rhebok. These findings demonstrate the pervasiveness of mycoplasmas in the mycoides cluster in small ruminants and the potential for interspecies transmission and disease when different animal taxa come in contact

    Development of Nanobodies as Theranostic Agents against CMY-2-Like Class C b-Lactamases

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    peer reviewedThree soluble single-domain fragments derived from the unique variable region of camelid heavy-chain antibodies (VHHs) against the CMY-2 b-lactamase behaved as inhibitors. The structure of the complex VHH cAbCMY-2(254)/CMY-2 showed that the epitope is close to the active site and that the CDR3 of the VHH protrudes into the catalytic site. The b-lactamase inhibition pattern followed a mixed profile with a predominant noncompetitive component. The three isolated VHHs recognized overlapping epitopes since they behaved as competitive binders. Our study identified a binding site that can be targeted by a new class of b-lactamase inhibitors designed on the sequence of the paratope. Furthermore, the use of mono- or bivalent VHH and rabbit polyclonal anti- CMY-2 antibodies enables the development of the first generation of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the detection of CMY-2 produced by CMY-2-expressing bacteria, irrespective of resistotype


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    Le regain d’intĂ©rĂȘt pour la thĂ©matique de l’eros en phĂ©nomĂ©nologie aujourd’hui, Ă  travers, notamment, les ouvrages de Christos Yannaras, Variations sur le Cantique des Cantiques, Essai sur l’Eros (1995), de Michel Henry, Incarnation. Une philosophie de la chair (2000), de Jean-Luc Marion, Le phĂ©nomĂšne Ă©rotique (2003) et de Jean-Louis ChrĂ©tien, La symbolique du corps. La tradition chrĂ©tienne du Cantique des Cantiques (2005), a alertĂ© notre attention sur l’importance d’un examen Ă  nouveaux frais de cette question. Aussi avons-nous souhaitĂ© rĂ©interroger le sens de certaines articulations expĂ©rientielles et conceptuelles qui dĂ©terminent le champ d’extension de l’eros. Car il ne revient pas au mĂȘme de dĂ©crire l’expĂ©rience de l’eros en la distinguant (ou pas) de celle de l’agapĂš, ce qui invite Ă  repenser le sens de l’amour comme dĂ©sir ou comme charitĂ©, ou de penser l’eros en relation d’opposition (ou de complĂ©mentaritĂ©) avec thanatos voire antĂ©ros, comme c’est le cas en psychanalyse voire en sexologie, ou encore de s’interroger sur les liens entre eros et eris