173 research outputs found

    Optimal hyperpaths with non-additive link costs

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    Non-additive link cost functions are common and important for a range of assignment problems. In particular in transit assignment, but also a range of other problems path splits further need to consider node cost uncertainties leading to the notion of hyperpaths. We discuss the problem of finding optimal hyperpaths under non-additive link cost conditions assuming a cost vector with a limited number of marginal decreasing costs depending on the number of links already traversed. We illustrate that these non-additive costs lead to violation of Bellman’s optimality principle which in turn means that standard procedures to obtain optimal destination specific hyperpath trees are not feasible. To overcome the problem we introduce the concepts of a “travel history vector” and active critical, passive critical and fixed nodes. The former records the expected number of traversed links until a node, and the latter distinguishes nodes for which the cost can be determined deterministically. With this we develop a 2-stage solution approach. In the first stage we test whether the optimal hyperpath can be obtained by backward search. If this is not the case, we propose a so called “selective hyperpath generation” among hyperpaths to a (small) number of active critical nodes and combine this with standard hyperpath search. We illustrate our approach by applying it to the Sioux Falls network showing that even for link cost functions with large step changes we are able to obtain optimal hyperpaths in a reasonable computational time

    Digitalisasi Manajemen Pendidikan Islam dan Ekonomi Syariah di Perguruan Tinggi

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    Management of Islamic education and Sharia Economics has experienced rapid development and progress. The digital era brings significant changes to both dimensions of science in various aspects of life. In addition, Islamic Education Management and Sharia Economics is a national subsystem in direct contact with the pattern of community life. So it is necessary to get around and find solutions by looking at the various opportunities and challenges in printing golden generation is multidimensional. This paper will describe the strategies, opportunities and challenges of Islamic education management and Islamic economics in universities in the digital era with a library research approach. Furthermore, in this paper will also describe the condition of the global level to provide an overview of the Indonesian context. the results of this study that the opportunities and challenges of universities in internal and external aspects. The strategy by improving the scientific culture of digital learning trends and virtual based services

    Kepatuhan Ibu Hamil Dalam Pemeriksaan Antenatal Care (ANC) 10t Di Puskesmas Asparaga Kab. Gorontalo

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    Pemeriksaan ANC merupakan kegiatan yang sangat penting dalam mengidentifikasi kesejahteraan ibu   dan   janin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Kepatuhan ibu hamil dalam pemeriksaan antenatal care (ANC) 10T. Desain penelitian ini Deskriptif Kuantitatif. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Hasil yang di peroleh adalah mayoritas karakteristik responden berdasarkan usia yaitu 17-25 Tahun, mayoritas karakteristik responden berdasarkan pendidikan yaitu SMP, mayaoritas pekerjaan tertinggi yaitu IRT, mayoritas karakteristik Usia Kehamilan tertinggi yaitu Trimester II, mayoritas karakteristik Kepatuhan ibu hamil berdasarkan kunjungan ANC tertinggi dan Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan di Puskesmas Asparaga Kabupaten Gorontalo di dapatkan hasil 24 ibu hamil patuh kunjungan Antenatal Care (ANC) dengan tidak berkualitas (10T) dan di dapatkan hasil 21 ibu hamil dengan tidak patuh kunjungan Antenatal Care (ANC). Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pelayanan Antenatal Care (ANC) dan mampu memberikan pelayanan Antenatal Care (ANC) berkualitas. Penelitian ini dapat dijadikan sebagai dasar untuk penelitian selanjutnya yang akan bermanfaat bagi kita semua, khususnya dalam pemilihan variabel penelitian yaitu pekerjaan dan dukungan suami

    Veliki nadzorni sustav: detekcija i praćenje sumnjivih obrazaca pokreta u prometnim gužvama

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    The worldwide increasing sentiment of insecurity gave birth to a new era, shaking thereby the intelligent video-surveillance systems design and deployment. The large-scale use of these means has prompted the creation of new needs in terms of analysis and interpretation. For this purpose, behavior recognition and scene understanding related applications have become more captivating to a significant number of computer vision researchers, particularly when crowded scenes are concerned. So far, motion analysis and tracking remain challenging due to significant visual ambiguities, which encourage looking into further keys. By this work, we present a new framework to recognize various motion patterns, extract abnormal behaviors and track them over a multi-camera traffic surveillance system. We apply a density-based technique to cluster motion vectors produced by optical flow, and compare them with motion pattern models defined earlier. Non-identified clusters are treated as suspicious and simultaneously tracked over an overlapping camera network for as long as possible. To aiming the network configuration, we designed an active camera scheduling strategy where camera assignment was realized via an improved Weighted Round-Robin algorithm. To validate our approach, experiment results are presented and discussed.Širom svijeta rasprostranjeni osjećaj nesigurnosti postavio je temelje za dizajniranje i implementaciju inteligentnih sustava nadzora. Velika upotreba ovih sredstava potaknula je stvaranje novih potreba analize i interpretacije. U ovu svrhu, prepoznavanje ponašanja i razumijevanje prizora postaju sve privlačnije povezane primjene značajnom broju istraživača računalne vizije, posebno kada se radi o vrlo prometnim prizorima. Analiza pokreta i slijeđenja ostalo je izazovno područje zbog značajnih vizualnih nejasnoća koje zahtijevaju daljnja istraživanja. U radu je prikazan novi okvir za prepoznavanje različitih uzoraka pokreta, izoliranje neprirodnih ponašanja i njihovo praćenje pomoću nadzornog sustava prometa s više kamera. Primjenjuje se na gustoći zasnovana tehnika skupa vektora pokreta sastavljenih iz optičkog toka te uspoređenih s ranije definiranim modelima uzoraka. Neidentificirani skupovi tretiraju se kao sumnjivi i istovremeno su praćeni mrežom s više preklapajućih kamera što je duže moguće. S ciljem konfiguriranja mreže, dizajnirana je strategija raspoređivanja aktivnih kamera gdje je dodjela kamere ostvarena pomoću unaprijeđenog "Weighted Round-Robin" algoritma


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    Pemeriksaan ANC merupakan kegiatan yang sangat penting dalam mengidentifikasi kesejahteraan ibu   dan   janin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Kepatuhan ibu hamil dalam pemeriksaan antenatal care (ANC) 10T. Desain penelitian ini Deskriptif Kuantitatif. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Hasil yang di peroleh adalah mayoritas karakteristik responden berdasarkan usia yaitu 17-25 Tahun, mayoritas karakteristik responden berdasarkan pendidikan yaitu SMP, mayaoritas pekerjaan tertinggi yaitu IRT, mayoritas karakteristik Usia Kehamilan tertinggi yaitu Trimester II, mayoritas karakteristik Kepatuhan ibu hamil berdasarkan kunjungan ANC tertinggi dan Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan di Puskesmas Asparaga Kabupaten Gorontalo di dapatkan hasil 24 ibu hamil patuh kunjungan Antenatal Care (ANC) dengan tidak berkualitas (10T) dan di dapatkan hasil 21 ibu hamil dengan tidak patuh kunjungan Antenatal Care (ANC). Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pelayanan Antenatal Care (ANC) dan mampu memberikan pelayanan Antenatal Care (ANC) berkualitas. Penelitian ini dapat dijadikan sebagai dasar untuk penelitian selanjutnya yang akan bermanfaat bagi kita semua, khususnya dalam pemilihan variabel penelitian yaitu pekerjaan dan dukungan suami.   &nbsp

    Blockchain-based solution for energy demand-side management of residential buildings

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    Abstract Smart homes, connected through a network, can optimize the energy consumption and general load shape of their area. In this work, a blockchain-based smart solution is presented for demand-side management of residential buildings in a neighborhood to improve Peaks to Average Ratios (PAR) of power load, reduce energy consumption, and increase the thermal comfort of occupants by modeling heating, illumination, and appliance systems. For real-time power and temperature monitoring of the neighborhood, a transient numerical physical model has been developed. The simulator has been validated with data measured from a building in Northern Italy. Then, a neighborhood with 2,000 households has been modeled for different occupancy patterns, initial values, and boundary conditions. Two different control scenarios, namely basic and smart, have been considered. In the basic scenario, everything is managed by occupants except the boiler, which is controlled by the indoor temperature of the home. Instead, in the smart scenario, a blockchain-based network has been introduced for buildings to exchange a parameter called the Probability of the Next Hour (PNH). Ethereum Solidity has been deployed for smart contract development in the blockchain. The results show that using blockchain-connected smart controllers aimed at demand-side management can improve PAR, comfort level, and energy efficiency of buildings, which can bring about CO2 reduction on an urban and even global scale

    The effects of corporate governance characteristics on corporate governance disclosure: evidence from Saudi-listed companies

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    This thesis examines the relationship between corporate governance (CG) mechanisms and CG disclosure among companies in the Saudi Stock Exchange (Tadawul). Three categories of corporate governance mechanisms (board of directors’ characteristics, audit committee’s characteristics, and structure of ownership) were employed using a sample of 122 companies for the year 2016. The first category, namely the board of directors’ characteristics consists of board size, board independence, board meetings, board compensation, board qualification and board experience. The second category, audit committee’s characteristics, consists of audit committee’s size, experience, independence, meetings, compensation committee, qualification and experience. The third category, structure of ownership consists of managerial ownership, government ownership, and institutional ownership. This study incorporates three moderating variables namely foreign ownership, audit quality and debt ratio that could influence such relationship. Based on agency theory, the current study used several multiple regression models to analyze the data. Model 1 tests the relationship between CG disclosure and all the seventeen variables included in the study. Models 2, 3 and 4 tests the moderating effect of foreign ownership, audit quality, and debt ratio on the relationship between CG disclosure and the three categories of corporate governance mechanisms. The statistical results demonstrated that board size, board meeting, board independence, audit committee independence and audit committee meetings were the positive factors of corporate governance disclosure. In contrast, a negative relationship was identified between audit committee meetings and board experience, audit committee experience, audit committee qualification and government ownership. In respect of the control variables, firm size showed a positive relationship, while profitability indicated a negative relationship with corporate governance disclosure. The current study provided several policy implications for accounting regulators (the Capital Market Authority) to strengthen the mechanism of corporate governance disclosure and enable Saudi companies to enhance corporate governance disclosure for enhanced investors’ confidence in the market

    Double-rail encoded self-timed adder with matched delays

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    An efficient self-timed adder with low area overhead and efficient acknowledge slack time is proposed. The adder uses double-rail encoding of the carry signals as well as process-tracking matching delays to guarantee proper generation of the completion signal

    Designing a self-timed arithmetic logic unit

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