17 research outputs found


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    Ferronickel Production from 2014 to 2018 the highest record was 24,868 Tni or grew 47.5% over the past five years. Alumina Production from 2016 to 2018 has continued to decline. Gold production in the last five years has continued to decline too, While ANTAM's competitors, such as Tsingshan Group for Nickel, Harita Group for Bauxite and Agincort for Gold, showed a performance that exceeded ANTAM. This research was conducted to analyze the strategic policies taken by ANTAM whether they are in accordance with the market situation and the competition map in the mining industry. The research data was obtained through ANTAM's Annual Report and the Annual Report of several other mining companies and other data through the internet media. Strategy Analysis uses 3 stages, stage one to input matrix of the Internal Factor Analysis and External Factor Analysis, stage two matching uses the SWOT Matrix, SPACE Matrix, BCG Matrix, IE Matrix, and GRAND STRATEGY Matrix, as well as stage three selection of strategy using the QSPM matrix. The results showed that the strategy chosen was in accordance with current strategy ANTAM, i.e aggressive, growing, building intensively and integratively through forward integration, backward integration, horizontal integration, product development, market penetration, market development, and related diversification, but in the implementation process it still needed corrections to make adjustments so that the strategy went well. Keywords: SWOT Matrix, SPACE Matrix, BCG Matrix, IE Matrix, QSPM Matrix &nbsp


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    There is currently no standard for the Specific Energy Consumption (SEC) in the palm oil industry. SEC is a value that can be used as an indicator to measure the optimization level in the use of energy. Indonesia as one of the largest palm oil producing countries requires a standard for energy intensity in the palm oil industry. SEC in palm oil mill is defined in the amount of energy per unit of production (kWh/kg). The classifying method that has been used in this study is K-means cluster analysis with the measurement samples in 14 palm oil mills for 12 months of period. This study has suggested the SEC standard for Indonesian palm oil industry and it is expected to be SEC reference for other studies in the palm oil industry

    Makna makar dalam Al-Qur’an : analisis semantik Toshihiko Izutsu

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    Makar di dalam al-Qu’an secara umum bermakna ‘tipi daya’, sedangkan bila dikelasifikasi kata makar didalam al-Qur’an subjeknya ada dua, Allah dan manusia. Hal ini menjadi yang menjadi pertanyaan, ‘apakah makarnya Allah sama seperti manusa? Dan “apakah Allah berbuat dolim kepada hambanya?’, untuk mengetahuin jawaban tersebut dibutuhkan analisis linguistik yang mendalam terhadap kata-kata makar yang ada di dalam al-Qur’an. Teori yang penulis gunakan dalam skripsi ini adalah sematik yang dikembangkan oleh Toshihiko Izutsu, teori ini memiliki tujuan mengupas sebuah makna dalam pandangan dunia (weltanschuun) yaitu kosakata penting dalam al-Qur’an. Tahapan yang harus dilakukan dalam penelitian ini, menentukan sebuah makna fundamental serta makna relasional term makar. Yang digunakan adalah analisi sintagmatik dilanjudkan analisis paradigmatik, dan menelusuri makna makar dalam waktu pra qur’anik Qur’anik, dan pasca Qur’anik. Kesimpulan dari pembahasan ini adalah kata makar di dalam al-Qur’an tidak tentu menunjukan sebuah perbuatan jahat. Makar dalam al-Qur’an dibagi menjadi dua. Yaitu, makar mah}mu>d dan maz\mu>m yaitu makar dengan tujuan baik dan jahat. Makar yang mah}mu>d di dalam al-Qur’an subjeknya adalah Allah. Jika lafaz makar/makr disandarkan kepada lafaz Allah maka diartikan ‘balasan’. Selain itu pada masa pasca Qur’anik makna makar mengalami reduksi makna, khususnya dalam istilah hukum, yaitu sebagian ulama’ mendefinisikan sebagi suatu tindakan yang berusaha menganti atau merubah peraturan yang berlaku dan dilegistimasi oleh hukum atau menolak ketentuan hakim dengan kekuatan atau menolak untuk patuh

    Perbandingan Kualitas Buku Teks Bahasa Arab Tingkat Madrasah Tsanawiyah

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    Choosing good Arabic textbooks determines the quality of Arabic learning in the classroom. This paper aims to identify and compare the quality of the Arabic language textbooks at Islamic junior high school levels seen from the aspect of content, presentation, language, and graphic. The object of research is the book of  D Hidayat, Maman Abdul Djalil, and A. Syaekhuddin and Hasan Saefullah. The results showed that all three of the Arabic language textbooks have advantages and disadvantages. In general, the Arabic textbook work of A. Syaekhuddin and Hasan Saefullah is better than the other two books

    The Relationship Learning Education of Religion Islamic on Honest Behavior In Class 8 Junior High School of Ibnu Aqil Bogor

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    Islamic religious education is an effort made to develop all human potential both physically and mentally so that the formation of a whole Muslim person. Islamic education places humans as creatures created by Allah SWT. Thus, Islamic religious education is important in shaping the character of students, one of which is an honest character. The aim to be achieved is to find out the relationship between learning Islamic religious education towards students' honest behavior. The research method used is quantitative research by random sampling as a research sample selection technique. School chosen as research is a school that has implemented the 2013 Class 8 curricula in Ibnu Aqil Middle School, Bogor Regency. based on this, 54 students were selected as the study sample consisting of classes A to F, which each class took 9 people as the study sample. Data collection was done using a questionnaire based on a Likert scale assessment. Before being used to collect the data needed in research, the validity of the instrument was tested using SPSS. The results of the study explains that there is a significance of 0,000 less than 0.05 which means (Ho) is rejected, and there is a correlation value of 0.679 which means (Ha) is accepted, which means there is a significant positive relationship between learning Islamic education (variable X) on behavior honest students (variable Y), it can be concluded that learning Islamic education has a significant relationship to honest behavior in Ibn Aqil Middle School, Bogor Regency


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    Kawista is a fruit that belongs to oranges, it has round shape with thick and hard skin and special aroma. The purpose of this research is to identify customer needs for non-coffee beverage and produce The Blankon. The method used was customer development that is focused on customer discovery by using canvas model. The study conducted in coffee shops in Bogor City from February to March 2020. The results showed that The Blankon answered the customers’ wants. The sweet levels classified as adequate (not too sweet) and not leaving traces of sweetness in the mouth. The Blankon has distinctive aroma, and refreshing as drinks. Based on the result, about 92% of respondents were potential to choose The Blankon as their beverages. Keywords: build the product, business model canvas, customer discovery, kawist


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    One of the main issues facing the Government in Malacca Strait is the security and safety issue, which threatens the users of sea transportation service and potentially interferes with the business operation. In fact, most of the international distribution lines pass through the Malacca Strait, making it the busiest strait in the world. On the other hand, the high cost of maintaining security and safety in the area burdens the government. Hence, this research aims to develop a strategy in handling the sea transportation system to achieve the equilibrium between economic efficiency and the government's effectiveness in maintaining the security and safety of the shipping traffic in Malacca Strait. This study is a problem solving-based research using Soft System Methodology. As a result, the integrated piloting strategy has been developed as a recommendation to be implemented. With this strategy, the ships that pass through the Malacca Strait are advised to adopt integrated piloting. The pilots and the security guards would be on board and safely and securely help the ship pass through the Malacca Strait. By that, safety and security would be guaranteed, and the business objectives would be achieved. Keywords: malacca strait, maritime study, sea transportation, soft system methodolog

    Efektivitas Sosialisasi Perbankan Syariah Melalui Program Kolokasi di BNI KLN IPB Dramaga

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    In the conduct of the socialization of sharia banking, BNI Sariah holds the collocation of letters carried out in BNI KLN IPB Dramaga. With the Collocation Program of BNI Sariah, we can see the effectiveness of socialization of sharia banking. The objectives of research are to analyze and to measure the impact of Brand awareness of BNI Sariah toward the effectiveness of BNI Sariah collocation program in BNI KLN IPB dramaga, to identify the dominant variable in determining the effectiveness of socializing of sharia banking, and to analyze the influence of Responsiveness of service officer of collocation program in BNI KLN IPB Dramaga. This research used quantitative analysis using the survey analyst to customers of BNI Sariah in BNI KLN IPB Dramaga and BNI Sariah Bogor and the analysis structural equation modelling (SEM). Based on the results of the analysis using the structural equation modelling (SEM), a conclusion can be taken from the study: collocation program is considered to have a positive and effective impact to increase the effectiveness of socialization of sharia banking that was carried out by BNI Sariah. Responsiveness is the dominant variable that supports the success of an effective socialization of BNI Sariah. Brand awareness also supports the socialization program, where BNI Sariah Brand is also well known among the public especially those who live in Dramaga. Keywords: effectiveness, socialization, sharia banking, responsiveness, brand awareness, SE


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    ABSTRACT The performance could be managed effectively and efficiently if it was supported by an optimal performance evaluation process, consisting of measurement and improvement model. In this study, the performance evaluation system was developed through strategic management approach, where expert knowledge is acquired by an in depth interview methods. The aim of this research is to develop a model of performance evaluation to micro and small enterprises. The performance evaluation system composed by 3 sub systems, i.e. (1) data based management system, (2) model based management system, and (3) knowledge based management system. Evaluation process consists of four stages, i.e. key performance indicators and technical responses identification process, measurement performance process, improvement performance and  recommendation determination process, and implementation process.  Verification and validation process shows that the model of performance evaluation process has been able to represent the banana chip’s micro and small enterprises performance evaluation system at Lampung province.     Keywords : Micro and small enterprises,  evaluation performance system, strategic managemen


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    ABSTRACT The performance could be managed effectively and efficiently if it was supported by an optimal performance evaluation process, consisting of measurement and improvement model. In this study, the performance evaluation system was developed through strategic management approach, where expert knowledge is acquired by an in depth interview methods. The aim of this research is to develop a model of performance evaluation to micro and small enterprises. The performance evaluation system composed by 3 sub systems, i.e. (1) data based management system, (2) model based management system, and (3) knowledge based management system. Evaluation process consists of four stages, i.e. key performance indicators and technical responses identification process, measurement performance process, improvement performance and  recommendation determination process, and implementation process.  Verification and validation process shows that the model of performance evaluation process has been able to represent the banana chip’s micro and small enterprises performance evaluation system at Lampung province.     Keywords : Micro and small enterprises,  evaluation performance system, strategic managemen