53 research outputs found

    Tvorba online kurzu k předmětu KMT/GKOA v kontextu vzdělávání

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    Grant SVK1-2022-007The aim of this bachelor thesis was a creation of an online course for a subject named Technical Documentation for Teachers A. The online course is running on the Moodle platform. This body of work includes a theoretical description of online courses, it's trends and the use of new technologies in online education. This work is also exploring the ways which could possibly leads the participants of the online courses to be more active and participate more in general. Based on the Framework Education Programme for Elementary Education and the School Education Programme, this thesis describes the inclusion of technical drawing into an educational proces

    Konjugované adice spřažené s oxidací enolátů v totální syntéze přírodních polyfenolů

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    1 SOUHRN Tato práce popisuje vývoj reakcí složených z konjugované adice, vedoucí k tvorbě C-C vazby, spojené s oxidativní cyklizací a aplikaci této strategie v totální syntéze přírodních polyfenolů. První část se zabývá metodologií konjugované adice organokovových činidel první a druhé skupiny na nenasycené karbonylové sloučeniny spřažené in situ s jednoelektronovou oxidací. Stereoselektivní cyklizace takto vzniklého radikálu může být následována druhou jednoelektronovou oxidací vedoucí k následné další kationické cyklizaci. Tato metodologie je velmi vhodná pro syntézu furoindanových stilbenolignanů (FIS), strukturně unikátní a neprozkoumané skupiny přírodních polyfenolů. Za pomoci této metody bylo dosaženo racemické syntézy derivátu kompasinolu A, čímž byla potvrzena relativní konfigurace FIS. V rámci snahy o vývoj asymetrické syntézy FIS byla objevena dosud neznámá konjugovaná adice aryllithií na ylidenmalonáty, umožněná využitím bidentátních ligandů na bázi etherů či aminů, což vedlo k asymetrické totální syntéze gnetifolinu F a 11-deoxykompasinolu A. Na základě krystalografických strukturních dat bylo prokázáno, že příbuzná anulační metoda, sestávající se z přímé konjugované adice a otevírání epoxidu, poskytuje přemostěné laktony namísto izomerických FIS. To vedlo k nové strategii rychlé výstavby...1 ABSTRACT This thesis describes the development of the concept of C-C bond forming conjugate addition/oxidative cyclisation reactions and their application in the total synthesis of natural polyphenols. The first part deals with the development of methodology for conjugate addition of main- group organometallic reagents to unsaturated carbonyl compounds coupled with in situ single electron transfer oxidation. The resulting radical undergoes stereoselective cyclisation, that can be followed by a second SET oxidation, leading to further cationic cyclisation. This methodology is ideally suited for the synthesis of furoindane stilbenolignans (FIS), a neglected and structurally distinct class of natural polyphenols. Using this process, racemic synthesis of a derivative of kompasinol A was achieved, confirming the relative configuration of FISs. In an effort to develop asymmetric route to FISs, an unprecedented direct conjugate addition of aryllithiums to ylidenemalonates mediated by diethers and diamines was discovered, leading to asymmetric synthesis of gnetifolin F and 11- deoxykompasinol A. Based on X-ray evidence, a related annulation methodology consisting of direct conjugate addition/epoxide opening was shown to result in bridged lactones, instead of isomeric FISs. This finding led to an approach for the...Katedra organické chemieDepartment of Organic ChemistryPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Simulation Model of Hybrid Shunting Locomotive

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    The paper describes the simulation model of the hybrid shunting locomotive. The hybrid drive consists of the diesel engine supplemented with lithium batteries. The simulation model is created in order to analyse energy flows, determine influence of the component proper size and control strategy

    Control of Diesel-electric AC/DC Traction Drive of Motor Truck WŽB 10.1-M

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    The paper describes the control of traction drive and control systems properties of a special rail vehicle WŽB10.1-M used in the Prague metro (subway).  Measured values of main quantities of the control system and experience from duty are included. Software for the traction drive control system was developed at the University of Pardubice

    IRESite: the database of experimentally verified IRES structures ()

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    IRESite is an exhaustive, manually annotated non-redundant relational database focused on the IRES elements (Internal Ribosome Entry Site) and containing information not available in the primary public databases. IRES elements were originally found in eukaryotic viruses hijacking initiation of translation of their host. Later on, they were also discovered in 5′-untranslated regions of some eukaryotic mRNA molecules. Currently, IRESite presents up to 92 biologically relevant aspects of every experiment, e.g. the nature of an IRES element, its functionality/defectivity, origin, size, sequence, structure, its relative position with respect to surrounding protein coding regions, positive/negative controls used in the experiment, the reporter genes used to monitor IRES activity, the measured reporter protein yields/activities, and references to original publications as well as cross-references to other databases, and also comments from submitters and our curators. Furthermore, the site presents the known similarities to rRNA sequences as well as RNA–protein interactions. Special care is given to the annotation of promoter-like regions. The annotated data in IRESite are bound to mostly complete, full-length mRNA, and whenever possible, accompanied by original plasmid vector sequences. New data can be submitted through the publicly available web-based interface at and are curated by a team of lab-experienced biologists

    Upgrade of The Langendorff Apparatus Using The Infrared Thermo-Control System and An Intelligent Heater

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    Biological experiments involving isolated organs and tissues demand precise temperature monitoring and regulation. An automatic temperature control system was proposed and optimised on real isolated swine hearts and the prototype is described in this work. The traditional Langendorff apparatus consists of a heart holder, a reservoir of perfusion solution flowing to aortic cannula and a heating bath allowing passive heat transfer to the reservoir of perfusion solution. The commercial infrared camera FLIR T62101 was added to this basic set-up and used for very precise monitoring of the temperature kinetic of the organ and connected with an electronic feedback loop, which allowed real-time and precise regulation of heat transfer from the heating bath to the perfusion solution and in turn indirectly to the heart tissue. This provides real time control and active regulation of the myocardial tissue temperature. The infrared camera was tested in several modes and several variants of detection were optimised for ideal measurement of the region of interest of the ex vivo organ. The kinetics of the temperature changes and temperature stability of the tissue were recorded and calibrated by external electronic thermometers (type Pt100, inserted in tissue). The time lapse from the hang-up of the hypo termed organ (30 °C) until optimal warming (37 °C) was less than eight minutes in the final instrument prototype. The final stability of the 37 °C tissue temperature was approved; the temperature fluctuation of left ventricle tissue was characterised as 36.8 ± 0.5 °C. This upgraded traditional instrument could be used in specific preclinical and clinical transplantation and analytical projects in future

    IRESite—a tool for the examination of viral and cellular internal ribosome entry sites

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    The IRESite (http://www.iresite.org) presents carefully curated experimental evidence of many eukaryotic viral and cellular internal ribosome entry site (IRES) regions. At the time of submission, IRESite stored >600 records. The IRESite gradually evolved into a robust tool providing (i) biologically meaningful information regarding the IRESs and their experimental background (including annotation of IRES secondary structures and IRES trans-acting factors) as well as (ii) thorough concluding remarks to stored database entries and regularly updated evaluation of the reported IRES function. A substantial portion of the IRESite data results purely from in-house bioinformatic analyses of currently available sequences, in silico attempts to repeat published cloning experiments, DNA sequencing and restriction endonuclease verification of received plasmid DNA. We also present a newly implemented tool for displaying RNA secondary structures and for searching through the structures currently stored in the database. The supplementary material contains an updated list of reported IRESs

    Relatório de estágio em farmácia comunitária

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    Relatório de estágio realizado no âmbito do Mestrado Integrado em Ciências Farmacêuticas, apresentado à Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Coimbr

    In the Name of Christ-Selected Thoughts of the Members of the Lesser Czech Evangelical Churches in the Period 1890-1940

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    The work focuses on the specification of the specificities of the thinking of some smaller evangelical churches in the territory of Bohemia in the period 1890-1940. Specifically, this is the Brethren Unity of Chelčický (Baptist), the Unity of Czech Brethren (formerly Reformed Free Church) and the Evangelical Methodist Church. The focus of the interpretation is to introduce the construction of confessional identity based on the relationship to the past and the specific interpretation of the personalities and events that shaped the tradition from which these churches were based. Another element forming the identity of the members of these churches was their attitude to the modern secularization tendencies against which they stood in opposition. Last but not least, their confessional consciousness determined their definition of other forms of piety. The aim of the work was to provide, based on the study of the published written sources left by the members of these three churches, a comparison and characterization of their way of viewing certain subjects through their religious beliefs