109 research outputs found

    ZnS Cu-doped quantum dots

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    The paper presents a survey of literature on the structure and optical properties of ZnS and copper ion-doped ZnS quantum dots. The effect of other metal dopants on the spectral properties of ZnS:Cu quantum dots was also considered. The influence of such parameters as dopant concentration, temperature of the synthesis and compounds which form or modify the additional layer on dots on spectral properties of the quantum dots was described. Examples of application of ZnS:Cu quantum dots are also given

    The study of phenylboronic acid optical properties towards creation of a glucose sensor

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    The article presents influence of pH and glucose concentration on phenylboronic acid (PBA) fluorescence studied by steady-state and time-resolved measurements. Fluorescence of PBA decreases with growing pH. These changes reflected acid-base equilibrium of PBA and allowed to estimate value of pKd as 9.2, which is comparable with literature data. Fluorescence intensity of phenylboronic acid is quenched in presence of glucose. The effect of quenching is more pronounced with increasing pH. At pH 7 quenching can be described by Stern-Volmer equation, at pH 8 and 9 by modified one. The obtained quenching constants are growing with pH increase. The quenching of phenylboronic acid fluorescence by glucose is a static one, which is confirmed by time-resolved measurements. Two lifetimes were found for fluorescence decay of phenylboronic acid. The lifetimes are practically independent on pH and glucose concentration and also fraction of both lifetimes are nearly the same. The obtained Stern-Volmer constants can be interpreted as apparent equilibrium constants of ester formation between acid and glucose

    Dynamic cerebral autoregulation is compromised in ischaemic stroke of undetermined aetiology only in the non-affected hemisphere

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    Background and purpose To assess dynamic cerebral autoregulation (CA) in patients with acute ischaemic stroke of undetermined aetiology, within 72h of stroke onset. Materials and methods In 6 patients with ischaemic stroke of undetermined aetiology (aged 66±9 years, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale [NIHSS] score on admission: 4.0, range: 4–11), selected based on screening of 118 consecutive ischaemic stroke patients and in 14 volunteers (aged 62±10 years), we continuously monitored RR intervals (RRI), mean arterial pressure (MAP) by means of photoplethysmography, mean cerebral blood flow velocity (CBFV) using transcranial Doppler ultrasonography, end-tidal CO2 (ETCO2) and respiration during 2-min deep breathing paced at 6min−1 (0.1Hz). To assess CA, we evaluated the impact of breathing-induced MAP oscillations on fluctuations of CBFV in the hemispheres with stroke, the non-involved hemispheres and randomly selected hemispheres of controls by applying cross-spectral analysis and calculating coherence, transfer function gain (CBFV–MAP gain) and phase shift angle between the two oscillating signals. Results Phase shift angle between MAP and CBFV oscillations showed values >0 and was significantly reduced in the hemispheres without stroke as compared to controls (0.39±0.95 vs. −1.59±0.33rad, p=0.015), whereas in the hemispheres with stroke, phase shift angle did not differ significantly from that observed in the control hemispheres. Clinical status of stroke patients significantly improved at discharge from the hospital (NIHSS: 2.0, range: 1–8, p=0.028). Conclusions During the first days of ischaemic stroke of undetermined aetiology, dynamic cerebral autoregulation is compromised in the non-affected hemisphere, but not in the hemisphere with ischaemic lesion

    Dynamic cerebral autoregulation is compromised in ischaemic stroke of undetermined aetiology only in the non-affected hemisphere

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    Background and purpose: To assess dynamic cerebral autoregulation (CA) in patients with acute ischaemic stroke of undetermined aetiology, within 72 h of stroke onset. Materials and methods: In 6 patients with ischaemic stroke of undetermined aetiology (aged 66 9 years, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale [NIHSS] score on admission: 4.0, range: 4–11), selected based on screening of 118 consecutive ischaemic stroke patients and in 14 volunteers (aged 62 10 years), we continuously monitored RR intervals (RRI), mean arterial pressure (MAP) by means of photoplethysmography, mean cerebral blood flow velocity (CBFV) using transcranial Doppler ultrasonography, end-tidal CO2 (ETCO2) and respiration during 2-min deep breathing paced at 6 min1 (0.1 Hz). To assess CA, we evaluated the impact of breathing-induced MAP oscillations on fluctuations of CBFV in the hemispheres with stroke, the non-involved hemispheres and randomly selected hemispheres of controls by applying cross-spectral analysis and calculating coherence, transfer function gain (CBFV–MAP gain) and phase shift angle between the two oscillating signals. Results: Phase shift angle between MAP and CBFV oscillations showed values >0 and was significantly reduced in the hemispheres without stroke as compared to controls (0.39 0.95 vs. 1.59 0.33 rad, p = 0.015), whereas in the hemispheres with stroke, phase shift angle did not differ significantly from that observed in the control hemispheres. Clinical status of stroke patients significantly improved at discharge from the hospital (NIHSS: 2.0, range: 1–8, p = 0.028). Conclusions: During the first days of ischaemic stroke of undetermined aetiology, dynamic cerebral autoregulation is compromised in the non-affected hemisphere, but not in the hemisphere with ischaemic lesio

    Mięsak popromienny trzonu macicy – opis przypadku

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    StreszczenieNowotwory indukowane napromienianiem są rzadkim powikłaniem odległym radioterapii. Histologicznie są to w ogromnej większości mięsaki tkanek miękkich lub kości. Przypadki zlokalizowane w miednicy mniejszej są zwykle późno rozpoznawane i rokują źle. Opisujemy przypadek popromiennego mięsaka trzonu macicy u chorej leczonej 7 lat wcześniej napromienianiem z powodu raka szyjki macicy, która pomimo przeprowadzonego chirurgicznego leczenia radykalnego zmarła wkrótce z powodu gwałtownej progresji. Przedstawiamy krótki przegląd aktualnego piśmiennictwa o częstości występowania, najczęstszych typach histologicznych, a także możliwych mechanizmach powstania wtómych nowotworów popromiennych. Kontrola chorych po skutecznym leczeniu napromienianiem powinna być prowadzona przez wiele lat. Wiedza o możliwości rozwoju wtórnych nowotworów upowszechniona wśród lekarzy pierwszego kontaktu może pozwolić na wcześniejsze rozpoznanie i skuteczniejsze leczenie tych nowotworów.SummaryPostirradiation tumors are rare kind of late complication of radiation therapy. The most of them are histologicaly confirmed sarcomas of bones or soft tissues. The pelvic location of malignance are usualy recognised late and has poor prognosis. We report a case of the postirradiation sarcoma developing in uterus 7 years after radiation therapy for cervical cancer. The rapid progresion was cause of death of observed patient, nevertheless radical surgery treatment. A short references review, concerning frequency, the most common histological types and possible mechanisms of secondary postirradiation malignancies has been presented. According to reccurence, dissemination and secondary malignancies risks the follow-up after radiation therapy should last for many years. Acknowledgement of the nature of postirradiation malignancies among primary care doctors may result in earlier diagnosis and better treatmant efficacy

    The Level of Isoprostanes as a Non-invasive Marker for in vivo Lipid Peroxidation in Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis

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    This article is published with open access at Springerlink.comOxidative stress leads to lipid peroxidation and may contribute to the pathogenesis of lesions in multiple sclerosis (MS), an autoimmune disease characterized by inflammatory as well as degenerative phenomena. Isoprostanes are prostaglandin-like compounds which are formed by free radical catalysed peroxidation of arachidonic acid esterified in membrane phospholipids. They are a new class of sensitive specific markers for in vivo lipid peroxidation. In this study 26 patients (15 females and 11 males; mean age 48.2 ± 15.2 year; mean disease duration 10.0 ± 6.5 year) with secondary progressive MS (SPMS) and 12 healthy controls were enrolled. In patients with multiple sclerosis the lipid peroxidation as the level of urine isoprostanes and the level of thiobarbituric acid reactive species (TBARS) in plasma were estimated. Moreover, we estimated the total antioxidative status (TAS) in plasma. It was found that the urine isoprostanes level was over 6-fold elevated in patients with SPMS than in control (P\0.001). In SPMS patients TBARS level was also statistically higher than in controls (P\0.01).However, we did not observed any difference of TAS level in serum between SPMS patients and controls (P[0.05). In patients with SPMS the lipid peroxidation and oxidative stress measured as the increased level of isoprostanes was observed. Thus, we suggest that the level of isoprostanes may be used as non-invasive marker for a determination of oxidative stress what in turn, together with clinical symptoms, may determine an specific antioxidative therapy in SPMS patients

    Effects of the whole-body cryotherapy on a total antioxidative status and activities of some antioxidative enzymes in blood of patients with multiple sclerosis-preliminary study

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    Objective. There is evidence that multiple sclerosis (MS) is not only characterized by immune mediated inflammatory reactions but also by neurodegenerative processes. Neutralization of oxidative stress and excitotoxicity, might represent a therapeutic approach to provide neuroprotection in MS. The purpose of this study was to compare changes in total antioxidative status and activities of chosen antioxidative enzymes, such as : SOD, CAT in erythrocytes of patients with MS before and after using WBCT with control group. Materials and methods. 32 patients with multiple sclerosis (ICD10-G35) and 20 healthy subjects were recruited for the study. The examined MS group (n=16) was treated with a series of 10 daily exposures in a cryogenic chamber (2-3 min, from -120- to -110-) and program of exercises. The control MS group (n=16) had only exercises. Plasma TAS as well as SOD and CAT activities in erythrocytes were measured. Results. The level of TAS in MS patients was distinctly reduced compared to healthy subjects. After two weeks of WBCT treatment an increase of TAS in the whole examined group (p 0,01) were observed in relation to control MS group. There was not increase of CuZnSOD and CAT activities. Conclusion. Our results suggest positive antioxidant effects of WBCT as a short-term adjuvant treatment for patients suffered due to MS

    The Level of Isoprostanes as a Non-invasive Marker for in vivo Lipid Peroxidation in Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis

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    Oxidative stress leads to lipid peroxidation and may contribute to the pathogenesis of lesions in multiple sclerosis (MS), an autoimmune disease characterized by inflammatory as well as degenerative phenomena. Isoprostanes are prostaglandin-like compounds which are formed by free radical catalysed peroxidation of arachidonic acid esterified in membrane phospholipids. They are a new class of sensitive specific markers for in vivo lipid peroxidation. In this study 26 patients (15 females and 11 males; mean age 48.2 ± 15.2 year; mean disease duration 10.0 ± 6.5 year) with secondary progressive MS (SPMS) and 12 healthy controls were enrolled. In patients with multiple sclerosis the lipid peroxidation as the level of urine isoprostanes and the level of thiobarbituric acid reactive species (TBARS) in plasma were estimated. Moreover, we estimated the total antioxidative status (TAS) in plasma. It was found that the urine isoprostanes level was over 6-fold elevated in patients with SPMS than in control (P < 0.001). In SPMS patients TBARS level was also statistically higher than in controls (P < 0.01). However, we did not observed any difference of TAS level in serum between SPMS patients and controls (P > 0.05). In patients with SPMS the lipid peroxidation and oxidative stress measured as the increased level of isoprostanes was observed. Thus, we suggest that the level of isoprostanes may be used as non-invasive marker for a determination of oxidative stress what in turn, together with clinical symptoms, may determine an specific antioxidative therapy in SPMS patients

    Simulated spectral states of AGN and observational predictions

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    Active galactic nuclei (AGN) and galactic black hole binaries (GBHs) represent two classes of accreting black holes. They both contain an accretion disc emitting a thermal radiation, and a non-thermal X-ray emitting corona. GBHs exhibit state transitions, and their spectral states are characterized by different luminosity levels and shapes of the spectral energy distribution (SED). If AGN transitioned in a similar way, the characteristic timescales of such transitions would exceed ~10^5 years. Thus, the probability to observe an individual AGN transiting between different spectral states is very low. In this paper we follow a spectral evolution of a GBH, GRO~J1655-40, and then apply its SED evolution pattern to a simulated population of AGN under an assumption that a large sample of AGN should contain a mixture of sources in different spectral states. We model the X-ray spectra of GRO J1655-40 with the eqpair model and then scale the best-fitting models with the black hole mass to simulate the AGN spectra. We compare the simulated and observed AGN SEDs to determine the spectral states of observed Type 1 AGN, LINER and NLS1 populations. We conclude that bright Type 1 AGN and NLS1 galaxies are in a spectral state similar to the soft spectral state of GBHs, while the spectral state of LINERs may correspond to the hard spectral state of GBHs. We find that taking into account a spread in the black hole masses over several orders of magnitude, as in the observed AGN samples, leads to a correlation between the X-ray loudness and the monochromatic luminosity at 2500A, similar to that found in observations. We predict however that the correlation changes its sign around a critical luminosity of L_crit ~ 0.01 L_E.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, MNRAS, in pres