44 research outputs found

    The impact of plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) on the development of phytopathogenic fungi

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    The main purpose of this study was to evaluate impact of plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) on the development of phytopathogenic fungi and correlate it with a potential effects on the growth of plants under unfavorable conditions, in order to improve the efficiency of a phytoremediation process. The conducted research focused on the antifungal properties of PGPB. In this study, 51 isolates of bacteria were obtained after diversified disinfection time from plants growing on soil after sewage sludge amendment. The results revealed that some isolated bacteria, mainly endophytic ones, inhibited the development of Fusarium oxysporum, F. culmorum and Alternaria alternata.Wyniki eksperymentu wskazują, że bakterie izolowane po czasie 2.5 i 10 minut sterylizacji, czyli głównie bakterie endofityczne, hamowały rozwój badanych grzybów - potencjalnych patogenów roślin. Badania wykazały także, że z rzodkiewnika pospolitego (Arabidopsis thaliana), znanego halofita, pozyskano najwyższą liczbę mikroorganizmów, które także wykazywały najlepsze właściwości inhibitujące wzrost grzybni wszystkich badanych patogenów

    Effects of biochar addition on vermicomposting of food industry sewage sludge

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    Sewage sludge (SS) is a byproduct of wastewater treatment which is commonly used as fertilizer in the world. However, due to the possible contamination with heavy metals, xenobiotics and fecal pathogens, its application on fields is not so common in Poland. A safer alternative for agricultural use is the SS produced by food industry in small "inhouse" wastewater treatment plants, as substances that are used in its production are usually less harmful. As pretreatment of industrial wastewater is required before dumping the wastewater into common stream, the SS is an abundant byproduct that needs to be managed in an environmentally friendly and cost effective manner. Because the water content in SS is usually high, the dosage and logistics are problematic and thus we propose converting the sewage sludge into solid granular fertilizer in the vermicomposting process. Not only are the weight and volume of product decreased as a result, but also the nutrients such as N, P, and K become concentrated and made more accessible for plants. The SS is also further stabilized and less prone to produce odors and becoming putrid. The aim of this study was the in-depth analysis of the SS process vermicomposting with biochar. The SS was acquired from a local soft drink factory wastewater treatment plant. The batches of SS were inoculated with 20% mature vermicompost and E. fetida worms. Instead of typical bulking agents (like woodchips or straw) powdered biochar was used in the concentrations of 5, 10 and 15% as it exhibits beneficial influence on the process and increase the value of the final product. © 2019, Journal of Ecological Engineering.Polish Ministry of Science and Higher EducationMinistry of Science and Higher Education, Poland [BS/PB -401-304/11

    Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease: pathogenesis, risk factors, clinical features and diagnostic algorithm — state of the art

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    Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease (PVOD) and pulmonary capillary haemangiomatosis (PCH) are rare disorders, with the estimated prevalence of less than 1 case per million inhabitants. The vascular pathology in PVOD/PCH involves pre-septal and septal veins, alveolar capillaries and small pulmonary arteries. According to the ERS/ESC classification of pulmonary hypertension (PH) from 2015, PVOD/PCH have been included in the subgroup 1’ of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). Recent data indicate, however, the possibility of PVOD/PCH pathology in the patients diagnosed in the group 1. The problem may concern PAH associated with scleroderma, drug- induced PAH, PAH due to HIV infection and up to 10% of patients with idiopathic PAH (IPAH). Recently, bi-allelic EIF2AK4 mutations were found in the cases with heritable form of PVOD/PCH and in about 9% of sporadic cases. Moreover, an association between occupational exposure to organic solvents and PVOD/PCH was proved. The present review is an attempt to summarise the current data on pathogenesis, risk factors, clinical features and diagnostic algorithm for PVOD/PCH

    Pulmonary actinomycosis complicated by fistula of the chest wall

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    Actinomycosis is a rare disease caused by Actinomyces spp. The clinical and radiological picture of the disease is uncharacter-istic, which delays the diagnosis and can lead to complications. We present a case of pulmonary actinomycosis complicated by a chest wall fistula in a 43-year-old man with advanced tooth decay. The patient was admitted to our Department due to a chest wall fistula with bloody discharge. A few months earlier, he was treated with antibiotics for pneumonia. Since then, weakness, exertional dyspnoea, and weight loss had been observed. On admission, increased inflammatory markers were found in laboratory tests. Chest computed tomography (CT) revealed right-sided encapsulated pleural fluid collection containing gas bubbles, pleural thickening, anterior thoracic wall soft tissues thickening and subcutaneous fat stranding. CT suggested an empyema or a breast either pleural malignancy. The picture suggested a breast or pleural tumour to differentiate with an empyema. Videothoracoscopy was performed, the histological examination of the collected samples revealed granulation tissue and bacterial colony of a morphology corresponding to Actinomyces spp. Pulmonary actinomycosis was diagnosed. Antibiotic therapy according to the guidelines was initiated and dental treatment was recommended. Healing of the fistula and significant regression of lesions in the right lung were achieved. Although it is a rare disease, actinomycosis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of any chronic infiltrative lung lesions

    Modulujący wpływ nitroprusydku sodu i 8Br-cGMP na reaktywność mięśniówki indukowany mastoparanem-7

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    I n t r o d u c t i o n . Mastoparan-7 activates G-protein and stimulates apoptosis, but in smooth muscle cells leads to increase in perfusion pressure.Main a i m of this study was to evaluate the modulatory effect of 8Br-cGMP and sodium nitroprusside on vascular smooth muscle contraction induced by direct stimulation of G-protein with mastoparan-7.Ma t e r i a l  a n d  m e t h o d s . Experiments were performed on isolated and perfused tail artery of Wistar rats. Contraction force in our model was measured by increased level of perfusion pressure with a constant flow.R e s u l t s . Concentration-response curves obtained for mastoparan-7 presented an sigmoidal relation. In presence of SNP and 8Br-cGMP the significant and dose dependent leftward shift with significant reduction in maximal responses was present. Moreover, analyzing function of calcium stores the significant inhibition of influx from both, intra- and extracellular calcium stores was present.C o n c l u s i o n . Results of our experiments suggest that contraction induced by direct activation of G-protein with mastoparan-7 may by effectively inhibited in the presence of donors of nitric oxide such as sodium nitroprusside and in the presence of 8Br-cGMP. Mastoparan-7 jest aktywatorem białka G, stymulującym apoptozę. W mięśniach gładkich naczyń krwionośnych zwiększa kurczliwość.C e l e m prowadzonego badania było określenie wpływu nitroprusydku sodowego oraz 8Br-cGMP na skurcz mięśni gładkich wywołany bezpośrednią stymulacją białka G przez mastoparan-7.M a t e r i a ł  i  m e t o d y . Badania przeprowadzono na izolowanych i perfundowanych tętnicach ogonowych szczurów szczepu Wistar. Wykładnikiem skurczu w układzie doświadczalnym były zmiany ciśnienia perfuzyjnego.Wy n i k i . Krzywe zależności efektu od stężenia agonisty uzyskane dla mastoparanu-7 miały przebieg odpowiadający krzywej sigmoidalnej. W obecności nitroprusydku sodowego i 8Br-cGMP zaobserwowano istotne przesunięcie krzywych w stronę prawą, tj. w stronę wyższych stężeń agonisty z jednoczesną redukcja efektu maksymalnego. Oceniając efektywność skurczu wyzwalanego napływem wapnia z przestrzeni wewnątrzkomórkowej i zewnątrzkomórkowej, stwierdzono istotne zmniejszenie napływu jonów wapnia z obydwu wymienionych magazynów.Wn i o s k i . Wyniki przeprowadzonych doświadczeń sugerują, że skurcz wyzwolony przez bezpośrednią aktywację białka G przez mastoparam-7 może być skutecznie hamowany przez donory tlenku azotu, jak np. nitroprusydek sodowy a także w obecności 8Br-cGMP

    Modulatory effect of sodium nitroprusside and 8Br-cGMP on mastoparan-7 induced contraction

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    I n t r o d u c t i o n. Mastoparan-7 activates G-protein and stimulates apoptosis, but in smooth muscle cells leads to increase in perfusion pressure. Main a i m of this study was to evaluate the modulatory effect of 8Br-cGMP and sodium nitroprusside on vascular smooth muscle contraction induced by direct stimulation of G-protein with mastoparan-7. Ma t e r i a l  a n d  m e t h o d s. Experiments were performed on isolated and perfused tail artery of Wistar rats. Contraction force in our model was measured by increased level of perfusion pressure with a constant flow. R e s u l t s. Concentration-response curves obtained for mastoparan-7 presented an sigmoidal relation. In presence of SNP and 8Br-cGMP the significant and dose dependent leftward shift with significant reduction in maximal responses was present. Moreover, analyzing function of calcium stores the significant inhibition of influx from both, intra- and extracellular calcium stores was present. C o n c l u s i o n. Results of our experiments suggest that contraction induced by direct activation of G-protein with mastoparan-7 may by effectively inhibited in the presence of donors of nitric oxide such as sodium nitroprusside and in the presence of 8Br-cGMP.  Mastoparan-7 jest aktywatorem białka G, stymulującym apoptozę. W mięśniach gładkich naczyń krwionośnych zwiększa kurczliwość. C e l e m prowadzonego badania było określenie wpływu nitroprusydku sodowego oraz 8Br-cGMP na skurcz mięśni gładkich wywołany bezpośrednią stymulacją białka G przez mastoparan-7. M a t e r i a ł  i  m e t o d y. Badania przeprowadzono na izolowanych i perfundowanych tętnicach ogonowych szczurów szczepu Wistar. Wykładnikiem skurczu w układzie doświadczalnym były zmiany ciśnienia perfuzyjnego. W y n i k i. Krzywe zależności efektu od stężenia agonisty uzyskane dla mastoparanu-7 miały przebieg odpowiadający krzywej sigmoidalnej. W obecności nitroprusydku sodowego i 8Br-cGMP zaobserwowano istotne przesunięcie krzywych w stronę prawą, tj. w stronę wyższych stężeń agonisty z jednoczesną redukcja efektu maksymalnego. Oceniając efektywność skurczu wyzwalanego napływem wapnia z przestrzeni wewnątrzkomórkowej i zewnątrzkomórkowej, stwierdzono istotne zmniejszenie napływu jonów wapnia z obydwu wymienionych magazynów. Wn i o s k i. Wyniki przeprowadzonych doświadczeń sugerują, że skurcz wyzwolony przez bezpośrednią aktywację białka G przez mastoparam-7 może być skutecznie hamowany przez donory tlenku azotu, jak np. nitroprusydek sodowy a także w obecności 8Br-cGMP

    Choroba zarostowa żył płucnych: patogeneza, czynniki ryzyka, cechy kliniczne i algorytm diagnostyczny — aktualny stan wiedzy

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    Choroba zarostowa żył płucnych (PVOD) i hemangiomatoza włośniczek płucnych (PCH) należą do rzadkich schorzeń — szacowana częstość występowania wynosi mniej niż jeden przypadek na milion mieszkańców. W PVOD/PCH patologia dotyczy małych żyłek —przedprzegrodowych i przegrodowych, włośniczek oraz tętniczek zaprzegrodowych i małych tętniczek płucnych. W klasyfikacji nadciśnienia płucnego (PH) według ERS/ESC z 2015 roku PVOD/PCH tworzy podgrupę 1’. Dane z niedawnych analiz wskazują jednak, że PVOD/PCH może być w rzeczywistości częstsze, z powodu błędnej kwalifikacji tych chorych do grupy 1. Problem ten może dotyczyć przypadków rozpoznanych jako tętnicze nadciśnienie płucne (PAH) występujące w przebiegu twardziny, spowodowane lekami, związane z zakażeniem wirusem HIV oraz około 10% pacjentów z idiopatycznym PAH (IPAH). Ostatnio zidentyfikowano dwuallelowe mutacje genu EIF2AK4 w dziedzicznej postaci PVOD/PCH i w 9% przypadków bez rodzinnego występowania choroby. Udowodniono ponadto zależność między zawodowym narażeniem na rozpuszczalniki organiczne a PVOD/PCH. Niniejszy przegląd jest próbą podsumowania aktualnych danych na temat patogenezy, czynników ryzyka, cech klinicznych i algorytmu diagnostycznego PVOD/PCH.Choroba zarostowa żył płucnych (PVOD) i hemangiomatoza włośniczek płucnych (PCH) należą do rzadkich schorzeń — szacowana częstość występowania wynosi mniej niż jeden przypadek na milion mieszkańców. W PVOD/PCH patologia dotyczy małych żyłek —przedprzegrodowych i przegrodowych, włośniczek oraz tętniczek zaprzegrodowych i małych tętniczek płucnych. W klasyfikacji nadciśnienia płucnego (PH) według ERS/ESC z 2015 roku PVOD/PCH tworzy podgrupę 1’. Dane z niedawnych analiz wskazują jednak, że PVOD/PCH może być w rzeczywistości częstsze, z powodu błędnej kwalifikacji tych chorych do grupy 1. Problem ten może dotyczyć przypadków rozpoznanych jako tętnicze nadciśnienie płucne (PAH) występujące w przebiegu twardziny, spowodowane lekami, związane z zakażeniem wirusem HIV oraz około 10% pacjentów z idiopatycznym PAH (IPAH). Ostatnio zidentyfikowano dwuallelowe mutacje genu EIF2AK4 w dziedzicznej postaci PVOD/PCH i w 9% przypadków bez rodzinnego występowania choroby. Udowodniono ponadto zależność między zawodowym narażeniem na rozpuszczalniki organiczne a PVOD/PCH. Niniejszy przegląd jest próbą podsumowania aktualnych danych na temat patogenezy, czynników ryzyka, cech klinicznych i algorytmu diagnostycznego PVOD/PCH

    Non-high risk PE in the patients with acute or exacerbated respiratory disease: the value of the algorithm based on D-dimer evaluation and Revised Geneva Score

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    Introduction: The diagnostic algorithm of non-high risk pulmonary embolism (PE) is based on probability scoring systems and plasma D-dimer (DD) assessment. The aim of the present study was to investigate the efficacy of Revised Geneva Scoring (RGS) and DD testing for the excluding of non-high risk PE, in the patients admitted to the hospital due to acute respiratory diseases. Material and methods: The consecutive patients, above 18 years of age, referred to the department of lung diseases, entered the study. The exclusion criteria were: the pregnancy and the suspicion of high risk PE. Plasma DD was measured with quick ELISA test, VIDAS D-dimer New, bioMerieux, France. Multislice computed tomography angiography was performed in all of the patients. Results: 153 patients, median age 65 (19−88) years entered the study. The probability of PE was: low — in 58 patients (38%), intermediate — in 90 (59%), high — in 5 (3%). DD < 500 ng/ml was found in 12% of patients with low and intermediate probability of PE. PE was recognized in 10 out of 153 patients (7%). None of the patients with DD < 500 ng/ml was diagnosed with PE (NPV 100%). Median DD value was significantly higher in PE patients comparing to non-PE (4500 ng/ml and 1356 ng/ml respectively, p = 0.006). Conclusion: In the group of the patients with acute respiratory symptoms, low or intermediate clinical probability scoring combined with normal DD had a high NPV in excluding PE. Nevertheless, such approach was not very effective, as the increased DD was noted in 88% of the examined population.Introduction: The diagnostic algorithm of non-high risk pulmonary embolism (PE) is based on probability scoring systems and plasma D-dimer (DD) assessment. The aim of the present study was to investigate the efficacy of Revised Geneva Scoring (RGS) and DD testing for the excluding of non-high risk PE, in the patients admitted to the hospital due to acute respiratory diseases. Material and methods: The consecutive patients, above 18 years of age, referred to the department of lung diseases, entered the study. The exclusion criteria were: the pregnancy and the suspicion of high risk PE. Plasma DD was measured with quick ELISA test, VIDAS D-dimer New, bioMerieux, France. Multislice computed tomography angiography was performed in all of the patients. Results: 153 patients, median age 65 (19−88) years entered the study. The probability of PE was: low — in 58 patients (38%), intermediate — in 90 (59%), high — in 5 (3%). DD < 500 ng/ml was found in 12% of patients with low and intermediate probability of PE. PE was recognized in 10 out of 153 patients (7%). None of the patients with DD < 500 ng/ml was diagnosed with PE (NPV 100%). Median DD value was significantly higher in PE patients comparing to non-PE (4500 ng/ml and 1356 ng/ml respectively, p = 0.006). Conclusion: In the group of the patients with acute respiratory symptoms, low or intermediate clinical probability scoring combined with normal DD had a high NPV in excluding PE. Nevertheless, such approach was not very effective, as the increased DD was noted in 88% of the examined population

    How does L1 and L2 exposure impact L1 performance in bilingual children? : evidence from Polish-English migrants to the United Kingdom

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    Most studies on bilingual language development focus on children’s second language (L2). Here, we investigated first language (L1) development of Polish-English early migrant bilinguals in four domains: vocabulary, grammar, phonological processing and discourse. We first compared Polish language skills between bilinguals and their Polish non-migrant monolingual peers, and then investigated the influence of the cumulative exposure to L1 and L2 on bilinguals’ performance. We then examined whether high exposure to L1 could possibly minimize the gap between monolinguals and bilinguals. We analyzed data from 233 typically developing children (88 bilingual, 145 monolingual) aged 4;0 to 7;5 (years; months) on six language measures in Polish: receptive vocabulary, productive vocabulary, receptive grammar, productive grammar (sentence repetition), phonological processing (non-word repetition) and discourse abilities (narration). Information about language exposure was obtained via parental questionnaires. For each language task, we analyzed the data from the subsample of bilinguals who had completed all the tasks in question and from monolinguals matched one-on-one to the bilingual group on age, SES (measured by years of mother’s education), gender, non-verbal IQ and short term memory. The bilingual children scored lower than monolinguals in all language domains, except discourse. The group differences were more pronounced on the productive tasks (vocabulary, grammar, phonological processing) and moderate on the receptive tasks (vocabulary and grammar). L1 exposure correlated positively with the vocabulary size and phonological processing. Grammar scores were not related to the levels of L1 exposure, but were predicted by general cognitive abilities. L2 exposure negatively influenced productive grammar in L1, suggesting possible L2 transfer effects on L1 grammatical performance. Children’s narrative skills benefitted from exposure to two languages: both L1 and L2 exposure influenced story structure scores in L1. Importantly, we did not find any evidence (in any of the tasks in which the gap was present) that the performance gap between monolinguals and bilinguals could be fully closed with high amounts of L1 input