36 research outputs found

    Diseño de una instalación para la producción de 500.000 T/año de cemento Portlan

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    El presente proyecto tiene por objeto el diseño de las obras e instalaciones necesarias para el proceso de producción de cemento Portland del tipo I, a través del procedimiento por vía seca, con una producción de 500000 T/año a situar en la localidad sevillana de Villanueva del Río y Minas, en el polígono industrial El Carbonal. Para ello se describen los procesos comerciales, la maquinaria utilizada, las reacciones que intervienen en el proceso, las materias primas que se necesitan, etc. así como todos los cálculos necesarios tanto en el diseño de los equipos como de las cantidades de materias primas a introducir

    Cuestiones éticas en un servicio de urgencias hospitalario desde la perspectiva del paciente

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    Objetivo: Analizar la opinión de los pacientes sobre el funcionamiento de las urgencias hospitalarias y conocer su impresión acerca de algunas cuestiones éticas.Material y Métodos: 1. Revisión bibliográfica en las principales bases de datos científicas sobre conceptos vinculados con la ética en las urgencias hospitalarias. 2. Realización de un estudio de campo en la sala de observación del servicio de urgencias del Hospital Clínico Universitario “Lozano Blesa” de Zaragoza, mediante una encuesta anónima con 11 ítems.Resultados: Se realizaron 100 encuestas, siendo la tasa de respuesta del 100%. La edad media de los pacientes encuestados es de 66,4 años. La mayor parte de los pacientes que acuden al servicio de urgencias lo hacen por iniciativa propia (40%) o en ambulancia (34%). La franja horaria de mayor frecuentación tiene lugar entre las 15 y 21 horas (46,7%). Un 67% de pacientes considera inadecuado el tiempo de espera hasta ser atendidos. Existe desconocimiento sobre lo que es el sistema de triaje por un 53% de pacientes, encontrándose relacionado estadísticamente con una mayor edad de los mismos (p=0,031). El 97% de usuarios considera justo que se atienda a los pacientes según su gravedad. Un 95 % cree que ha sido informado por el médico de forma adecuada y un 88% opina que la información médica en urgencias se da en condiciones de confidencialidad. La organización de la estructura física del servicio de urgencias influye negativamente en la percepción que tienen los pacientes sobre el respeto a su intimidad (pConclusiones: Este trabajo es un estudio preliminar que pretende sentar las bases de estudios posteriores sobre la importancia que están adquiriendo en los últimos años cuestiones éticas como el respeto a la intimidad y confidencialidad de los pacientes en los servicios de urgencias hospitalarios; así como la existencia de una necesidad real de mejora en la organización de la estructura física de los servicios de urgencias, con el fin de favorecer el respeto a la intimidad de los pacientes y de este modo aumentar su satisfacción global.<br /

    Fat–Fit Patterns, Drug Consumption, and Polypharmacy in Older Adults: The EXERNET Multi-Center Study

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    [EN] Background: Physical fitness levels and the amount of accumulated adipose tissue (fatness) relate to current and future individuals’ heath status. Nevertheless, the interrelationships of their combined patterns with polypharmacy and the types of medications consumed have not been sufficiently investigated. Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out in six Spanish regions between 2008 and 2009 with a sample of older community-dwelling adults (≥ 65 years old) without dementia or cancer. Fitness was measured with one-leg balance and senior fitness tests, as well as by measuring weight and fat mass with a bioelectrical impedance analyzer. Polypharmacy was defined as the use of five or more medications. An analysis of variance was performed for comparisons between the physical fitness and fatness patterns and the medication consumed. Results: A total of 1709 elders were included in the study (72.1 ± 5.2 years). The two unfit patterns were those with the highest drug consumption. The High-Fat–Unfit pattern was the one that had the most significant consumption and had the highest percentage of polymedicated subjects. The Low-Fat–Fit pattern had a significantly lower percentage of people that did not consume any medications. The highest percentages of drug consumption in 7 of the 10 groups that were included were concentrated in the two unfit patterns. Conclusions: This study highlights the importance of fitness in older adults, as it is at least as important as the avoidance of accumulation of excess fat with respect to the consumption of a smaller number of medicines.S

    Differences among Sociodemographic Variables, Physical Fitness Levels, and Body Composition with Adherence to Regular Physical Activity in Older Adults from the EXERNET Multicenter Study

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    [EN] The aim of this study was to explore the differences among between adherence to physical activity (PA) and sociodemographic variables, body composition, and physical fitness levels in older adults (>65 years). A number of 2712 participants (2086 female; 76.92%) ranging from 65 to 92 years, participated in the study. Stages of change (SoC) for PA from the transtheoretical model of change (TTM), together with different sociodemographic variables, physical fitness tests (Senior Fitness Test), and waist and hip circumferences were evaluated. Significant differences were found in age, gender, educational level, current income, physical fitness test, and body composition (all of them, p < 0.05), according to the different SoC. Greater adherence to PA practice (action and maintenance stages) was related to better academic level, higher economic income, the male gender, better results in the physical fitness test, and healthier anthropometrics perimeters. Future research is needed to identify the relationship between these variables longitudinally.SIMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Gobierno de Españ

    Human exceptional longevity: transcriptome from centenarians is distinct from septuagenarians and reveals a role of Bcl‐xL in successful aging

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    Centenarians not only enjoy an extraordinary aging, but also show a compression of morbidity. Using functional transcriptomic analysis of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PMBC) we identified 1721 mRNAs differentially expressed by centenarians when compared with septuagenarians and young people. Sub‐network analysis led us to identify Bcl ‐ xL as an important gene up‐regulated in centenarians. It is involved in the control of apoptosis, cellular damage protection and also in modulation of immune response, all associated to healthy aging. Indeed, centenarians display lower plasma cytochrome C levels, higher mitochondrial membrane potential and also less cellular damage accumulation than septuagenarians. Leukocyte chemotaxis and NK cell activity are significantly impaired in septuagenarians compared with young people whereas centenarians maintain them. To further ascertain the functional role of Bcl‐ xL in cellular aging, we found that lymphocytes from septuagenarians transduced with Bcl‐xL display a reduction in senescent‐related markers. Finally, to demonstrate the role of BcL‐xL in longevity at the organism level, C. elegans bearing a gain of function mutation in the BcL‐xL ortholog ced‐9, showed a significant increase in mean and maximal life span. These results show that mRNA expression in centenarians is unique and reveals that BcL‐ xL plays an important role in exceptional aging

    Effectiveness of a multimodal intervention in functionally impaired older people with type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    Background: Type 2 diabetes, a highly prevalent chronic disease, is associated with increasing frailty and functional decline in older people. We aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a multimodal intervention on functional performance in frail and pre-frail participants aged >= 70 years with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Methods: The MID-Frail study was a cluster-randomized multicenter clinical trial conducted in 74 trial sites across seven European countries. The trial recruited 964 participants who were aged >70 years [mean age in intervention group, 78.4 (SD 5.6) years, 49.2% male and 77.6 (SD 5.29) years, 52.4% male in usual care group], with type diabetes mellitus and determined to be frail or pre-frail using Fried's frailty phenotype. Participants were allocated by trial site to follow either usual care (UCG) or intervention procedures (IG). Intervention group participants received a multimodal intervention composed of (i) an individualized and progressive resistance exercise programme for 16 weeks; (ii) a structured diabetes and nutritional educational programme over seven sessions; and (iii) Investigator-linked training to ensure optimal diabetes care. Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) scores were used to assess change in functional performance at 12 months between the groups. An analysis of the cost-effectiveness of the intervention was undertaken using the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER). Secondary outcomes included mortality, hospitalization, institutionalization, quality of life, burden on caregivers, the frequency and severity of hypoglycaemia episodes, and the cost-effectiveness of the intervention. Results: After 12 months, IG participants had mean SPPB scores 0.85 points higher than those in the UCG (95% CI, 0.44 to 1.26, P < 0.0001). Dropouts were higher in frail participants and in the intervention group, but significant differences in SPPB between treatment groups remained consistent after sensitivity analysis. Estimates suggest a mean saving following intervention of 428.02 EUR (2016) per patient per year, with ICER analysis indicating a consistent benefit of the described health care intervention over usual care. No statistically significant differences between groups were detected in any of the other secondary outcomes. Conclusions: We have demonstrated that a 12 month structured multimodal intervention programme across several clinical settings in different European countries leads to a clinically relevant and cost-effective improvement in the functional status of older frail and pre-frail participants with type 2 diabetes mellitus

    Tendiendo puentes desde el mundo clásico: el diálogo como recurso educativo

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    El objetivo de este proyecto ha sido desarrollar acciones educativas con el fin de adecuar la docencia y la innovación educativa a la sociedad actual. Para ello, hemos impulsado la consolidación de un equipo de innovación docente interdisciplinar coordinado para trabajar de forma colaborativa en el ajuste de los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje a la sociedad del siglo XXI, con el fin de favorecer la igualdad, la inclusión, el emprendimiento y la empleabilidad del estudiantado y promover procesos de internacionalización, digitalización y transferencia del conocimiento. En este sentido, hemos abrierto una puerta hacia la internacionalización a través de alianzas para compartir buenas prácticas docentes innovadoras y crear redes de trabajo colaborativo con la Universidad de Coimbra, perteneciente al Grupo Coimbra, además de con la Asociación Internacional Alma Clásica, la Universidad de Málaga y la Universidad de Cádiz. Estas buenas prácticas han apoyado en una formación en cascada que ha promovido el desarrollo de materiales y recursos docentes innovadores y que ha servido para mejorar las estrategias y técnicas de aprendizaje del estudiantado y su evaluación. Para ello, el profesorado y el estudiantado han trabajado conjuntamente en la elaboración de píldoras educativas en formato digital y en el diseño de talleres lúdico-didácticos con el fin de fomentar la participación del estudiantado en la construcción de su propio proceso formativo. Ambos resultados se han sustentado en los contenidos conceptuales de las asignaturas implicadas y han estado destinados a compartirse de forma interdisciplinar e interetapa con otros sectores tanto del ámbito universitario como externo. Esto se ha concretado en la obtención de productos finales realizados en formatos creativos, innovadores, interdisciplinares e inclusivos que forman parte de un banco de actividades en abierto a través de DIGIBUG, disponible para su reutilización indefinida en contextos educativos. En última instancia, se ha realizado la transferencia de los productos finales mediante la puesta en práctica de los talleres con alumnado de infantil, primaria y secundaria en el marco de la celebración del Día de la Fundación de Roma, estimulando con ello el desarrollo de prácticas de orientación personal, académica y profesional innovadoras, implantando la cultura del emprendimiento y la inclusión de todas las personas y potenciando la divulgación a la sociedad de la actividad académica.The objective of this project has been to develop educational actions to adapt teaching to today's society. To this end, we have promoted the consolidation of a teaching innovation team coordinated interdisciplinary approach to work collaboratively in adjusting teaching processes and learning to 21st century society, to promote equality, inclusion, entrepreneurship and employability of the student body and promote processes of internationalisation, digitisation and transfer of knowledge. In this sense, we have opened a door towards internationalisation through alliances to share good innovative teaching practices and create collaborative work networks with the University of Coimbra, belonging to the Coimbra Group, in addition to the Alma Clásica International Association, the University of Malaga and the University of Cádiz. These good practices have supported a cascade training that has promoted the development of innovative teaching materials and resources and has served to improve student learning strategies and techniques and their evaluation. To this end, teachers and students. They have worked together in the development of educational pills in digital format and in the design of workshops recreational-didactic to encourage the participation of students in the construction of their own process formative. Both results have been supported by the conceptual contents of the subjects involved and have been intended to be shared in an interdisciplinary and interstage manner with other sectors, both in the field university and external. This has materialised in obtaining final products made in formats creative, innovative, interdisciplinary and inclusive that are part of a bank of activities open to through DIGIBUG, available for indefinite reuse in educational contexts. Ultimately, it has carried out the transfer of the final products through the implementation of workshops with students of children, primary and secondary schools within the framework of the celebration of the Day of the Foundation of Rome, thereby stimulating the development of innovative personal, academic and professional guidance practices, implementing the culture of entrepreneurship and the inclusion of all people and promoting the dissemination of the activity to society academic.Vicerrectorado de Calidad, Innovación Docente y Estudios de Grado, Programa de Innovación y Buenas Prácticas Docentes de la Universidad de Granada, Convocatoria 2022-2023

    Fat–Fit Patterns, Drug Consumption, and Polypharmacy in Older Adults: The EXERNET Multi-Center Study

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    Background: Physical fitness levels and the amount of accumulated adipose tissue (fatness) relate to current and future individuals’ heath status. Nevertheless, the interrelationships of their combined patterns with polypharmacy and the types of medications consumed have not been sufficiently investigated. Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out in six Spanish regions between 2008 and 2009 with a sample of older community-dwelling adults (≥65 years old) without dementia or cancer. Fitness was measured with one-leg balance and senior fitness tests, as well as by measuring weight and fat mass with a bioelectrical impedance analyzer. Polypharmacy was defined as the use of five or more medications. An analysis of variance was performed for comparisons between the physical fitness and fatness patterns and the medication consumed. Results: A total of 1709 elders were included in the study (72.1 ± 5.2 years). The two unfit patterns were those with the highest drug consumption. The High-Fat–Unfit pattern was the one that had the most significant consumption and had the highest percentage of polymedicated subjects. The Low-Fat–Fit pattern had a significantly lower percentage of people that did not consume any medications. The highest percentages of drug consumption in 7 of the 10 groups that were included were concentrated in the two unfit patterns. Conclusions: This study highlights the importance of fitness in older adults, as it is at least as important as the avoidance of accumulation of excess fat with respect to the consumption of a smaller number of medicines