648 research outputs found

    Precise measurements of radio-frequency magnetic susceptibility in (anti)ferromagnetic materials

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    Dynamic magnetic susceptibility, χ\chi, was studied in several intermetallic materials exhibiting ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic and metamagnetic transitions. Precise measurements by using a 14 MHz tunnel diode oscillator (TDO) allow detailed insight into the field and temperature dependence of χ\chi. In particular, local moment ferromagnets show a sharp peak in χ(T)\chi(T) near the Curie temperature, TcT_c. The peak amplitude decreases and shifts to higher temperatures with very small applied dc fields. Anisotropic measurements of CeVSb3_3 show that this peak is present provided the magnetic easy axis is aligned with the excitation field. In a striking contrast, small moment, itinerant ferromagnets (i.e., ZrZn2_2) show a broad maximum in χ(T)\chi(T) that responds differently to applied field. We believe that TDO measurements provide a very sensitive way to distinguish between local and itinerant moment magnetic orders. Local moment antiferromagnets do not show a peak at the N\'eel temperature, TNT_N, but only a sharp decrease of χ\chi below TNT_N due to the loss of spin-disorder scattering changing the penetration depth of the ac excitation field. Furthermore, we show that the TDO is capable of detecting changes in spin order as well as metamagnetic transitions. Finally, critical scaling of χ(T,H)\chi(T,H) in the vicinity of TCT_C is discussed in CeVSb3_3 and CeAgSb2_2

    New supersymmetric solutions of N=2, D=5 gauged supergravity with hyperscalars

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    We construct new supersymmetric solutions, including AdS bubbles, in an N=2 truncation of five-dimensional N=8 gauged supergravity. This particular truncation is given by N=2 gauged supergravity coupled to two vector multiples and three incomplete hypermultiplets, and was originally investigated in the context of obtaining regular AdS bubble geometries with multiple active R-charges. We focus on cohomogeneity-one solutions corresponding to objects with two equal angular momenta and up to three independent R-charges. Curiously, we find a new set of zero and negative mass solitons asymptotic to AdS_5/Z_k, for k \ge 3, which are everywhere regular without closed timelike curves.Comment: Latex 3 times, 42 page

    Domain walls between gauge theories

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    Noncommutative U(N) gauge theories at different N may be often thought of as different sectors of a single theory: the U(1) theory possesses a sequence of vacua labeled by an integer parameter N, and the theory in the vicinity of the N-th vacuum coincides with the U(N) noncommutative gauge theory. We construct noncommutative domain walls on fuzzy cylinder, separating vacua with different gauge theories. These domain walls are solutions of BPS equations in gauge theory with an extra term stabilizing the radius of the cylinder. We study properties of the domain walls using adjoint scalar and fundamental fermion fields as probes. We show that the regions on different sides of the wall are not disjoint even in the low energy regime -- there are modes penetrating from one region to the other. We find that the wall supports a chiral fermion zero mode. Also, we study non-BPS solution representing a wall and an antiwall, and show that this solution is unstable. We suggest that the domain walls emerge as solutions of matrix model in large class of pp-wave backgrounds with inhomogeneous field strength. In the M-theory language, the domain walls have an interpretation of a stack of branes of fingerstall shape inserted into a stack of cylindrical branes.Comment: Final version; minor corrections; to appear in Nucl.Phys.

    Warped Phenomenology of Higher-Derivative Gravity

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    We examine the phenomenological implications at colliders for the existence of higher-derivative gravity terms as extensions to the Randall-Sundrum model. Such terms are expected to arise on rather general grounds, e.g., from string theory. In 5-d, if we demand that the theory be unitary and ghost free, these new contributions to the bulk action are uniquely of the Gauss-Bonnet form. We demonstrate that the usual expectations for the production cross section and detailed properties of graviton Kaluza-Klein resonances and TeV-scale black holes can be substantially altered by existence of these additional contributions. It is shown that measurements at future colliders will be highly sensitive to the presence of such terms.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figure

    An Improved Brane Anti-Brane Action from Boundary Superstring Field Theory and Multi-Vortex Solutions

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    We present an improved effective action for the D-brane-anti-D-brane system obtained from boundary superstring field theory. Although the action looks highly non-trivial, it has simple explicit multi-vortex (i.e. codimension-2 multi-BPS D-brane) multi-anti-vortex solutions. The solutions have a curious degeneracy corresponding to different ``magnetic'' fluxes at the core of each vortex. We also generalize the brane anti-brane effective action that is suitable for the study of the inflationary scenario and the production of defects in the early universe. We show that when a brane and anti-brane are distantly separated, although the system is classically stable it can decay via quantum tunneling through the barrier.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figure, JHEP3.cls; v2: references added, tunneling rate discussion expande

    Noncommutativity and Tachyon Condensation

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    We study the fuzzy or noncommutative Dp-branes in terms of infinitely many unstable D0-branes, from which we can construct any Dp-branes. We show that the tachyon condensation of the unstable D0-branes induces the noncommutativity. In the infinite tachyon condensation limit, most of the unstable D0-branes disappear and remaining D0-branes are actually the BPS D0-branes with the correct noncommutative coordinates. For the fuzzy S^2 case, we explicitly show only the D0-branes corresponding to the lowest Landau level survive in the limit. We also show that a boundary state for a Dp-brane satisfying the Dirichlet boundary condition on a curved submanifold embedded in the flat space is not localized on the submanifold. This implies that the Dp-brane on it is ambiguous at the string scale and solves the problem for a spherical D2-brane with a unit flux on the world volume which should be equivalent to one D0-brane. We also discuss the diffeomorphism in the D0-brane picture.Comment: 30 pages, references added, minor corrections and clarifications, version to appear in JHE

    Nariai, Bertotti-Robinson and anti-Nariai solutions in higher dimensions

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    We find all the higher dimensional solutions of the Einstein-Maxwell theory that are the topological product of two manifolds of constant curvature. These solutions include the higher dimensional Nariai, Bertotti-Robinson and anti-Nariai solutions, and the anti-de Sitter Bertotti-Robinson solutions with toroidal and hyperbolic topology (Plebanski-Hacyan solutions). We give explicit results for any dimension D>3. These solutions are generated from the appropriate extremal limits of the higher dimensional near-extreme black holes in a de Sitter, and anti-de Sitter backgrounds. Thus, we also find the mass and the charge parameters of the higher dimensional extreme black holes as a function of the radius of the degenerate horizon.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures, RevTeX4. References added. Published versio

    Organizational and Leadership Implications for Transformational Development

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    Transformational development is a concept of change that originated in the Christian context but has now become generally used in the work of both secular and faith-based organizations. The growing use of the concept by organizations that are fundamentally different has naturally led to some confusion about what the concept means and what it takes to effectively implement it. In this article, we describe the key features of the concept and how they are important in determining the organizational requirements for its effective implementation. Drawing on a few cases, the paper highlights the centrality of faith in transformational development work

    CANELC: constructing an e-language corpus

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    This paper reports on the construction of CANELC: the Cambridge and Nottingham e-language Corpus.3 CANELC is a one million word corpus of digital communication in English, taken from online discussion boards, blogs, tweets, emails and SMS messages. The paper outlines the approaches used when planning the corpus: obtaining consent; collecting the data and compiling the corpus database. This is followed by a detailed analysis of some of the patterns of language used in the corpus. The analysis includes a discussion of the key words and phrases used as well as the common themes and semantic associations connected with the data. These discussions form the basis of an investigation of how e-language operates in both similar and different ways to spoken and written records of communication (as evidenced by the BNC - British National Corpus). 3 CANELC stands for Cambridge and Nottingham e-language Corpus. This corpus has been built as part of a collaborative project between The University of Nottingham and Cambridge University Press with whom sole copyright of the annotated corpus resides. CANELC comprises one-million words of digital English taken from SMS messages, blogs, tweets, discussion board content and private/business emails. Plans to extend the corpus are under discussion. The legal dimension to corpus ‘ownership’ of some forms of unannotated data is a complex one and is under constant review. At the present time the annotated corpus is only available to authors and researchers working for CUP and is not more generally available
