420 research outputs found

    Interpreting intraplate tectonics for seismic hazard : a UK historical perspective

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    It is notoriously difficult to construct seismic source models for probabilistic seismic hazard assessment in intraplate areas on the basis of geological information, and many practitioners have given up the task in favour of purely seismicity-based models. This risks losing potentially valuable information in regions where the earthquake catalogue is short compared to the seismic cycle. It is interesting to survey how attitudes to this issue have evolved over the past 30 years. This paper takes the UK as an example, and traces the evolution of seismic source models through generations of hazard studies. It is found that in the UK, while the earliest studies did not consider regional tectonics in any way, there has been a gradual evolution towards more tectonically based models. Experience in other countries, of course, may differ

    D-modules on Smooth Toric Varieties

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    Let X be a smooth toric variety. David Cox introduced the homogeneous coordinate ring S of X and its irrelevant ideal B. Extending well-known results on projective space, Cox established the following: (1) the category of quasi-coherent sheaves on X is equivalent to the category of graded S-modules modulo B-torsion, (2) the variety X is a geometric quotient of Spec(S) V(B) by a suitable torus action. We provide the D-module version of these results. More specifically, let A denote the ring of differential operators on Spec(S). We show that the category of D-modules on X is equivalent to a subcategory of graded A-modules modulo B-torsion. Additionally, we prove that the characteristic variety of a D-module is a geometric quotient of an open subset of the characteristic variety of the associated A-module and that holonomic D-modules correspond to holonomic A-modules.Comment: AMS-LaTeX, 28 page

    Hochschild Cohomology and Deformations of Clifford-Weyl Algebras

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    We give a complete study of the Clifford-Weyl algebra C(n,2k) from Bose-Fermi statistics, including Hochschild cohomology (with coefficients in itself). We show that C(n,2k) is rigid when n is even or when k ≠ 1. We find all non-trivial deformations of C(2n+1,2) and study their representations

    A method for Bayesian estimation of the probability of local intensity for some cities in Japan

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    Seismic hazard in terms of probability of exceedance of a given intensity in a given time span,was assessed for 12 sites in Japan.The method does not use any attenuation law.Instead,the dependence of local intensity on epicentral intensity I 0 is calculated directly from the data,using a Bayesian model.According to this model (Meroni et al., 1994),local intensity follows the binomial distribution with parameters (I 0 ,p ).The parameter p is considered as a random variable following the Beta distribution.This manner of Bayesian estimates of p are assessed for various values of epicentral intensity and epicentral distance.In order to apply this model for the assessment of seismic hazard,the area under consideration is divided into seismic sources (zones)of known seismicity.The contribution of each source on the seismic hazard at every site is calculated according to the Bayesian model and the result is the combined effect of all the sources.High probabilities of exceedance were calculated for the sites that are in the central part of the country,with hazard decreasing slightly towards the north and the south parts

    Learning from FACTS: lessons from the Framework for Appropriate Care Throughout Sheffield (FACTS) project.

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    Centre and Representations of U_q(sl(2|1)) at Roots of Unity

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    Quantum groups at roots of unity have the property that their centre is enlarged. Polynomial equations relate the standard deformed Casimir operators and the new central elements. These relations are important from a physical point of view since they correspond to relations among quantum expectation values of observables that have to be satisfied on all physical states. In this paper, we establish these relations in the case of the quantum Lie superalgebra U_q(sl(2|1)). In the course of the argument, we find and use a set of representations such that any relation satisfied on all the representations of the set is true in U_q(sl(2|1)). This set is a subset of the set of all the finite dimensional irreducible representations of U_q(sl(2|1)), that we classify and describe explicitly.Comment: Minor corrections, References added. LaTeX2e, 18 pages, also available at http://lapphp0.in2p3.fr/preplapp/psth/ENSLAPP583.ps.gz . To appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    Projectively equivariant quantizations over the superspace Rpq\R^{p|q}

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    We investigate the concept of projectively equivariant quantization in the framework of super projective geometry. When the projective superalgebra pgl(p+1|q) is simple, our result is similar to the classical one in the purely even case: we prove the existence and uniqueness of the quantization except in some critical situations. When the projective superalgebra is not simple (i.e. in the case of pgl(n|n)\not\cong sl(n|n)), we show the existence of a one-parameter family of equivariant quantizations. We also provide explicit formulas in terms of a generalized divergence operator acting on supersymmetric tensor fields.Comment: 19 page

    Advances on ELIC Design Studies

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    An electron-ion collider of a center-of-mass energy up to 90 GeV at luminosity up to 1035 cm-2s-1 with both beams highly polarized is essential for exploring the new QCD frontier of strong color fields in nuclear and precisely imaging the sea-quarks and gluons in the nucleon. A conceptual design of a ring-ring collider based on CEBAF (ELIC) with energies up to 9 GeV for electrons/positrons and up to 225 GeV for protons and 100 GeV/u for ions has been proposed to fulfill the science desire and to serve as the next step for CEBAF after the planned 12 GeV energy upgrade of the fixed target program. Here, we summarize recent design progress for the ELIC complex with four interaction points (IP); including interaction region optics with chromatic aberration compensation scheme and complete lattices for the Figure-8 collider rings. Further optimization of crab crossing angles at the IPs, simulations of beam-beam interactions and electron polarization in the Figure-8 ring and its matching at the IPs are also discussed