270 research outputs found

    Calsequestrins in skeletal and cardiac muscle from adult Danio rerio

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    Calsequestrin (Casq) is a high capacity, low affinity Ca2+-binding protein, critical for Ca2+-buffering in cardiac and skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum. All vertebrates have multiple genes encoding for different Casq isoforms. Increasing interest has been focused on mammalian and human Casq genes since mutations of both cardiac (Casq2) and skeletal muscle (Casq1) isoforms cause different, and sometime severe, human pathologies. Danio rerio (zebrafish) is a powerful model for studying function and mutations of human proteins. In this work, expression, biochemical properties cellular and sub-cellular localization of D. rerio native Casq isoforms are investigated. By quantitative PCR, three mRNAs were detected in skeletal muscle and heart with different abundances. Three zebrafish Casqs: Casq1a, Casq1b and Casq2 were identified by mass spectrometry (Data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD002455). Skeletal and cardiac zebrafish calsequestrins share properties with mammalian Casq1 and Casq2. Skeletal Casqs were found primarily, but not exclusively, at the sarcomere Z-line level where terminal cisternae of sarcoplasmic reticulum are located

    Photodynamic therapy for the successful management of cyclosporine-related gum hypertrophy: A novel therapeutic option

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    Background: Drug-induced gingival overgrowth is associated with the intake of three classes of drugs: anticonvulsants, immunosuppressants, and calcium channel blockers. It is clinically characterized by hyperplasia of the gingival connective tissue which appears edematous, bloody, and purplish-red in color. In more severe cases, drug-induced gingival hyperplasia negatively affects the patient’s quality of life, making it difficult to eat and practice good oral hygiene. Drug-induced gingival overgrowth therapy is controversial and, in fact, no studies in the literature highlight a well-defined therapeutic protocol. The therapies that are described provide primarily for non-surgical periodontal treatment and second-line surgical treatment. The aim of this work is to highlight a case of drug-induced gingival hyperplasia which was completely resolved thanks to photodynamic therapy which is completely free from side effects. Design and Methods: Photodynamic therapy was performed on an 18year-old female patient with LEDs at a power of 450–470nm and 5500mW/cm2+7500mW/cm2, combined with a Curcuma longa-based photosensitizer. A single session was performed, with applications of approximately 30s for each interdental papilla. Results: The patient improved markedly after only one cycle of PDT. There was an absence of clinically detectable inflammation, edema, and rubor of the involved dental papillae. At the 4, 6, and 12week follow-ups there were no recurrences. Conclusions: This case report highlights the first case of drug-induced gingival hypertrophy entirely treated with photodynamic therapy to be described in the literature. Therefore, although it is only a case report, this therapy which is free from side effects should be investigated as an alternative to current therapies

    Contrasting a Misinterpretation of the Reverse Contrast

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    open access articleThe reverse contrast is a perceptual phenomenon in which the effect of the classical simultaneous lightness contrast is reversed. In classic simultaneous lightness contrast configurations, a gray surrounded by black is perceived lighter than an identical gray surrounded by white, but in the reverse contrast configurations, the perceptual outcome is the opposite: a gray surrounded by black appears darker than the same gray surrounded by white. The explanation provided for the reverse contrast (by different authors) is the belongingness of the gray targets to a more complex configuration. Different configurations show the occurrence of these phenomena; however, the factors determining this effect are not always the same. In particular, some configurations are based on both belongingness and assimilation, while one configuration is based only on belongingness. The evidence that different factors determine the reverse contrast is crucial for future research dealing with achromatic color perception and, in particular, with lightness induction phenomena

    SNARC-like compatibility effects for physical and phenomenal magnitudes: A study on visual illusions

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    Both numerical and non-numerical magnitudes elicit similar Spatial-Numerical Association of Response Codes (SNARC) effects, with small magnitudes associated with left hand responses and large magnitudes associated with right hand responses (Dehaene, Bossini, Giraux, 1993). In the present study, we investigated whether the phenomenal size of visual illusions elicits the same SNARC-like effect revealed for the physical size of pictorial surfaces. Four experiments were conducted by using the Delboeuf illusion (Experiment 1) and the Kanizsa triangle illusion (Experiments 2, 3 & 4). Experiment 1 suggests the presence of a SNARC-like compatibility effect for the physical size of the inducers, while this effect was not revealed for the phenomenal size of the induced elements, possibly masked by a stronger effect of the inducers. A SNARC-like effect for the phenomenal size of the Kanizsa triangle was revealed when participants directly compared the size of the triangles (Experiment 4). Conversely, when participants performed an indirect task (orientation judgment), the SNARC-like effect was present neither for the illusory nor for the physical displays (Experiments 2 & 3). The effect revealed for the size of illusory triangles was comparable to that of real triangles with physical contours, suggesting that both phenomenal and physical magnitudes similarly elicit SNARC-like effects

    Panic disorder patients and healthy people differently identify their own heart frequency through sound

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    The file attached to this record is the Publisher's version. Open access journal.The ability to detect the perceptual cues related to cardiac activity is an important aspect related to the onset and maintenance of some psychopathological disorders, such as panic disorder. We tested two groups – panic disorder (PD) patients and healthy participants – in order to examine the ability to estimate participants’ own heart frequency. We used an auditory identification task, based on the administration of auditory tracks representative of ecological sounds of heartbeat. Results showed that all healthy participants underestimated their own heart frequency, whereas the majority of PD patients overestimated it. This different response tendency could influence the development of psychopathologies such as panic disorder. These outcomes suggest the possible development of training for PD patients based on the use of auditory stimulation

    Calsequestrins new calcium store markers of adult Zebrafish cerebellum and optic tectum

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    Calcium stores in neurons are heterogeneous in compartmentalization and molecular composition. Danio rerio (zebrafish) is an animal model with a simply folded cerebellum similar in cellular organization to that of mammals. The aim of the study was to identify new endoplasmic reticulum (ER) calcium store markers in zebrafish adult brain with emphasis on cerebellum and optic tectum. By quantitative polymerase chain reaction, we found three RNA transcripts coding for the intra-ER calcium binding protein calsequestrin: casq1a, casq1b, and casq2. In brain homogenates, two isoforms were detected by mass spectrometry and western blotting. Fractionation experiments of whole brain revealed that Casq1a and Casq2 were enriched in a heavy fraction containing ER microsomes and synaptic membranes. By in situ hybridization, we found the heterogeneous expression of casq1a and casq2 mRNA to be compatible with the cellular localization of calsequestrins investigated by immunofluorescence. Casq1 was expressed in neurogenic differentiation 1 expressing the granule cells of the cerebellum and the periventricular zone of the optic tectum. Casq2 was concentrated in parvalbumin expressing Purkinje cells. At a subcellular level, Casq1 was restricted to granular cell bodies, and Casq2 was localized in cell bodies, dendrites, and axons. Data are discussed in relation to the differential cellular and subcellular distribution of other cerebellum calcium store markers and are evaluated with respect to the putative relevance of calsequestrins in the neuron-specific functional activity

    Vaccination attitude and communication in early settings: An exploratory study

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    Background: This study assesses attitudes towards vaccination in mothers of new-born babies and explores its association with different exposures to communication. Methods: Data were collected through questionnaires administered by means of interviews. Results: Data highlighted that 20% of mothers showed an orientation towards vaccine hesitancy. As for the reasons behind the attitude to vaccine hesitancy, data showed that concern is a common feature. As for the different exposures to communication, 49% of mothers did not remember having received or looked for any information about vaccination during pregnancy and post-partum; 25% stated they received information from several healthcare and non-healthcare sources; 26% declared having received or looked for information by means of healthcare and non-healthcare sources, as well as having taken part in a specific meeting during antenatal classes or at birth centres. The attitude towards vaccine hesitancy tends to reduce as exposure to different communication increases. Conclusions: This study supports the hypothesis that participation in interactive meetings in small groups focused on vaccination during the prenatal course or at the birth point may act as an enabling factor contributing to a decrease in the tendency to experience vaccine hesitation

    Further Empirical Evidence on Patrick Hughes’ Reverspectives: A Pilot Study

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    open access articleReverspectives are paintings created by the English artist Patrick Hughes. They are 3D structures, for example, pyramids or prisms, which elicit an illusory depth perception that corresponds to the reverse of the physical depth layout. Rogers and Gyani state that “the perspective information provided by a simple grid of vertical and horizontal lines on a slanting surface can be just as powerful as the information provided by a rich, naturalistic scene”. The present experiment was aimed to further investigate this perspective reversal. Three independent variables were manipulated: (1) texture components (i.e., vertical, horizontal, and oblique lines components), (2) texture spatial arrangement (i.e., Hughes-type “perspective” grid vs. equidistant “no perspective” grid), and (3) illumination direction (i.e., homogeneous illumination, light from above, and light from below). The dependent variable was the “critical distance”, namely, the distance between an approaching observer and the stimulus at which the illusory depth perception of concavity/convexity switched to the actual perception of convexity/concavity. The results showed that a stronger illusion is elicited by: (a) a Hughes-type texture spatial arrangement; (b) a complete grid texture composition, having both vertical and horizontal, and oblique components; and (c) illumination from below, as opposed to the condition in which light is coming from above
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