312 research outputs found

    Artroplastia "De la Caffinière" en pacientes afectos de artrosis trapecio-metacarpiana: seguimiento a 15 años

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    Presentamos un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo de 13 pacientes afectos de artrosis-trapecio metacarpiana intervenidos con artroplastia De la Caffinière en el departamento de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología de la Clínica Universitaria de Navarra con un seguimiento medio de 14,2 años. La edad media de los pacientes fue de 56 años (rango 30 a 76 años). En 12 casos fueron mujeres y en una ocasión un varón. Los resultados funcionales son excelentes. Las complicaciones observadas durante el seguimiento ha sido el aflojamiento del componente trapecial (15-25%). La artroplastia De la Caffinière como tratamiento de la artrosis trapecio-metacarpiana muestra resultados excelentes en pacientes de 60 años con baja demanda funcional y un estadio III de Eaton en la articulación trapeciometacarpiana. Las movilizaciones asépticas observada en nuestro estudio son asintomáticas y no requirieron tratamiento médico o quirúrgico siendo bien tolerada por los pacientes.We report a descriptive retrospective study of 13 De la Caffinière trapezium-metacarpal cemented protheses implanted for painful TMC arthrosis in the Department of Orthopedics of the University Clinic of Navarra with an average follow-up of 14,2 years. The middle ages of the patients were 56 years old (range 30 to 76 years). In 12 cases they were women and in one case a male. The functional results are excellent. The complications observed during the follow-up has been the loosening of the trapezium component (15-25 %). De la Caffinière arthroplasty as treatment of the degenerative TMC arthrosis shows excellent results in 60-year-old patients with low functional demand and a stadium III of Eaton. The aseptic mobilization observed in our study are asymtomatic and they did not need medical or surgical treatment being well tolerated by the patients

    Implicaciones del hiperparatiroidismo primario en cirugía ortopédica y traumatología: presentación de dos casos y revisión de la bibliografía

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    El hiperparatiroidismo primario es una patología en relación con el metabolismo del calcio con el resultado de niveles de calcio séricos elevados y un incremento en el nivel de hormona paratifoidea (PTH). Los pacientes suelen encontrarse asintomáticos al diagnóstico, basándose en un diagnóstico bioquímico, al observarse un nivel de calcio sérico elevado. Los avances en imagen, mediciones de hormona paratiroidea y la técnica quirúrgica permite un abordaje sin necesidad de la exploración de las cuatro glándulas paratiroideas. El objetivo de nuestro trabajo es realizar una revisión retrospectiva de pacientes afectos de hiperparatiroidismo primario en nuestro centro y mostrar su implicación en cirugía ortopédica y traumatología.Primary hyperparathyroidism is a generalized disorder of calcium metabolism resulting from abnormally high levels of serum calcium and an increased level of parathyroid hormone (PTH). Are most often diagnosed when routine biochemical testing shows an elevated serum calcium levels. Advances in imaging technology, intraoperative parathyroid hormone measurement, and surgical technique now allow parathyroidectomy to be performed using a focused approach without the absolute need of a four-gland exploration. We have done a retrospective revision of patients with hyperparathyroidism and his implication in orthopaedics surgery

    Aplicación de las clasificaciones geomecánicas al estudio de excavaciones subterráneas

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    Se realiza una revisión de la metodología seguida en la elaboración de las Clasificaciones Geomecánicas, así como de los factores geológicos que son empl eados por éstas. Se han seleccionado, por sus características específicas, cuatro clasificaciones (R.S.R., Q., R.M.R. Y S.R.e.), siendo estudiados en profundidad

    ¿Qué hay dentro de la cueva? : una experiencia multisensorial para trabajar las ciencias con alumnos de Educación Infantil

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    Este trabajo implica el diseño, planificación, implementación al aula y análisis de una experiencia multisensorial donde se trabajan contenidos científicos dirigida a alumnos de Educación Infantil (EI). El objetivo es doble: en primer lugar educar sensorialmente a los niños mediante una exploración en la que utilizan los cinco sentidos de manera simultánea y experimentar las sensaciones que ofrece la manipulación de materiales naturales. En segundo lugar, que los maestros en activo, al analizar la experiencia, evalúen la necesidad de trabajar la educación sensorial en ciencias y reconozcan su insustituible valor didáctico en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.Este trabajo implica el diseño, planificación, implementación al aula y análisis de una experiencia multisensorial donde se trabajan contenidos científicos dirigida a alumnos de Educación Infantil (EI). El objetivo es doble: en primer lugar educar sensorialmente a los niños mediante una exploración en la que utilizan los cinco sentidos de manera simultánea y experimentar las sensaciones que ofrece la manipulación de materiales naturales. En segundo lugar, que los maestros en activo, al analizar la experiencia, evalúen la necesidad de trabajar la educación sensorial en ciencias y reconozcan su insustituible valor didáctico en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje

    Bio-inspired broad-class phonetic labelling

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    Recent studies have shown that the correct labeling of phonetic classes may help current Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) when combined with classical parsing automata based on Hidden Markov Models (HMM).Through the present paper a method for Phonetic Class Labeling (PCL) based on bio-inspired speech processing is described. The methodology is based in the automatic detection of formants and formant trajectories after a careful separation of the vocal and glottal components of speech and in the operation of CF (Characteristic Frequency) neurons in the cochlear nucleus and cortical complex of the human auditory apparatus. Examples of phonetic class labeling are given and the applicability of the method to Speech Processing is discussed

    Fracturas de antebrazo: resultado funcional tras reducción abierta y osteosíntesis

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    Hemos realizado una revisión retrospectiva de pacientes intervenidos por fracturas de antebrazo, recogiendo el resultado funcional (Grace-Eversmann). También hemos analizado la deformidad radial residual mediante el cálculo curvatura mayor del radio (CMR). Se cálculo el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson entre la CMR y el resultado funcional. Los resultados de 20 pacientes intervenidos entre 1972 y 2005. El tratamiento quirúrgico fue de reducción abierta y fijación interna (RAFI) en el 70%. El resultado funcional fue de excelente el 50% y malo en el 20%. La curvatura mayor del radio oscilaba entre 5 mm - 20 mm. No hemos observado correlación entre las variables estudiadas. No hemos observado correlación anatómico-funcional en los pacientes tratados quirúrgicamente por fractura de cubito y radio.Retrospective review of clinical notes. Data regarding to the surgical treatments. Functional outcomes (Grace-Eversmann). Residual radius deformity was analyzed measuring the radius curvature. Pearson's correlation coefficient was measured between radius curvature and functional outcome. Data of 20 patients attended between 1972 and 2005 are reviewed. Surgical treatment was open reduction and internal fíxation in 70% patients. The outcome was excellent in 50 % and poor in 20%. La major curve of the radius was between 5mm -20 mm. We haven't seen correlation in the variables studied. We haven't seen between the curvature of the radius and functional outcome any correlation in patients treated surgically of ulna and radius fractures

    Understanding the Observed Evolution of the Galaxy Luminosity Function from z=6-10 in the Context of Hierarchical Structure Formation

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    Recent observations of the Lyman-break galaxy (LBG) luminosity function (LF) from z~6-10 show a steep decline in abundance with increasing redshift. However, the LF is a convolution of the mass function of dark matter halos (HMF)--which also declines sharply over this redshift range--and the galaxy-formation physics that maps halo mass to galaxy luminosity. We consider the strong observed evolution in the LF from z~6-10 in this context and determine whether it can be explained solely by the behavior of the HMF. From z~6-8, we find a residual change in the physics of galaxy formation corresponding to a ~0.5 dex increase in the average luminosity of a halo of fixed mass. On the other hand, our analysis of recent LF measurements at z~10 shows that the paucity of detected galaxies is consistent with almost no change in the average luminosity at fixed halo mass from z~8. The LF slope also constrains the variation about this mean such that the luminosity of galaxies hosted by halos of the same mass are all within about an order-of-magnitude of each other. We show that these results are well-described by a simple model of galaxy formation in which cold-flow accretion is balanced by star formation and momentum-driven outflows. If galaxy formation proceeds in halos with masses down to 10^8 Msun, then such a model predicts that LBGs at z~10 should be able to maintain an ionized intergalactic medium as long as the ratio of the clumping factor to the ionizing escape fraction is C/f_esc < 10.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures; results unchanged; accepted by JCA

    Magnetoelectric ordering of BiFeO3 from the perspective of crystal chemistry

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    In this paper we examine the role of crystal chemistry factors in creating conditions for formation of magnetoelectric ordering in BiFeO3. It is generally accepted that the main reason of the ferroelectric distortion in BiFeO3 is concerned with a stereochemical activity of the Bi lone pair. However, the lone pair is stereochemically active in the paraelectric orthorhombic beta-phase as well. We demonstrate that a crucial role in emerging of phase transitions of the metal-insulator, paraelectric-ferroelectric and magnetic disorder-order types belongs to the change of the degree of the lone pair stereochemical activity - its consecutive increase with the temperature decrease. Using the structural data, we calculated the sign and strength of magnetic couplings in BiFeO3 in the range from 945 C down to 25 C and found the couplings, which undergo the antiferromagnetic-ferromagnetic transition with the temperature decrease and give rise to the antiferromagnetic ordering and its delay in regard to temperature, as compared to the ferroelectric ordering. We discuss the reasons of emerging of the spatially modulated spin structure and its suppression by doping with La3+.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, 3 table

    Multi-wavelength laser based on an arrayed waveguide grating and Sagnac loop reflectors monolithically integrated on InP

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    In this paper, a multi-wavelength laser monolithically integrated on InP is presented. A linear laser cavity is built between two integrated Sagnac loop reflectors, with an Arrayed Waveguide Grating (AWG) as frequency selective device, and Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers (SOA) as gain sections. The power is out coupled from the cavity using a side diffraction order of the AWG. Simultaneous laser operation is provided for four wavelengths/cavities in the device. The termination of the laser cavities with integrated Sagnac loop reflectors avoids using high reflection coating. Only anti-reflection coating is used in the output facet of the chip

    Experimental validation of gallium production and isotope-dependent positron range correction in PET

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    Abstract Positron range (PR) is one of the important factors that limit the spatial resolution of positron emission tomography (PET) preclinical images. Its blurring effect can be corrected to a large extent if the appropriate method is used during the image reconstruction. Nevertheless, this correction requires an accurate modelling of the PR for the particular radionuclide and materials in the sample under study. In this work we investigate PET imaging with 68Ga and 66Ga radioisotopes, which have a large PR and are being used in many preclinical and clinical PET studies. We produced a 68Ga and 66Ga phantom on a natural zinc target through (p,n) reactions using the 9-MeV proton beam delivered by the 5-MV CMAM tandetron accelerator. The phantom was imaged in an ARGUS small animal PET/CT scanner and reconstructed with a fully 3D iterative algorithm, with and without PR corrections. The reconstructed images at different time frames show significant improvement in spatial resolution when the appropriate PR is applied for each frame, by taking into account the relative amount of each isotope in the sample. With these results we validate our previously proposed PR correction method for isotopes with large PR. Additionally, we explore the feasibility of PET imaging with 68Ga and 66Ga radioisotopes in proton therapy.We acknowledge support from the Spanish MINECO through projects FPA2010-17142, FPA2013-41267-P, CSD-2007-00042 (CPAN), and the RTC-2015-3772-1 grant. We also acknowledge support from Comunidad de Madrid via the TOPUS S2013/MIT-3024 project