3,821 research outputs found

    Estudo de validade da escala South Oaks Gambling Screen junto a grupos distintos de jogadores brasileiros

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    OBJECTIVE: The main objective of this study was to assess the internal consistency and to perform a factor analysis of the Brazilian version of the SOGS - South Oaks Gambling Screen - scale, as well as its ability to discriminate between different profiles of gamblers. METHOD: Two hundred and seventeen subjects were enrolled in the study: 46 gamblers under treatment at the Gamblers Treatment Unit of PROAD - Program for Orientation and Attention of Dependent Persons- of the Federal University of São Paulo; 96 social gamblers and 75 subjects screened as pathological gamblers recruited at the local Jockey Club, video poker and bingo clubs. RESULTS: Differences in the score means of all three groups were statistically significant and were able to discriminate between social gamblers, pathological gamblers interviewed in a gambling site and the clinical sample. The internal consistency of the 20-item scale measured by Cronbach's alpha was 0.9304. Factor analysis resulted in a three-dimensional solution accounting for 58,6% of the total variance: a first factor composed mainly by questions related to the consequences of gambling; a second factor encompassing questions related to the gambling behavior of pathological gamblers; and a third and less expressive factor involving only two questions, probably a hybrid one of difficult interpretation. CONCLUSIONS: The Brazilian version of the SOGS was a useful screen to discriminate Brazilian pathological gamblers from social gamblers as well as to differentiate clinical pathological from non-clinical pathological gamblers, and to identify different levels of severity.OBJETIVOS: O objetivo desse estudo é avaliar a consistência interna e a dimensionalidade da versão da South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS) adaptada para uso em população brasileira e sua capacidade de discriminar diferentes tipos de jogadores. MÉTODO: O estudo envolveu 217 jogadores ¾ contatados no Jockey Clube de São Paulo, em casas de bingo e de vídeo pôquer ¾, sendo que 46 deles haviam procurado tratamento no Ambulatório de Jogo Patológico do Programa de Orientação e Atendimento a Dependentes da Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP).Entre eles 96 eram jogadores sociais e 75 eram classificados como prováveis jogadores patológicos. RESULTADOS: As diferenças das médias de pontuações das subamostras foram estatisticamente significantes, discriminando jogadores sociais e jogadores patológicos entrevistados em local de jogo e amostra clínica. A SOGS, em sua versão integral de 20 itens, apresentou consistência interna medida pelo modelo Alfa de Cronbach de 0,9304. A análise fatorial da estrutura da escala resultou em uma solução de três dimensões, respondendo por 58,6% da variabilidade total dos dados na amostra: um primeiro fator constituído preponderantemente por questões referentes a conseqüências do comportamento de jogar; um segundo fator reunindo predominantemente questões relativas ao próprio comportamento de jogar dos jogadores patológicos; e um terceiro fator, menos decisivo no conjunto e composto de apenas duas questões, parecendo ser um fator híbrido de difícil interpretação. CONCLUSÕES: A versão adaptada para o Brasil da SOGS mostrou-se um instrumento útil para discriminar jogadores brasileiros patológicos de jogadores não-patológicos, como também diferenciou os grupos clínico e não-clínico de jogadores patológicos, identificando graus distintos de gravidade.Federal University of São Paulo Department of Psychiatry Ambulatory of Pathological GamblingUniversity of São Paulo Institute of Psychology Department of Experimental PsychologyFederal University of São Paulo Department of PsychiatryUNIFESP, Department of Psychiatry Ambulatory of Pathological GamblingUNIFESP, Department of PsychiatrySciEL

    Thermoreversible gels for the encapsulation of macrophages: evaluation of polymer type on rheology and cytocompatibility

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    Thermoresponsive polymers have become a highly sought-after “smart material” due to their ability to modify their physical characteristics due to temperature changes. This research aimed to determine the biocompatibility of specific thermoreversible gels for immunocompetent cell models containing ImmuPHAGETM, human alveolar macrophage-like cells. Four polymers were selected based on their transition temperatures, including three commercially available pharmaceutical excipients, namely poloxamer 407, soluplus, and methylcellulose. The fourth system, poly(N-isopropyl acrylamide)-b-poly(ethylene oxide)-b-poly(N-isopropyl acrylamide), was synthesised in-house. Initially, the phase behaviour of these four polymers was evaluated visually by warming the polymer solutions and determining the state of the solution by vial inversion. Subsequently, a combination of rheological measurements was employed to compare the properties of these thermoreversible gels in culture media. The physical characterisation was followed by conducting cytocompatibility tests using human alveolar macrophages to assess their suitability as a scaffold for cell culture in vitro and to determine the cell response to different culturing environments. The study concluded that methylcellulose is the most promising and cost-effective material worth further exploration as a responsive matrix for immune cell encapsulation. Keywords: Thermoresponsive, Thermogelling, Alveolar macrophages, Foamy macrophages, immunocompetent in vitro models

    Colossal Pressure-Induced Softening in Scandium Fluoride

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    The counter-intuitive phenomenon of pressure-induced softening in materials is likely to be caused by the same dynamical behaviour that produces negative thermal expansion. Through a combination of molecular dynamics simulation on an idealised model and neutron diffraction at variable temperature and pressure, we show the existence of extraordinary and unprecedented pressure-induced softening in the negative thermal expansion material scandium fluoride, ScF3_3, with values of the pressure-derivative of the bulk modulus BB, B=B/PB^\prime = \partial B / \partial P, reaching as low as 40±1-40 \pm 1

    International consensus on terminology to be used in the field of echinococcoses

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    Echinococcoses require the involvement of specialists from nearly all disciplines; standardization of the terminology used in the field is thus crucial. To harmonize echinococcosis terminology on sound scientific and linguistic grounds, the World Association of Echinococcosis launched a Formal Consensus process. Under the coordination of a Steering and Writing Group (SWG), a Consultation and Rating Group (CRG) had the main missions of (1) providing input on the list of terms drafted by the SWG, taking into account the available literature and the participants' experience; and (2) providing independent rating on all debated terms submitted to vote. The mission of the Reading and Review Group (RRG) was to give an opinion about the recommendation paper in terms of readability, acceptability and applicability. The main achievements of this process were: (1) an update of the current nomenclature of Echinococcus spp.; (2) an agreement on three names of diseases due to Echinococcus spp.: Cystic Echinococcosis (CE), Alveolar Echinococcosis (AE) and Neotropical Echinococcosis (NE), and the exclusion of all other names; (3) an agreement on the restricted use of the adjective "hydatid" to refer to the cyst and fluid due to E. granulosus sensu lato; and (4) an agreement on a standardized description of the surgical operations for CE, according to the "Approach, cyst Opening, Resection, and Completeness" (AORC) framework. In addition, 95 "approved" and 60 "rejected" terms were listed. The recommendations provided in this paper will be applicable to scientific publications in English and communication with professionals. They will be used for translation into other languages spoken in endemic countries. [Abstract copyright: © D.A. Vuitton et al., published by EDP Sciences, 2020.

    Encefalopatia Hipóxico-Isquémica por Asfixia Perinatal: Evolução a Curto e Longo Prazo

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    Introdução: A encefalopatia hipoxico-isquémica (EHI) é uma causa importante de mortalidade e morbilidade a longo prazo. Estima-se que anualmente ocorram 1 a 8 casos /1000 nascimentos. A asfixia perinatal mantida é a causa mais frequente de EHI. Objectivo: Avaliar a evolução a curto e longo prazo de crianças com EHI devido a asfixia perinatal. Metodologia: Estudo prospectivo histórico. População: Recém-nascidos (RN) consecutivos, nascidos na maternidade do HDE, com idade gestacional ≥ 37 semanas, admitidos na UCIN com os diagnósticos de EHI e asfixia perinatal, sem anomalias congénitas major. Período: 04/04/2001 – 31/12/2010. Variáveis: morbilidade, sobrevivência e sequelas. Covariáveis: peso ao nascer, idade gestacional, índice de Apgar, eventos peri-parto e tipo de parto. Resultados: Dos 19365 nados-vivos (NV), foram incluídos 28 RN (incidência 1,4/1000). Características da amostra: 68 % do sexo masculino; peso médio ao nascer 3180 g, mediana da idade gestacional 39,4 semanas. Índice de Apgar: moda ao 1º, 5º e 10º minuto, respectivamente 2, 5 e 7. Eventos peri-parto mais frequentes: líquido amniótico meconial (46,4%), alterações cardiotocográficas (50%) e circular cervical apertada (10,7%). Em 67,8% dos casos, foi realizada cesariana de emergência. Todos os RN necessitaram de manobras de reanimação. Desenvolveram EHI: ligeira 12 (42,9%), moderada 7 (25%) e grave 9 (32,1%). Ocorreram convulsões em 66% dos RN e disfunção multiorgânica em 12 RN (42,9%). Dos exames de imagem, a ecografia transfontanelar (ECOTF) foi realizada em 89,3% dos casos, o electroencefalograma (EEG) em 67,9% e a RMN em 32,1%. A ECOTF revelou alterações sugestivas de EHI em todos os casos; o EEG evidenciou anomalia da actividade eléctrica em 73,7% e a RMN revelou achados compatíveis com EHI em 100%. Houve 3 óbitos. Dos sobreviventes, 75% foram seguidos em consulta hospitalar, apresentando como sequelas graves paralisia cerebral (22,2%), atraso global do desenvolvimento (16,6%), epilepsia (11,1%), surdez neurossensorial (5,6%) e hemiparésia (5,6%). Conclusões: A incidência de EHI por asfixia foi 1,4/1000 NV. Verificou-se EHI ligeira em 42,8% dos casos. A mortalidade foi de 14,3%. Nos 18 casos seguidos, 38,9% não apresentavam sequelas ou tinham sequelas ligeiras. Apenas um caso foi submetido a hipotermia, sendo esta uma terapêutica promissora

    Modelling of the pH effect on the biosorption of heavy metals by marine algae Sargassum filipendula

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    Modelling of the pH effect on the biosorption of heavy metals by marine algae Sargassum filipendula. In this paper the biosorption of metal ions Cu(2+), Cd(2+) and Zn(2+) in single-component system by Sargassum filipendula pre-treated with 0.5 M CaCl(2) was studied. The experiments were carried out in a batch reactor at different fixed pH (3.0, 4.0, 5.0 and 6.0) and 30 degrees C. All the equilibrium data obtained were described using two pH-dependent isotherm models, based on the Langmuir isotherm. Artificial neural networks was also used to represent the pH effect on the biosorption equilibrium. The input of the networks were the equilibrium concentration of the metal in the fluid phase and the pH. As output the concentration of the metallic specie in the biosorbent was used. The results showed that the modeling using artificial neural networks technique represented the equilibrium data much better than the conventional modeling by the pH-dependent isotherm models.33443944

    Phytoplankton dynamics in relation to seasonal variability and upwelling and relaxation patterns at the mouth of Ria de Aveiro (West Iberian Margin) over a four-year period

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    From June 2004 to December 2007, samples were weekly collected at a fixed station located at the mouth of Ria de Aveiro (West Iberian Margin). We examined the seasonal and inter-annual fluctuations in composition and community structure of the phytoplankton in relation to the main environmental drivers and assessed the influence of the oceano-graphic regime, namely changes in frequency and intensity of upwelling events, over the dynamics of the phytoplankton assemblage. The samples were consistently handled and a final subset of 136 OTUs (taxa with relative abundance > 0.01%) was subsequently submitted to various multivariate analyses. The phytoplankton assemblage showed significant changes at all temporal scales but with an overriding importance of seasonality over longer-(inter-annual) or shorter-term fluctuations (upwelling-related). Sea-surface temperature, salinity and maximum upwelling index were retrieved as the main driver of seasonal change. Seasonal signal was most evident in the fluctuations of chlorophyll a concentration and in the high turnover from the winter to spring phytoplankton assemblage. The seasonal cycle of production and succession was disturbed by upwelling events known to disrupt thermal stratification and induce changes in the phytoplankton assemblage. Our results indicate that both the frequency and intensity of physical forcing were important drivers of such variability, but the outcome in terms of species composition was highly dependent on the available local pool of species and the timing of those events in relation to the seasonal cycle. We conclude that duration, frequency and intensity of upwelling events, which vary seasonally and inter-annually, are paramount for maintaining long-term phytoplankton diversity likely by allowing unstable coexistence and incorporating species turnover at different scales. Our results contribute to the understanding of the complex mechanisms of coastal phytoplankton dynamics in relation to changing physical forcing which is fundamental to improve predictability of future prospects under climate change.Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) [SFRH/BPD/ 94562/2013]; FEDER funds; national funds; CESAM [UID/AMB/50017]; FCT/MEC through national funds; FEDERinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio