363 research outputs found

    Indian Fake Currency Detection using Image Processing: A Review

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    Paper currency identification is one of the image processing techniques i.e. clothed to recognize currency of different countries. The paper currencies of different countries are collectively rises ever more. However, the main intention of most of the standard currency recognition systems and machines is on recognizing fake currencies. The features are extracted by using image processing toolbox in MATLAB and preprocessed by reducing the data size in captured image. The expose pluck out is discharged by considering HSV (Hue Saturation Value). The chief is neural network classifier and the next step is recognition. MATLAB is used to evolve this program. The new source of paper currency recognition is pattern recognition. But for currency recognition, converter system is an image processing method which is used to identify currency and transfer it into the other currencies as the users need. The need of currency recognition and converters is accurately to recognize the currencies and transfer the currency immediately into the other currency. This application uses the computing energy in differentiation among different kinds of currencies are differentiated with their suitable class using power computing. Fake note at present plays a key topic for the researchers. The recognition system is composed of two parts. First is the captured image and the second is recognition. Forged currencies recognition is the main aim of the standard paper currency identification system. The most mandatory system is currency identification system and it should be very accurate. The performance of different methods are surveyed to refine the exactness of currency recognition system

    Multi-Authority Access Control Mechanisms in Cloud: A Review

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    Cloud computing is a computing technology or information technology architecture used by organization or individuals. It launches data storage and interactive paradigm with some advantages like on-demand self-services, ubiquitous network access. Due to popularity of cloud services, security and privacy becomes major issue. This paper addresses study of privacy preservation issues and also provides an idea to how to overcome the issues. Also it provides a brief survey on various Robust Access Privilege Control mechanism used for providing privacy in cloud storage

    Fake Currency Detection using Image Processing

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    In recent years, a lot of illegal counterfeiting rings manufacture and sell fake coins and at the same time fake note currency is printed as well, which have caused great loss and damage to the society. Thus it is imperative to be able to detect fake currency. We propose a new approach to detect fake Indian notes using their images. A currency image is represented in the dissimilarity space, which is a vector space constructed by comparing the image with a set of prototypes. Each dimension measures the dissimilarity between the image under consideration and a prototype. In order to obtain the dissimilarity between two images, the local key points on each image are detected and described. Based on the characteristics of the currency, the matched key points between the two images can be identified in an efficient manner. A post processing procedure is further proposed to remove mismatched key points. Due to the limited number of fake currency in real life, SVM is conducted for fake currency detection, so only genuine currency are needed to train the classifier

    Analysis of Big Data Processing Using HDM Framework

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    MapReduce and Spark have been introduced to ease the task of developing big data programs and applications. However, the jobs in these frameworks are roughly defined and packaged as executable jars without any functionality being exposed or described. This means that deployed jobs are not natively composable and reusable for subsequent development. Besides, it also hampers the ability for applying optimizations on the data flow of job sequences and pipelines. The Hierarchically Distributed Data Matrix (HDM) which is a functional, strongly-typed data representation for writing composable big data applications. Along with HDM, a runtime framework is provided to support the execution, integration and management of HDM applications on distributed infrastructures. Based on the functional data dependency graph of HDM, multiple optimizations are applied to improve the performance of executing HDM jobs. The experimental results show that our optimizations can achieve improvements between 10% to 30% of the Job-Completion-Time and clustering time for different types of applications when compared

    Hypoglycemic and Antihyperglycemic effect of Ceiba pentandra l. Gaertn in Normal and Streptozotocininduced Diabetic Rats

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    Background: Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn, commonly called silk-cotton tree, has been extensively used by traditional medicine practitioners in Northern and Eastern Nigeria in the control and management of diabetes.Objective: To evaluate the hypoglycaemic and antihyperglycaemic effect of ethanolic extract of Ceiba pentandra bark in normal and streptozotocin induced diabetic rats.Method: Screening activity of the extract was carried out by OGTT. Diabetes mellitus was induced with streptozotocin and graded doses of the ethanolic bark extract (200 and 400 mg/kg, b.w.) were then administered to the experimentally diabetic rats. The blood glucose level was measured at different time intervals.Results: The single dose study of C. pentandra extract at two different doses produced no significant hypoglycaemic effect in normal rats but C. pentandra (200 mg/kg) significantly decreased blood glucose level in diabetic rats. In OGTT, C. pentandra (200 mg/kg) significantly reduced elevated glucose level in normal and diabetic rats. In long term (21 days) study, C. pentandra (200 mg/kg) significantly decreased blood glucose level, total cholesterol and triglycerides level, prevented degeneration of liver and pancreas, and increased serum insulin level and liver glycogen content in diabetic rats. Acute toxicity study in rats did not show any signs of toxicity up to the dose of 2000 mg/kg b.w.Conclusion: The results reveal that the extract improved glucose tolerance in normal and streptozotocininduced diabetic rats. Thus the study suggests that the C. pentandra bark extract could be beneficial in the management of type I diabetes.Keywords: Antihyperglycemic, Ceiba pentandra, glibenclamide, hypoglycaemic, Streptozotocin

    Estimation of the economic burden of COVID-19 using disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) and productivity losses in Kerala, India: a model-based analysis

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    OBJECTIVES: From the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, clinical practice and research globally have centred on the prevention of transmission and treatment of the disease. The pandemic has had a huge impact on the economy and stressed healthcare systems worldwide. The present study estimates disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), years of potential productive life lost (YPPLL) and cost of productivity lost (CPL) due to premature mortality and absenteeism secondary to COVID-19 in the state of Kerala, India. SETTING: Details on sociodemographics, incidence, death, quarantine, recovery time, etc were derived from public sources and the Collective for Open Data Distribution-Keralam. The working proportion for 5-year age–gender cohorts and the corresponding life expectancy were obtained from the 2011 Census of India. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: The impact of the disease was computed through model-based analysis on various age–gender cohorts. Sensitivity analysis was conducted by adjusting six variables across 21 scenarios. We present two estimates, one until 15 November 2020 and later updated to 10 June 2021. RESULTS: Severity of infection and mortality were higher among the older cohorts, with men being more susceptible than women in most subgroups. DALYs for males and females were 15 954.5 and 8638.4 until 15 November 2020, and 83 853.0 and 56 628.3 until 10 June 2021. The corresponding YPPLL were 1323.57 and 612.31 until 15 November 2020, and 6993.04 and 3811.57 until 10 June 2021, and the CPL (premature mortality) were 263 780 579.94 and 41 836 001.82 until 15 November 2020, and 1 419 557 903.76 and 278 275 495.29 until 10 June 2021. CONCLUSIONS: Most of the COVID-19 burden was contributed by years of life lost. Losses due to YPPLL were reduced as the impact of COVID-19 infection was lesser among the productive cohorts. The CPL values for individuals aged 40–49 years old were the highest. These estimates provide the data necessary for policymakers to work on reducing the economic burden of COVID-19 in Kerala


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    India Post provides postal facilities within the reach of every citizen in the country through its vast network at an affordable price. Besides providing postal services, post offices perform agency functions like Savings Bank, payment of pension, sale of Cash Certificates etc. on behalf of other Ministries/ Departments of the Government of India/ Other Organizations. The Department of Posts, trading as India Post, is a government-operated postal system in India; it is generally referred to within India as "the post office". As of 31 March 2011, the Indian Postal Service had 1, 54,866 post offices, of which 1, 39,040 (89.78 percent) were in rural areas and 15,826 (10.22 percent) in urban areas. It had 25,464 departmental POs and 1, 29,402ED BPOs. At the time of independence, there were 23,344 post offices, primarily in urban areas. The network has registered a six fold growth since independence, with the expansion's focus primarily in rural areas. On average, a post office serves an area of 21.23 square kilometers (8.20 sq mi) and a population of 7,114; it is the most widely-distributed postal system in the world. The large number is a result of a tradition of disparate postal systems, which were unified in the Indian Union after independence. Because of this far-flung reach and its presence in remote areas, the Indian postal service is also involved in other services (such as small-savings banking and financial services)

    (Re)memorando contextos indígenas e o ensino de ciências naturais para aldeias

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    Cette étude prend appui sur mes origines multiculturelles, grâce auxquelles j'ai vécu et expérimenté des moments précieux où ma mère me racontait ce qui m'a fait comprendre les stratégies historiques des "invasions" d'autres peuples dans les territoires indigènes pour "éduquer" les gens dans les villages. Les histoires de vie des peuples indigènes montrent des connaissances qui peuvent être utilisées comme contenus à enseigner dans les espaces scolaires. Ainsi, l'objectif de cette étude est d'articuler les informations sur la vie dans le village avec les contenus des sciences naturelles dans l'enseignement fondamental initial, avec l'objectif de présenter une proposition de contenu suggestif et de ressources didactiques qui puissent faciliter des apprentissages significatifsau village. Pour ce faire, a été réalisée une recherche documentaire sur le site web du Ministère de l'Éducation: Lois, Décrets, Programme national curriculaire, Directives et règlements portant sur la question indigène et le droit à une éducation de qualité pour tous, quelles que soient les racines culturelles. Ces documents ont été choisis compte tenu des aspects juridiques et normatifs qui régissent l'éducation scolaire indigène au Brésil. L'analyse montre que les dits documents ont cherché à réparer les dommages résultant de l'absence d'une politique publique de respect pour les territoires indigènes et d'offre d´éducation scolaire pour les peuples indigènes, avec l'ídée d'une renaissance in locus, à partir de la Constitution fédérale de 1988. Elle met en évidence que le contenu des sciences naturelles peut être développé en classe sur la base des aspects de la nature présents dans le contexte du village, avec une attitude pédagogique problématisant la réalité concrète dans les territoires indigènes.O presente estudo busca (re) lembrar minhas origens multiculturais em que vivenciei e experienciei momentos valiosos dos relatos de minha genitora como uma forma de entender as estratégias históricas das “invasões” de outros povos em territórios indígenas para “educar” povos nas aldeias. As histórias de vida de povos indígenas revelam saberes que podem ser utilizados enquanto conteúdo a ser utilizado em espaços escolares. Assim, o foco desse estudo é articular informação da vivencia na aldeia em conexão com os conteúdos de ciências naturais no ensino fundamental inicial, a serem utilizados em aldeias na possibilidade de apresentar uma proposta sugestiva de conteúdos e recursos didáticos que possam facilitar aprendizagens significativas. Para tanto, realizou-se pesquisa documental em site do Ministério da Educação, Leis, Decretos, Proposta Curricular Nacional, Diretrizes e normativas que tratam da questão indígena enquanto direito à educação escolar de qualidade para todos, independentemente da raiz cultural. Foram escolhidos esses documentos tendo em vista os aspectos legais e normativos que ancoram a educação escolar indígena no Brasil. Os referidos documentos evidenciam que esses procuraram reparar danos decorridos da falta de uma política pública de respeito aos territórios indígenas, bem como na oferta de educação escolar para os povos indígenas para um renascimento in locus, a parti da Constituição Federal de 1988. Evidencias que o conteúdo de ciências naturais pode ser desenvolvido em sala de aula com base nos aspectos da natureza presente no contexto da aldeia enquanto uma atitude pedagógica problematizadora da realidade concreta em territórios indígenas