74 research outputs found

    Development and Wind Tunnel Evaluation of a SMA Based Trim Tab Actuator for a Civil Aircraft

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    This paper presents about the development and wind tunnel evaluation of an SMA based smart trim tab for a typical 2 seater civil aircraft. SMA actuator was housed in the port side of the elevator for actuating the trim tab. Wind tunnel tests were conducted on a full scale Horizontal Tail model with Elevator and Trim Tab at free stream speeds of 25, 35 & 45 m/sec and also for a number of deflections of the elevator (30° up, 0° neutral & 25° down) and trim-tab 11° & 21° up and 15° & 31° down). To measure the hinge moment experienced by the trim-tab at various test conditions, two miniaturized balances were designed and fabricated. Gain scheduled proportional integral controller was developed to control the SMA actuated smart trim tab. It was confirmed during the tests that the trim-tab could be controlled at the desired position against the aerodynamic loads acting on it for the various test conditions


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    Abstract-Coal mining has various fatal factors which menace the people. After a coal mine disaster the situation inside the tunnel is very dangerous as well as situation inside the tunnel is not known to the rescuers. Entering into a mine without knowing the exact situation is dangerous as the chances of second explosion is high as well as the disaster results in increased level of harmful gases like CO,CO 2, decreased oxygen level and high temperature. Many rescuers are killed by this increased level of harmful gases and second explosion. Detecting this situation inside the tunnel is main objective of this paper. The robot can go into the explosive environment with autonomous obstacle avoidance system. The sensors Senses the harmful gases such as CO, CO 2 , Methane, temperature and transmits the data through wireless module. A coal mine robot can move into the mine and detect the level of different toxic gases and temperature level and send the result to the control room. At present, rescue robot using 8052 microcontroller senses the harmful gases & temperature condition in the mine and transmit the data via zigbee wireless technology. In the proposed method, the data can be transmitted through MSP430 based long range wireless module(CC1120) and the controller used for this project is MSP430.The coal mining rescue robot having ultralow power consumption and compact in size

    Analytical study of modified Manashiladi Lepa into Ointment

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    Lepa Kalpana is one amongst the external application used in Ayurveda. Manashiladi Lepa is a formulation explained in ‘Rasa Tantra Sara Va Siddha Prayoga Sangraha’ for the prevention of scar in the skin surface. The formulation contains Ghrita and Madhu which is to be mixed with the powder of the herbs told in the formulation. In the present scenario, the Lepa Kalpana is not liked by the patients themselves as it leaves behind residual marks on the skin surface and stains the cloth if it comes in contact with it. Hence a modified Lepa in the form of ointment which contains reduced amount of oiliness and good packing is accepted by all. Literary review done through various sources like books, journals and internet revealed that, no modification studies have been carried out on this formulation yet. The Lepa is modified into an ointment for its easy acceptability and usage. The formulation is tested for its analytical values and discussed in the article

    Fluorescent amplified fragment length polymorphism (FAFLP) genotyping demonstrates the role of biofilm-producing methicillin-resistant periocular Staphylococcus epidermidis strains in postoperative endophthalmitis

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    BACKGROUND: An observational case series was used to study the virulence characteristics and genotypes of paired Staphylococcus epidermidis isolates cultured from intraocular samples and from periocular environment of patients with postcataract surgery endophthalmitis. METHODS: Eight S. epidermidis isolates were obtained from three patients (2 from patients #1 and 2 and 4 from patient #3) whose vitreous and/or anterior chamber (AC) specimens and preoperative lid/conjunctiva samples were culture positive. Cultures were identified by API-Staph phenotypic identification system and genotypically characterized by Fluorescent Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (FAFLP) and checked for their antimicrobial susceptibility. The isolates were tested for biofilm-production and methicillin-resistance (MR) by PCR amplification of icaAB and mecA gene respectively. RESULTS: Four out of eight S. epidermidis strains showed multiple drug resistance (MDR). All the eight strains were PCR positive for mecA gene whereas seven out of eight strains were positive for icaAB genes. In all three patients FAFLP typing established vitreous isolates of S. epidermidis strains to be indistinguishable from the strains isolated from the patient's conjunctival swabs. However, from patient number three there was one isolate (1030b from lid swab), which appeared to be nonpathogenic and ancestral having minor but significant differences from other three strains from the same patient. This strain also lacked icaAB gene. In silico analysis indicated possible evolution of other strains from this strain in the patient. CONCLUSION: Methicillin-resistant biofilm positive S. epidermidis strains colonizing the conjunctiva and eyelid were responsible for postoperative endophthalmitis (POE)

    Dominant features in three-dimensional turbulence structure: comparison of non-uniform accelerating and decelerating flows

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    The results are presented from an experimental study to investigate three-dimensional turbulence structure profiles, including turbulence intensity and Reynolds stress, of different non-uniform open channel flows over smooth bed in subcritical flow regime. In the analysis, the uniform flow profiles have been used to compare with those of the non-uniform flows to investigate their time-averaged spatial flow turbulence structure characteristics. The measured non-uniform velocity profiles are used to verify the von Karman constant κ and to estimate sets of log-law integration constant B r and wake parameter П, where their findings are also compared with values from previous studies. From κ, B r and П findings, it has been found that the log-wake law can sufficiently represent the non-uniform flow in its non-modified form, and all κ, B r and П follow universal rules for different bed roughness conditions. The non-uniform flow experiments also show that both the turbulence intensity and Reynolds stress are governed well by exponential pressure gradient parameter β equations. Their exponential constants are described by quadratic functions in the investigated β range. Through this experimental study, it has been observed that the decelerating flow shows higher empirical constants, in both the turbulence intensity and Reynolds stress compared to the accelerating flow. The decelerating flow also has stronger dominance to determine the flow non-uniformity, because it presents higher Reynolds stress profile than uniform flow, whereas the accelerating flow does not

    Investigating the Various Approaches towards Handwritten Digit Recognition

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    Pattern recognition plays a vital role due to demand in artificial intelligence in practical problem. One of the problem is, that the machine faced problem in handwritten digit recognition. To recognize the digits, different features are considered such as style, orientation, curve, size, edge, thickness of the digit. Based on these factors they classifies the digits. This paper describes the different approaches that where followed to recognize the Handwritten digits. And the discussion about the different algorithms used. There are two steps involved, one is feature extraction for that there are many feature extraction methods available like, Linear Binary Pattern, Histogram Oriented Graph, Convolutional Neural Network and many more algorithms. Another one is feature classification for that many machine learning methods available like Support Vector Machine, K Nearest Neighbor so on. The main objective of all these approaches is to improve the prediction accuracy. So our main intention is to find the most appropriate method which could give highest prediction rate. In order to obtain that we created a comparative table, which compares with respect to classification method, feature extraction method, accuracy, purpose, pros and cons. Also plotted graph to compare them

    Posturedontics–Focus on Health Among Dental Professionals

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    Many dentists, hygienists and assistants report they did notreceive adequate ergonomics education in school. This can lead to costly investment in non-ergonomic dental equipment, poor positioning techniques, and generic exercise that can actually worsen their health. Posturedontics is a way to work smarter not harder by designing tools, equipment, work stations, and tasks to fit the job to the worker – NOT the worker to the job. It is a discipline that studies workers and their relationship to occupational environment. The purpose of this article includes many different concepts such as how dentists position themselves and their patients, how they utilize equipment, how work areas are designed and finally how all of these impact the health of dentists. Good working ergonomics is essential so that work capability, efficiency and high clinical level of treatment can be maintained throughout the working life of dental professionals. The scope of posturedontics is large