993 research outputs found

    The Reach-Avoid Problem for Constant-Rate Multi-Mode Systems

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    A constant-rate multi-mode system is a hybrid system that can switch freely among a finite set of modes, and whose dynamics is specified by a finite number of real-valued variables with mode-dependent constant rates. Alur, Wojtczak, and Trivedi have shown that reachability problems for constant-rate multi-mode systems for open and convex safety sets can be solved in polynomial time. In this paper, we study the reachability problem for non-convex state spaces and show that this problem is in general undecidable. We recover decidability by making certain assumptions about the safety set. We present a new algorithm to solve this problem and compare its performance with the popular sampling based algorithm rapidly-exploring random tree (RRT) as implemented in the Open Motion Planning Library (OMPL).Comment: 26 page

    Acute kidney injury in pregnancy: a clinical challenge

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    The incidence of acute kidney injury in pregnancy declined significantly over the second half of the 20th century; however, it is still associated with major maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. A set of systemic and renal physiological adaptive mechanisms occur during a normal gestation that will constrain several changes in laboratory parameters of renal function, electrolytes, fluid and acid-base balances. The diagnosis of acute kidney injury in pregnancy is based on the serum creatinine increase. The usual formulas for estimating glomerular filtration rate are not validated in this population. During the first trimester of gestation, acute kidney injury develops most often due to hyperemesis gravidarum or septic abortion. In the third trimester, the differential diagnosis is more challenging for the obstetrician and the nephrologist and comprises some pathologies that are reviewed in this article: preeclampsia/HELLP syndrome, acute fatty liver of pregnancy and thrombotic microangiopathies

    Variables impacting poultry meat quality from production to pre-slaughter: a review

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    Poultry meat quality has been widely studied, and has become a growing demand of the international market. Parameters that affect meat quality are complex, and occur throughout the production chain. The constant concern with meat quality by the exporting sectors is a response to consumers' demands, and is achieved by increasing efficiency, and investments in personnel training on quality. Understanding where critical points are in the poultry meat production chain, and investing in solving critical problems may lead to better control and management, and consequent reduction of losses. Production and management practices, from farm to processing plant, play an important role in meat quality, and the use of technologies to reduce risk factors throughout the production chain will allow the production of better quality poultry meat not only for exports, but also for the domestic market. This review describes the main factors that influence poultry meat quality in the production chain.20121


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    Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar la metodología (TEACCH) utilizado por los maestros contribuye Atelier estructurado en la enseñanza y aprendizaje del estudiante/ adulto con TEA-Trastorno del Espectro Autista, llevado a cabo desde marzo 2013 a diciembre 2013. La metodología fue el enfoque cualitativo, del tipo descriptivo, para la recolección de datos de la encuesta se utilizó la técnica de observación de Atelier y la entrevista con el profesor y la madre del alumno autista. En la discusión de los resultados las dificultades desarrolladas por el autismo de aprendizaje son relevantes para todos, sin embargo, el método utilizado en el proceso ha contribuido de manera constructiva hacia la metodología utilisada por el profesor, se señaló que "el diagnóstico tardío" de la portabilidad del Síndrome de Asperger, es uno de los factores que interfieren con el aprendizaje ya que el retraso para averiguar los efectos hay un tratamiento específico. Conclusión contribución relevante fue el método TEACCH, a las actividades cotidianas, tales como la higiene personal y la ayuda en la preparación de las comidas, incluso para adultos y necesitan estas habilidades para ser cada vez más independiente

    Is Microsporidial keratitis an emerging cause of stromal keratitis? – a case series study

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    BACKGROUND: Microsporidial keratitis is a rare cause of stromal keratitis. We present a series of five cases of microsporidial keratitis from a single centre in southern India with microbiologic and histopathologic features. CASE PRESENTATION: Patient charts of five cases of microsporidial stromal keratitis diagnosed between January 2002 and June 2004 were reviewed retrospectively for clinical data, microbiologic and histopathologic data. The presence of microsporidia was confirmed by special stains on corneal scrapings and/or corneal tissues, and electron microscopy. All patients were immunocompetent with a preceding history of trauma in three. Four patients presented with unilateral, small, persisting deep stromal infiltrates, of uncertain etiology, in the cornea, which were not responding to conventional antimicrobial treatment and required penetrating keratoplasty in three. Fifth case was unsuspected and underwent keratoplasty for post-traumatic scar. Three of five cases were diagnosed on corneal scrapings, prior to keratoplasty, while two were diagnosed only on histology. The microsporidia appeared as oval well defined bodies with dense staining at one pole. None of the patients showed recurrence following keratoplasty. CONCLUSION: Microsporidia, though rare, should be suspected in chronic culture-negative stromal keratitis. Organisms could lie dormant without associated inflammation

    Comparative cytogenetics of three species of Dichotomius (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)

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    Meiotic and mitotic chromosomes of Dichotomius nisus, D. semisquamosus and D. sericeus were analyzed after conventional staining, C-banding and silver nitrate staining. In addition, Dichotomius nisus and D. semisquamosus chromosomes were also analyzed after fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) with an rDNA probe. The species analyzed had an asymmetrical karyotype with 2n = 18 and meta-submetacentric chromosomes. The sex determination mechanism was of the Xyp type in D. nisus and D. semisquamosus and of the Xy r type in D. sericeus. C-banding revealed the presence of pericentromeric blocks of constitutive heterochromatin (CH) in all the chromosomes of the three species. After silver staining, the nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) were located in autosomes of D. semisquamosus and D. sericeus and in the sexual bivalent of D. nisus. FISH with an rDNA probe confirmed NORs location in D. semisquamosus and in D. nisus. Our results suggest that chromosome inversions and fusions occurred during the evolution of the group