1,259 research outputs found

    Legal and Ethical Aspects of Surrogacy in India - A Critical Analysis

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    Surrogacy has been the subject of heated discussions across the world that have centred on its complex ethical and legal ramifications. This research thoroughly analyses the effects of the 2021’s Act of Surrogacy, beginning with a thorough dive into the core ideas that support surrogacy. This paper analyses the requirements and restrictions of surrogacy and outlines the ethical, moral, and legal conundrums that surround it, revealing the challenges that all parties involved must deal with. The comparative examination of surrogacy legislation in various nations is another feature of this article, which reveals the disparate worldwide perspectives. Examining the judicial viewpoints on surrogacy helps to clarify the changing legal environment and to highlight important rulings that have had a big impact on surrogacy practices. This study offers a nuanced view on the complex ethical and legal issues surrounding surrogacy in India by combining various approaches. These observations provide a thorough grasp of the difficulties and potential present in the field of surrogacy

    A Study on The Pivotal Role of Indian Judiciary in Upholding the Notion of Sustainable Development

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    As the huge degree urbanization, industrialization and related regular change furthermore, its effect on biodiversity addresses a danger to human life and subsequently there is a need to seek after modern improvement with a feeling of obligation. It is conceivable through manageable turn of events. Maintainable advancement proposes balance among natural and formative worries. The Indian Apex Court has been proactive in bringing in maintainable advancement standards from global natural regulation into the Indian regulation through various legal devices and systems. This paper breaks down the idea of practical turn of events and commitment of Indian High Court in laying out the standards of manageability for the public authority and the advancement advocates

    Phytochemical and Ethno-Pharmacological Review of the Genus Araucaria – Review

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    Distribution, traditional uses, isolated chemical constituents and pharmacological activities of some common species of the genus Araucaria are reviewed in this paper. Almost 19 species belong to the genus, Araucaria. It is indigenous to North America. Biflavanoid, diterpene, phenyl propanoid and lignans are abundant in the genus. The most common pharmacological activity of Araucaria in modern medicines is anti-inflammatory. It also possesses other pharmacological activities such as antiulcer, antiviral, neuro-protective, anti-depressant and anti-coagulant. The aim of the present paper is to present an extensive review of the plants in this genus including their traditional uses, chemical constituents and pharmacology.Keywords: Araucaria, Ethnopharmacology, Phytochemistry, Biflavanoids, Diterpen

    Impact and Awareness of Soil Health Card on Soybean Production Technology in Ujjain block of Ujjain District, M.P, India

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    The SHC is a simple document, which contains useful data on soil based on chemical analysis of the soil to describe soil health in terms of its nutrient availability and its physical and chemical properties. The SHC is a simple document, which contains useful data on soil based on chemical analysis of the soil to describe soil health in terms of its nutrient availability and its physical and chemical properties. An amount of Rs 568 crore (US89million)wasallocatedbythegovernmentforthescheme.In2016UnionbudgetofIndia,100crore(US89 million) was allocated by the government for the scheme. In 2016 Union budget of India,100 crore (US16 million) had been allocated to states for making soil health cards and set up labs. The target for 2015–16 was to collect 100 lakh soil samples and test these for issue of soil health cards. The government plans to distribute 14 crore soil health cards by 2017. it is therefore, important to find out the impact and awareness associated with farmer towards the usefulness and application of Soil Health Card on their agricultural production, diversification and cropping pattern. Considering the above points, an effort will be made to conduct study with the following objective with 120 beneficiaries of KVK Ujjain, M.P. The main findings is majority of beneficiaries were found to have high level of awareness about various components of soybean production technology followed by medium and low level of awareness about various components of Soybean production technology. Introduction Soil is one of the elements required for farming as it provides nutrients to the plants. Healthy soil containing all the elements for growth and development of crop and on the other hand soil deprived of one or more elements either reduces production or degrades quality of crops. Proportion and quantity of macro and micro nutrients refers to the soil health. As far as agriculture production is concerned, soil health plays a vital role in ensuring sustainable production with optimizing the utilization of fertilizers and reducing its wastage. Soil Health Card (SHC) is a scheme launched by the Government of India in February 2015 in Gujarat. The SHC is a simple document, which contains useful data on soil based on chemical analysis of the soil to describe soil health in terms of its nutrient availability and its physical and chemical properties. status of farmers. Madhya Pradesh is known as the Soybean bowl of India, because major chunk of Soybean production is contributed by Madhya Pradesh State alone. Nutrients are essential for plants' growth and development. When soil nutrients are missing or in short supply, plants suffer from nutrient deficiency and stop growing. Then, application of fertilizers to soils as per requirement is very important to provide balanced nutrients to the plants grown on it. Considering the growing importance of soil testing


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    The present paper investigates the effects of thermal radiation, joule heating on an unsteady hydro magnetic free convective flow of a viscous electrically conductive Newtonian and polar fluid past a semi-infinite vertical plate embedded in a porous media in the presence of heat absorption, chemical reaction, slip flow and Dufour effect. Analytical perturbation solutions are obtained for the velocity, temperature and concentration fields as well as for the skin friction coefficient, Nusselt number and Sharewood number. The results are presented in graphical forms to study the effects of various parameters

    Two successful pregnancies in a woman with chronic myeloid leukemia exposed to nilotinib during the first trimester of her second pregnancy: case study

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    The occurrence of chronic myeloid leukemia in pregnancy is rare and its management poses a clinical challenge for physicians treating these patients. We report a 30-year-old woman with chronic myeloid leukemia who became pregnant twice successfully. Philadelphia-positive CML in its chronic phase was diagnosed at 16 weeks of her first gestation. At that time, she received no treatment throughout her pregnancy. At 38 weeks of gestation, a normal infant was delivered by cesarean section. At six weeks postpartum, the patient underwent imatinib mesylate therapy but she could not tolerate the treatment. The treatment was then changed to nilotinib at 400 mg orally b.i.d. Two years later, she became pregnant again while she was on nilotinib 200 mg b.i.d. The unplanned pregnancy was identified during her 7.4 weeks of gestation. Because the patient elected to continue her pregnancy, nilotinib was stopped immediately, and no further treatment was given until delivery. Neither obstetrical complications nor structural malformations in neonates in both pregnancies were observed. Both babies' growth and development have been normal. Although this experience is limited to a single patient, the success of this patient demonstrates that the management of chronic myeloid leukemia in pregnant women may be individualized based on the relative risks and benefits of the patient and fetus