21 research outputs found

    The Oxysterol 25-Hydroxycholesterol Inhibits Replication of Murine Norovirus

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    Cholesterol, an essential component of mammalian cells, is also an important factor in the replicative-cycles of several human and animal viruses. The oxysterol, 25-hydroxycholesterol, is produced from cholesterol by the enzyme, cholesterol 25-hydroxylase. 25-hydroxycholesterol (25-HC) has been shown to have anti-viral activities against a wide range of viruses, including a range of positive-sense RNA viruses. In this study, we have investigated the role of 25-HC in norovirus replication using murine norovirus (MNV) as a model system. As a control, we employed herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1), a pathogen previously shown to be inhibited by 25-HC. Consistent with previous studies, 25-HC inhibited HSV-1 replication in the MNV-susceptible cell line, RAW264.7. Treating RAW264.7 cells with sub-cytotoxic concentrations of 25-HC reduced the MNV titers. However, other sterols such as cholesterol or the oxysterol, 22-S-hydroxycholesterol (22-S-HC), did not inhibit MNV replication. Moreover, treating MNV-infected RAW264.7 cells with 25-HC-stimulated caspase 3/7 activity, which leads to enhanced apoptosis and increased cell death. Our study adds noroviruses to the list of viruses inhibited by 25-HC and begins to offer insights into the mechanism behind this inhibition

    Both cis and trans Activities of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus 3D Polymerase Are Essential for Viral RNA Replication

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    The Picornaviridae is a large family of positive-sense RNA viruses that contains numerous human and animal pathogens, including foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV). The picornavirus replication complex comprises a co-ordinated network of protein-protein and protein-RNA interactions involving multiple viral and host-cellular factors. Many of the proteins within the complex possess multiple roles in viral RNA replication, some of which can be provided in trans (i.e. via expression from a separate RNA molecule), whilst other are required in cis (i.e. expressed from the template RNA molecule). In vitro studies have suggested that multiple copies of the RNA-dependent RNA-polymerase (RdRp), 3D, are involved in the viral replication complex. However, it is not clear whether all these molecules are catalytically active or what other function(s) they provide. In this study, we aimed to distinguish between catalytically-active 3D molecules and those which build a replication complex. We report a novel non-enzymatic cis-acting function of 3D that is essential for viral genome replication. Using a FMDV replicon in complementation experiments, our data demonstrate that this cis-acting role of 3D is distinct from the catalytic activity, which is predominantly trans-acting. Immunofluorescence studies suggest that both cis- and trans acting 3D molecules localise to the same cellular compartment. However, our genetic and structural data suggest that 3D interacts in cis with RNA stem-loops that are essential for viral RNA replication. Together, this study identifies a previously undescribed aspect of picornavirus replication complex structure-function and an important methodology for probing such interactions further

    Functional advantages of triplication of the 3B coding region of the FMDV genome

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    For gene duplication to be maintained, particularly in the small genomes of RNA viruses, this should offer some advantages. We have investigated the functions of a small protein termed VPg or 3B, which acts as a primer in the replication of foot‐and‐mouth disease virus (FMDV). Many related picornaviruses encode a single copy but uniquely the FMDV genome includes three (nonidentical) copies of the 3B coding region. Using sub‐genomic replicons incorporating nonfunctional 3Bs and 3B fusion products in competition and complementation assays, we investigated the contributions of individual 3Bs to replication and the structural requirements for functionality. We showed that a free N‐terminus is required for 3B to function as a primer and although a single 3B can support genome replication, additional copies provide a competitive advantage. However, a fourth copy confers no further advantage. Furthermore, we find that a minimum of two 3Bs is necessary for trans replication of FMDV replicons, which is unlike other picornaviruses where a single 3B can be used for both cis and trans replication. Our data are consistent with a model in which 3B copy number expansion within the FMDV genome has allowed evolution of separate cis and trans acting functions, providing selective pressure to maintain multiple copies of 3B

    Genetic Economy in Picornaviruses: Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus Replication Exploits Alternative Precursor Cleavage Pathways

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    The RNA genomes of picornaviruses are translated into single polyproteins which are subsequently cleaved into structural and non-structural protein products. For genetic economy, proteins and processing intermediates have evolved to perform distinct functions. The picornavirus precursor protein, P3, is cleaved to produce membrane-associated 3A, primer peptide 3B, protease 3Cpro and polymerase 3Dpol. Uniquely, foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) encodes three similar copies of 3B (3B1-3), thus providing a convenient natural system to explore the role(s) of 3B in the processing cascade. Using a replicon system, we confirmed by genetic deletion or functional inactivation that each copy of 3B appears to function independently to prime FMDV RNA replication. However, we also show that deletion of 3B3 prevents replication and that this could be reversed by introducing mutations at the C-terminus of 3B2 that restored the natural sequence at the 3B3-3C cleavage site. In vitro translation studies showed that precursors with 3B3 deleted were rapidly cleaved to produce 3CD but that no polymerase, 3Dpol, was detected. Complementation assays, using distinguishable replicons bearing different inactivating mutations, showed that replicons with mutations within 3Dpol could be recovered by 3Dpol derived from “helper” replicons (incorporating inactivation mutations in all three copies of 3B). However, complementation was not observed when the natural 3B-3C cleavage site was altered in the “helper” replicon, again suggesting that a processing abnormality at this position prevented the production of 3Dpol. When mutations affecting polyprotein processing were introduced into an infectious clone, viable viruses were recovered but these had acquired compensatory mutations in the 3B-3C cleavage site. These mutations were shown to restore the wild-type processing characteristics when analysed in an in vitro processing assay. Overall, this study demonstrates a dual functional role of the small primer peptide 3B3, further highlighting how picornaviruses increase genetic economy

    Involvement of a Nonstructural Protein in Poliovirus Capsid Assembly

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    Virus capsid proteins must perform a number of roles. These include the ability to self–assemble and to maintain stability under challenging environmental conditions, while retaining the conformational flexibility necessary to uncoat and deliver the viral genome into a host cell. Fulfilling these roles could place conflicting constraints on the innate abilities encoded within the protein sequences. In a previous study, we identified a number of mutations within the capsid coding sequence of poliovirus (PV) that were established in the population during selection for greater thermostability by sequential treatment at progressively higher temperatures. Two mutations in the VP1 protein acquired at an early stage were maintained throughout this selection procedure. One of these mutations prevented virion assembly when introduced into a wild type (wt) infectious clone. Here, we show by sequencing beyond the capsid coding region of the heat selected virions, that two mutations had arisen within the coding region for the 2A protease. Both mutations were maintained throughout the selection process. Introduction of these mutations into a wt infectious clone by site-directed mutagenesis considerably reduced replication. However, they permitted a low level of assembly of infectious virions containing the otherwise lethal mutation in VP1. The 2Apro mutations were further shown to slow the kinetics of viral polyprotein processing and we suggest that this delay improves the correct folding of the mutant capsid precursor protein to permit virion assembly

    Higher-order structures of the foot-and-mouth disease virus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase required for genome replication

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    Replication of many positive-sense RNA viruses occurs within intracellular membrane-associated compartments. These are thought to provide a favourable environment for replication to occur, concentrating essential viral structural and nonstructural components, as well as protecting these components from host-cell pathogen recognition and innate immune responses. However, the details of the molecular interactions and dynamics within these structures is very limited. One of the key components of the replication machinery is the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, RdRp. This enzyme has been shown to form higher-order fibrils in vitro. Here, using the RdRp from foot-and-mouth disease virus (termed 3Dpol), we report fibril structures, solved at ~7-9 Å resolution by cryo-EM, revealing multiple conformations of a flexible assembly. Fitting high-resolution coordinates led to the definition of potential intermolecular interactions. We employed mutagenesis using a sub-genomic replicon system to probe the importance of these interactions for replication. We use these data to propose models for the role of higher-order 3Dpol complexes as a dynamic scaffold within which RNA replication can occur

    A role for domain I of the hepatitis C virus NS5A protein in virus assembly

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    The NS5A protein of hepatitis C virus (HCV) plays roles in both virus genome replication and assembly. NS5A comprises three domains, of these domain I is believed to be involved exclusively in genome replication. In contrast, domains II and III are required for the production of infectious virus particles and are largely dispensable for genome replication. Domain I is highly conserved between HCV and related hepaciviruses, and is highly structured, exhibiting different dimeric conformations. To investigate the functions of domain I in more detail, we conducted a mutagenic study of 12 absolutely conserved and surface-exposed residues within the context of a JFH-1-derived sub-genomic replicon and infectious virus. Whilst most of these abrogated genome replication, three mutants (P35A, V67A and P145A) retained the ability to replicate but showed defects in virus assembly. P35A exhibited a modest reduction in infectivity, however V67A and P145A produced no infectious virus. Using a combination of density gradient fractionation, biochemical analysis and high resolution confocal microscopy we demonstrate that V67A and P145A disrupted the localisation of NS5A to lipid droplets. In addition, the localisation and size of lipid droplets in cells infected with these two mutants were perturbed compared to wildtype HCV. Biophysical analysis revealed that V67A and P145A abrogated the ability of purified domain I to dimerize and resulted in an increased affinity of binding to HCV 3’UTR RNA. Taken together, we propose that domain I of NS5A plays multiple roles in assembly, binding nascent genomic RNA and transporting it to lipid droplets where it is transferred to Core. Domain I also contributes to a change in lipid droplet morphology, increasing their size. This study reveals novel functions of NS5A domain I in assembly of infectious HCV and provides new perspectives on the virus lifecycle

    Is intestinal transport dysfunctional in COVID-19-related diarrhea?

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    Diarrhea, often severe, is a recognized and frequently early symptom during acute COVID-19 infection and may persist or develop for the first time in patients with long-COVID, with socioeconomic consequences. Diarrheal mechanisms in these cases are poorly understood. There is evidence for disruption of intestinal epithelial barrier function and also for changes in the gut microbiome, which is critical for gut immunity and metabolism. Whether the SARS-CoV-2 virus has adverse effects on intestinal transport proteins is unclear. However, the ability of the virus to inhibit expression and activity of an aldosterone-regulated epithelial sodium (Na+) channel (ENaC) present in human distal colon, which is responsible for Na+ and water salvage, points to possible disruption of other intestinal transport proteins during COVID-19 infection. In this Perspective, we develop this idea by highlighting possible intestinal transport protein targets for the SARS-CoV-2 virus and discussing how their interactions might be explored in the laboratory

    Insights into polyprotein processing and RNA-protein interactions in foot-and-mouth disease virus genome replication

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    Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) is a picornavirus, which infects cloven-hoofed animals to cause foot-and-mouth disease (FMD). The positive-sense RNA genome contains a single open reading frame, which is translated as a polyprotein that is cleaved by viral proteases to produce the viral structural and nonstructural proteins. Initial processing occurs at three main junctions to generate four primary precursors; Lpro and P1, P2, and P3 (also termed 1ABCD, 2BC, and 3AB₁,₂,₃CD). The 2BC and 3AB₁,₂,₃CD precursors undergo subsequent proteolysis to generate the proteins required for viral replication, including the enzymes 2C, 3Cpro, and 3Dpol. These precursors can be processed through both cis and trans (i.e., intra- and intermolecular proteolysis) pathways, which are thought to be important for controlling virus replication. Our previous studies suggested that a single residue in the 3B₃-3C junction has an important role in controlling 3AB₁,₂,₃CD processing. Here, we use in vitro based assays to show that a single amino acid substitution at the 3B₃-3C boundary increases the rate of proteolysis to generate a novel 2C-containing precursor. Complementation assays showed that while this amino acid substitution enhanced production of some nonenzymatic nonstructural proteins, those with enzymatic functions were inhibited. Interestingly, replication could only be supported by complementation with mutations in cis acting RNA elements, providing genetic evidence for a functional interaction between replication enzymes and RNA elements. IMPORTANCE Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) is responsible for foot-and-mouth disease (FMD), an important disease of farmed animals, which is endemic in many parts of the world and can results in major economic losses. Replication of the virus occurs within membrane-associated compartments in infected cells and requires highly coordinated processing events to produce an array of nonstructural proteins. These are initially produced as a polyprotein that undergoes proteolysis likely through both cis and trans alternative pathways (i.e., intra- and intermolecular proteolysis). The role of alternative processing pathways may help coordination of viral replication by providing temporal control of protein production and here we analyze the consequences of amino acid substitutions that change these pathways in FMDV. Our data suggest that correct processing is required to produce key enzymes for replication in an environment in which they can interact with essential viral RNA elements. These data further the understanding of RNA genome replication