42 research outputs found

    Development and organization of polarity-specific segregation of primary vestibular afferent fibers in mice

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    A striking feature of vestibular hair cells is the polarized arrangement of their stereocilia as the basis for their directional sensitivity. In mammals, each of the vestibular end organs is characterized by a distinct distribution of these polarized cells. We utilized the technique of post-fixation transganglionic neuronal tracing with fluorescent lipid soluble dyes in embryonic and postnatal mice to investigate whether these polarity characteristics correlate with the pattern of connections between the endorgans and their central targets; the vestibular nuclei and cerebellum. We found that the cerebellar and brainstem projections develop independently from each other and have a non-overlapping distribution of neurons and afferents from E11.5 on. In addition, we show that the vestibular fibers projecting to the cerebellum originate preferentially from the lateral half of the utricular macula and the medial half of the saccular macula. In contrast, the brainstem vestibular afferents originate primarily from the medial half of the utricular macula and the lateral half of the saccular macula. This indicates that the line of hair cell polarity reversal within the striola region segregates almost mutually exclusive central projections. A possible interpretation of this feature is that this macular organization provides an inhibitory side-loop through the cerebellum to produce synergistic tuning effects in the vestibular nuclei. The canal cristae project to the brainstem vestibular nuclei and cerebellum, but the projection to the vestibulocerebellum originates preferentially from the superior half of each of the cristae. The reason for this pattern is not clear, but it may compensate for unequal activation of crista hair cells or may be an evolutionary atavism reflecting a different polarity organization in ancestral vertebrate ears

    Chondroitin sulfates and their binding molecules in the central nervous system

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    Chondroitin sulfate (CS) is the most abundant glycosaminoglycan (GAG) in the central nervous system (CNS) matrix. Its sulfation and epimerization patterns give rise to different forms of CS, which enables it to interact specifically and with a significant affinity with various signalling molecules in the matrix including growth factors, receptors and guidance molecules. These interactions control numerous biological and pathological processes, during development and in adulthood. In this review, we describe the specific interactions of different families of proteins involved in various physiological and cognitive mechanisms with CSs in CNS matrix. A better understanding of these interactions could promote a development of inhibitors to treat neurodegenerative diseases

    Tecnologies lingüístiques per a llengües minoritzades el cas de l'alguerès

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    La tecnologia pot jugar un rol decisiu en els processos de normalització lingüística. La creació de recursos lingüístics -amb el potencial formatiu o de disseminació que comporten, especialment en llengües en procés d'estandardització- és una possibilitat que cal tenir present en dissenyar estratègies per a la normalització. Aquest article se proposa contribuir al procés de normalització de l'alguerès, varietat parlada a l'Alguer (Sardenya) per unes dotze mil persones, mitjançant una anàlisi de les obres de consulta digitals i dels recursos lingüístics existents. En la primera part se proporcionen dades sobre el context sociolingüístic i se fa un estat de la qüestió sobre el procés d'estandardització de l'alguerès. La segona part mira d'identificar, amb referències a altres comunitats lingüístiques en situacions similars, accions en l'àmbit tecnològic que podrien dur-se a terme en paral·lel al procés d'estandardització de l'alguerès.Technology can play a decisive role in linguistic normalisation processes. The creation of linguistic resources (with the potential they have for education or to encourage the spread of languages, especially those in the process of standardisation) is a possibility that should be taken into account in designing normalisation strategies. This article proposes contributing to the process of normalising Algherese, a variety spoken in Alghero (Sardinia) by around twelve thousand people, through an analysis of digital reference works and existing linguistic resources. The first part provides data about the sociolinguistic context and establishes the current situation regarding the process of standardising Algherese. The second part seeks to identify, with references to other language communities in similar situations, actions in the technological sphere that could be carried out in parallel with the process of standardising Algheres

    Preparing for Examination Success

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    Examination is the final major milestone in your candidature before you graduate and begin your career in industry or academia. The exam process, from identifying a suitable panel, submitting your thesis, to being notified of your examiners’ recommendations, will usually take a minimum of four months. The process and length of time will vary for each examination as examiners who are external to the University are involved

    Donor age greater than 50 years does not influence midterm results of heart transplantation.

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