12 research outputs found

    The influence of the allometric scale on the relationship between running economy and biomechanical variables in distance runners

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    Studies have demonstrated the need for the use of parameters that diminish the effect of body mass, for intra and inter group comparison, in individuals with different masses in order to provide a different analysis on the behaviour of the relation between running economy (RE) and biomechanical variables (BVs). The allometric scale is represented by a regression equation that indicates the behaviour of a physiological variable in relation to the variable mass (RE=a.xb), where x is body mass in (kg) and the dimensionless coefficient a is characteristic of the species analysed, and the dimensionless exponent b determines the percentage of mass to be associated with the physiological variable. The influence of the allometric scale (b=-1; -0.75; -0.73; -0.67) on the relationship between RE and BVs - stride length (SL), relative stride length (RSL), stride rate (SR), stride time (ST), support time (SUPT) and balance time (BALT) - at 12 km.h-1, was analysed in nine elite runners. Factorial analysis and Pearson's Correlation Coefficient test (r) with P<0.05 were used. A decrease in the explanation power of the RE was observed, with the use of the allometric exponent, due to the BVs, as well as a reduction of the correlation coefficients between SL versus RE, ST versus RE and SR versus RE. The BALT presented a higher correlation where b=-0.75. The RSL and SUPT presented non-significant correlations. The variables SL, ST, SR and BALT were the most effective predictors of the RE, Where: b=-1, the allometric scale was most efficient to predict the running performance

    The Correlation between Running Economy and Maximal Oxygen Uptake: Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Relationships in Highly Trained Distance Runners

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    A positive relationship between running economy and maximal oxygen uptake (V̇O2max) has been postulated in trained athletes, but previous evidence is equivocal and could have been confounded by statistical artefacts. Whether this relationship is preserved in response to running training (changes in running economy and V̇O2max) has yet to be explored. This study examined the relationships of (i) running economy and V̇O2max between runners, and (ii) the changes in running economy and V̇O2max that occur within runners in response to habitual training. 168 trained distance runners (males, n = 98, V̇O2max 73.0 ± 6.3 mLkg-1min-1; females, n = 70, V̇O2max 65.2 ± 5.9 mL kg-1min-1) performed a discontinuous submaximal running test to determine running economy (kcalkm-1). A continuous incre-mental treadmill running test to volitional exhaustion was used to determine V̇O2max 54 par-ticipants (males, n = 27; females, n = 27) also completed at least one follow up assessment. Partial correlation analysis revealed small positive relationships between running economy and V̇O2max (males r = 0.26, females r = 0.25; P&lt;0.006), in addition to moderate positive re-lationships between the changes in running economy and V̇O2max in response to habitual training (r = 0.35; P&lt;0.001). In conclusion, the current investigation demonstrates that only a small to moderate relationship exists between running economy and V̇O2max in highly trained distance runners. With&gt;85 % of the variance in these parameters unexplained by this relationship, these findings reaffirm that running economy and V̇O2max are primarily determined independently

    Scale Model on Performance Prediction in Recreational and Elite Endurance Runners

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    Purpose: To identify the effect of allometric scaling on the relationship between running efficiency (REff) and middle-distance-running performance according to performance level. Methods: Thirteen male recreational middle-distance runners (mean ± SD age 33.3 ± 8.4 y, body mass 76.4 ± 8.6 kg, maximal oxygen uptake [VO2max] 52.8 ± 4.6 mL · kg-1 · min-1; G1) and 13 male high-level middle-distance runners (age 25.5 ± 4.2 y, body mass 62.8 ± 2.7 kg, VO2max 70.4 ± 1.9 mL · kg-1 · min-1; G2) performed a continuous incremental test to volitional exhaustion to determine VO2max and a 6-min submaximal running test at 70% of VO2max to assess REff. Results: Significant correlation between REff and performance were found for both groups; however, the strongest correlations were observed in recreational runners, especially when using the allometric exponent (respectively for G1, nonallometric vs allometric scaling: r =.80 vs r =.86; and for G2, nonallometric vs allometric scaling: r =.55 vs r =.50). Conclusion: These results indicate that an allometric normalization may improve endurance-performance prediction from REff values in recreational, but not in elite, runners. © 2014 Human Kinetics, Inc

    Gross efficiency predicts a 6-min double-poling ergometer performance in recreational cross-country skiers

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    The purpose of the study was to investigate which physiological parameters would most accurately predict a 6-min, all-out, double-poling (DP) performance in recreational cross-country skiers. Twelve male recreational cross-country skiers performed tests consisting of three series lasting 10 s, one lasting 60 s, plus a 6-min, all-out, DP performance test to estimate mean and peak power output. On a separate day, gross mechanical efficiency (GE) was estimated from a 10-min, submaximal, DP test and maximal oxygen consumption (VO2 max) was estimated from an incremental treadmill running test. Power was measured after each stroke from the acceleration and deceleration of the flywheel that induced the friction on the ergometer. The power was shown to the skier on a small computer placed on the ergometer. A multivariable correlation analysis showed that GE most strongly predicted 6-min DP performance (r = 0.79) and interestingly, neither DP VO2 max, nor treadmill-running VO2 max, correlated with 6-min DP performance. In conclusion, GE correlated most strongly with 6-min DP performance and GE at the ski ergometer was estimated to be 6.4 ± 1.1%. It is suggested that recreational cross-country skiers focus on skiing technique to improve gross mechanical efficiency during intense DP

    Efeitos dos exercícios resistidos sobre o equilíbrio e a funcionalidade de idosos saudáveis: artigo de atualização Effects of resistance training on balance and functional ability in healthy elderly: an update

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    A diminuição da força muscular com o envelhecimento e os baixos níveis de atividade física contribuem para défices funcionais e de equilíbrio. Esta revisão sistemática teve como objetivo analisar os estudos que correlacionaram o treino resistido (TR) isolado, o equilíbrio e a função de idosos saudáveis. A busca nas bases do Google Acadêmico e na BVS levou à seleção de 35 estudos controlados. O TR isolado mostrou ser relevante para a função dos idosos (90% dos estudos) devido sobretudo ao ganho de força e mobilidade. Exercícios de baixa e moderada intensidade tiveram melhores resultados sobre a função de idosas, frágeis e sedentários. Em relação ao equilíbrio, apesar da inconsistência dos dados, o TR parece exercer efeitos positivos, sobretudo devido a fatores neuromusculares. Estudos com parâmetros de treino e amostra uniformes são necessários para melhor comparação dos resultados, sobretudo em idosos com padrão funcional elevado.<br>Muscle strength decrease in aging and low physical activity levels may be an indicator of balance deficits and functional limitations. The purpose of this systematic review was to assess the effects of resistance training (RT) alone on balance performance and functional capacity in healthy elderly. The search in Google Scholar and BVS led to selecting 35 controlled trials. The RT alone showed to have positive effects (90% of the studies) on functional tasks in elderly, associated with increases in strength and mobility. Moderate and low-intensity exercise could produce functional capacity benefits in older women, frail and sedentary elderly. Despite the inconsistency of data, resistance training appears to exert positive effects on balance, especially through neuromuscular factors. Standardization of methodology and homogeneity of sampling may ensure greater comparability of results, especially among elderly with high physical functional level