2,465 research outputs found

    The Discovery of 1000 km/s Outflows in Massive Post-starburst Galaxies at z=0.6

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    Numerical simulations suggest that active galactic nuclei (AGNs) play an important role in the formation of early-type galaxies by expelling gas and dust in powerful galactic winds and quenching star formation. However, the existence of AGN feedback capable of halting galaxy-wide star formation has yet to be observationally confirmed. To investigate this question, we have obtained spectra of 14 post-starburst galaxies at z~0.6 to search for evidence of galactic winds. In 10/14 galaxies we detect Mg II 2796,2803 absorption lines which are blueshifted by 490 - 2020 km/s with respect to the stars. The median blueshift is 1140 km/s. We hypothesize that the outflowing gas represents a fossil galactic wind launched near the peak of the galaxy's activity, a few 100 Myr ago. The velocities we measure are intermediate between those of luminous starbursts and broad absorption line quasars, which suggests that feedback from an AGN may have played a role in expelling cool gas and shutting down star formation.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted to ApJ Letter

    Crossover from Conserving to Lossy Transport in Circular Random Matrix Ensembles

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    In a quantum dot with three leads the transmission matrix t_{12} between two of these leads is a truncation of a unitary scattering matrix S, which we treat as random. As the number of channels in the third lead is increased, the constraints from the symmetry of S become less stringent and t_{12} becomes closer to a matrix of complex Gaussian random numbers with no constraints. We consider the distribution of the singular values of t_{12}, which is related to a number of physical quantities. Changing the number of channels in the third lead corresponds to increasing the amount of loss in the system (and is distinct from prior uses of a third lead to model dephasing)

    Colors and K-Band Counts of Extremely Faint Field Galaxies

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    We combine deep K-band (Keck) with V- and I-band (NTT) observations of two high-Galactic latitude fields, surveying a total of ~2 sq. arcmin. The K-band galaxy counts continue to rise above K=22, reaching surface densities of few x 10^5 per sq. degree. The slope for the counts is (d log(N) per mag per sq. degree) = 0.23 +/- 0.02 between K=18-23, consistent with other deep K surveys. The numbers of galaxies in each mag bin is about two times greater than the galaxy counts of Djorgovski et al. (1995). The optical and near infrared magnitudes of all objects detected in the V+I+K image are discussed in the context of grids of isochrone synthesis galaxy evolutionary models (Bruzual & Charlot 1993, 1995). The colors of most of the observed galaxies are consistent with a population drawn from a broad redshift distribution. A few galaxies at K=19-20 are red in both colors (V-I>3; I-K>2), consistent with being early-type galaxies having undergone a burst of star formation at z>5 and viewed at z~1. At K>20, we find ~8 ``red outlier'' galaxies with I-K>4 and V-I<2.5, whose colors are difficult to mimic by a single evolving or non-evolving stellar population at any redshift. They are likely either low-metallicity, dusty dwarf galaxies, or old galaxies at high redshift (z>1.2). Their surface density is several per square arcminute, which is so high that they are probably common objects of low luminosity L<L∗L<L_*.Comment: 28 pages, 9 Figures (2 Plates), uses aaspp4.sty. The complete paper (including large figures and the plates) are available via anonymous ftp at ftp://coma.berkeley.edu/pub/lmoustakas/ . To appear in the Astrophysical Journal, Feb 1 1997, vol. 47

    Galaxies Probing Galaxies in PRIMUS - I. Sample, Spectroscopy, and Characteristics of the z~0.5 MgII-Absorbing Circumgalactic Medium

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    Spectroscopy of background QSO sightlines passing close to foreground galaxies is a potent technique for studying the circumgalactic medium (CGM). QSOs are effectively point sources, however, limiting their potential to constrain the size of circumgalactic gaseous structures. Here we present the first large Keck/LRIS and VLT/FORS2 spectroscopic survey of bright (B_AB < 22.3) background galaxies whose lines of sight probe MgII 2796, 2803 absorption from the CGM around close projected foreground galaxies at transverse distances 10 kpc < R_perp < 150 kpc. Our sample of 72 projected pairs, drawn from the PRIsm MUlti-object Survey (PRIMUS), includes 48 background galaxies which do not host bright AGN, and both star-forming and quiescent foreground galaxies with stellar masses 9.0 < log M_*/M_sun < 11.2 at redshifts 0.35 < z_f/g < 0.8. We detect MgII absorption associated with these foreground galaxies with equivalent widths 0.25 Ang 2sigma significance in 20 individual background sightlines passing within R_perp < 50 kpc, and place 2sigma upper limits on W_2796 of <0.5 Ang in an additional 11 close sightlines. Within R_perp < 50 kpc, W_2796 is anticorrelated with R_perp, consistent with analyses of MgII absorption detected along background QSO sightlines. Subsamples of these foreground hosts divided at log M_*/M_sun = 9.9 exhibit statistically inconsistent W_2796 distributions at 30 kpc < R_perp < 50 kpc, with the higher-M_* galaxies yielding a larger median W_2796 by 0.9 Ang. Finally, we demonstrate that foreground galaxies with similar stellar masses exhibit the same median W_2796 at a given R_perp to within <0.2 Ang toward both background galaxies and toward QSO sightlines drawn from the literature. Analysis of these datasets constraining the spatial coherence scale of circumgalactic MgII absorption is presented in a companion paper.Comment: 36 pages, 18 figures, 5 tables. Accepted to Ap

    CLASH: The enhanced lensing efficiency of the highly elongated merging cluster MACS J0416.1-2403

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    We perform a strong-lensing analysis of the merging galaxy cluster MACS J0416.1-2403 (M0416; z=0.42) in recent CLASH/HST observations. We identify 70 new multiple images and candidates of 23 background sources in the range 0.7<z_{phot}<6.14 including two probable high-redshift dropouts, revealing a highly elongated lens with axis ratio ~5:1, and a major axis of ~100\arcsec (z_{s}~2). Compared to other well-studied clusters, M0416 shows an enhanced lensing efficiency. Although the critical area is not particularly large (~0.6 \square\arcmin; z_{s}~2), the number of multiple images, per critical area, is anomalously high. We calculate that the observed elongation boosts the number of multiple images, \emph{per critical area}, by a factor of ~2.5\times, due to the increased ratio of the caustic area relative to the critical area. Additionally, we find that the observed separation between the two main mass components enlarges the critical area by a factor of ~2. These geometrical effects can account for the high number (density) of multiple images observed. We find in numerical simulations, that only ~4% of the clusters (with M_{vir}>6 x 10^{14} h^{-1}M_{\odot}) exhibit as elongated critical curves as M0416.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. V2: accepted to ApJ Letters; minor changes and updates; in Fig.3 labeling error corrected. Mass models available online: ftp://wise-ftp.tau.ac.il/pub/adiz/M0416

    Chemical regulators of epithelial plasticity reveal a nuclear receptor pathway controlling myofibroblast differentiation

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    Plasticity in epithelial tissues relates to processes of embryonic development, tissue fibrosis and cancer progression. Pharmacological modulation of epithelial transitions during disease progression may thus be clinically useful. Using human keratinocytes and a robotic high-content imaging platform, we screened for chemical compounds that reverse transforming growth factor β (TGF-β)-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition. In addition to TGF-β receptor kinase inhibitors, we identified small molecule epithelial plasticity modulators including a naturally occurring hydroxysterol agonist of the liver X receptors (LXRs), members of the nuclear receptor transcription factor family. Endogenous and synthetic LXR agonists tested in diverse cell models blocked α-smooth muscle actin expression, myofibroblast differentiation and function. Agonist-dependent LXR activity or LXR overexpression in the absence of ligand counteracted TGF-β-mediated myofibroblast terminal differentiation and collagen contraction. The protective effect of LXR agonists against TGF-β-induced pro-fibrotic activity raises the possibility that anti-lipidogenic therapy may be relevant in fibrotic disorders and advanced cancer

    Total Infrared Luminosity Estimation of Resolved and Unresolved Galaxies

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    The total infrared (TIR) luminosity from galaxies can be used to examine both star formation and dust physics. We provide here new relations to estimate the TIR luminosity from various Spitzer bands, in particular from the 8 micron and 24 micron bands. To do so, we use 45" subregions within a subsample of nearby face-on spiral galaxies from the Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxies Survey (SINGS) that have known oxygen abundances as well as integrated galaxy data from the SINGS, the Local Volume Legacy Survey (LVL) and Engelbracht et al. (2008) samples. Taking into account the oxygen abundances of the subregions, the star formation rate intensity, and the relative emission of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at 8 micron, the warm dust at 24 micron and the cold dust at 70 micron and 160 micron we derive new relations to estimate the TIR luminosity from just one or two of the Spitzer bands. We also show that the metallicity and the star formation intensity must be taken into account when estimating the TIR luminosity from two wave bands, especially when data longward of 24 micron are not available.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Ap
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