323 research outputs found

    Principes théoriques et méthodologiques de l’ethnopsychiatrie : L’exemple du travail avec les enfants de migrants et leurs familles

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    L'ethnopsychiatrie traite également la dimension culturelle du désordre (et de sa prise en charge) et l'analyse des fondements psychiques. Sa méthode originale est le « complémentarisme » entre la psychanalyse et l'anthropologie. Elle jette un nouveau pont entre le clinicien et son patient, entre les thérapies traditionnelles et le traitement moderne, entre le dehors (la culture), et le dedans (le psychisme). Cette approche trouve de fructueuses applications en situation de migration, notamment pour l'enfant déchiré entre la culture de ses parents et celle du pays d'accueil.The realm of ethnopsychiatry also includes the cultural dimension of chaos (and the ways of overcoming this chaos) and the analysis of psychic foundations. This original method deals with the "complementarity" between psychoanalysis and anthropology. In doing so, it establishes a new link between the clinician and the patient, between traditional therapies and modern treatments, between the outside (culture) and the inside (psyche). This approach can be successfully applied to the context of migration, particularly to the child who is torn between the culture of his parents and the culture of the host nation

    Una clĂ­nica transcultural de la complexitat

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    L’autora proposa una clínica que integri la complexitat de tota situació transcultural amb pacients immigrants de primera isegona generació, amb una llengua materna diferent de la del terapeuta. Mostra que el malentès pot ser d’origen lingüístic,però que sobretot és cultural (representacions col·lectives de les paraules utilitzades). Quines són les paraules utilitzades pels pacients i quines són les representacions que aquestes paraules contenen? Quines són les teories etiològiques que el pacient utilitza per donar sentit a allò que viu i al que sent? Per tal d’entendre’s d’una manera creativa, l’autora proposa un dispositiu de cura transcultural que permeti jugar amb els malentesos en presència d’un traductor i d’un grup de coterapeutes amb formació clínica transcultural

    La construction identitaire chez l’adolescent de parents migrants. Analyse croisée du processus identitaire

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    L’adolescence est la période spécifique où remaniements psychiques et questionnements identitaires sont au premier plan. La question de la construction identitaire s’avérerait d’autant plus complexe dans un contexte transculturel. À partir de leurs interrogations cliniques, les auteurs proposent une revue de la littérature sur le processus de construction identitaire chez les adolescents de parents migrants. Cette réflexion théorique s’appuie sur les conceptualisations de ce processus en psychologie interculturelle, transculturelle et dans la théorie du self dialogique. Mettre en relief ces différentes approches et les ponts qui les relient, permettra alors de mieux comprendre la réalité de l’identité hybride ou métissée à l’adolescence.Adolescence is the specific stage during which psychological changes and identity searching are at the forefront of preoccupations. The identity construction proves to be particularly complex in a transcultural context. Starting from their clinical questioning, the authors propose a literature review of the process of identity construction in a population of adolescent children of migrant parents. This theoretical reflection is based on conceptualisations of this process in intercultural psychology, transcultural psychology and in the theory of dialogical self. Putting into perspective these different approaches and their interconnections will help better understand the reality of hybrid or half-breed identity during adolescence.La adolescencia es el período específico en el que las transformaciones psíquicas y cuestionamientos de la identidad se encuentran en primer plano. La cuestión de la construcción de la identidad se presenta de forma aún más compleja en un contexto transcultural. A partir de sus interrogantes clínicas, los autores proponen una revisión de la literatura sobre el proceso de construcción de la identidad en los adolescentes de padres inmigrantes. Esta reflexión teórica se apoya en las conceptualizaciones de este proceso en la psicología intercultural, transcultural y en la teoría del self dialógico (self-dialogique). Poner de relieve estos enfoques diferentes y los puentes que los enlazan, permitirá comprender mejor la realidad de la identidad híbrida o mestiza en la adolescencia.A adolescência é o período específico no qual transformações psíquicas e questionamentos identitários encontram-se em primeiro plano. A questão da construção identitária é ainda mais complexa em um contexto transcultural. A partir de questionários clínicos, os autores propõem uma revista da literatura sobre o processo de construção identitária em adolescentes cujos pais são imigrantes. Esta reflexão teórica apóia-se nas conceitualizações deste processo em psicologia intercultural, transcultural e na teoria do self dialógico. Ressaltar estas diferentes abordagens e os pontos que as unem permitirá, então, melhor compreender a realidade da identidade híbrida ou mestiça na adolescência

    Writing Therapies—An Ethnographic Approach to Transcultural Therapies

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    Este artículo presenta una investigación etnográfica den la tradición etnopsicoanalítica acerca de un tipo específico de terapia, que se desarrolla en Francia, la terapia transcultural en "ambiente de grupo multicultural". Los autores detallan la construcción de su enfoque metodológico, el cual se erige sobre la tradición francesa y suiza de la investigación etnopsicoanalítica. Esta investigación refuerza el argumento de que la alianza terapéutica, la mediación y construcción de nuevos significados son centrales para este tipo de trabajo. También describen este ambiente como un espacio para encuentros profundamente creativos y para el desarrollo de nuevos significados provenientes de los “márgenes” de la sociedad francesa. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs100319In diesem Artikel stellen wir eine ethnografische Forschung in ethnopsychoanalytischer Tradition vor, in der eine bestimmte Therapieform, die in Frankreich entwickelt wurde, untersucht wird: die transkulturellen Therapien im "multikulturellen Gruppensetting". Wir beschreiben die Konstruktion des methodischen Zugangs, der auf der Grundlage der französischen und der schweizerischen Tradition ethnopsychoanalytischer Forschung entwickelt wurde. Wir versuchen zu zeigen, dass das Herstellen eines therapeutischen Arbeitsbündnisses, die Mediation und das Schaffen neuer Bedeutungen zentral für diese Art der therapeutischen Arbeit sind. Und wir beschreiben das therapeutische Setting als einen Ort, in dem äußerst kreative Begegnungen stattfinden und neue Bedeutungen geschaffen werden, die auch die Perspektive marginalisierter Teile der französischen Gesellschaft widerspiegeln. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs100319The paper presents an ethnographic research in the ethnopsychoanalytic tradition about a specific type of therapy, which was developed in France: the transcultural therapy in a "multicultural group setting." The authors detail the construction of their methodological approach, which relies on the French and the Swiss tradition of ethnopsychoanalytic research. This research buttresses the argument that the work on the therapeutic alliance, mediation and the construction of new meanings are central for this type of work. They also describe this setting as a space for profoundly creative encounters and the development of new meanings coming "from the margins" of French society. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs10031

    Per una prevenció transcultural precoç

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    L’article explora com podem entendre el fet de ser pares enuna situació migratòria. Presenta investigacions que ajuden apensar sobre els efectes de la diversitat cultural i de lamigració en els pares. N’extreu conseqüències per a la clínicai el seguiment de pares i de bebès en les nostres consultes

    Aspect traumatogène de l’exclusion sociale, une analyse enthnopsychanalytique

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    International audienceThis research explores the phenomenon of social exclusion into a complementarist approach using interviews with six people as a starting point. Thanks to a qualitative method based on the grounded theory, we carried out a comparative analysis of our material. The analysis helped to show the traumatogenic dimension of social exclusion. We used the concept of liminality from the cultural anthropologist Victor Turner, in order to describe the destabilizing aspect of this experience, but also its potential to provoque profound change. The traumatogenic dimension appears in each story, butsometimes it provoques a real “initiatory transformation”. In other cases it may lead to defensive psychic arrangements which are constructed on the basis of a splitting between the “sacred" and the “profane” and even really become traumatic.Cette recherche explore le phénomène d’exclusion sociale dans une approche complémentariste en partant d’entretiens effectués avec six personnes. Grâce à une méthode qualitative basée sur la grounded theory, nous avons réalisé une analyse comparative de différentes parties de notre matériel. Nous avons mis en évidence la dimension traumatogène de l’exclusion sociale. La notion de liminalité de l’anthropologue Victor Turner nous a permis de décrire le potentiel déstabilisant de cette expérience, tout autant que sa capacité de «métamorphose » : si la dimension traumatogène est présente dans chacun des récits, la situation d’exclusion sociale peut, dans certains cas, prendre la forme d’une véritable « transformation initiatique ». Pour d’autres, elle peut aussi amener à des aménagements défensifs construits sur un clivage entre le « sacré » et le « profane », ou encore devenir véritablement traumatique

    Case Report Of Ganser Syndrome In A 14-year-old Girl: Another Face Of Depressive Disorder ?

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    International audienceABSTRACT: The Ganser syndrome is rare in children and in adolescents. A case of Ganser syndrome in a 14-year-old girl, with three of the four essential features, is presented. After rapid resolution in two weeks, Ganser symptoms reappear seven months later accompanied, this second time, by previous depressive symptoms. This report raises the possibility of Ganser syndrome as a manifestation of depressive disorder in adolescence

    Countertransference in Trauma Clinic: A Transitional Breach in the Therapists’ Identity

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    In line with the theoretical elaboration of countertransference in the trauma clinic, this article addresses the therapist’s relationship to the strangeness of the trauma, as well as his/her interaction with the cultural difference of the other, who is in this case, the traumatized patient. Thirty-one therapists were interviewed about their subjective experiences, using the methodology of interpretative phenomenological analysis. This article shows interesting subtleties in countertransference reactions to trauma narratives and sheds light on processes indicative of trauma transmission. Therapists interviewed could express experiencing moments of strangeness and inner disquiet; resonance in the defense mechanisms deployed by therapists and by patients at certain moments of the therapy; resorting to disregarding cultural interpretations/generalizations to make sense of an utterly painful situation and put a protective distance with the patients’ culture of origin

    The Quest for Meaning Around Self-Injurious and Suicidal Acts: A Qualitative Study Among Adolescent Girls

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    Introduction: Suicide and non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) are major problems in adolescent psychiatry and share numerous clinical characteristics. The principal objective of this study is to describe the subjective experience of adolescent girls and young women who present NSSI and/or suicidal behaviors and to determine the common aspects and the specificities of each experience.Method: This exploratory study is based on a procedure that is qualitative, phenomenological, and inductive. The data were collected from two semi-structured interviews each of 18 girls and young women aged 12–21 years, who were receiving care from a psychiatrist specializing in adolescents and who at least once had harmed themselves by NSSI or attempted suicide, or both. The thematic data analysis was performed by applying the methods of interpretative phenomenological analysis.Results: The results are described around four superordinate themes: relationships with the self, with others/otherness, with the body, and with death; they are then subdivided into 13 themes. Several themes appeared common to both types of behavior, especially the relational dimension of self-harming acts. The process of separation-individuation seems complex for these youth.Conclusion: The results underline the relational aspects of the self-harming behavior (NSSI or suicidal) among adolescent girls. These aspects also appear to be expressed in the family sphere, the social sphere, in contact with peers, and also at a societal level when the community no longer addresses adolescents' difficulties. When the process of subjectification does not appear to reach completion, self-aggressive behavior is seen as an ultimate attempt to regain a feeling of autonomy
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