6,833 research outputs found

    Abundances of massive stars: some recent developments

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    Thanks to their usefulness in various fields of astrophysics (e.g. mixing processes in stars, chemical evolution of galaxies), the last few years have witnessed a large increase in the amount of abundance data for early-type stars. Two intriguing results emerging since the last reviews on this topic will be discussed: (a) nearby OB stars exhibit metal abundances generally lower than the solar/meteoritic estimates; (b) evolutionary models of single objects including rotation are largely unsuccessful in explaining the CNO properties of stars in the Galaxy and in the Magellanic clouds.Comment: Invited review presented at 'Evolution and Pulsation of Massive Stars on the Main Sequence and Close to it' (Liege, July 2008). To appear in Communications in Asteroseismology (8 pages and 7 colour figures

    Large q expansion of the 2D q-states Potts model

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    We present a recursive method to calculate a large q expansion of the 2d q-states Potts model free energies based on the Fortuin-Kasteleyn representation of the model. With this procedure, we compute directly the ordered phase partition function up to order 10 in 1/sqrt{q}. The energy cumulants at the transition can be obtained with suitable resummation and come out large for q less or around 15. As a consequence, expansions of the free energies around the transition temperature are useless for not large enough values of q. In particular the pure phase specific heats are predicted to be much larger, at q < 15, than the values extracted from current finite size scaling analysis of extrema, whereas they agree very well with recent values extracted at the transition point.Comment: 31 pages (tex) including 15 figures (Postscript

    Turbulent kinetic energy equation and free mixing

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    Calculation of free shear flows was carried out to investigate the usefulness of several concepts which were previously successfully applied to wall flows. The method belongs to the class of differential approaches. The turbulence is taken into account by the introduction of one additional partial differential equation, the transport equation for the turbulent shear stress. The structure of turbulence is modeled after Bradshaw et al. This model was used successfully in boundary layers and its applicability to other flows is demonstrated. The work reported differs substantially from that of an earlier attempt to use this approach for calculation of free flows. The most important difference is that the region around the center line is treated by invoking the interaction hypothesis (concerning the structure of turbulence in the regions separated by the velocity extrema). The compressibility effects on shear layer spreading at low and moderate Mach numbers were investigated. In the absence of detailed experiments in free flows, the evidence from boundary layers that at low Mach numbers the structure of turbulence is unaffected by the compressibility was relied on. The present model was tested over a range of self-preserving and developing flows including pressure gradients using identical empirical input. The dependence of the structure of turbulence on the spreading rate of the shear layer was established

    QCD with Adjoint Scalars in 2D: Properties in the Colourless Scalar Sector

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    We present a numerical study of an SU(3) gauged 2D model for adjoint scalar fields, defined by dimensional reduction of pure gauge QCD in (2+1)D at high temperature. In the symmetric phase of its global Z_2 symmetry, two colourless boundstates, even and odd under Z_2, are identified. Their respective contributions (poles) in correlation functions of local composite operators A_n of degree n=2p and 2p+1 in the scalar fields (p=1,2) fulfill factorization. The contributions of two particle states (cuts) are detected. Their size agrees with estimates based on a meanfield-like decomposition of the p=2 operators into polynomials in p=1 operators. No sizable signal in any A_n correlation can be attributed to 1/n times a Debye screening length associated with n elementary fields. These results are quantitatively consistent with the picture of scalar ``matter'' fields confined within colourless boundstates whose residual ``strong'' interactions are very weak.Comment: 27 pages, improved presentation of results and some references added, as accepted by Nucl. Phys.

    A theoretical analysis of the electromagnetic environment of the AS330 super Puma helicopter external and internal coupling

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    Numerical techniques such as Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) computer programs, which were first developed to analyze the external electromagnetic environment of an aircraft during a wave illumination, a lightning event, or any kind of current injection, are now very powerful investigative tools. The program called GORFF-VE, was extended to compute the inner electromagnetic fields that are generated by the penetration of the outer fields through large apertures made in the all metallic body. Then, the internal fields can drive the electrical response of a cable network. The coupling between the inside and the outside of the helicopter is implemented using Huygen's principle. Moreover, the spectacular increase of computer resources, as calculations speed and memory capacity, allows the modellization structures as complex as these of helicopters with accuracy. This numerical model was exploited, first, to analyze the electromagnetic environment of an in-flight helicopter for several injection configurations, and second, to design a coaxial return path to simulate the lightning aircraft interaction with a strong current injection. The E field and current mappings are the result of these calculations

    Department of Corrections v. Superior Court: Hear No Evil

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    On December 9, 1991, professional ethical and moral considerations prompted heated litigation in Department of Corrections v. Superior Court. Justice Donald G. Alexander of Maine\u27s Superior Court displayed considerable foresight while sentencing two borderline mentally retarded child sex offenders. Although both defendants had committed repugnant crimes, Justice Alexander anticipated that they would be subjected to impermissible abuse if incarcerated in the Department of Corrections. He believed that preventive measures were necessary to ensure the safety of the defendants being sentenced and to avoid the potential that conditions of their incarceration would amount to cruel and unusual punishment. Justice Alexander subsequently imposed special conditions upon the Department of Corrections. The Department of Corrections sought an injunction through a writ of mandamus or prohibition. The Department argued that the Superior Court had exceeded its statutory authority by imposing these special conditions. The Maine Supreme Judicial Court granted extraordinary relief. Chief Justice Wathen relied on statutory language stating that the Commissioner of the Department of Corrections has “complete discretion” and is responsible for the supervision, management, and control of offenders in the Department. On appeal, the Superior Court contended that it had the duty and authority to uphold the Constitutions of the United States and Maine and that the Department was limited by those considerations. The Supreme Judicial Court, sitting as the Law Court, held unanimously that a superior court has supervisory power over the Department of Corrections only when the appropriate vehicle is invoked. The Law Court concluded that since no such vehicle had been invoked, the special conditions must be deleted. The case raised the question of what could be done with defendants who suffer from either physical or mental disabilities. Could they be protected or would they remain powerless until actual violations of rights occur? This Note will analyze the decision in Department of Corrections v. Superior Court and the viability of existing options at the appellate and trial court levels that enable courts to address conditions of confinement

    An Investigation of the Large-scale Variability of the Apparently Single Wolf-Rayet Star WR 1

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    In recent years, much studies have focused on determining the origin of the large-scale line-profile and/or photometric patterns of variability displayed by some apparently single Wolf-Rayet stars, with the existence of an unseen (collapsed?) companion or of spatially extended wind structures as potential candidates. We present observations of WR 1 which highlight the unusual character of the variations in this object. Our narrowband photometric observations reveal a gradual increase of the stellar continuum flux amounting to Delta v = 0.09 mag followed by a decline on about the same timescale (3-4 days). Only marginal evidence for variability is found during the 11 following nights. Strong, daily line-profile variations are also observed but they cannot be easily linked to the photometric variations. Similarly to the continuum flux variations, coherent time-dependent changes are observed in 1996 in the centroid, equivalent width, and skewness of He II 4686. Despite the generally coherent nature of the variations, we do not find evidence in our data for the periods claimed in previous studies. While the issue of a cyclical pattern of variability in WR 1 is still controversial, it is clear that this object might constitute in the future a cornerstone for our understanding of the mechanisms leading to the formation of largely anisotropic outflows in Wolf-Rayet stars.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Microstructural Modeling of Collagen Network Mechanics and Interactions with the Proteoglycan Gel in Articular Cartilage

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    Cartilage matrix mechanical function is largely determined by interactions between the collagen fibrillar network and the proteoglycan gel. Although the molecular physics of these matrix constituents have been characterized and modern imaging methods are capable of localized measurement of molecular densities and orientation distributions, theoretical tools for using this information for prediction of cartilage mechanical behavior are lacking. We introduce a means to model collagen network contributions to cartilage mechanics based upon accessible microstructural information (fibril density and orientation distributions) and which self-consistently follows changes in microstructural geometry with matrix deformations. The interplay between the molecular physics of the collagen network and the proteoglycan gel is scaled up to determine matrix material properties, with features such as collagen fibril pre-stress in free-swelling cartilage emerging naturally and without introduction of ad hoc parameters. Methods are developed for theoretical treatment of the collagen network as a continuum-like distribution of fibrils, such that mechanical analysis of the network may be simplified by consideration of the spherical harmonic components of functions of the fibril orientation, strain, and stress distributions. Expressions for the collagen network contributions to matrix stress and stiffness tensors are derived, illustrating that only spherical harmonic components of orders 0 and 2 contribute to the stress, while orders 0, 2, and 4 contribute to the stiffness. Depth- and compression-dependent equilibrium mechanical properties of cartilage matrix are modeled, and advantages of the approach are illustrated by exploration of orientation and strain distributions of collagen fibrils in compressed cartilage. Results highlight collagen-proteoglycan interactions, especially for very small physiological strains where experimental data are relatively sparse. These methods for determining matrix mechanical properties from measurable quantities at the microscale (composition, structure, and molecular physics) may be useful for investigating cartilage structure-function relationships relevant to load-bearing, injury, and repai