540 research outputs found

    Evaluating Third-Party Bad Neighborhood Blacklists for Spam Detection

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    The distribution of malicious hosts over the IP address space is far from being uniform. In fact, malicious hosts tend to be concentrate in certain portions of the IP address space, forming the so-called Bad Neighborhoods. This phenomenon has been previously exploited to filter Spam by means of Bad Neighborhood blacklists. In this paper, we evaluate how much a network administrator can rely upon different Bad Neighborhood blacklists generated by third-party sources to fight Spam. One could expect that Bad Neighborhood blacklists generated from different sources contain, to a varying degree, disjoint sets of entries. Therefore, we investigate (i) how specific a blacklist is to its source, and (ii) whether different blacklists can be interchangeably used to protect a target from Spam. We analyze five Bad Neighborhood blacklists generated from real-world measurements and study their effectiveness in protecting three production mail servers from Spam. Our findings lead to several operational considerations on how a network administrator could best benefit from Bad Neighborhood-based Spam filtering

    Estudo da Sensibilização aos Aeroalergenos Phl p 1, Phl p 5, Ole e 1 e Ole e 2 em Doentes com Patologia Alérgica Sazonal

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    Introdução: A sensibilização aos pólenes depende de vários factores nomeadamente do tipo de vegetação local e sabe-se que a sintomatologia não está apenas associada à exposição aos pólens mas também a partículas, algumas das quais resultantes da rotura dos grãos de pólen sendo posteriormente aerossolizadas. Objectivos: Relacionar a sensibilização de doentes com a concentração polínica atmosférica e a concentração de alguns dos respectivos aerolergenos. Métodos: Das consultas externas de Imunoalergologia dos hospitais de Évora e Elvas seleccionaram-se doentes que apresentavam queixas sazonais de rinite alérgica e asma brônquica, aos quais foram realizados testes cutâneos em Prick, standardizados, aos pólenes identificados na região. A 55 doentes foram realizados testes ao extracto de Phleum, aos seus alergénios Phl p 1 e Phl p 5, bem como aos extractos das restantes gramíneas e a 47 doentes foram realizados testes ao extracto de Olea, aos seus alergénios Ole e 1 e Ole e 2. Monitorizaram-se diariamente as partículas polínicas e os aeroalergenos mediante 2 colectores específicos para cada tipo. Resultados: A percentagem de doentes que é sensível aos 3 extractos de Phleum (Phleum total, Phl p 1 e Phl p 5) é de 51% , a dos que são sensíveis aos extractos de Phleum total e Phl p 1 é de 16 % e a dos que são sensíveis a Phleum total e Phl p5 é de 2%. A percentagem de doentes que é sensível a somente um dos extractos é de 20% e os que não têm qualquer sensibilidade são 11%. A percentagem de doentes que é sensível aos 3 extractos de Olea (Olea total, Ole e 1 e Ole e 2) é de 23%, a dos que são sensíveis à Olea total e Ole e 1 é de 21 % e a dos que são sensíveis à Olea total e Ole e 2 é de apenas 4%. A percentagem dos que são sensíveis a um dos extractos é de 19% e a dos que não apresentaram qualquer sensibilidade é de 32%. Conclusões: Podemos concluir que 89% dos doentes mostraram ser sensíveis aos alergénios da gramínea Phleum pratense pois mostraram positividade tanto ao extracto de Phleum e/ou aos seus alergénios Phl p 1 e Phl p 5. Em relação à oliveira, 44% dos doentes são alérgicos a este pólen pois são sensíveis ao seu alergénio major, Ole e 1. Em ambos os casos estão correlacionados com os aeroalergenos detectados nas amostras de ar, sendo a sensibilidade aos pólenes de gramíneas maior que a sensibilidade ao pólen de oliveira. Mais estudos devem ser realizados para despiste de reacções cruzadas nomeadamente quanto à Olea com outras plantas da região

    Strategies to enhance the removal of Fluoroquinolones

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    Fluoroquinolones (FQs) are broad-spectrum antibiotics that play an important role in the treatment of serious bacterial infections. Currently, several FQs are available but ciprofloxacin (CPF), ofloxacin (OFL) and norfloxacin (NOR) are amongst the most worldwide prescribed antibiotics. Antibiotics can reach wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) from different routes. Thus removal of these contaminants during the biotreatment process is of major importance in order to avoid their release to other environmental matrices. Granular sludge sequencing batch reactors (SBR) constitute a novel biofilm technology for wastewater treatment extremely promising for the treatment of effluents containing toxic compounds. Therefore, in this study a granular sludge SBR, established with activated sludge from a WWTP, was operated for the treatment of an aqueous stream containing FQs. No evidence of FQ biodegradation followed by HPLC with Fluorescence Detection was observed but FQs adsorbed to the aerobic granular sludge, being gradually released into the medium after withdrawal of the FQs in the inlet stream. In a previous study, Labrys portucalensis F11 demonstrated to be able to degrade FQs, namely OFL, NOR and CPF, when supplied individually or as a mixture, in the presence of an easy degradable carbon source. Different removal extents were obtained for the tested concentrations (ranging from 0.8 to 30 μM), but overall the uptake capacity of strain F11 for individual FQs decreased with increasing the initial FQ concentration. When supplied with a mixture FQs, strain F11 concomitantly removed each target antibiotic but a decrease on the biodegradability of FQs was observed which could be explained by competition mechanisms. The ability of Labrys portucalensis F11 to grow using the readily available carbon source while maintain its ability to degrade FQs reinforce the potential of this strain in bioaugmentation processes. As the indigenous microbial communities in biotreatment processes rarely are able to remove such contaminants, using this promising FQ-degrading strain, bioaugmentation strategies such as inoculation of the degrading strain, as a suspension or immobilized on carrier material, or using a plasmid donor strain carrying the degradative genes, could be assessed to improve FQ removal. Acknowledgments: C.L. Amorim, A.S. Maia and I.S. Moreira wish to acknowledge the research grants from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal (Ref. SFRH/BD/47109/2008, SFRH/BD/86939/2012 and SFRH/BPD/87251/2012, respectively) and Fundo Social Europeu (Programa Operacional Potencial Humano (POPH), Quadro de Referência Estratégico Nacional (QREN))). This work was supported by FCT through the projects PTDC/EBB-EBI/111699/2009 and PEst-OE/EQB/LA0016/2011

    Effects of pneumonectomy on nitric oxide synthase expression and perivascular edema in the remaining lung of rats

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    Pneumonectomy is associated with high mortality and high rates of complications. Postpneumonectomy pulmonary edema is one of the leading causes of mortality. Little is known about its etiologic factors and its association with the inflammatory process. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the role of pneumonectomy as a cause of pulmonary edema and its association with gas exchange, inflammation, nitric oxide synthase (NOS) expression and vasoconstriction. Forty-two non-specific pathogen-free Wistar rats were included in the study. Eleven animals died during or after the procedure, 21 were submitted to left pneumonectomy and 10 to sham operation. These animals were sacrificed after 48 or 72 h. Perivascular pulmonary edema was more intense in pneumonectomized rats at 72 h (P = 0.0131). Neutrophil density was lower after pneumonectomy in both groups (P = 0.0168). There was higher immunohistochemical expression of eNOS in the pneumonectomy group (P = 0.0208), but no statistically significant difference in the expression of iNOS. The lumen-wall ratio and pO2/FiO2 ratio did not differ between the operated and sham groups after pneumonectomy. Left pneumonectomy caused perivascular pulmonary edema with no elevation of immunohistochemical expression of iNOS or neutrophil density, suggesting the absence of correlation with the inflammatory process or oxidative stress. The increased expression of eNOS may suggest an intrinsic production of NO without signs of vascular reactivity.Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES)CNP

    Composition Of ω-3 And ω-6 Fatty Acids In Freeze-dried Chicken Embryo Eggs With Different Days Of Development

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    Fatty acids ω-3 and ω-6 composition and specially DHA were determined in freeze-dried chicken embryo eggs with pre-determined incubation periods. Fertile and embryo eggs presented palmitic (23.18 ± 0.54%), stearic (7.70 ± 0.28%), palmitoleic (3.00 ± 0.19%), oleic (36.28 ± 0.58%), linoleic (22.18 ± 0.34%), linolenic (1.08 ± 0.04%), arachidonic (2.04 ± 0.03%), docosahexaenoic (0.91 ± 0.03%), total ω-3 acids (2.26 ± 0.10%) and total ω-6 acids (24.62 ± 0.33%). There were no significant differences in total contents of ω-3 fatty acids (p=0.1226) between freeze-dried chicken embryo eggs with different incubation periods (3, 5, 7, 9, and 11 days) and fertile freeze-dried chicken eggs (day 0). However, there were significant differences in total medium contents of ω-6 fatty acids (P=0.001). There was also a strong statistical evidence that quadratic model was related with expected values of DHA content (p= 0.0013).472219224Abril, R., Barclay, B., Fatty acid analysis of poultry eggs as methyl esters (1999) Método OT-GCPE, Rev. 3.1, , OmegaTech. Bolder, Co. 24/03/99(1996) Official Methods and Recommended Practices of de American Oil Chemists' Society. 4th Ed., , American Oil Chemists' Society, Champaign IIBragagnolo, N., Turatti, J.M., Evaluation of "light" eggs in Brazil (1999) Associazione Italiana di Avicoltura Scientifica, Instituto di Zootecnia, 2, pp. 177-181. , Paper presented at VIII European Symposium on the Quality of Eggs and Eggs Products, Bologna, ItáliaBeig, D., Garcia, F.C.M., (1986) O Embrião de Galinha, , Campo Grande : UFMS/ Imprensa UniversitáriaCherian, G., Sim, J.S., Net transfer and incorporation of yolk n-3 fatty acids into developing chick embryos (1993) Poultry Science, 72, pp. 98-105Cherian, G., Gopalakrishnan, N., Akiba, Y., Sim, J.S., Effect of maternal dietary n-3 fatty acids on the accretion of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in the tissues of developing chick embryo (1997) Biology of Neonate, 72, pp. 165-174Connor, W.E., Importance of n-3 fatty acids in health and disease (2000) American Journal of Clinical Nutritional, 71 (SUPPL.), pp. 171S-175SFarkas, K., Noble, R.C., Speake, B.K., Development changes in the levels of molecular species of triacylglicerol that contain docosahexaenoic acid in adipose tissue of chick embryo (1996) Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B-Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 115, pp. 1-6Ferrier, L.K., Gaston, L.J., Leeson, S., Squires, J., Weaver, B.J., Holub, B.J., α-linolenic acid - and docosahexaenoic acid - enriched eggs from hens fed flaxseed: Influence on blood lipids and platelet phospholipid fatty acids in human (1995) The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 62, pp. 81-86Lin, D.S., Connor, W.E., Anderson, G.J., The incorporation of n-3 and n-6 essential fatty acids into chicken embryo from eggs yolks having vastly different fatty acid compositions (1991) Pediatric Research, 29, pp. 601-605Maldjian, A., Falkas, K., Noble, R.C., Cocchi, M., Speake, B.K., The transfer of docosahexaenoic acid from the yolk to the tissues of chicken embryo (1995) Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1258, pp. 81-99Nettleton, J.A., (1995) Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Health, , Chapman and Hall, New YorkNoble, R.C., Cocchi, M., Lipid metabolism and the neonatal chicken (1990) Prog. Lipid Res., 29, pp. 107-140Park, Y.K., Koo, M.H., Carvalho, P.O., Recentes Progresses dos Alimentos Funcionais (1997) Bol. SBCTA, 31Salatin, J., Pastured poultry profits (1993) Polyface Swoope, , VirginiaSpeake, B.K., Murray, A.M.B., Noble, R.C., Transport and transformations of yolk lipids during development of avian embryo (1998) Prog. Lipid Res., 37, pp. 1-32Stadelman, W.J., Pratt, D.E., Factors influencing composition the hen's egg (1989) World's Poultry Science Journal, 45, pp. 247-261Thapon, J.L., Bourgeois, C.M., L'oeuf et les ovoproduits (1994) Lavoisier -Technique et Documentation, , ParisVieira, S., Hoffmann, R., Estatísitica experimental (1989) Atlas, , São Paul

    Atrativos alimentares na flutuação populacional de moscas-das-frutas e abelha irapuá

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    Fruit flies are important pests for most fruit species due to the damage they cause, precluding the marketing of fruit. This study aimed to test different fruit juices as food attractants in the monitoring of population fluctuation of fruit flies and Irapuá stingless bees, in an orchard in the south of Minas Gerais (Brazil) consisting of different fruit species: citrus, passion fruit, peach and acerola (west Indian cherry). The monitoring was conducted for a year, in a randomized block design with five treatments: fresh orange juice (50%), prepared with fresh fruit, and juices prepared from Brasfrut® frozen pulp and 10% granulated sugar in the flavors of mango (30%), guava (30%) and passion fruit (30%), in addition to granulated sugar solution (10%). Four replications were made, with split plots in time, related to the different evaluation times. Each block was represented by a different fruit species, namely citrus, passion fruit, peach and acerola. Traps with 200 mL of each attractant were distributed among the fruit plants, with a trap installed in the middle third of each plant, totaling 20 traps in the experiment. The juices of orange, mango, guava and passion fruit showed good attractiveness for the monitoring of fruit flies. For population monitoring of the stingless bee, the juices of orange, mango and guava were more efficient.As moscas-das-frutas são pragas importantes para a maioria das frutíferas em função dos danos que causam, inviabilizando a comercialização das frutas. Objetivou-se nesse trabalho testar diferentes sucos de frutas como atrativos alimentares no  monitoramento da flutuação populacional de moscas-das-frutas e abelha irapuá em um pomar localizado na região Sul de Minas Gerais, formado por diferentes frutíferas: citros, maracujazeiro, pessegueiro e aceroleira. O monitoramento foi realizado por um ano, em delineamento em blocos casualizados,  com cinco tratamentos, isto é, suco fresco de laranja (50%), preparado com fruta in natura, e sucos preparados com polpa congelada Brasfrut® e 10% de açúcar cristal nos sabores manga (30%), goiaba (30%) e maracujá (30%), além de solução de açúcar  cristal (10%). Foram feitas quatro repetições, com parcelas subdividas no tempo, referentes às diferentes épocas de avaliação. Cada bloco foi representado por uma frutífera, isto é, citros, maracujazeiro, pessegueiro e aceroleira, em cujas plantas foram distribuídas as armadilhas com 200 mL de solução atrativa cada, sendo uma armadilha instalada no  terço mediano  de cada planta,  totalizando 20 armadilhas no experimento. Os sucos de laranja, manga, goiaba e maracujá apresentaram boa atratividade para o monitoramento de moscas-das-frutas. Para o monitoramento populacional da abelha irapuá, os sucos de laranja, manga e goiaba foram mais eficientes

    Alguns aspectos fundamentais da defesa fitossanitária dos produtos armazenados em Moçambique. I. Inventário faunístico

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    Fish oil ingestion reduces the number of aberrant crypt foci and adenoma in 1,2-dimethylhydrazine-induced colon cancer in rats

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    We determined the effect of fish oil (FO) ingestion on colonic carcinogenesis in rats. Male Wistar rats received 4 subcutaneous injections (40 mg/kg body weight each) of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH) at 3-day intervals and were fed a diet containing 18% by weight FO (N = 10) or soybean oil (SO, N = 10) for 36 weeks. At sacrifice, the colon was removed, aberrant crypt foci were counted and the fatty acid profile was determined. Intestinal tumors were removed and classified as adenoma or carcinoma. Liver and feces were collected and analyzed for fatty acid profile. FO reduced the mean (± SEM) number of aberrant crypt foci compared to SO (113.55 ± 6.97 vs 214.60 ± 18.61; P 0.05). In conclusion, our findings indicate that chronic FO ingestion protected against the DMH-induced preneoplastic colon lesions and adenoma development, but not against carcinoma in rats

    Spin Glass Behavior in RuSr2Gd1.5Ce0.5Cu2O10

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    The dynamics of the magnetic properties of polycrystalline RuSr2Gd1.5Ce0.5Cu2O10 (Ru-1222) have been studied by ac susceptibility and dc magnetization measurements, including relaxation and ageing studies. Ru-1222 is a reported magneto-superconductor with Ru spins magnetic ordering at temperatures near 100 K and superconductivity in Cu-O2 planes below Tc ~ 40 K. The exact nature of Ru spins magnetic ordering is still debated and no conclusion has been reached yet. In this work, a frequency-dependent cusp was observed in ac susceptibility vs. T measurements, which is interpreted as a spin glass transition. The change in the cusp position with frequency follows the Vogel-Fulcher law, which is commonly accepted to describe a spin glass with magnetically interacting clusters. Such interpretation is supported by themoremanaent magnetization (TRM) measurements at T = 60 K. TRM relaxations are well described by a stretched exponential relation, and present significant ageing effects.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.