1,695 research outputs found

    La cultura organizativa en la teoría de los recursos y su aplicación al sector de las centrales nucleares

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    La generalización e intensificación de los procesos de liberalización de los mercados eléctricos que la mayoría de los países occidentales comenzaron a aplicar en los años 90 han creado un campo de investigación hasta ahora inédito, en especial, en el caso de las centrales nucleares, que están experimentando cambios culturales significativos que afectan a su seguridad. Esta investigación trata de responder a esta preocupación emergente desde una perspectiva alternativa, el modelo de organización cultural, una aproximación teórica que permite conectar las teorías culturales con la Teoría de los Recursos, asignando a la cultura una función esencial, ser el reflejo de la interacción social dinámica que protege la singularidad de las competencias.The generalization and intensification of the deregulation processes in the electric power sector that began in most Western countries in the 90s have given rise to a previously non-existent field of research. This is particularly the case of nuclear power plants, which are currently undergoing significant cultural changes affecting their safety. This work aims to examine this emerging concern from an alternative viewpoint using the theoretical approach of the cultural organization model. This enables cultural theories to be connected with the resource-based view, and assigns culture the essential function of reflecting the dynamic social interaction which protects the uniqueness of the competences.peerReviewe

    Nonlinear self-collimated sound beams in sonic crystals

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    We report the propagation of high-intensity sound beams in a sonic crystal, under self-collimation or reduced-divergence conditions. The medium is a fluid with elastic quadratic nonlinearity, where the dominating nonlinear effect is harmonic generation. The conditions for the efficient generation of narrow, non-diverging beam of second harmonic are discussed. Numerical simulations are in agreement with the analytical predictions made, based on the linear dispersion characteristics in modulated media and the nonlinear interaction in a quadratic medium under phase matching conditions.Comment: Sent to PR

    Ultradiscrete kinks with supersonic speed in a layered crystal with realistic potentials

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    We develop a dynamical model of the propagating nonlinear localized excitations, supersonic kinks, in the cation layer in a silicate mica crystal. We start from purely electrostatic Coulomb interaction and add the Ziegler-Biersack-Littmark short-range repulsive potential and the periodic potential produced by other atoms of the lattice. This approach allows the construction of supersonic kinks which can propagate in the lattice within a large range of energies and velocities. The interparticle distances in the lattice kinks with high energy are physically reasonable values. The introduction of the periodic lattice potential results in the important feature that the kinks propagate with a single velocity and a single energy which are independent on the excitation conditions. The found kinks are ultra-discrete and can be described with the "magic wave number" q2π/3aq\simeq 2\pi/3a, which was previously revealed in the nonlinear sinusoidal waves and supersonic kinks in the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam lattice. The extreme discreteness of the supersonic kinks, with basically two particles moving at the same time, allows the interpretation of their double-kink structure. The energy of the supersonic kinks is between the possible source of 40^{40}K recoil in beta decay and the energy necessary for the ejection of an atom at the border as has been found experimentally.Comment: 14 pages, 15 figure

    Nondiffractive sonic crystals

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    We predict theoretically the nondiffractive propagation of sonic waves in periodic acoustic media (sonic crystals), by expansion into a set of plane waves (Bloch mode expansion), and by finite difference time domain calculations of finite beams. We also give analytical evaluations of the parameters for nondiffractive propagation, as well as the minimum size of the nondiffractively propagating acoustic beams.Comment: 7 figures, submitted to J. Acoust. Soc. A

    Enhancing resonant circular-section haloscopes for dark matter axion detection: approaches and limitations in volume expansion

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    Haloscopes, microwave resonant cavities utilized in detecting dark matter axions within powerful static magnetic fields, are pivotal in modern astrophysical research. This paper delves into the realm of cylindrical geometries, investigating techniques to augment volume and enhance compatibility with dipole or solenoid magnets. The study explores volume constraints in two categories of haloscope designs: those reliant on single cavities and those employing multicavities. In both categories, strategies to increase the expanse of elongated structures are elucidated. For multicavities, the optimization of space within magnets is explored through 1D configurations. Three subcavity stacking approaches are investigated, while the foray into 2D and 3D geometries lays the groundwork for future topological developments. The results underscore the efficacy of these methods, revealing substantial room for progress in cylindrical haloscope design. Notably, an elongated single cavity design attains a three-order magnitude increase in volume compared to a WC-109 standard waveguide-based single cavity. Diverse prototypes featuring single cavities, 1D, 2D, and 3D multicavities highlight the feasibility of leveraging these geometries to magnify the volume of tangible haloscope implementations

    Nonlinear waves in a chain of magnetically coupled pendula

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    A motivation for the study of reduced models like one-dimensional systems in Solid State Physics is the complexity of the full problem. In recent years our group has studied theoretically, numerically and experimentally wave propagation in lattices of nonlinearly coupled oscillators. Here, we present the dynamics of magnetically coupled pendula lattices. These macroscopic systems can model the dynamical processes of matter or layered systems. We report the results obtained for harmonic wave propagation in these media, and the different regimes of mode conversion into higher harmonics strongly influenced by dispersion and discreteness, including the phenomenon of acoustic dilatation of the chain, as well as some results on the propagation of localized waves i.e., solitons and kinks.Generalitat Valenciana APOSTD/2017/042Umiversitat Politècnica de València PAID-01-14Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO), Spain FIS2015-65998-C2-2-PJunta de Andalucía 2017/FQM-28

    Estudio de los impactos ambientales de los cruces de gasoductos con ríos vadeables

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    El río Cigüela y su afluente Valdepineda (Cuenca, España) fueron afectados por el cruce de un gasoducto, en Diciembre de 2001, mediante la técnica convencional "cruce subálveo" que consta de tres fases: instalación de la pista de trabajo, apertura de zanja y rehabilitación. Con el objetivo de evaluar el impacto de las distintas etapas de la obra en el medio acuático, se está llevando a cabo un estudio que se centra en el efecto de los sólidos en suspensión en las comunidades macrobentónicas e ícticas. Se presentan los resultados preliminares obtenidos en la fase de apertura de zanja, donde se observa un valor muy elevado de movilización de sólidos en suspensión (hasta 5000 mg/l), alcanzando las mayores concentraciones en los 100 primeros metros aguas abajo del punto de cruce. Estos sólidos en suspensión podrían ser la causa del aumento significativo de la sedimentación de las partículas de tamaño comprendido entre 50-250 μm y 250-500 μm en los 30 primeros metros aguas abajo del punto de cruce. Por otro lado, no se han observado diferencias en el valor del índice BMWP' en las distintas estaciones de muestreo. Sin embargo, en la fase de rehabilitación, se encuentra una diferencia significativa en la frecuencia de distribución de algunas de las especies de peces presentes en el río, además se observa un claro efecto barrera para la ictiofauna al eliminar la pista de trabajo.The Cigüela River and its tributary, Valdepineda (Cuenca, España) were affected by the crossing of a natural gas pipeline, in December 2001, by means of the conventional technique "open-cut water crossing" that consists of three different works: installation of the right-of-way, excavation and backfill of the pipeline trench, and restoration. In order to assess the impacts of these different activities on the aquatic environment, we are carrying out a study that is focused on the effects of suspended solids in the benthic and fish communities. Preliminary results of this study are presented on the excavation and backfill of the pipeline trench, that indicate that a very high value of suspended solids mobilisation is observed (up to 5000 mg/l), reaching the higher concentrations in the first 100 meters downstream of the crossing site. These suspended solids might be responsible for the significant increase in the sedimentation of the particles of sizes 50-250 μm and 250-500 μm in the 30 first meters downstream of the crossing site. On the other hand, we have not found differences in the values of the BMWP' index at the different sampling sites. Nevertheless, in the restoration phase , there is a significant difference in the distribution frequency of some fish species that appear in the river and also a clear barrier effect is observed for fishes when eliminating the right-of-way

    Corporate Culture and long-terme survival of Spanish innovative firms

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze how firms can enhance their innovative capabilities and become more resilient. The current business environment requires a specific type of management for companies to remain competitive and innovation plays a key role in this respect. However, this means that a particular kind of corporate culture must promote innovation in the firm. This innovation culture is likely to be present in innovative companies that have survived in the long term (at least 50 years) and be the source of an adaptive advantage.2017-1