36 research outputs found

    Stopping and straggling of 60-250-keV backscattered protons on nanometric Pt films

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    The stopping power and straggling of backscattered protons on nanometric Pt films were measured at low to medium energies (60-250 keV) by using the medium-energy ion scattering technique. The stopping power results are in good agreement with the most recent measurements by Primetzhofer Phys. Rev. B 86, 094102 (2012) and are well described by the free electron gas model at low projectile energies. Nevertheless, the straggling results are strongly underestimated by well-established formulas up to a factor of two. Alternatively, we propose a model for the energy-loss straggling that takes into account the inhomogeneous electron-gas response, based on the electron-loss function of the material, along with bunching effects. This approach yields remarkable agreement with the experimental data, indicating that the observed enhancement in energy-loss straggling is due to bunching effects in an inhomogeneous electron system. Nonlinear effects are of minor importance for the energy-loss straggling.This study was financed in part by: Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brazil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001; Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnológico - Brazil (CNPq) Projects No. 141833/2017-3, No. 160018/2019-6, No. 406750/2016- 5 and No. 404301/2016-9; and PRONEX-FAPERGS. J.M., P.L.G., and F.F.S. acknowledge support by RADIATE project under the Grant Agreement 824096 from the EU Research and Innovation program HORIZON 2020. M.V. acknowledges the Australian Research Council - Australia (ARC) funding program for financial support. P.L.G. and F.F.S. acknowledge D. Primetzhofer for the enlightening discussion

    Development of nanotechnology-based drug delivery systems with olive vegetable oil for cutaneous application

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    ABSTRACT Liquid-Crystalline Systems represent active compounds delivery systems that may be able to overcome the physical barrier of the skin, especially represented by the stratum corneum. To obtain these systems, aqueous and oily components are used with surfactants. Of the different association structures in such systems, the liquid-crystalline offer numerous advantages to a topical product. This manuscript presents the development of liquid-crystalline systems consisting, in which the oil component is olive oil, its rheological characterizations, and the location of liquid crystals in its phase map. Cytotoxic effects were evaluated using J-774 mouse macrophages as the cellular model. A phase diagram to mix three components with different proportions was constructed. Two liquid crystalline areas were found with olive oil in different regions in the ternary diagram with two nonionic surfactants, called SLC1 (S1) and SLC2 (S2). These systems showed lamellar liquid crystals that remained stable during the entire analysis time. The systems were also characterized rheologically with pseudoplastic behavior without thixotropy. The texture and bioadhesion assays showed that formulations were similar statistically (p < 0.05), indicating that the increased amount of water in S2 did not interfere with the bioadhesive properties of the systems. In vitro cytotoxic assays showed that formulations did not present cytotoxicity. Olive oil-based systems may be a promising platform for skin delivery of drugs

    7th Drug hypersensitivity meeting: part two

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    Pd On Cu(1 1 1) Studied By Photoelectron Diffraction

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    The PdCu alloy system, which has important catalytic properties, has been the subject of many experimental and theoretical studies using a large number of different techniques. Theoretical and experimental structural studies converge in predicting ordered alloys for the Pd/Cu(1 1 0) and Pd/Cu(1 0 0) surfaces. No such agreement exists for the Pd/Cu(1 1 1) surface, however; indeed, few structural studies have been performed for this surface. Here, we report the first application of X-ray photoelectron diffraction (XPD) (using synchrotron radiation) in combination with LEED to determine the structure of ultra-thin epitaxial Pd films (∼1 ML) evaporated on Cu(1 1 1) single crystal surfaces. The analysis of the data was performed with the multiple scattering diffraction program of Chen and Van Hove. For the preparation condition used, a random surface alloy seems to form in the first three layers. The first interlayer distance expands whereas the second seems to contract. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.504215222Tersoff, J., (1995) Phys. Rev. Lett., 74, p. 434. , and references thereinValden, M., Aaltonen, J., Pessa, M., Gleeson, M., Barnes, C.J., (1994) Chem. Phys. Lett., 228, p. 519Bardi, U., (1994) Rep. Prog. Phys., 57, p. 939Besenbacher, F., Chorkendorff, I., Clausen, B.S., Hammer, B., Molenbroek, A.M., Norskov, J.K., Stensgaard, I., (1998) Science, 279, p. 1913Choi, K.I., Vannice, M.A., (1991) J. Catal., 131, p. 36Anderson, J.A., Fernández-Garcia, M., Haller, G.L., (1996) J. Catal., 164, p. 477Illas, F., López, N., Ricart, J.M., Clotet, A., (1998) J. Phys. Chem. B, 102, p. 8017Barnes, C., Gleeson, M., (1994) Surf. Sci., 319, p. 157Murray, P.W., Stensgaard, I., Laegsgaard, E., Besenbacher, F., (1995) Phys. Rev. B, 52, p. 14404Murray, P.W., Stensgaard, I., Laegsgaard, E., Besenbacher, F., (1996) Surf. Sci., 365, p. 591Murray, P.W., Thorshaug, S., Stensgaard, I., Besenbacher, F., Laegsgaard, E., Ruban, A.V., Jacobsen, K.W., Skriver, H.L., (1997) Phys. Rev. B, 55, p. 1380Reilly, J.P., Barnes, C.J., Price, N.J., Bennett, R.A., Poulston, S., Stone, P., Bowker, M., (1999) J. Phys. Chem B, 103, p. 6521Wu, S.C., Lu, S.H., Wang, Z.Q., Lok, C.K.C., Quinn, J., Li, Y.S., Tian, D., Jona, F., (1988) Phys. Rev. B, 38, p. 5363Garces, J.E., Mosca, H.O., Bozzolo, G.H., (2000) Surf. Sci., 459, p. 365Garces, J.E., Bozzolo, G.H., Abel, P., Mosca, H.O., (2000) Appl. Surf. Sci., 167, p. 18Rousset, J.L., Bertolini, J.C., Miegge, P., (1996) Phys. Rev. B, 53, p. 4947Ruban, A.V., Skriver, H.L., Norskov, J.K., (1999) Phys. Rev. B, 59, p. 15990Barnes, C.J., Gleeson, M., Sahrakorpi, S., Lindroos, M., (2000) Surf. Sci., 447, p. 165Fujinaga, Y., (1979) Surf. Sci., 84, p. 1Aaen, A.B., Laegsgaard, E., Ruban, A.V., Stensgaard, I., (1998) Surf. Sci., 408, p. 43Lopez, N., Norskov, J.K., (2001) Surf. Sci., 477, p. 59Baddeley, Cj., Barnes, C.J., Wander, A., Ormerod, R.M., King, D.A., Lambert, R.M., (1994) Surf. Sci., 314, p. 1De Castro, A.R.B., Fraguas, G.B., Fonseca, P.T., Suave, R.N., Gama, S., Coelho, A.A., Santos, I.A., (1999) J. Electron. Spectrosc. Relat. Phenomen., 103, p. 725Chen, Y., Van Hove, M.A., http://electron.lbl.gov/mscdpack/Chen, Y., De Abajo, F.J.G., Chasse, A., Ynzunza, R.X., Kaduwela, A.P., Van Hove, M.A., Fadley, C.S., (1998) Phys. Rev. B, 58, p. 13121Soares, E.A., De Siervo, A., Landers, R., Kleiman, G.G., (2002) Surf. Sci., 497, p. 20

    Genome sequences of the ethanol-tolerant Lactobacillus vini strains LMG 23202T and JP7.8.9.

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    Item does not contain fulltextWe report on the genome sequences of Lactobacillus vini type strain LMG 23202(T) (DSM 20605) (isolated from fermenting grape musts in Spain) and the industrial strain L. vini JP7.8.9 (isolated from a bioethanol plant in northeast Brazil). All contigs were assembled using gsAssembler, and genes were predicted and annotated using Rapid Annotation using Subsystem Technology (RAST). The identified genome sequence of LMG 23202(T) had 2.201.333 bp, 37.6% G+C, and 1,833 genes, whereas the identified genome sequence of JP7.8.9 had 2.301.037 bp, 37.8% G+C, and 1,739 genes. The gene repertoire of the species L. vini offers promising opportunities for biotechnological applications.1 juni 201

    Lithothamnium calcareum no tratamento de osteotomia experimental em coelhos (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

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    Avaliaram-se os efeitos da suplementação com Lithothamnium calcareum na consolidação de osteotomia experimental em coelhos, por meio de exames radiográfico e histológico. Utilizaram-se 10 coelhos machos da raça Nova Zelândia, de quatro a cinco meses de idade, com massa corporal média de 2,5kg, os quais foram submetidos à osteotomia do terço médio da tíbia direita e à fixação interna com dois pinos intramedulares. Os coelhos foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos experimentais (A e B) com cinco animais cada. O grupo A recebeu diariamente dieta contendo 0,75% de L. calcareum, e o grupo B constituiu o controle sem tratamento adicional à fixação da osteotomia. A evolução clínica ocorreu sem intercorrências. As radiografias foram realizadas antes do estudo e em intervalos de 15 dias até o final do experimento, e a histologia foi realizada aos 60 dias. As avaliações radiográficas permitiram acompanhar a evolução do processo de consolidação que ocorreu em todos os casos. Histologicamente, verificou-se consolidação completa em todos os animais do grupo B (controle) e em 75% do grupo A. Dos resultados pode-se concluir que, embora tenha ocorrido a consolidação clínica e a radiográfica aos 60 dias em todos os casos, histologicamente o grupo-controle (B) foi melhor, mostrando que o organismo sadio não necessita de estímulo para o processo de reparação óssea. Novas pesquisas devem ser realizadas para avaliar o efeito da suplementação mineral em animais portadores de deficiências nutricionais