12,760 research outputs found

    Shock-like solutions of the electrostatic Vlasov equation

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    Shock like solutions of electrostatic Vlasov equatio

    Discrete spectra and damped waves in quasilinear theory

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    Discrete spectra and damped waves in quasilinear theor

    Magnetic dynamo action in two-dimensional turbulent magneto-hydrodynamics

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    Two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic turbulence is explored by means of numerical simulation. Previous analytical theory, based on non-dissipative constants of the motion in a truncated Fourier representation, is verified by following the evolution of highly non-equilibrium initial conditions numerically. Dynamo action (conversion of a significant fraction of turbulent kinetic energy into long-wavelength magnetic field energy) is observed. It is conjectured that in the presence of dissipation and external forcing, a dual cascade will be observed for zero-helicity situations. Energy will cascade to higher wave numbers simultaneously with a cascade of mean square vector potential to lower wave numbers, leading to an omni-directional magnetic energy spectrum which varies as 1/k 3 at lower wave numbers, simultaneously with a buildup of magnetic excitation at the lowest wave number of the system. Equipartition of kinetic and magnetic energies is expected at the highest wave numbers in the system

    Applications of spectral methods to turbulent magnetofluids in space and fusion research

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    Recent and potential applications of spectral method computation to incompressible, dissipative magnetohydrodynamics are surveyed. Linear stability problems for one dimensional, quasi-equilibria are approachable through a close analogue of the Orr-Sommerfeld equation. It is likely that for Reynolds-like numbers above certain as-yet-undetermined thresholds, all magnetofluids are turbulent. Four recent effects in MHD turbulence are remarked upon, as they have displayed themselves in spectral method computations: (1) inverse cascades; (2) small-scale intermittent dissipative structures; (3) selective decays of ideal global invariants relative to each other; and (4) anisotropy induced by a mean dc magnetic field. Two more conjectured applications are suggested. All the turbulent processes discussed are sometimes involved in current carrying confined fusion magnetoplasmas and in space plasmas

    Small scale structures in three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic turbulence

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    We investigate using direct numerical simulations with grids up to 1536^3 points, the rate at which small scales develop in a decaying three-dimensional MHD flow both for deterministic and random initial conditions. Parallel current and vorticity sheets form at the same spatial locations, and further destabilize and fold or roll-up after an initial exponential phase. At high Reynolds numbers, a self-similar evolution of the current and vorticity maxima is found, in which they grow as a cubic power of time; the flow then reaches a finite dissipation rate independent of Reynolds number.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Velocity field distributions due to ideal line vortices

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    We evaluate numerically the velocity field distributions produced by a bounded, two-dimensional fluid model consisting of a collection of parallel ideal line vortices. We sample at many spatial points inside a rigid circular boundary. We focus on ``nearest neighbor'' contributions that result from vortices that fall (randomly) very close to the spatial points where the velocity is being sampled. We confirm that these events lead to a non-Gaussian high-velocity ``tail'' on an otherwise Gaussian distribution function for the Eulerian velocity field. We also investigate the behavior of distributions that do not have equilibrium mean-field probability distributions that are uniform inside the circle, but instead correspond to both higher and lower mean-field energies than those associated with the uniform vorticity distribution. We find substantial differences between these and the uniform case.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures. To be published in Physical Review E (http://pre.aps.org/) in May 200

    A numerical study of the alpha model for two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic turbulent flows

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    We explore some consequences of the ``alpha model,'' also called the ``Lagrangian-averaged'' model, for two-dimensional incompressible magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence. This model is an extension of the smoothing procedure in fluid dynamics which filters velocity fields locally while leaving their associated vorticities unsmoothed, and has proved useful for high Reynolds number turbulence computations. We consider several known effects (selective decay, dynamic alignment, inverse cascades, and the probability distribution functions of fluctuating turbulent quantities) in magnetofluid turbulence and compare the results of numerical solutions of the primitive MHD equations with their alpha-model counterparts' performance for the same flows, in regimes where available resolution is adequate to explore both. The hope is to justify the use of the alpha model in regimes that lie outside currently available resolution, as will be the case in particular in three-dimensional geometry or for magnetic Prandtl numbers differing significantly from unity. We focus our investigation, using direct numerical simulations with a standard and fully parallelized pseudo-spectral method and periodic boundary conditions in two space dimensions, on the role that such a modeling of the small scales using the Lagrangian-averaged framework plays in the large-scale dynamics of MHD turbulence. Several flows are examined, and for all of them one can conclude that the statistical properties of the large-scale spectra are recovered, whereas small-scale detailed phase information (such as e.g. the location of structures) is lost.Comment: 22 pages, 20 figure


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    A system for culturing human fetal liver cells in monolayers is described and the effects of various conditions of growth on the morphology and function of the cultured cells are presented. The addition of 10% calf serum or 1% human serum to the growth medium accelerated the proliferation of the liver cells, with subsequent loss of characteristic morphology and specific functional activity. In the absence of serum, the cultured liver cells retained their morphology and their function for at least 4 wk, as evidenced by secretion of serum albumin and storage of glycogen and iron

    New types of bialgebras arising from the Hopf equation

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    New types of bialgebras arising from the Hopf equation (pentagonal equation) are introduced and studied. They will play from the Hopf equation the same role as the co-quasitriangular do from the quantum Yang Baxter equation.Comment: Latex2e, Comm Algebra, in pres

    Seasat data utilization project

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    During the three months of orbital operations, the satellite returned data from the world's oceans. Dozens of tropical storms, hurricanes and typhoons were observed, and two planned major intensive surface truth experiments were conducted. The utility of the Seasat-A microwave sensors as oceanographic tools was determined. Sensor and geophysical evaluations are discussed, including surface observations, and evaluation summaries of an altimeter, a scatterometer, a scanning multichannel microwave radiometer, a synthetic aperture radar, and a visible and infrared radiometer
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