367 research outputs found

    Understanding the introduction and use of a mobile device-supported health information system in Nigeria

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    Copyright @ 2014 The Authors.This paper presents an in-depth analysis of efforts to introduce a mobile health information system in Nigeria as part of a development initiative aimed at improving maternal and child health. Specifically, it examines the use of mobile devices to facilitate maternal health information accessibility and exchange among health practitioners in order to reducing maternal, newborn and child mortality. Further, it also looks at the challenges raised while introducing mobile devices into work practices in the healthcare sector. The study adopts a case study approach, relying on semi-structured interviews and document analysis as its main methods for collecting data. The specific case examined is a mobile phone-based information system introduced to support a national government effort in Nigeria, known as the midwives service scheme. The findings of this study show that this integrated approach of using mobile phones to support (health) information systems has vast potential; for instance increasing the timeliness of (health) data available to stakeholders for monitoring and planning purposes. However, we also find that over time, attaining the potential of development efforts such as this remains difficult as initiatives involving the use of mobile devices is not just about getting the technical aspect right. It is equally dependent on deep seated social-cultural influences such as poor political and financial commitment. These two mutually reinforcing influences have been identified in this study as significant impediments to efforts of this kind. Therefore, this paper argues for, first a strong political commitment across all levels of government whereby their words are backed with action. Second it is important that the government maintains financial integrity by releasing the funds budgeted to support the smooth running of these efforts, for such initiatives to thrive and ultimately contribute to development

    Valorization of a food industry orange waste as biostimulant plant growth: use of vibrational spectroscopy to early access their chemical composition

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    Orange peel is one of the highest wastes obtained from the orange processing industry. These wastes contain a balanced amount of sugar, cellulose, pectin's and hemicellulose, as well as an interesting amount of bioactive compounds. Such composition increases the interest of this product with biological activities in different food and non-food application.This work has been funded by the National Institute of Research and Agro-Food Technology (INIA) and co-financed with FEDER funds (PID2019-106148RR-C41) and for the EU Program INTERREG V-A Spain Portugal (POCTEP) 2014 2020 (Project 0745_SYMBIOSIS_II_3_E). This work has been also funded by National Funds through FCT Foundation for Science and Technology under the Projects [UIDB/00681/2020] [CERNAS-IPCB] and UIDB/00239/2020 [CEF].info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Alterações do tecido muscular com o envelhecimento

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    Sarcopenia is characterized by a progressive generalized decrease of skeletal muscle mass, strength and function with aging. Recent- ly, the genetic determination has been associated with muscle mass and muscle strength in elderly. These two phenotypes of risk are the most commonly recognized and studied for sarcopenia, with heritability ranging from 30 to 85% for muscle strength and 45-90% for muscle mass. It is well known that the development and maintenance of muscle mass in early adulthood reduces the risk of developing sarcopenia and leads to a healthy aging. For that reason it seems important to identify which genetic factors interact with aging and in particular with the musculoskeletal response to exercise in such individuals. This review is designed to summarize the most important and representative studies about the possible association between certain genetic polymorphisms and muscle phenotypes in older populations. Also we will focuses on nutrition and some concerns associated with aging, including the role that exercise can have on reducing the negative effects of this phenomenon. Some results are inconsis- tent between studies and more replication studies underlying sarcopenia are needed, with larger samples and with different life cycles, particularly in the type and level of physical activity throughout life. In future we believe that further progress in understanding the ge- netic etiology and the metabolic pathways will provide valuable information on important biological mechanisms underlying the muscle physiology. This will enable better recognition of individuals at higher risk and the ability to more adequately address this debilitating condition.Sarcopenia é caracterizada por uma diminuição generalizada e progressiva da força, massa e função muscular com o envelhecimento. Recentemente, a determinação genética tem sido associada com a massa muscular e força muscular em idosos. Estes dois fenótipos de risco são os mais comumente reconhecidos e estudados em relação à sarcopenia, com hereditariedade variando de 30 a 85% para a força muscular e 45-90% para a massa muscular. É bem conhecido que o desenvolvimento e manutenção da massa muscular na idade adulta reduz o risco de desenvolver sarcopenia e conduz a um envelhecimento saudável. Por isso, é importante identificar quais os fatores genéticos que interagem com o envelhecimento e, em particular, com a resposta músculo-esquelética ao exercício. Esta revisão destina-se a resumir os estudos mais importantes e representativos sobre a possível associação entre determinados polimorfismos genéticos e fenótipos musculares nas populações mais velhas. Os aspetos nutricionais serão discutidos, incluindo o papel que o exercício pode ter sobre a redução dos efeitos negativos deste fenômeno. Alguns resultados são inconsistentes e desta forma é necessária uma maior replicação subjacente à sarcopenia, com amostras maiores e em diferentes ciclos da vida, especial- mente no tipo e nível de atividade física. No futuro, acreditamos que mais progressos na compreensão da etiologia genética e as vias metabólicas vai fornecer informações valiosas sobre importantes mecanismos biológicos envolvidos na fisiologia muscular. Isto irá permitir um melhor reconhecimento dos indivíduos com maior risco e uma maior capacidade de enfrentar adequadamente essa condição debilitante

    Alterações músculo-esqueléticas relacionadas com o envelhecimento: causas e consequências

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    O aumento da população idosa e a crescente procura de tratamentos mais adequados para aliviar a dor causada pelos fatores que caracterizam o envelhecimento, particularmente a instalação da sarcopenia, condição associada ao sedentarismo e em alguns casos a enfermidades como artrites e artrose, são responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento de dores articulares que impossibilitam a prática de exercício físico, despoletando outros riscos como a osteoporose e perda da estabilidade postural que em conjunto aumentam o risco de quedas, lesões e fraturas associadas (Powers & Howley, 1997). Porém, a sua origem deverá ser igualmente interpretada muitas vezes como consequência das crescentes limitações do foro ortopédico. A inatividade conduz a um desuso do sistema músculo-esquelético e naturalmente a uma hipo-estimulação do tecido muscular conduzindo à atrofia do mesmo com diminuição da sua função (Tavares, C. 2003). Um exemplo categórico é o caso da osteoartrose do joelho, uma patologia articular crónica degenerativa, frequente em adultos e idosos que interfere na mobilidade e autonomia. A osteoartrose é caracterizada pela presença de dor e limitação funcional, consequência da formação de osteófitos e/ou alteração na integridade da cartilagem articular, que conduzem a uma perda gradual da força, diminuição da mobilidade e instabilidade articular. Frequentemente assistimos nos indivíduos com esta patologia a uma diminuição gradual nos seus níveis de atividade física, já que a imobilização da articulação contribui para diminuir o processo inflamatório na mesma, diminuindo também a dor. No entanto, a imobilização da articulação com artrose vai potenciar: a atrofia, o encurtamento de músculos e tendões, o surgimento de contracturas, a perda de massa óssea, o aumento do risco de fratura, a redução da mobilidade articular e a degeneração da cartilagem (Gordon, N., 1992). Assim, a inatividade física torna-se contraproducente, sendo a prescrição de exercício físico adequado uma forma de combater o avanço progressivo da doença. O fortalecimento da musculatura peri articular é fundamental para a obtenção do equilíbrio da articulação, controlando o impacto do pé sobre o solo durante a marcha, lubrificando a articulação e reduzindo os movimentos anormais entre as superfícies articulares o que ajuda a diminuir a degeneração da articulação (Roddy, E., W. Zhang, and M. Doherty, 2005). A manutenção do equilíbrio é um aspeto determinante na funcionalidade e autonomia estando relacionado como o sistema visual, somatosensorial e vestibular, com a força dos membros inferiores, nomeadamente os grupos musculares flexores e extensores das articulações do joelho e tibiotársica, que tendem a diminuir com a idade. Além disso, as alterações degenerativas dos discos intervertebrais, somados à diminuição da flexibilidade e da força das estruturas musculares e das posturas incorretas frequentes, conduzem a desalinhamentos nas curvaturas da coluna que por sua vez contribuem para a deterioração do equilíbrio, não só estático, como também dinâmico, e consequentemente do padrão de marcha. Neste contexto, a realização de atividade física é fundamental na prevenção de quedas e de fraturas associadas, tendo sido demonstrado por vários estudos que a participação em programas de exercício e o treino de tarefas especificamente orientadas para o sistema sensorial e a manutenção da estabilidade postural reduzem significativamente o número de quedas quando comparado a grupos de controlo, tanto em homens como em mulheres (Izquierdo et al., 2005; 2004). Em suma, o treino da força com intensidade moderada a elevada pode ser efetuado com elevada tolerância por parte de adultos e idosos, com resultados bastante satisfatórios em termos de adaptação morfológica e funcional, assim como também em termos de propriedades elétricas e contrácteis.

    Trophic relationships in an intertidal rockpool fish assemblage in the gulf of Cádiz (NE Atlantic)

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    Many species of littoral fish that live in rocky substrates are syntopic, sharing the same coastal habitat. They have similar feeding behaviours and use small hollows as places to hide and spawn. In the present study, we identified a total of 16 resident fish species in a rockpool assemblage in the Gulf of Cádiz and studied their patterns of co-occurrence. The dietary analysis performed showed the occurrence of 2 mainly herbivorous species (Lipophrys canevae and Parablennius sanguinolentus), 8 mainly carnivorous species with a percentage occurrence of algae in the diet below 10% (Gobius paganellus, Gobius cobitis, Gobius bucchichi, Clinitrachus argentatus, Tripterygion delaisi, Lepadogaster lepadogaster, Lepadogaster purpurea and Lepadogaster candolii), and 6 species that are carnivorous in the earlier phases of their lives and gradually increase the proportion of algae in their diet (Lipophrys pholis, Paralipophrys trigloides, Parablennius incognitus, Salaria pavo, Coryphoblennius galerita and Symphodus roissali). The dietary overlap among the different species does not explain the different patterns of abundance found among co-occurring species. In the present study, the common use of abundant resources coupled with specialized use of other types of resources was observed, and this allows the different species to minimise the effects of possible trophic competition

    The influence of ACE ID and ACTN3 R577X polymorphisms on lower-extremity function in older women in response to high-speed power training

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    Background We studied the influence of the ACE I/D and ACTN3 R577X polymorphisms (single or combined) on lower-extremity function in older women in response to high-speed power training. Methods One hundred and thirty-nine healthy older Caucasian women participated in this study (age: 65.5 ± 8.2 years, body mass: 67.0 ± 10.0 kg and height: 1.57 ± 0.06 m). Walking speed (S10) performance and functional capacity assessed by the “get-up and go” (GUG) mobility test were measured at baseline (T1) and after a consecutive 12-week period of high-speed power training (40-75% of one repetition maximum in arm and leg extensor exercises; 3 sets 4–12 reps, and two power exercises for upper and lower extremity). Genomic DNA was extracted from blood samples, and genotyping analyses were performed by PCR methods. Genotype distributions between groups were compared by Chi-Square test and the gains in physical performance were analyzed by two-way, repeated-measures ANOVA. Results There were no significant differences between genotype groups in men or women for adjusted baseline phenotypes (P > 0.05). ACE I/D and ACTN3 polymorphisms showed a significant interaction genotype-training only in S10 (P = 0.012 and P = 0.044, respectively) and not in the GUG test (P = 0.311 and P = 0.477, respectively). Analyses of the combined effects between genotypes showed no other significant differences in all phenotypes (P < 0.05) at baseline. However, in response to high-speed power training, a significant interaction on walking speed (P = 0.048) was observed between the “power” (ACTN3 RR + RX & ACE DD) versus “non-power” muscularity-oriented genotypes (ACTN3 XX & ACE II + ID)]. Conclusions Thus, ACE I/D and ACTN3 R577X polymorphisms are likely candidates in the modulation of exercise-related gait speed phenotype in older women but not a significant influence in mobility traits

    Aplicación de TIG en la reconstrucción de las disfunciones territoriales históricas de sistemas de dunas de Canarias

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    En este trabajo se presenta un ejemplo de integración de fuentes y técnicas para la reconstrucción de las condiciones naturales y de los usos del suelo acaecidos en períodos históricos próximos, con el fin de caracterizar disfunciones territoriales en sistemas frágiles desde el punto de vista natural, y estratégicos desde el punto de vista económico, como son los campos de dunas de Canarias. Se procede por medio del desarrollo de métodos de análisis histórico, como el contraste entre fuentes (interpretación de fotografías aéreas, análisis de textos históricos y de otros documentos y entrevistas a personas mayores), cuyos resultados se integran en un SIG. El contraste entre esta información y la obtenida de documentos recientes o actuales, permite reconstruir la evolución espacio-temporal acaecida desde que sucedieran tales hechos históricos, y entender la dinámica actual de los sistemas objeto de estudio. Se muestran en este trabajo algunos resultados obtenidos en el sistema de dunas de Maspalomas y en el extinto campo de dunas de Guanarteme, ambos en la isla de Gran Canaria, que han permitido interpretar de forma más exacta algunos procesos relacionados con la dinámica natural de estos sistemas.In this paper we present an example of integration of sources and techniques for the reconstruction of natural conditions and land use development in recent historical periods, in order to characterize some dysfunctions in the dune fields of the Canary Islands, which are fragile systems from an environmental point of view, and strategic in economic terms. We proceeded through the development of methods of historical analysis, as the contrast between sources (aerial photo interpretation, analysis of historical texts and other documents and interviews to older people), whose results were integrated into a GIS. The contrast between this information and recent documents allowed us the reconstruction of the evolution during the period since the occurrence of such historical facts, and understand the current dynamics of the systems under study. We show in this paper some results obtained in the Maspalomas dune system and in the late dune field of Guanarteme, both of them located in the island of Gran Canaria. These results have allowed us to accurate the interpretation of some processes related to the natural dynamics of these systems