20 research outputs found

    Utjecaj sedimentacije na rast i rasprostranjenost morskih cvjetnica u zapadnom dijelu Novigradskog mora

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    Seagrass meadows are extremely important as primary producers and as a habitat. They stabilize the substrate and protect the coastline from the erosion. They have enormous potential to trap carbon from the atmosphere so they act as a carbon sink. Seagrass loss is present worldwide due to anthropogenic activities and also climate change. Sediment burial of seagrass is one of the reasons for global seagrass decline. This research used videography method to document changes in sediment accumulation, seagrass density and ground coverage in western part of Novigrad Sea in time period from 2009 to 2011. Changes found in sediment accumulation are partially responsible for changes found in seagrass ground coverage. Moreover, this research confirmed the success of the videography method fir seagrass monitoring. Analysis of seagrass samples found vertical rhizome in Zostera marina and Zostera noltei which is a unique report for Z. marina and second report in the world for Z. noltei. Vertical rhizome is probably induced by sediment burial in the studied area caused by strong E-NE winds and this morphological feature can be interpreted as a local adaptation for burial tolerance of this seagrass population. Seagrass samples collected in the area with higher sediment accumulation rate showed higher belowground biomass which indicates the development of large anchoring system to better cope with hydrodynamic activity. Data gathered through this research can help improve the management of studied Natura 2000 area.Livade morskih cvjetnica iznimno su značajne kao primarni proizvođači i staniÅ”te, važan je njihov utjecaj na stabilizaciju supstrata i zaÅ”titu obale od erozije te su vrlo učinkovite u uklanjanju CO2 iz atmosfere te predstavljaju spremiÅ”ta ugljika. Zbog sve većeg pritiska antropogenog djelovanja i klimatskih promjena, morske cvjetnice nestaju diljem svijeta. Također, zatrpavanje morskih cvjetnica sedimentom jedan je od ključnih razloga njihovog nestajanja. Istraživanje provedeno za potrebe ove disertacije koristilo je metodu videografije kojom se zabilježila neto akumulacija sedimenta te gustoća morskih cvjetnica u zapadnom dijelu Novigradskog mora i promjene u pokrovu morskog dna u razdoblju 2009. ā€“ 2011. g. Uočene promjene u akumulaciji sedimenta djelomično su odgovorne za promjene nastale u pokrovu dna morskim cvjetnicama. Također, ovo istraživanje potvrdilo je uspjeÅ”nost upotrebe metode videografije za praćenje promjena naselja morskih cvjetnica. Analizom prikupljenih uzoraka morskih cvjetnica Zostera marina, Zostera noltei i Cymodocea nodosa otkriven je vertikalni rizom kod vrsta Zostera marina i Zostera noltei Å”to je jedinstveni nalaz sa vrstu Z. marina te tek drugi nalaz u svijetu za vrstu Z. noltei. Vertikalni rizom je vjerojatno induciran zatrpavanjem sedimentom uzrokovanim sjevernim i sjeveroistočnim vjetrovima, a ova morfoloÅ”ka osobina može se tumačiti kao lokalna adaptacija istraživane populacije morskih cvjetnica na zatrpavanje sedimentom. Uzorci morskih cvjetnica prikupljeni u području s većom stopom akumulacije sedimenta imali su veću podzemnu biomasu Å”to upućuje na razvoj većeg ā€œsustava sidrenjaā€ kojim se cvjetnice pričvrŔćuju za dno kako bi bolje podnijele jače hidrodinamičke uvjete. Prikupljeni podaci mogu doprinijeti boljem upravljanju istraživanog Natura 2000 područja

    Utjecaj sedimentacije na rast i rasprostranjenost morskih cvjetnica u zapadnom dijelu Novigradskog mora

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    Seagrass meadows are extremely important as primary producers and as a habitat. They stabilize the substrate and protect the coastline from the erosion. They have enormous potential to trap carbon from the atmosphere so they act as a carbon sink. Seagrass loss is present worldwide due to anthropogenic activities and also climate change. Sediment burial of seagrass is one of the reasons for global seagrass decline. This research used videography method to document changes in sediment accumulation, seagrass density and ground coverage in western part of Novigrad Sea in time period from 2009 to 2011. Changes found in sediment accumulation are partially responsible for changes found in seagrass ground coverage. Moreover, this research confirmed the success of the videography method fir seagrass monitoring. Analysis of seagrass samples found vertical rhizome in Zostera marina and Zostera noltei which is a unique report for Z. marina and second report in the world for Z. noltei. Vertical rhizome is probably induced by sediment burial in the studied area caused by strong E-NE winds and this morphological feature can be interpreted as a local adaptation for burial tolerance of this seagrass population. Seagrass samples collected in the area with higher sediment accumulation rate showed higher belowground biomass which indicates the development of large anchoring system to better cope with hydrodynamic activity. Data gathered through this research can help improve the management of studied Natura 2000 area.Livade morskih cvjetnica iznimno su značajne kao primarni proizvođači i staniÅ”te, važan je njihov utjecaj na stabilizaciju supstrata i zaÅ”titu obale od erozije te su vrlo učinkovite u uklanjanju CO2 iz atmosfere te predstavljaju spremiÅ”ta ugljika. Zbog sve većeg pritiska antropogenog djelovanja i klimatskih promjena, morske cvjetnice nestaju diljem svijeta. Također, zatrpavanje morskih cvjetnica sedimentom jedan je od ključnih razloga njihovog nestajanja. Istraživanje provedeno za potrebe ove disertacije koristilo je metodu videografije kojom se zabilježila neto akumulacija sedimenta te gustoća morskih cvjetnica u zapadnom dijelu Novigradskog mora i promjene u pokrovu morskog dna u razdoblju 2009. ā€“ 2011. g. Uočene promjene u akumulaciji sedimenta djelomično su odgovorne za promjene nastale u pokrovu dna morskim cvjetnicama. Također, ovo istraživanje potvrdilo je uspjeÅ”nost upotrebe metode videografije za praćenje promjena naselja morskih cvjetnica. Analizom prikupljenih uzoraka morskih cvjetnica Zostera marina, Zostera noltei i Cymodocea nodosa otkriven je vertikalni rizom kod vrsta Zostera marina i Zostera noltei Å”to je jedinstveni nalaz sa vrstu Z. marina te tek drugi nalaz u svijetu za vrstu Z. noltei. Vertikalni rizom je vjerojatno induciran zatrpavanjem sedimentom uzrokovanim sjevernim i sjeveroistočnim vjetrovima, a ova morfoloÅ”ka osobina može se tumačiti kao lokalna adaptacija istraživane populacije morskih cvjetnica na zatrpavanje sedimentom. Uzorci morskih cvjetnica prikupljeni u području s većom stopom akumulacije sedimenta imali su veću podzemnu biomasu Å”to upućuje na razvoj većeg ā€œsustava sidrenjaā€ kojim se cvjetnice pričvrŔćuju za dno kako bi bolje podnijele jače hidrodinamičke uvjete. Prikupljeni podaci mogu doprinijeti boljem upravljanju istraživanog Natura 2000 područja


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    Morska zaÅ”tićena područja i druga morska područja kojima se upravlja koriste se za poboljÅ”anje statusa priobalnih zajednica riba, kao i za zaÅ”titu vrijednih staniÅ”ta. Učinkovito upravljanje počiva na podacima prikupljenim kroz aktivnosti praćenja stanja (monitoringa). Monitoring riba standardnim nedestruktivnim metodama zahtijeva značajna financijska sredstva i vrijeme, stoga se nova, brža i jeftinija metoda praćenja zajednica riba u priobalnim područjima od nedavno primijenjuje u Sredozemnom moru. U metodi FAST (Fish Assemblage Survey Technique), obučeni ronioci volonteri prikupljaju podatke o opažanju ribljih vrsta prema unaprijed utvrđenom protokolu. S obzirom na razlike u prisutnosti/odsutnosti vrsta i u njihovim veličinama između Sredozemnog i Jadranskog mora, bilo je potrebno modificirati metodu. Ovdje predstavljamo 23 vrste riba na glavnom popisu i 4 ā€˜jokerā€™ vrste koje su odabrane za hrvatski popis FAST, zajedno s pripadajućim veličinama (cm) koje će se smatrati velikim za potrebe koriÅ”tenja ove metode u hrvatskom dijelu Jadranskog mora.Marine Protected Areas and other managed marine sites are designated to improve the status of coastal fish assemblages and protect valuable habitats. The implementation of management practices relies on data collected through monitoring activities. The monitoring of fish assemblages using the standard non-destructive methods requires significant financial resources and time. A new approach to monitoring fish assemblages in the coastal waters was recently implemented in the Mediterranean ā€“ Fish Assemblage Survey Technique (FAST). It is based on Citizen Science where trained volunteer divers collect the data following a pre-established protocol. Considering the differences in species presence/absence and their sizes between the Mediterranean and the Adriatic Sea, a modification of the method was necessary. This study presents 23 main fish species and four \u27joker\u27 species selected for the Croatian FAST list and their respective sizes that will be considered Large (>2/3 of the total size) for implementing the method in the Croatian part of the Adriatic Sea

    Evaluating Ocean Literacy of Elementary School Students: Preliminary Results of a Cross-Cultural Study in the Mediterranean Region

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    A good understanding of the role and function of the ocean seems to be of paramount importance in recent years, constituting the basic tool for the promotion of healthy and sustainable marine environment, and a target area of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In this study, the content knowledge of elementary school students (grades 3ā€“6) in regards to ocean sciences issues was examined. A structured questionnaire was administered to 1004 students participating in a cross-cultural study from three Mediterranean countries (Italy, Croatia, and Greece). The results of the study indicated a rather moderate level of knowledge in the total sample, while slight differences were recorded among the three countries revealing common knowledge gains and misconceptions. Rasch analysis was applied to further evaluate the validity of the results, while the influence of certain demographics on students' knowledge level was also investigated. This study concludes with a discussion of the implications on national curriculum development in elementary education level, in order to promote ocean literacy and to ensure protection and conservation of the Mediterranean Sea

    Mediterranean Sea Literacy: When Ocean Literacy becomes region-specific

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    Ocean Literacy (OL) has been defined as an understanding of the oceanā€™s influence on people and their influence on the ocean. The OL movement was born in the US and its framework consisted of seven essential principles and 45 fundamental concepts; it is now largely accepted worldwide for use in both formal (schools and universities) and non-formal (research institutes, aquaria, museums, etc.) education settings. Based on this framework, marine scientists and educators developed the ā€œMediterranean Sea Literacyā€ (MSL) guide adapted to the specificities of the Mediterranean region, presented here. The MSL principles (7) and concepts (43), serving as guidance for research, education, informed decision-making, and improved citizensā€™ lifestyles, aim to contribute to environmental protection, conservation, and restoration of the Mediterranean Sea as well as to help to achieve a blue innovative and sustainable economy


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    Hrvatsko dermatoveneroloÅ”ko druÅ”tvo i Hrvatsko druÅ”tvo za plastičnu, rekonstrukcijsku i estetsku kirurgiju Ā­Hrvatskoga liječničkog zbora ustrojili su radnu skupinu liječnika s kliničkim iskustvom u dijagnostici i liječenju gnojnog hidradenitisa (hidradenitis suppurativa). Skupina je kritički proučila mjerodavnu znanstvenu literaturu te je donijela smjernice za dijagnostiku i liječenje.Croatian dermatovenerologic society and Croatian society for plastic, reconstructive and esthetic surgery of the Croatian Medical Association formed the working group which consists of physicians with experience in diagnostics and treatment of hidradentitis suppurativa. After a critical analysis of relevant scientific papers, the working group has developed practice guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment

    Smjernice za dijagnostiku i liječenje gnojnog hidradenitisa (hidradenitis suppurativa) [Guidelines for the diagnostics and treatment of hidradenitis suppurativa]

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    Croatian dermatovenerologic society and Croatian society for plastic, reconstructive and esthetic surgery of the Croatian Medical Association formed the working group which consists of physicians with experience in diagnostics and treatment of hidradentitis suppurativa. After a critical analysis of relevant scientific papers, the working group has developed practice guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment

    Utjecaj sedimentacije na rast i rasprostranjenost morskih cvjetnica u zapadnom dijelu Novigradskog mora

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    Seagrass meadows are extremely important as primary producers and as a habitat. They stabilize the substrate and protect the coastline from the erosion. They have enormous potential to trap carbon from the atmosphere so they act as a carbon sink. Seagrass loss is present worldwide due to anthropogenic activities and also climate change. Sediment burial of seagrass is one of the reasons for global seagrass decline. This research used videography method to document changes in sediment accumulation, seagrass density and ground coverage in western part of Novigrad Sea in time period from 2009 to 2011. Changes found in sediment accumulation are partially responsible for changes found in seagrass ground coverage. Moreover, this research confirmed the success of the videography method fir seagrass monitoring. Analysis of seagrass samples found vertical rhizome in Zostera marina and Zostera noltei which is a unique report for Z. marina and second report in the world for Z. noltei. Vertical rhizome is probably induced by sediment burial in the studied area caused by strong E-NE winds and this morphological feature can be interpreted as a local adaptation for burial tolerance of this seagrass population. Seagrass samples collected in the area with higher sediment accumulation rate showed higher belowground biomass which indicates the development of large anchoring system to better cope with hydrodynamic activity. Data gathered through this research can help improve the management of studied Natura 2000 area.Livade morskih cvjetnica iznimno su značajne kao primarni proizvođači i staniÅ”te, važan je njihov utjecaj na stabilizaciju supstrata i zaÅ”titu obale od erozije te su vrlo učinkovite u uklanjanju CO2 iz atmosfere te predstavljaju spremiÅ”ta ugljika. Zbog sve većeg pritiska antropogenog djelovanja i klimatskih promjena, morske cvjetnice nestaju diljem svijeta. Također, zatrpavanje morskih cvjetnica sedimentom jedan je od ključnih razloga njihovog nestajanja. Istraživanje provedeno za potrebe ove disertacije koristilo je metodu videografije kojom se zabilježila neto akumulacija sedimenta te gustoća morskih cvjetnica u zapadnom dijelu Novigradskog mora i promjene u pokrovu morskog dna u razdoblju 2009. ā€“ 2011. g. Uočene promjene u akumulaciji sedimenta djelomično su odgovorne za promjene nastale u pokrovu dna morskim cvjetnicama. Također, ovo istraživanje potvrdilo je uspjeÅ”nost upotrebe metode videografije za praćenje promjena naselja morskih cvjetnica. Analizom prikupljenih uzoraka morskih cvjetnica Zostera marina, Zostera noltei i Cymodocea nodosa otkriven je vertikalni rizom kod vrsta Zostera marina i Zostera noltei Å”to je jedinstveni nalaz sa vrstu Z. marina te tek drugi nalaz u svijetu za vrstu Z. noltei. Vertikalni rizom je vjerojatno induciran zatrpavanjem sedimentom uzrokovanim sjevernim i sjeveroistočnim vjetrovima, a ova morfoloÅ”ka osobina može se tumačiti kao lokalna adaptacija istraživane populacije morskih cvjetnica na zatrpavanje sedimentom. Uzorci morskih cvjetnica prikupljeni u području s većom stopom akumulacije sedimenta imali su veću podzemnu biomasu Å”to upućuje na razvoj većeg ā€œsustava sidrenjaā€ kojim se cvjetnice pričvrŔćuju za dno kako bi bolje podnijele jače hidrodinamičke uvjete. Prikupljeni podaci mogu doprinijeti boljem upravljanju istraživanog Natura 2000 područja

    How to Increase Ocean Literacy for Future Ocean Sustainability? The Influence of Non-Formal Marine Science Education

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    Even though the ocean is a defining feature on Earth that regulates climate and provides oxygen, food, and jobs, students still have low to moderate marine and ocean literacy knowledge. Ocean literacy is an understanding of the ocean’s influence on people and people’s influence on the ocean. It is an emerging need necessary for ensuring the sustainability of the ocean and its resources. The UN has declared a Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, and one of the priority research and development areas is ocean literacy. Unfortunately, marine science and ocean literacy topics are poorly represented in school curricula across the world. This study presents the level of marine knowledge in a sample of primary school students before and after different themed non-formal educational interventions and the effect of non-formal educational activities on students’ knowledge. These activities led to significant increase in the knowledge level three weeks after they were performed, indicating the retention of gained information. Performed educational activities and knowledge transfer from graduate level to primary school level significantly increased the level of students’ knowledge, and consequently ocean literacy, and revealed some of the learning misconceptions. Results of this study show that there is a need for an integrated approach to the teaching of Ocean Literacy starting from the early grades by combining teacher’s professional development, strengthening ocean-related topics in school curricula, and promoting non-formal educational activities