367 research outputs found

    Schiff bases: A short review of their antimicrobial activities

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    AbstractSchiff bases are aldehyde- or ketone-like compounds in which the carbonyl group is replaced by an imine or azomethine group. They are widely used for industrial purposes and also exhibit a broad range of biological activities. This short review compiles examples of the most promising antimalarial, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral Schiff bases. An overview of synthetic methodologies used for the preparation of Schiff bases is also described

    Energy demand and distribution of corn seeds as a function of the speed of two seedrills

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    This work had the objective of evaluating the distribution uniformity of corn seed in two displacement speeds and two precision seedrills, in an experiment conducted in a Oxisol, with slightly inclined relief in a loamy soil. The experimental design was constituted of four treatments composed of two seeders (S1 - PSE 8/Semeato and S2 - PST 2/Super Tatu) and two velocity of seedrills (V1 = 5.2 and V2 = 8.1 km h-1). The mean value of the traction force in the bar was 9.6 kN for S1 and 8.07 kN for S2, while the slippage was 5.83 and 4.26%, for S1 and S2, respectively. The values obtained for distribution uniformity of seeds of the seeder S1 in the speeds V1 and V2 were 21.6 and 22.0, and for the seeder S2 18.0 and 19.0 cm respectively, which did not differ statistically; however for the two displacement speeds a tendency of increase of the spacing among plants with the speed increase was verified.Objetivou-se, através deste trabalho, avaliar a uniformidade de distribuição de sementes de milho em duas velocidades de deslocamento de duas semeadoras-adubadoras de precisão, em experimento conduzido em um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico, de relevo levemente inclinado e textura muito argilosa. O delineamento experimental constituiu-se de quatro tratamentos compostos de duas semeadoras (S1-PSE 8/Semeato, S2-PST 2/Super Tatu) e duas velocidades de deslocamento (V1 = 5,2 e V2 = 8,4 km h-1). O valor médio da força de tração na barra foi de 9,6 kN para S1 e 8,07 kN para S2, enquanto a patinagem foi de 5,83 e 4,26%, para S1 e S2, respectivamente. Os valores obtidos para o espaçamento entre sementes da semeadora S1 nas velocidades V1 e V2, foram 21,6 e 22,0 e, para a semeadora S2, 18,0 e 19,0 cm respectivamente, os quais não diferiram estatisticamente entre si; verificou-se, entretanto, para as duas velocidades de deslocamento, tendência de aumento dos espaçamentos entre plantas, com o aumento da velocidade.42442

    Study of the hydrogen escape rate at Mars during Martian years 28 and 29 from comparisons between SPICAM/Mars Express observations and GCM-LMD simulations

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    EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019, held 15-20 September 2019 in Geneva, Switzerland, id. EPSC-DPS2019-499-2.- © Author(s) 2019. CC Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.esWe simulate the 3D Martian hydrogen corona during the Martian years 28 and 29 at different solar longitudes using a set of models of atomic hydrogen density from the surface to the exosphere. These simulations are compared to Mars Express / SPICAM observations and show a strong underestimate of the brightness by our models near southern summer that could be due to an underestimate of the amount of water vapor delivered to the upper atmosphere at this season

    Lime mud from cellulose industry as raw material in cement mortars

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    This study reports the use of lime mud (LM) in cement-based-mortars. Lime mud is a waste generated in the production of cellulose by the kraft mill process. It is mainly composed of CaCO3, a small amount of magnesium carbonate and other trace minerals. Mortars were prepared by adding different amounts of LM (10, 20 and 30% by weight of cement) in dry weight. The mortar compositions were evaluated through rheology and flow table measurements, assuring that all the samples exhibited adequate conditions for testing in both equipments. The hardened state properties were also evaluated through mechanical strengths at 7, 28 and 90 days of curing. Following a waste management solution perspective, this work intend to provide a general evaluation of LM application in cement based mortars, looking at both fresh and hardened properties in order to guarantee that the final application requirements are not hindered

    Programa de melhoramento genético de pupunha na Embrapa, IAC e INPA.

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    Estado da arte; Recursos genéticos; Estratégias de melhoramento; Desenvolvimento experimental.bitstream/item/30975/1/Doc205.pd