1,006 research outputs found

    The Great Lockdown Recession and International Business

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    The global health pandemic and the ensuing global recession has caused unprecedented uncertainty, risks, and devastation to individuals, families, societies, and organizations. In this context, a central question arises: what are the prospects for globalization? This article addresses five pressing questions that affect globalization for multiple stakeholders: (1) How is this pandemic different from previous disruptive events? (2) Are there silver linings to this economic disruption? (3) What are current and future impacts on globalization? (4) How will different entities be affected? and (5) What will be the likely impact on major economies? We have opportunities to fundamentally shift international business for economic, environmental, and social advancements that offer hope during this overwhelming health crisis

    Constitutive cytoplasmic localization of p21Waf1/Cip1 affects the apoptotic process in monocytic leukaemia

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    In the present study, we analysed the expression and localization of p21Waf1/Cip1 in normal and malignant haematopoietic cells. We demonstrate that in normal monocytic cells, protein kinase C (PKC)-induced p21 gene activation, which is nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) independent, results in predominantly cytoplasmic localized p21 protein. In acute monocytic leukaemia (M4, M5), monocytic blasts (N=12) show constitutive cytoplasmic p21 expression in 75% of the cases, while in myeloid leukaemic blasts (N=10), low nuclear and cytoplasmic localization of p21 could be detected, which is also PKC dependent. Constitutive p21 expression in monocytic leukaemia might have important antiapoptotic functions. This is supported by the finding that in U937 cells overexpressing p21, VP16-induced apoptosis is significantly reduced (20.0±0.9 vs 55.8±3.8%, P<0.01, N=5), reflected by a reduced phosphorylation of p38 and JNK. Similarly, AML blasts with high cytoplasmic p21 were less sensitive to VP16-induced apoptosis as compared to AML cases with low or undetectable p21 expression (42.25 vs 12.3%, P<0.01). Moreover, complex formation between p21 and ASK1 could be demonstrated in AML cells, by means of coimmunoprecipitation. In summary, these results indicate that p21 has an antiapoptotic role in monocytic leukaemia, and that p21 expression is regulated in a PKC-dependent and NF-κB independent manner.

    Targeting BTK for the treatment of FLT3-ITD mutated acute myeloid leukemia

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    Approximately 20% of patients with acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) have a mutation in FMS-like-tyrosine-kinase-3 (FLT3). FLT3 is a trans-membrane receptor with a tyrosine kinase domain which, when activated, initiates a cascade of phosphorylated proteins including the SRC family of kinases. Recently our group and others have shown that pharmacologic inhibition and genetic knockdown of Bruton's tyrosine kinase (BTK) blocks AML blast proliferation, leukaemic cell adhesion to bone marrow stromal cells as well as migration of AML blasts. The anti-proliferative effects of BTK inhibition in human AML are mediated via inhibition of downstream NF-κB pro-survival signalling however the upstream drivers of BTK activation in human AML have yet to be fully characterised. Here we place the FLT3-ITD upstream of BTK in AML and show that the BTK inhibitor ibrutinib inhibits the survival and proliferation of FLT3-ITD primary AML blasts and AML cell lines. Furthermore ibrutinib inhibits the activation of downstream kinases including MAPK, AKT and STAT5. In addition we show that BTK RNAi inhibits proliferation of FLT3-ITD AML cells. Finally we report that ibrutinib reverses the cyto-protective role of BMSC on FLT3-ITD AML survival. These results argue for the evaluation of ibrutinib in patients with FLT3-ITD mutated AML

    Reactive oxygen species initiate luminal but not basal cell death in cultured human mammary alveolar structures: a potential regulator of involution

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    Post-lactational involution of the mammary gland is initiated within days of weaning. Clearing of cells occurs by apoptosis of the milk-secreting luminal cells in the alveoli and through stromal tissue remodeling to return the gland almost completely to its pre-pregnant state. The pathways that specifically target involution of the luminal cells in the alveoli but not the basal and ductal cells are poorly understood. In this study we show in cultured human mammary alveolar structures that the involution process is initiated by fresh media withdrawal, and is characterized by cellular oxidative stress, expression of activated macrophage marker CD68 and finally complete clearing of the luminal but not basal epithelial layer. This process can be simulated by ectopic addition of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in cultures without media withdrawal. Cells isolated from post-involution alveoli were enriched for the CD49f+ mammary stem cell (MaSC) phenotype and were able to reproduce a complete alveolar structure in subcultures without any significant loss in viability. We propose that the ROS produced by accumulated milk breakdown post-weaning may be the mechanism underlying the selective involution of secretory alveolar luminal cells, and that our culture model represents an useful means to investigate this and other mechanisms further

    Intermediate filament cytoskeleton of the liver in health and disease

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    Intermediate filaments (IFs) represent the largest cytoskeletal gene family comprising ~70 genes expressed in tissue specific manner. In addition to scaffolding function, they form complex signaling platforms and interact with various kinases, adaptor, and apoptotic proteins. IFs are established cytoprotectants and IF variants are associated with >30 human diseases. Furthermore, IF-containing inclusion bodies are characteristic features of several neurodegenerative, muscular, and other disorders. Acidic (type I) and basic keratins (type II) build obligatory type I and type II heteropolymers and are expressed in epithelial cells. Adult hepatocytes contain K8 and K18 as their only cytoplasmic IF pair, whereas cholangiocytes express K7 and K19 in addition. K8/K18-deficient animals exhibit a marked susceptibility to various toxic agents and Fas-induced apoptosis. In humans, K8/K18 variants predispose to development of end-stage liver disease and acute liver failure (ALF). K8/K18 variants also associate with development of liver fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis C. Mallory-Denk bodies (MDBs) are protein aggregates consisting of ubiquitinated K8/K18, chaperones and sequestosome1/p62 (p62) as their major constituents. MDBs are found in various liver diseases including alcoholic and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and can be formed in mice by feeding hepatotoxic substances griseofulvin and 3,5-diethoxycarbonyl-1,4-dihydrocollidine (DDC). MDBs also arise in cell culture after transfection with K8/K18, ubiquitin, and p62. Major factors that determine MDB formation in vivo are the type of stress (with oxidative stress as a major player), the extent of stress-induced protein misfolding and resulting chaperone, proteasome and autophagy overload, keratin 8 excess, transglutaminase activation with transamidation of keratin 8 and p62 upregulation

    Potentially inappropriate medication in older participants of the Berlin Aging Study II (BASE-II) - Sex differences and associations with morbidity and medication use

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    INTRODUCTION: Multimorbidity in advanced age and the need for drug treatment may lead to polypharmacy, while pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic changes may increase the risk of adverse drug events (ADEs). OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine the proportion of subjects using potentially inappropriate medication (PIM) in a cohort of older and predominantly healthy adults in relation to polypharmacy and morbidity. METHODS: Cross-sectional data were available from 1,382 study participants (median age 69 years, IQR 67-71, 51.3% females) of the Berlin Aging Study II (BASE-II). PIM was classified according to the EU(7)-PIM and German PRISCUS (representing a subset of the former) list. Polypharmacy was defined as the concomitant use of at least five drugs. A morbidity index (MI) largely based on the Charlson Index was applied to evaluate the morbidity burden. RESULTS: Overall, 24.1% of the participants were affected by polypharmacy. On average, men used 2 (IQR 1-4) and women 3 drugs (IQR 1-5). According to PRISCUS and EU(7)-PIM, 5.9% and 22.6% of participants received at least one PIM, while use was significantly more prevalent in females (25.5%) compared to males (19.6%) considering EU(7)-PIM (p = 0.01). In addition, morbidity in males receiving PIM according to EU(7)-PIM was higher (median MI 1, IQR 1-3) compared to males without PIM use (median MI 1, IQR 0-2, p<0.001). CONCLUSION: PIM use occurred more frequently in women than in men, while it was associated with higher morbidity in males. As expected, EU(7)-PIM identifies more subjects as PIM users than the PRISCUS list but further studies are needed to investigate the differential impact of both lists on ADEs and outcome. KEY POINTS: We found PIM use to be associated with a higher number of regular medications and with increased morbidity. Additionally, we detected a higher prevalence of PIM use in females compared to males, suggesting that women and people needing intensive drug treatment are patient groups, who are particularly affected by PIM use

    Localisation of RNAs into the germ plasm of vitellogenic xenopus oocytes

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    We have studied the localisation of mRNAs in full-grown Xenopus laevis oocytes by injecting fluorescent RNAs, followed by confocal microscopy of the oocyte cortex. Concentrating on RNA encoding the Xenopus Nanos homologue, nanos1 (formerly Xcat2), we find that it consistently localised into aggregated germ plasm ribonucleoprotein (RNP) particles, independently of cytoskeletal integrity. This implies that a diffusion/entrapment-mediated mechanism is active, as previously reported for previtellogenic oocytes. Sometimes this was accompanied by localisation into scattered particles of the “late”, Vg1/VegT pathway; occasionally only late pathway localisation was seen. The Xpat RNA behaved in an identical fashion and for neither RNA was the localisation changed by any culture conditions tested. The identity of the labelled RNP aggregates as definitive germ plasm was confirmed by their inclusion of abundant mitochondria and co-localisation with the germ plasm protein Hermes. Further, the nanos1/Hermes RNP particles are interspersed with those containing the germ plasm protein Xpat. These aggregates may be followed into the germ plasm of unfertilized eggs, but with a notable reduction in its quantity, both in terms of injected molecules and endogenous structures. Our results conflict with previous reports that there is no RNA localisation in large oocytes, and that during mid-oogenesis even germ plasm RNAs localise exclusively by the late pathway. We find that in mid oogenesis nanos1 RNA also localises to germ plasm but also by the late pathway. Late pathway RNAs, Vg1 and VegT, also may localise into germ plasm. Our results support the view that mechanistically the two modes of localisation are extremely similar, and that in an injection experiment RNAs might utilise either pathway, the distinction in fates being very subtle and subject to variation. We discuss these results in relation to their biological significance and the results of others

    Oldest known pantherine skull and evolution of the tiger

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    The tiger is one of the most iconic extant animals, and its origin and evolution have been intensely debated. Fossils attributable to extant pantherine species-lineages are less than 2 MYA and the earliest tiger fossils are from the Calabrian, Lower Pleistocene. Molecular studies predict a much younger age for the divergence of modern tiger subspecies at <100 KYA, although their cranial morphology is readily distinguishable, indicating that early Pleistocene tigers would likely have differed markedly anatomically from extant tigers. Such inferences are hampered by the fact that well-known fossil tiger material is middle to late Pleistocene in age. Here we describe a new species of pantherine cat from Longdan, Gansu Province, China, Panthera zdanskyi sp. nov. With an estimated age of 2.55–2.16 MYA it represents the oldest complete skull of a pantherine cat hitherto found. Although smaller, it appears morphologically to be surprisingly similar to modern tigers considering its age. Morphological, morphometric, and cladistic analyses are congruent in confirming its very close affinity to the tiger, and it may be regarded as the most primitive species of the tiger lineage, demonstrating the first unequivocal presence of a modern pantherine species-lineage in the basal stage of the Pleistocene (Gelasian; traditionally considered to be Late Pliocene). This find supports a north-central Chinese origin of the tiger lineage, and demonstrates that various parts of the cranium, mandible, and dentition evolved at different rates. An increase in size and a reduction in the relative size of parts of the dentition appear to have been prominent features of tiger evolution, whereas the distinctive cranial morphology of modern tigers was established very early in their evolutionary history. The evolutionary trend of increasing size in the tiger lineage is likely coupled to the evolution of its primary prey species

    Generation and characterisation of Friedreich ataxia YG8R mouse fibroblast and neural stem cell models

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    This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Background: Friedreich ataxia (FRDA) is an autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disease caused by GAA repeat expansion in the first intron of the FXN gene, which encodes frataxin, an essential mitochondrial protein. To further characterise the molecular abnormalities associated with FRDA pathogenesis and to hasten drug screening, the development and use of animal and cellular models is considered essential. Studies of lower organisms have already contributed to understanding FRDA disease pathology, but mammalian cells are more related to FRDA patient cells in physiological terms. Methodology/Principal Findings: We have generated fibroblast cells and neural stem cells (NSCs) from control Y47R mice (9 GAA repeats) and GAA repeat expansion YG8R mice (190+120 GAA repeats). We then differentiated the NSCs in to neurons, oligodendrocytes and astrocytes as confirmed by immunocytochemical analysis of cell specific markers. The three YG8R mouse cell types (fibroblasts, NSCs and differentiated NSCs) exhibit GAA repeat stability, together with reduced expression of frataxin and reduced aconitase activity compared to control Y47R cells. Furthermore, YG8R cells also show increased sensitivity to oxidative stress and downregulation of Pgc-1α and antioxidant gene expression levels, especially Sod2. We also analysed various DNA mismatch repair (MMR) gene expression levels and found that YG8R cells displayed significant reduction in expression of several MMR genes, which may contribute to the GAA repeat stability. Conclusions/Significance: We describe the first fibroblast and NSC models from YG8R FRDA mice and we confirm that the NSCs can be differentiated into neurons and glia. These novel FRDA mouse cell models, which exhibit a FRDA-like cellular and molecular phenotype, will be valuable resources to further study FRDA molecular pathogenesis. They will also provide very useful tools for preclinical testing of frataxin-increasing compounds for FRDA drug therapy, for gene therapy, and as a source of cells for cell therapy testing in FRDA mice. © 2014 Sandi et al