2,441 research outputs found

    Casting and Mechanized Titanium Restorations

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    INTRODUCTION: New materials and methods for clinical dentistry are continuously being introduced. There is a growing interest in the use of titanium as a restorative material for several reasons: its relatively low cost, favorable physical properties and biocompatibility. However, titanium is technically more difficult to handle than conventional metal alloys. There are two fabrication methods for titanium restorations: casting and mechanized (a combination of machine duplication and spark erosion-Pro- -cera method). PURPOSE: The aim of this review was to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the two fabrication methods used for titanium restorations and to make some recommendations on the indications. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Dental literature was reviewed including clinical and technique articles on the use of titanium in prosthodontic restorations. RESULT: The use of mechanized titanium has more restrictive indications than casting, but assures better marginal fit of the restorations. The bond strength of porcelain fused to titanium is questioned, because of the lower rigidity of titanium than conventional alloys and discrepancies in the thermal expansion coefficient between titanium and ceramic. Thus, low fusing ceramics tend to predominate today. The esthetic result varies. Furthermore titanium restorations require a qualified dental technician. CONCLUSION: It can be concluded that titanium is a promising alternative for prosthodontic restorations. Several error sources associated with casting can be eliminated with mechanized titanium restorations. However, little information is availableon the clinical performance of titanium restorations. More clinical prospective studies are necessary before titanium can be recommended for general clinical use

    Three-Year Clinical Evaluation of in Ceram Zirconia Bridges.

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    INTRODUCTION: The demand for esthetic restorations has led to the development of materials that are metal free. These materials must have adequate strength to be an alternative for the fabrication of fixed partial dentures in posterior segments of the dental arches. PURPOSE: The aim of the present study was to investigate in a long-term perspective whether the strength of the In Ceram Zirconia material is sufficient for use in posterior bridges. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Sixteen patients, who were between 23 and 50 years of age, with indications for a fixed denture replacing premolar or molar, were examined for participation in the study. Eighteen bridges were constructed with one or two pontics and two abutments, one on each side of the pontic. The patients were informed about risks of, and alternatives to, the proposed therapy. The supporting teeth were prepared with chamfer finish line and lack ofsharp line angles. Impressions were made with a rigid standard tray with an A-silicone putty soft and light-body materials (Aquasil, Dentsply). The laboratory procedures were performed by a laboratory autho rised by the Vita supplier. Ten of the bridges were cemented permanently with zinc phosphate cement and eight with glass ionomer cement. Clinical evaluation of the bridges were performed according to the California Dental Association’s quality evaluation system. RESULT: After three year evaluation all eighteen bridges were without signs of or any change in colour, and marginal integrity. CONCLUSION: In Ceram Zirconia is a potential alternative for full ceramic bridges in the posterior segments

    Co-firing of biomass with coals Part 1. Thermogravimetric kinetic analysis of combustion of fir (abies bornmulleriana) wood

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    The chemical composition and reactivity of fir (Abies bornmulleriana) wood under non-isothermal thermogravimetric (TG) conditions were studied. Oxidation of the wood sample at temperatures near 600 A degrees C caused the loss of aliphatics from the structure of the wood and created a char heavily containing C-O functionalities and of highly aromatic character. On-line FTIR recordings of the combustion of wood indicated the oxidation of carbonaceous and hydrogen content of the wood and release of some hydrocarbons due to pyrolysis reactions that occurred during combustion of the wood. TG analysis was used to study combustion of fir wood. Non-isothermal TG data were used to evaluate the kinetics of the combustion of this carbonaceous material. The article reports application of Ozawa-Flynn-Wall model to deal with non-isothermal TG data for the evaluation of the activation energy corresponding to the combustion of the fir wood. The average activation energy related to fir wood combustion was 128.9 kJ/mol, and the average reaction order for the combustion of wood was calculated as 0.30

    A mid-infrared imaging survey of post-AGB stars

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    Post-AGB stars are key objects for the study of the dramatic morphological changes of low- to intermediate-mass stars on their evolution from the Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) towards the planetary nebula stage. There is growing evidences that binary interaction processes may very well have a determining role in the shaping process of many objects, but so far direct evidence is still weak. We aim at a systematic study of the dust distribution around a large sample of post-AGB stars as a probe of the symmetry breaking in the nebulae around these systems. We used imaging in the mid-infrared to study the inner part of these evolved stars to probe direct emission from dusty structures in the core of post-AGB stars in order to better understand their shaping mechanisms. We imaged a sample of 93 evolved stars and nebulae in the mid-infrared using VISIR/VLT, T-Recs/Gemini South and Michelle/Gemini North. We found that all the the proto-planetary nebulae we resolved show a clear departure from spherical symmetry. 59 out of the 93 observed targets appear to be non resolved. The resolved targets can be divided in two categories. The nebulae with a dense central core, that are either bipolar and multipolar. The nebulae with no central core have an elliptical morphology. The dense central torus observed likely host binary systems which triggered fast outflows that shaped the nebulae

    Results of an Early Access Treatment Protocol of Daratumumab Monotherapy in Spanish Patients With Relapsed or Refractory Multiple Myeloma

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    Daratumumab is a human CD38-targeted monoclonal antibody approved as monotherapy for heavily pretreated relapsed and refractory multiple myeloma. We report findings for the Spanish cohort of an open-label treatment protocol that provided early access to daratumumab monotherapy and collected safety and patient-reported outcomes data for patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma. At 15 centers across Spain, intravenous daratumumab (16 mg/kg) was administered to 73 patients who had >= 3 prior lines of therapy, including a proteasome inhibitor and an immunomodulatory drug, or who were double refractory to both. The median duration of daratumumab treatment was 3.3 (range: 0.03-13.17) months, with a median number of 12 (range: 1-25) infusions. Grade 3/4 treatment-emergent adverse events were reported in 74% of patients and included lymphopenia (28.8%), thrombocytopenia (27.4%), neutropenia (21.9%), leukopenia (19.2%), and anemia (15.1%). Common (>5%) serious treatmentemergent adverse events included respiratory tract infection (9.6%), general physical health deterioration (6.8%), and back pain (5.5%). Infusion-related reactions occurred in 45% of patients. The median change from baseline in all domains of the EQ-5D-5L and EORTC QLQ-C30 was mostly 0. A total of 18 (24.7%) patients achieved a partial response or better, with 10 (13.7%) patients achieving a very good partial response or better. Median progression-free survival was 3.98 months. The results of this early access treatment protocol are consistent with previously reported trials of daratumumab monotherapy and confirm its safety and antitumoral efficacy in Spanish patients with heavily treated relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma

    Ecological factors related to the widespread distribution of sylvatic Rhodnius ecuadoriensis populations in southern Ecuador

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Chagas disease transmission risk is a function of the presence of triatomines in domestic habitats. <it>Rhodnius ecuadoriensis </it>is one of the main vectors implicated in transmission of <it>Trypanosoma cruzi </it>in Ecuador. This triatomine species is present in domestic, peridomestic and sylvatic habitats in the country. To determine the distribution of sylvatic populations of <it>R. ecuadoriensis </it>and the factors related to this distribution, triatomine searches were conducted between 2005 and 2009 in southern Ecuador.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Manual triatomine searches were conducted by skilled bug collectors in 23 communities. Sylvatic searched sites were selected by a) directed sampling, where microhabitats were selected by the searchers and b) random sampling, where sampling points where randomly generated. Domiciliary triatomine searches were conducted using the one man-hour method. Natural trypanosome infection was determined by microscopic examination and PCR. Generalized linear models were used to test the effect of environmental factors on the presence of sylvatic triatomines.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In total, 1,923 sylvatic individuals were collected representing a sampling effort of 751 man-hours. Collected sylvatic triatomines were associated with mammal and bird nests. The 1,219 sampled nests presented an infestation index of 11.9%, a crowding of 13 bugs per infested nest, and a colonization of 80% of the nests. Triatomine abundance was significantly higher in squirrel (<it>Sciurus stramineus</it>) nests located above five meters from ground level and close to the houses. In addition, 8.5% of the 820 examined houses in the same localities were infested with triatomines. There was a significant correlation between <it>R. ecuadoriensis </it>infestation rates found in sylvatic and synanthropic environments within communities (<it>p </it>= 0.012). Parasitological analysis revealed that 64.7% and 15.7% of the sylvatic bugs examined (n = 300) were infected with <it>Trypanosoma cruzi </it>and <it>T. rangeli </it>respectively, and 8% of the bugs presented mixed infections.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The wide distribution of sylvatic <it>R. ecuadoriensis </it>populations may jeopardize the effectiveness of control campaigns conducted to eliminate domestic populations of this species. Also, the high <it>T. cruzi </it>infection rates found in sylvatic <it>R. ecuadoriensis </it>populations in southern Ecuador could constitute a risk for house re-infestation and persistent long-term Chagas disease transmission in the region.</p

    The pathogenesis of low pathogenicity H7 avian influenza viruses in chickens, ducks and turkeys

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Avian influenza (AI) viruses infect numerous avian species, and low pathogenicity (LP) AI viruses of the H7 subtype are typically reported to produce mild or subclinical infections in both wild aquatic birds and domestic poultry. However relatively little work has been done to compare LPAI viruses from different avian species for their ability to cause disease in domestic poultry under the same conditions. In this study twelve H7 LPAI virus isolates from North America were each evaluated for their comparative pathogenesis in chickens, ducks, and turkeys.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>All 12 isolates were able to infect all three species at a dose of 10<sup>6 </sup>50% egg infectious doses based on seroconversion, although not all animals seroconverted with each isolate-species combination. The severity of disease varied among isolate and species combinations, but there was a consistent trend for clinical disease to be most severe in turkeys where all 12 isolates induced disease, and mortality was observed in turkeys exposed to 9 of the 12 viruses. Turkeys also shed virus by the oral and cloacal routes at significantly higher titers than either ducks or chickens at numerous time points. Only 3 isolates induced observable clinical disease in ducks and only 6 isolates induced disease in chickens, which was generally very mild and did not result in mortality. Full genome sequence was completed for all 12 isolates and some isolates did have features consistent with adaptation to poultry (e.g. NA stalk deletions), however none of these features correlated with disease severity.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The data suggests that turkeys may be more susceptible to clinical disease from the H7 LPAI viruses included in this study than either chickens or ducks. However the severity of disease and degree of virus shed was not clearly correlated with any isolate or group of isolates, but relied on specific species and isolate combinations.</p

    Deciphering the Chemical Basis of Nestmate Recognition

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    Social insects maintain colony cohesion by recognizing and, if necessary, discriminating against conspecifics that are not part of the colony. This recognition ability is encoded by a complex mixture of cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs), although it is largely unclear how social insects interpret such a multifaceted signal. CHC profiles often contain several series of homologous hydrocarbons, possessing the same methyl branch position but differing in chain length (e.g., 15-methyl-pentatriacontane, 15-methyl-heptatriacontane, 15-methyl-nonatriacontane). Recent studies have revealed that within species these homologs can occur in correlated concentrations. In such cases, single compounds may convey the same information as the homologs. In this study, we used behavioral bioassays to explore how social insects perceive and interpret different hydrocarbons. We tested the aggressive response of Argentine ants, Linepithema humile, toward nest-mate CHC profiles that were augmented with one of eight synthetic hydrocarbons that differed in branch position, chain length, or both. We found that Argentine ants showed similar levels of aggression toward nest-mate CHC profiles augmented with compounds that had the same branch position but differed in chain length. Conversely, Argentine ants displayed different levels of aggression toward nest-mate CHC profiles augmented with compounds that had different branch positions but the same chain length. While this was true in almost all cases, one CHC we tested elicited a greater aggressive response than its homologs. Interestingly, this was the only compound that did not occur naturally in correlated concentrations with its homologs in CHC profiles. Combined, these data suggest that CHCs of a homologous series elicit the same aggressive response because they convey the same information, rather than Argentine ants being unable to discriminate between different homologs. This study contributes to our understanding of the chemical basis of nestmate recognition by showing that, similar to spoken language, the chemical language of social insects contains “synonyms,” chemicals that differ in structure, but not meaning

    Likelihood analysis of the pMSSM11 in light of LHC 13-TeV data

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    We use MasterCode to perform a frequentist analysis of the constraints on a phenomenological MSSM model with 11 parameters, the pMSSM11, including constraints from ∌36 /fb of LHC data at 13 TeV and PICO, XENON1T and PandaX-II searches for dark matter scattering, as well as previous accelerator and astrophysical measurements, presenting fits both with and without the (g−2)ÎŒ constraint. The pMSSM11 is specified by the following parameters: 3 gaugino masses M1,2,3 , a common mass for the first-and second-generation squarks mq~ and a distinct third-generation squark mass mq~3 , a common mass for the first-and second-generation sleptons mℓ~ and a distinct third-generation slepton mass mτ~ , a common trilinear mixing parameter A, the Higgs mixing parameter ÎŒ , the pseudoscalar Higgs mass MA and tanÎČ . In the fit including (g−2)ÎŒ , a Bino-like χ~01 is preferred, whereas a Higgsino-like χ~01 is mildly favoured when the (g−2)ÎŒ constraint is dropped. We identify the mechanisms that operate in different regions of the pMSSM11 parameter space to bring the relic density of the lightest neutralino, χ~01 , into the range indicated by cosmological data. In the fit including (g−2)ÎŒ , coannihilations with χ~02 and the Wino-like χ~±1 or with nearly-degenerate first- and second-generation sleptons are active, whereas coannihilations with the χ~02 and the Higgsino-like χ~±1 or with first- and second-generation squarks may be important when the (g−2)ÎŒ constraint is dropped. In the two cases, we present χ2 functions in two-dimensional mass planes as well as their one-dimensional profile projections and best-fit spectra. Prospects remain for discovering strongly-interacting sparticles at the LHC, in both the scenarios with and without the (g−2)ÎŒ constraint, as well as for discovering electroweakly-interacting sparticles at a future linear e+e− collider such as the ILC or CLIC
