17 research outputs found

    Synthesis and realization of biped walk using primitives

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    U tezi je prikazan novi metod za sintezu i realizaciju dvonožnog veštačkog hoda koji se zasniva na upotrebi jednostavnih pokreta čijim je kombinovanjem moguće realizovati kompleksne pokrete kao što je hod, a čiji se parametri mogu menjati tokom kretanja. Time je omogućeno da se na osnovu informacija o nameravanom kretanju i stanja okoline izvrši sinteza kretanja izborom i kombinacijom jednostavnih bazičnih pokreta koje se nazivaju primitivi. Takođe je omogućeno da se, tokom izvršavanja hoda bez njegovog prekida, menjaju parametri kretanja kao što su brzina hoda, dužina koraka, pravac kretanja i visina podizanja noge tokom prenosne faze. Potvrda je data kroz eksperimentalne rezultate koji su sprovedeni simulacijom na dinamičkom modelu humanoidnog robota.This dissertation presents new method for the synthesis and realization of biped artificial walk based on the use of simple movements that can be combined in order to achieve complex movements such as walk, whereas it is possible to change the motion parameters at any time. It means that, based on the information about intended movement and current state of the environment, it is possible to synthesize motion by selecting and tying simple movements, i.e. motion primitives. It also enables the robot to change walking parameters online such as walking speed, direction of walk, foot length during swing phase and step length. Proof of this method is given by experimental results obtained during the simulation on a dynamic model of humanoid robot

    Od narodnog ka popularnom, političkom i doktrinarnom pravoslavlju: dinamika razumevanja ’pravoslavnosti’ u Srbiji

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    Nova politička i ’misionarska’ uloga SPC u javnosti od pada komunizma naovamo, kao i politička upotreba svesnosti o pripadanju narodu u uslovima globalnih promena, regionalnih ratova i trvenja oko razlika među dojučerašnjom ’braćom’, te potraga za smislom nastala zbog rastvaranja velikih narativa o boljoj budućnosti učvršćuju svesnost o pravoslavlju kao kolektivnom identitetu koje osnažuje kao differentia specifica srpstva. U tekstu ukazujemo kako pri potrazi za savremenim, aktuelnim imenovanjem veze srpskog etno-nacionalnog samorazumevanja i pravoslavlja kao jednog od ključnih entiteta na koje se ovo etno-nacionalno samorazumevanje naslanja, zalazimo u terminološke i pojmovne sive zone tj. pri svakoj se definiciji izlažemo opasnosti da zanemarimo čitav niz društvenih fenomena, ličnih iskustava, ali i političkih pozicija čijim previđanjem nije moguće ni približno prići uslovno obuhvatnijoj slici o savremenoj Srbiji i vezi društva njenog većinskog stanovništva sa pravoslavljem kao doktrinom i kulturnim nasleđem


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    This paper presents nonlinear control algorithm for motion control of humanoid robot upper-body. Upper-body consists of two arms, each having seven degrees of freedom (DOFs), and multi-segment lumbar spine with six DOFs which enables motion of the trunk, increases the workspace of robot arms and contributes to anthropomorphic appearance of the robot movements. Manipulation task, where robot is supposed to move an object of unknown mass, in presence of parameter uncertainties and external disturbance has been considered. Weight of the object has been considered as an external disturbance. Nonlinearity of  the  robot dynamical model and coupling between robot segments have been taken into account during control design. Sliding mode control with disturbance estimator has been used in order to provide accurate trajectory  tracking in presence of disturbances. Efficiency of the proposed control algorithm is verified through a numerical simulation and results are presented

    Humanoid robot Marko - an assistant in therapy for children

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    This paper reports on work in progress towards development of a robot to be used as assistive technology in treatment of children with developmental disorders (cerebral palsy). This work integrates two activities. The first one is mechanical device design (humanoid robot) of sufficient capabilities for demonstration of therapeutical exercises for habilitation of gross and fine motor functions and for acquiring spatial relationships. The second one is design of appropriate communication capabilities of the robot. The basic therapeutical role of the robot is to motivate children to practice therapy harder and longer. To achieve this, robot must fulfil two requirements: it must have appropriate appearance to be able to establish affective attachment of the child to the robot, and must be able to communicate with children verbally (speech recognition and synthesis,) and non-verbally (facial expressions, gestures...). Thus, conversational abilities are unavoidable and among the most important capabilities. In short, robot should be able to manage three-party natural language conversation – between the child, the therapist and the robot – in clinical settings

    Instantaneous on-line modification of biped walk composed from reconfigurable adaptive motion primitives

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    The paper presents development and potentials of a novel methodology for biped walk synthesis based on motion primitives (RAMPs). This approach is convenient for online modification of walk in unstructured and immediate environment of humans. The modification is specified just by changing the overall walking parameters (walking speed, direction, step length, ...) and the system automatically adapts walk realization (legs motion) to comply with new requirements. Modifications may be required anytime, even during motion realization. Simulation results illustrate proposed approach. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III44008 and by Provincial secretariat for science and technological development under contract 114-451-660/2015-03

    Velika cista jajnika kod djece: diferencijalno dijagnostički problem – prikaz slučaja

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    Uvod. Ciste jajnika nastaju kada se jedan dio jajnika napuni tekućinom.Najčešće su to funkcionalne ciste i njihova veličina je najčešće od 2 do 6 cm,mada su opisani i slučajevi cista velikih dimenzija.Prikaz bolesnice. Prikazan je slučaj šesnaestogodišnje djevojčice koja je primljenazbog velike tumorske mase u abdomenu, nejasne etiologije. Deset mjeseciprije prijema primijetila je da “joj raste stomak“. Nije imala nikakvih subjektivnihtegoba. Pred hospitalizaciju žalila se na otežano kretanje i zamaranjepri većoj aktivnosti. Na osnovu laboratorijskih nalaza i radioloških pretraga(ultrazvuk i CT abdomena) nije se moglo utvrditi porijeklo tumorske mase,odnosno pripadnost nekom od abdominalnih organa. Pretpostavljeno je da seradi ili o mezenterijalnoj ili cisti jajnika. Urađena je laparotomija i utvrđeno,na osnovu operativnog i patohistološkog nalaza, da se radi o velikoj seroznojcisti lijevog jajnika čije su dimenzije bile 35,65x14,90 cm i koja je sadržala 10,5l tekućine. Operativni i postoperativni tok protekli su uredno.Zaključak. U diferencijalnoj dijagnozi cističnih lezija jajnika od pomoći mogubiti vizualizacione dijagnostičke metode, mada se često definitivna dijagnozapostavi tek nakon operativnog zahvata i patohistološke analize

    A dataset of head and eye gaze during dyadic interaction task for modeling robot gaze behavior

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    In this work is presented a dataset of humans‘ head and eye gaze acquired with Pupil Labs gazetracking glasses and Optitrack motion capture system. The dataset contains recordings of adult subjects in dyadic interaction task. During the experiment, the subjects are asked to pick up an object and, based on the randomly defined instructions, to place it on the table in front of her/him or to give the object to a person sitting across the table. If the object is handed over, the second person takes the object and places it on the table it in front of her/him. The dataset is intended to be used to model the behavior of the human’s gaze while interacting with another human and implement the model in a controller of a robot for dyadic interaction with a humans