280 research outputs found

    WebWave: Globally Load Balanced Fully Distributed Caching of Hot Published Documents

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    Document publication service over such a large network as the Internet challenges us to harness available server and network resources to meet fast growing demand. In this paper, we show that large-scale dynamic caching can be employed to globally minimize server idle time, and hence maximize the aggregate server throughput of the whole service. To be efficient, scalable and robust, a successful caching mechanism must have three properties: (1) maximize the global throughput of the system, (2) find cache copies without recourse to a directory service, or to a discovery protocol, and (3) be completely distributed in the sense of operating only on the basis of local information. In this paper, we develop a precise definition, which we call tree load-balance (TLB), of what it means for a mechanism to satisfy these three goals. We present an algorithm that computes TLB off-line, and a distributed protocol that induces a load distribution that converges quickly to a TLB one. Both algorithms place cache copies of immutable documents, on the routing tree that connects the cached document's home server to its clients, thus enabling requests to stumble on cache copies en route to the home server.Harvard University; The Saudi Cultural Mission to the U.S.A

    Dixon’s Framework Model of Think Verbs in English and Wawonii Language

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    The aim of the current study is to examine the employment of the Think verbs in English and Wawonii language, employing Dixon’s framework model of semantic and grammatical relations. In analyzing the phenomenon of the Think verbs in English and Wawonii, this study uses a descriptive qualitative methodology. The data for English is taken from a corpus of contemporary American English (COCA), including the definition of the conceptual meaning of the Think verbs in a thesaurus dictionary and Journals. The Wawonii language data is obtained through depth online interviews. The participants are 10 indigenous Wawonii people in Kabupaten Konawe Kepulauan, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. Several procedures are applied to analyze the data; first, the data for the English language from COCA is constructed with the data of the Wawonii language that had been collected. Then, presenting both of the data based on Dixon’s framework model. The final step is concluding the data reflecting the main point of the analysis relying on Dixon’s framework model. This study discovered that (1) There are three Thinking verbs of the Think subtype in English they are Think of, Think over, and Think about, while in the Wawonii language, there are six Think verbs; Mepikiri Kanaampe, Pepikiri kida, Tepikiri kio, Kohawa-hawa Kanaampe, Momaana, and Mompatudu. (2) Dixon’s five framework model of Think verbs is employed in both languages. This study contributes to the language and society to enrich a variety of works of literature that can be used to learn English and the Wawonii language


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    Artikel ini mengkaji tentang peran Laksamana Cheng Ho serta jejak muslim China di Nusantara. Pemasalahnnya adalah dalam pelayaran yang dilakukan oleh Laksamana Cheng Ho beserta armadanya ke Nusantara, pada dasarnya untuk hubungan politik dengan wilayah-wilayah di jalur perdagangan termasuk Nusantara. Namun dampak yang ditinggalkan dalam pelayaran tersebut, apakah dalam bidang politik saja? atau berdampak ke pada aspek lainnya? kemudian apa saja jejek peninggalan Laksamana Cheng Ho di Nusantara? Metode yang digunakan untuk mencari jawaban dalam permasalah ini adalah metode kepustakaan (library research) dengan pendekatan penelitan Sejarah (historis) dengan menempuh empat tahap yaitu: heuristik, kritik sumber, interprettasi dan historiografi. Dengan temuan bahwa penjelajahan yang dilakukan oleh Laksamana Cheng Ho tidak hanya berdampak dalam bidang politik saja, namun juga berdampak pada pembentukan komunitas muslim China di beberapa daaerah Nusantara, bahkan peninggalannya dianggap sebagai bentuk toleransi dan akulturasi budaya di Nusantara seperti halnya masjid dan kelenteng

    Umara and Ulama in Umar ibn Abdul Aziz as Well as His Responsibility in the Implementation of Islamic Law in the Time of the Government of the Dynamic Bani Umayyah.

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    This study focuses on the application of Islamic law during Umar ibn Abd Aziz as ulama and umara. At the beginning of the Umayyad dynasty’s reign, there is a separation between religion and state. Religious authority was led by ulama and authority of state was held by the caliph. This separation has an impact on injustice, the gap in the application of the law and the separation between the law (rules) issued by the government and the law (fatwa) issued by the ulama. The method used in this study is descriptive analytics by analyzing the historical data about Umar ibn Abd Aziz intensively, especially in legal policy. The finding is that Umar ibn Abd Aziz is a statesman who is supported by scholars. He is very concerned about the sources of Islamic law. Thus, each of his policies is oriented to Islamic law. Umar also raises qadi and emir from the chosen people so that the application of the law is evenly and indiscriminately and there is no more discrimination between the groups in the social, political and legal fields

    Transformerless Microinverter with Low Leakage Current Circulation and Low Input Capacitance Requirement for PV Applications

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    The inevitable depletion of limited fossil fuels combined with their harmful footprint on the environment led to a global pursuit for alternative energy sources that are clean and inexhaustible. Renewable energies such as wind, biomass and solar are the best alternative energy candidates, with the latter being more suitable for GCC countries. Besides, the energy generated from photovoltaic (PV) modules is one of the elegant examples of harnessing solar energy, as it is clean, pollutant-free and modular. Furthermore, recent advances in PV technology, especially grid-connected PV systems revealed the preeminence of using multiple small inverters called (Microinverters) over using the conventional single inverter configuration. Specifically, the break-even cost point can be reached faster and the system modularity increases with microinverters usage. Nonetheless, due to microinverter’s small ratings designers prefer transformerless designs because transformer removal achieves higher efficiency and power density. However, the transformer removal results in loss of galvanic isolation that leads to dangerous leakage current circulation that affects system safety. Another issue with microinverters is that since they are installed outside their bulky DC-Link electrolytic capacitor lifetime deteriorates the system reliability because electrolytic capacitor failure rate increases as temperature increases. Moreover, the DC-Link capacitor is used to decouple the 2nd order power harmonic ripples that appear in single-phase systems. Thus, the objective of this thesis is to design an efficient transformerless microinverter that has low leakage current circulation and low input capacitance requirement with a minimum number of active switches. In other words, the objective is to increase the safety and the reliability of the system while maintaining the high efficiency. Eventually, the configuration selected is the transformerless differential buck microinverter with LCL filter and it is modeled with passive resonance damping and active resonance damping control

    Hepatitis E virus is highly prevalent among pregnant women in Gabon, central Africa, with different patterns between rural and urban areas

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    Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is highly endemic in several African countries with high mortality rate among pregnant women. Nothing is known about the circulation of this virus in central Africa. We evaluated therefore the prevalence of anti-HEV IgG in samples collected from pregnant women living in the five main cities of Gabon, central Africa. We found that 14.1% (119/840) of pregnant women had anti-HEV IgG. The prevalence differed between regions and between age groups. In 391 newly collected samples from the region where the highest prevalence was found, a significant difference (p < 0.05) in seroprevalence was found between rural (6.4%) and urban (13.5%) areas. These data provide evidence of a high prevalence of HEV in Gabon, providing indirect evidence of past contact with this virus


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    This study aims to investigate the children language acquisition advancement based on YouTube platform influence. To achieve this aim, this research applied qualitative methods as qualitative research. The participants of this study were three children at the elementary level and their parents in a different place. The data of this study were attained from interviews using open-ended questions and observations. Thematic analysis was implemented in this study. The result of the analysis showed that YouTube has positively influenced the children’s language acqusition development. The duration of watching is directly proportional to the level of children language acquisition development. The variations in children’s vocabulary are influenced by the type of content. Video blogging is part of informal environment for children in learning new things as also language given the benefit in this research which is hoped to lead more research in the language acquisition development in children level


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    Abstract:  Islam as a religion that comes from Allah does not only talk about the problems of ubudiyah and the hereafter, but also talks about various aspects of life, including governance. However, it is recognized that it is strictly and clearly not found the concept of government or caliphate in Islam, let alone the concept of the state in the sense of nation-state. Understanding the concept of the state will feel more complicated when we include various points of view and perspectives. Because the order to establish a state will not be found in the literature of the Holy Qur'an and the Hadith of the Prophet. However, when we want to know the organs of this country, we find many in the Al-Quran and Hadith. Islam is a cooperative religion, discussing all issues, both ukhrawi and worldly problems. From this worldly discussion, it will definitely discuss constitutional issues including discussing the issue of the concept of the state according to Islam. The purpose of this research is to add and enrich the knowledge about the state as a positive side.Keywords: Concept, State, Islamic Schola

    Pengembangan Modul Pembelajaran berbasis Inkuiri pada Materi Pernikahan Mata Pembelajaran PAI dan Budi Pekerti Kelas XII di SMAN 1 Pariangan Kabupaten Tanah Datar

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    The purpose of the study is to obtain data on whether the characteristics of the resulting learning module have met valid and practical criteria. The type of research used is development research, which is a research method used to produce products / modify products, namely inquiry-based learning modules. The development model used is the 4-D model, namely: define, design, develop, and dissemination and is only carried out until the develop stage. Data collection techniques are carried out through questionnaires, observations and interviews. Based on research that has been done, it is known that the inquiry-based learning module on the marriage material that has been produced is very valid by showing the calculated value of the Aiken index coefficient of 82 through validation tests by 3 validators. The results of the practicality test through the student response questionnaire are categorized as very practical with an assessment percentage of 92.08%
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