6,966 research outputs found


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    A presente pesquisa busca problematizar o processo de criminalização da adolescência pobre. Realiza-se uma contextualização histórica da infância e da adolescência no Brasil. Aborda-se os princípios norteadores da socioeducação, bem como seus marcos legais. Toma-se dados estatísticos referentes ao cenário capixaba e nacional, no que tange à criminalização, via análise da política penal neoliberal. Esta trabalha em prol da penalização e do encarceramento da pobreza e, em relação aos adolescentes em conflito com a lei, tem-se configurado num clamor pela redução da idade penal. É importante ter em vista que o processo de criminalização da infância e da adolescência pobre não emergiu nos dias atuais, trata-se de uma construção sócio, histórica, étnico-racial e cultural. O campo de pesquisa foi realizado em uma Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental de Educação de Jovens e Adultos Professor Admardo Serafim de Oliveira (EMEF EJA ASO), onde estudam vários adolescentes em cumprimento de medida socioeducativa. Como perspectiva metodológica, utiliza-se os trabalhos dos antropólogos Jeanne Fravet-Saada e Márcio Goldman. Reflete-se que os equipamentos sociais, como a referida unidade de ensino, destinados a atender as camadas empobrecidas da população precisam, o tempo todo, repensar-se e criar estratégias para não executar a lógica do Estado mínimo nos âmbitos sociais e econômicos, produzindo política pobre para pobre. Acredita-se na perspectiva do acesso e garantia aos direitos fundamentais e não em políticas meramente compensatórias que acabam por reforçar a culpabilização da pobreza. Neste trabalho, aposta-se numa sociedade mais igualitária, em que todos tenham acesso à educação, saúde, moradia e renda. Luta-se contra a redução da idade penal e todas as demais formas de criminalização, punição e encarceramento da adolescência pobre

    Constraining a bulk viscous matter-dominated cosmological model using SNe Ia, CMB and LSS

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    We present and constrain a cosmological model which component is a pressureless fluid with bulk viscosity as an explanation for the present accelerated expansion of the universe. We study the particular model of a constant bulk viscosity coefficient \zeta_m. The possible values of \zeta_m are constrained using the cosmological tests of SNe Ia Gold 2006 sample, the CMB shift parameter R from the three-year WMAP observations, the Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) peak A from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and the Second Law of Thermodynamics (SLT). It was found that this model is in agreement with the SLT using only the SNe Ia test. However when the model is submitted to the three cosmological tests together (SNe+CMB+BAO) the results are: 1.- the model violates the SLT, 2.- predicts a value of H_0 \approx 53 km sec^{-1} Mpc^{-1} for the Hubble constant, and 3.- we obtain a bad fit to data with a \chi^2_{min} \approx 400 (\chi^2_{d.o.f.} \approx 2.2). These results indicate that this model is ruled out by the observations.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. Work presented in the XI Mexican Workshop on Particles and Fields, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Mexico, nov 7-12, 2007. Submitted to AIP Conference Proceedings of this conferenc

    CRIRES-VLT high-resolution spectro-astrometry as a tool in the search of small structures at the cores of Planetary Nebulae

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    The onset of the asymmetry in planetary nebulae (PNe) occurs during the short transition between the end of the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) phase and the beginning of the PN phase. Sources in this transition phase are compact and emit intensely in infrared wavelengths, making high spatial resolution observations in the infrared mandatory to investigate the shaping process of PNe. Interferometric VLTI IR observations have revealed compelling evidence of disks at the cores of PNe, but the limited sensitivity, strong observational constraints, and limited spatial coverage place severe limits on the universal use of this technique. Inspired by the successful detection of proto-planetary disks using spectro-astrometric observations, we apply here for the first time this technique to search for sub-arcsecond structures in PNe. Our exploratory study using CRIRES (CRyogenic high-resolution Infra-Red Echelle Spectrograph) commissioning data of the proto-PN IRAS 17516-2525 and the young PN SwSt 1 has revealed small-sized structures after the spectro-astrometric analysis of the two sources. In IRAS 17516-2525, the spectro-astrometric signal has a size of only 12 mas, as detected in the Brackett-gamma line, whereas the structures found in SwSt 1 have sizes of 230 mas in the [Fe III] line and 130 mas in the Brackett-gamma line. The spectroscopic observations required to perform spectro-astrometry of sources in the transition towards the PN phase are less time consuming and much more sensitive than VLTI IR observations. The results presented here open a new window in the search of the small-sized collimating agents that shape the complex morphologies of extremely axisymmetric PNe.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Scalar Spectrum from a Dynamical Gravity/Gauge model

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    We show that a Dynamical AdS/QCD model is able to reproduce the linear Regge trajectories for the light-flavor sector of mesons with high spin and also for the scalar and pseudoscalar ones. In addition the model has confinement by the Wilson loop criteria and a mass gap. We also calculate the decay amplitude of scalars into two pion in good agreement to the available experimental data.Comment: Presented in the 4th International Workshop on Astronomy and Relativistic Astrophysic

    Tailoring magnetic anisotropy in epitaxial half metallic La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films

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    We present a detailed study on the magnetic properties, including anisotropy, reversal fields, and magnetization reversal processes, of well characterized half-metallic epitaxial La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 (LSMO) thin films grown onto SrTiO3 (STO) substrates with three different surface orientations, i.e. (001), (110) and (1-18). The latter shows step edges oriented parallel to the [110] (in-plane) crystallographic direction. Room temperature high resolution vectorial Kerr magnetometry measurements have been performed at different applied magnetic field directions in the whole angular range. In general, the magnetic properties of the LSMO films can be interpreted with just the uniaxial term with the anisotropy axis given by the film morphology, whereas the strength of this anisotropy depends on both structure and film thickness. In particular, LSMO films grown on nominally flat (110)-oriented STO substrates presents a well defined uniaxial anisotropy originated from the existence of elongated in-plane [001]-oriented structures, whereas LSMO films grown on nominally flat (001)-oriented STO substrates show a weak uniaxial magnetic anisotropy with the easy axis direction aligned parallel to residual substrate step edges. Elongated structures are also found for LSMO films grown on vicinal STO(001) substrates. These films present a well-defined uniaxial magnetic anisotropy with the easy axis lying along the step edges and its strength increases with the LSMO thickness. It is remarkable that this step-induced uniaxial anisotropy has been found for LSMO films up to 120 nm thickness. Our results are promising for engineering novel half-metallic magnetic devices that exploit tailored magnetic anisotropy.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, 1 tabl

    Early classification of time series using multi-objective optimization techniques

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    In early classification of time series the objective is to build models which are able to make class-predictions for time series as accurately and as early as possible, when only a part of the series is available. It is logical to think that accuracy and earliness are conflicting objectives, since the more we wait, more data points from the series are available, and it is easier to make accurate class-predictions. Con- sidering this, the problem can be very naturally formulated as a multi-objective optimization problem, and solved as such. However, the solutions proposed in the literature up to now, reduce the problem into a single-objective problem by com- bining both objectives somehow. In this paper, we present a novel multi-objective formulation of the problem of early classification, and we design a solution us- ing multi-objective optimization techniques. This method will provide a variety of solutions which find different trade-offs between both objectives, allowing the user to select the most suitable solution a-posteriori, depending on the accuracy and earliness requirements of the problem at hand. To prove the usefulness of our proposal, we carry out an extensive experimentation process using 45 benchmark databases and we present a case study in the financial domain

    Keterampilan Guru dalam Membuka dan Menutup Kegiatan Pembelajaran di Tk

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    This study aims to determind the skills of teachers in subjects grouped opening and closing the B2 TK Islam rules equator pontianak city districts in West Kalimantan. The method used is a qualitative research method. The subject of this research were two people. Research instruments using interviews, observation, and dokumentation. The results showed that the teachers' skills in the opening and closing of some aspects namely, the children's attention, lead to motivation, to provide a referance, making connections, and review and evaluate. The sixth aspect of the overall teacher has not been done, so there are seven children who still cool sensiri at the time of opening and closing the teacher a lesson

    Peningkatan Kreativitas Anak melalui Sentra Seni pada Usia 5 – 6 Tahun di Taman Kanak – Kanak Surya

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    This study aims to promote creativity in children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten through art centers TK.Surya Sekadau Hulu Sekadau. The method used is descriptive method while research is a form of class action research consists of four phases namely planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The research subject that is one teacher and ten children aged 5-6 years. The results of the analysis of the data in cycle-1 meetings 1 and 2 indicate that the child had begun to increase their creativity in mengkolase image with the average value (BB) There Developing 30% and (BSB) Developing Very Good 60%, coloring average ( B) There Developing 20% and (BSB) Developing Very Good 50%, and making crafts average (BB) There Developing 30% and (BSB) Developing Very Good 50%. In the cycle-2 meeting of 1 and 2 show that the child is improving kretivitasnya in mengkolase image with the average value (BSB) Developing Very Good 80%, coloring average (BSB) Developing Very Good 80%, and making crafts average (BSB) Developing Very Good 80%. It shows that actions taken by teachers to increase children's creativity through art centers have been categorized as very good