419 research outputs found

    A Guide to Cannabis Virology: From the Virome Investigation to the Development of Viral Biotechnological Tools

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    Cannabis sativa cultivation is experiencing a period of renewed interest due to the new opportunities for its use in different sectors including food, techno-industrial, construction, pharmaceutical and medical, cosmetics, and textiles. Moreover, its properties as a carbon sequestrator and soil improver make it suitable for sustainable agriculture and climate change mitigation strategies. The increase in cannabis cultivation is generating conditions for the spread of new pathogens. While cannabis fungal and bacterial diseases are better known and characterized, viral infections have historically been less investigated. Many viral infection reports on cannabis have recently been released, highlighting the increasing threat and spread of known and unknown viruses. However, the available information on these pathogens is still incomplete and fragmentary, and it is therefore useful to organize it into a single structured document to provide guidance to growers, breeders, and academic researchers. This review aims to present the historical excursus of cannabis virology, from the pioneering descriptions of virus-like symptoms in the 1940s/50s to the most recent high-throughput sequencing reports. Each of these viruses detected in cannabis will be categorized with an increasing degree of threat according to its potential risk to the crop. Lastly, the development of viral vectors for functional genetics studies will be described, revealing how cannabis virology is evolving not only for the characterization of its virome but also for the development of biotechnological tools for the genetic improvement of this crop

    How and when of eyelid reconstruction using autologous transplantation

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    Reconstructive surgery of the eyelid after tumor excision, trauma or other causes can be challenging, especially due to the complexities of the anatomic structures and to the necessity of both functional and aesthetic successful outcomes. The aim of this minireview was to investigate the use of tissue transplantation in eyelid reconstruction. Surgical procedures are various, based on the use of both flaps, pedicled or free, and grafts, in order to guarantee adequate tissue reconstruction and blood supply, which are necessary for correct healing. Common techniques normally include the use of local tissues, combining non-vascularized grafts with a vascularized flap for the two lamellae repair, to attempt a reconstruction similar to the original anatomy. When defects are too wide, vast, deep, and complex or when no adjacent healthy tissues are available, distant area tissues need to be recruited as free flaps or grafts and paired with mucosal layer reconstruction. With regards to the anterior lamella, full thickness skin grafts are commonly preferred. With regards to the reconstruction of posterior lamella, there are different graft options, which include conjunctival or tarsoconjunctival, mucosal or palatal or cartilaginous grafts usually combined with local flaps. Free flap transplantation, normally reserved for rare select cases, include the use of the radial forearm and anterolateral flaps combined with mucosal grafts, which are surgical options currently reported in the literature

    Adjustment of the expedite method for clay content determination in Rondônia soils.

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    Soil clay content is an important soil attribute and has been used to classification of phosphorus status in the soil in order to determinate the needing of phosphorus amounts to be applied to crops production. The aim of this research was to adjust the method for soil clay content determination, adopted by the laboratories of Southern Brazil (ROLAS-RS/SC), for soil clay content evaluation in Rondônia soils. The study was conducted using 50 soil samples from Rondônia State with wide range clay content. It was tested shaking periods (1.5, 2.0 and 2.5h) associated with periods for soil particles decantation (1.5 and 2.0h) to correlate with the standard method for soil texture testing, known as the pipette method. Clay content determined through this method was significantly correlated with pipette method. The better treatment was the combination of 2.0h of shaking and 1.5h of decantation, resulted in total period of 3.5h, which reduced the period to determine the soil clay content without loss of accuracy

    Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Hot Extruded Inconel 718

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    Inconel 718 is a widely used superalloy, due to its unique corrosion resistance and mechanical strength properties at very high temperatures. Hot metal extrusion is the most widely used forming technique, if the manufacturing of slender components is required. As the current scientific literature does not comprehensively cover the fundamental aspects related to the process–structure relationships, in the present work, a combined numerical and experimental approach is employed. A finite element (FE) model was established to answer three key questions: (1) predicting the required extrusion force at different extrusion speeds; (2) evaluating the influence of the main processing parameters on the formation of surface cracks using the normalized Cockcroft Latham’s (nCL) damage criterion; and (3) quantitatively assessing the amount of recrystallized microstructure through Avrami’s equation. For the sake of modeling validation, several experimental investigations were carried out under different processing conditions. Particularly, it was found that the higher the initial temperature of the billet, the lower the extrusion force, although a trade-off must be sought to avoid the formation of surface cracks occurring at excessive temperatures, while limiting the required extrusion payload. The extrusion speed also plays a relevant role. Similarly to the role of the temperature, an optimal extrusion speed value must be identified to minimize the possibility of surface crack formation (high speeds) and to minimize the melting of intergranular niobium carbides (low speeds)

    Estabelecimento de normas DRIS para o cupuaçueiro na região amazônica.

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    A avaliação do estado nutricional de um pomar ou lavoura depende da definição de valores de referência que sejam adequados para refletir as condições de crescimento das plantas. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar normas DRIS para cupuaçueiro cultivado na Amazônia, testando em populações com diferentes idades. Amostras foliares de cupuaçu foram coletadas de pomares comerciais, cuja idade das plantas variou de 5 a 18 anos, cultivadas sob monocultivo ou sistemas agroflorestais (SAF's), obtendo-se para cada relação nutricional entre os nutrientes N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe, Mn e Cu as normas DRIS, as quais foram obtidas para o conjunto da população monitorada e para subpopulações específicas. Os diferentes grupos de normas não diferem entre si, possibilitando a obtenção de normas DRIS que possam representar um grande número de condições de produção

    Dinámica estacional de Varroa destructor y Nosema sp en colonias de Apis mellifera en clima templado de Argentina

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    Los ectoparásitos obligados Varroa destructor y Nosema sp afectan la salud de la abeja de la miel Apis mellifera y genera importantes pérdidas de la colonia. Este artículo describe y analiza información proveniente de unidades centinelas sobre la distribución regional y los niveles de prevalencia de varrosis y nosemosis durante tres años, de acuerdo al programa de vigilancia de EEA INTA Rafaela y al programa de apicultura nacional de INTA. Durante el estudio, un total de 49 apiarios fueron monitoreados en 4 zonas diferentes de la Provincia de Santa Fe (zonas Norte, Sur, Costa y Centro), las cuales fueron visitadas en tres momentos diferentes del año: antes del tratamiento acaricida de otoño, después del tratamiento y al principio de primavera. Datos sobre las prácticas de manejo del apiario y muestras de ácaros de Varroa y Nosema fueron tomadas. Encontramos altos porcentaje de Varroa después del tratamiento en la Zona Sur durante 2017 y en la Zona Norte durante 2018 y 2019. Nuestros resultados sugieren que tanto la región como las estrategias de control impactan en los niveles de infestación de Varroa durante el transcurso del año, siendo su importancia relativa dependiente del momento en el que esto es observado. Además, la tendencia estacional de Varroa en respuesta a la dinámica de la población de abejas, explica la ausencia de interacción entre los factores período y año. De acuerdo a nuestro estudio, un programa de vigilancia por medio de apiarios centinela que identifique el período principal de propagación, fue efectivo en el monitoreo y remediación de los niveles de ambos patógenos, para asegurar una colonia de abejas saludable

    Perspectivas do estudo arqueológico da paisagem no Parque Nacional Bosques Petrificados de Jaramillo (Santa Cruz, Argentina)

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    We assess the archaeological richness and potential of a sector of the Deseado Massif within the limits of the Petrified Forest of Jaramillo National Park (PNBPJ). This protected area was originally created to safeguard important paleontological sites, mainly Jurassic petrified Araucaria forests. This work presents the advances made by systematic fieldwork at the locality, as well as the major archaeological questions that drive current research, in order to contribute to the enhancement and promotion of this archaeological landscape as a cultural heritage.  El Parque Nacional Bosques Petrificados de Jaramillo (PNBPJ) es un área protegida localizada en un sector del Macizo del Deseado que fue originalmente creada para resguardar importantes yacimientos paleontológicos, principalmente bosques de araucarias petrificadas de edad Jurásica. En este trabajo se presentan tanto los fundamentos empíricos como los teóricos que permiten dar cuenta de la riqueza y potencial arqueológicos de este paisaje. En este sentido, se presentan los avances de los trabajos de campo sistemáticos realizados en la localidad, como las preguntas arqueológicas más importantes que dirigen las investigaciones actuales con la finalidad de contribuir a la puesta en valor del paisaje arqueológico como patrimonio cultural.O Parque Nacional Bosques Petrificados de Jaramillo (PNBPJ) é uma área protegida localizada em um setor do Maciço do Deseado que foi originalmente criada para proteger importantes localidades paleontológicos, principalmente florestas de araucária petrificadas de idade Jurássica. Neste trabalho, apresentamos as bases empíricas e teóricas que permitem explicar a riqueza e o potencial arqueológico desta paisagem. Nesse sentido, os avanços dos trabalhos de campo sistemáticos realizados na localidade são apresentados, assim como as questões arqueológicas mais importantes que dirigem as investigações atuais com o objetivo de contribuir para o aprimoramento da paisagem arqueológica como patrimônio cultural

    Unlocking the versatile potential: Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells in ocular surface reconstruction and oculoplastics

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    This review comprehensively explores the versatile potential of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) with a specific focus on adipose-derived MSCs. Ophthalmic and oculoplastic surgery, encompassing diverse procedures for ocular and periocular enhancement, demands advanced solutions for tissue restoration, functional and aesthetic refinement, and aging. Investigating immunomodulatory, regenerative, and healing capacities of MSCs, this review underscores the potential use of adipose-derived MSCs as a cost-effective alternative from bench to bedside, addressing common unmet needs in the field of reconstructive and regenerative surgery