1,480 research outputs found

    PÀivittÀistavarakaupan etÀisyyden vaikutus asunnon hintaan

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    The aim of this thesis is to research the effect an apartment’s distance to a grocery store has on its value within the EtelĂ€-Haaga suburban area of Helsinki. Firstly, current academic literature concerning housing price determinants and the effect grocery stores have on housing prices are presented. Thereafter, empirical analysis on the aforementioned effect is conducted. The data used in the empirical analysis consists of apartment transaction data based on data from the Central Federation of Finnish Real Estate Agencies. A total of 1,381 individual apartment transactions from 2010 to 2016 were used as the primary dataset of the research. Data concerning the grocery stores located within the research area of the 00320 postcode were obtained using the Google Maps service. The ESRI ArcMap desktop application as well as a derived Pythagorean theorem where used to derive the co-ordinates and relative distances of the aforementioned data. Furthermore, additional data concerning macroeconomic factors such as median income and the unemployment rate were added to the apartment transaction data. The findings of the empirical analysis suggest that distance of a grocery store affects the value of an apartment within the research area. The results indicate that the coefficient for the distance of a grocery store is negative, meaning that the longer the distance to a grocery store, the less valuable an apartment is. The findings suggest that an increase of 100 meters in the distance to a grocery store decreases the value of an apartment by approximately 0.72 percent. However, a large number of limitations effect the accuracy of the empirical analysis. The addition of numerous housing price determinants, especially more detailed micro- and macro locational determinants, would enhance the accuracy of the findings. Additionally, further research into the effects different grocery store chains and the size of a grocery store would most likely yield interesting results.TĂ€mĂ€n diplomityön tarkoituksena on selvittÀÀ pĂ€ivittĂ€istavarakaupan etĂ€isyyden vaikutus asunnon hintaan EtelĂ€-Haagan kaupunginosassa HelsingissĂ€. TyössĂ€ esitellÀÀn olemassa oleva tieteellinen kirjallisuus asuntojen hintatekijöistĂ€ sekĂ€ pĂ€ivittĂ€istavarakaupan etĂ€isyyden vaikutuksista asunnon hintaan. TĂ€mĂ€n jĂ€lkeen aihetta tutkitaan tilastollisen analyysin avulla. LĂ€htöaineisto perustuu KiinteistönvĂ€litysalan Keskusliiton aineistoon toteutuneista asuinhuoneistokaupoista. KĂ€ytetty aineisto kĂ€sittÀÀ yhteensĂ€ 1 381 asuinhuoneistokauppaa vuosien 2010 ja 2016 vĂ€lillĂ€. PĂ€ivittĂ€istavarakauppoihin liittyvĂ€ aineisto kerĂ€ttiin Google Maps – palvelusta. ESRI:n ArcMap sovellusta sekĂ€ Pythagoraan johdettu lausetta kĂ€ytettiin mĂ€rittĂ€mÀÀn lĂ€htöaineiston koordinaatit sekĂ€ suhteellista sijaintia. LisĂ€ksi lĂ€htöaineistoon lisĂ€ttiin makroekonomisia muuttujia kuten mediaanitulot sekĂ€ työttömyysaste. Tutkimuksen löydökset osoittavat ettĂ€ pĂ€ivittĂ€istavarakaupan etĂ€isyydellĂ€ on vaikutus asunnon hintaan tutkimusalueella. Tulokset osoittavat, ettĂ€ pĂ€ivittĂ€istavarakaupan etĂ€isyyden koeffisientti on negatiivinen. TĂ€mĂ€ tarkoittaa ettĂ€ etĂ€isyyden kasvaessa asunnon hinta laskee. Tulokset osoittavat ettĂ€ pĂ€ivittĂ€istavarakaupan etĂ€isyyden kasvaessa 100 metriĂ€, asunnon hinta laskee noin 0.72 prosenttia. Huomionarviosta on tutkimuksen vajavaisuuksien vaikutus tulosten tarkkuuteen. LisÀÀmĂ€llĂ€ etenkin mikro- ja makrotason sijainnillisia asunnon hintatekijöitĂ€ tilastolliseen analyysiin olisi mahdollista parantaa tutkimuksen tarkkuutta. LisĂ€ksi lisĂ€tutkimukset pĂ€ivittĂ€istavarakaupan ketjun sekĂ€ pĂ€ivittĂ€istavarakaupan koon vaikutukseen asunnon hintaan tuottaisivat mielenkiintoisia tuloksia

    Helter skelter, topsy-turvy and ‘loonycolour’: carnivalesque realism in 'Saturday Night and Sunday Morning'

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    Saturday Night and Sunday Morning has been reductively sidelined as “working class realism” where that term implies a mere reportage of grim reality. Such a view ignores the joyously subversive spirit alive in the novel. This essay argues that the “glorious loonycolour” of Arthur Seaton’s internal world has a transformative effect on external reality. Through Arthur’s consciousness, the pubs and fairgrounds of 1950s working class culture become a transgressive, carnivalesque site of inversion, an energetic, death-defying topsy-turveydom. Sillitoe, then, does violence to realism and allows us, if only temporarily, to see reality in a different, and radically optimistic, way. At the same time, his version of the carnivalesque is less romanticised than Mikhail Bakhtin’s, since he is alive to the dangers of containment which lurk at its heart. This awareness climaxes in Arthur’s move towards matrimony, an institution which may contain his vitality or provide a new outlet

    Confronting the abject: women and dead babies in modern English fiction

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    Jean Rhys and Aldous Huxley were groundbreaking in that they represented the experience of illegal abortion openly with no apparent disapprobation, drawing it to the attention of a significant readership. Their representations – bodily, but grim – resonate with Bakhtin’s argument that modernity can sustain only a denigrated version of the grotesque, a faint echo of the carnivalesque humour of Rabelais, where laughter is superseded by fear (in Kristeva’s term, the abject). Twenty-five years later, Alan Sillitoe and Nell Dunn pushed the limits further, placing abortion at the centre of their novels, forcing the reader to engage with the woman’s experience, while working within a realist tradition that did not spare harsh details. Within this tradition they are nonetheless sometimes playful, even comic, in their language and modes of representation, carrying readers far beyond the stark specifics of realism and outside the reductive restrictions of the polarized abortion debate

    Development and Underdevelopment in Britain and Ireland

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    Summary Students of development may use diverse definitions of development and underdevelopment, but invariably these definitions are related to regions or states which are regarded as disadvantaged by comparison with Britain or other rich countries. This focus has produced a neglect of ‘developmental material' on our own doorstep: the existence of pockets of social and regional underdevelopment has long been recognised in Britain and Ireland. Studies of structural attributes, official policies, the institutional apparatus and the consequences of development strategies are relevant to the general corpus of development studies, suggesting the need for a revised definition of development. Resume DĂ©veloppement et sous?dĂ©veloppement en Grande?Bretagne et en Irlande Dans les Ă©tudes sur le dĂ©veloppement on trouve parfois diffĂ©rentes dĂ©finitions du dĂ©veloppement et du sous?dĂ©veloppement, mais invariablement ces dĂ©finitions se rapportent Ă  rĂ©gions ou Ă©tats qui sont considĂ©rĂ©s comme dĂ©savantagĂ©s par rapport Ă  la Grande?Bretagne ou aux autres pays riches. De ce fait on a nĂ©gligĂ© des zones candidates pour le dĂ©veloppement sur notre propre seuil: depuis longtemps l'existence de poches de sous?dĂ©veloppement social et rĂ©gional a Ă©tĂ© reconnu en Grande?Bretagne et en Irlande. L'Ă©tude des caractĂ©ristiques structurales, des politiques officielles, de l'appareil institutionnel et des consĂ©quences des stratĂ©gies de dĂ©veloppement sont autant de sujets qui intĂ©ressent l'ensemble des Ă©tudes sur le dĂ©veloppement, ce qui suggĂšre qu'il faudrait revoir la dĂ©finition du dĂ©veloppement. Resumen Desarrollo y subdesarrollo en la Grañ Bretana e Irlanda Los estudiantes del desarrollo podrĂĄn utilizar diversas definiciones de desarrollo y subdesarrollo, pero estas definiciones siempre se refieren a regiones o estados que se consideran desventajados en comparaciĂłn con la Gran Bretaña y otros paĂ­ses ricos. Esta manera de enfocar la situaciĂłn ha producido un abandono de “material de desarrollo” a nuestra misma puerta. En la Gran Bretaña e Irlanda se ha reconocido desde hace tiempo que existen concentracciones sociales y regionales de subdesarrollo. Los estudios sobre los atributos estructurales, las polĂ­ticas oficiales, el aparato institucional y las consecuencias de las estrategias del desarrollo son pertinentes para el conjunto general de los estudios de desarrollo, sugiriendo la necesidad de una definiciĂłn revisada del desarrollo

    Administrative Training: Doublethink and Newspeak

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    Summary Administrative training is a growth industry, and has developed a philosophy and practice. The philosophy consists of claims about the purposes and results of training which the practice cannot substantiate. Those involved in the ‘industry’ are aware of this, and resist real evaluation of their claims, which consist essentially in using the expansionist philosophy of training to create or justify personal or institutional benefits. The costs of this ‘double?think’ strategy are not defined. Instead, a special language is deliberately constructed to avoid precise meaning: a form of ‘newspeak’, which reduces the possibilities for effective debate of issues which deserve penetrating reappraisal. Resume Formation administrative: “Doublethink” et “New?speak” La formation administrative est une industrie en croissance et a donnĂ© naissance Ă  une doctrine et Ă  une pratique. La doctrine consiste en des affirmations sur les objectifs et les rĂ©sultats de la formation que la pratique ne peut justifier. Tous ceux qui sont dans cette “industrie” s'en rendent compte et refusent une rĂ©elle Ă©valuation de leurs affirmations qui consistent essentiellement Ă  utiliser la doctrine expansionniste de la formation pour crĂ©er et justifier les bĂ©nĂ©fices personnels et institutionnels. Le prix de cette stratĂ©gie de “doublethink” n'est pas dĂ©terminĂ©. Mais au contraire, un langage spĂ©cial est dĂ©libĂ©rĂ©ment crĂ©Ă© pour Ă©viter un sens trop prĂ©cis: une forme de “newspeak” qui rĂ©duit la possibilitĂ© de dĂ©battre efficacement des problĂšmes qui demandent Ă  ĂȘtre rĂ©Ă©valuĂ©s. Resumen FormaciĂłn Administrativa: “Doublethink” y “New?speak” La formaciĂłn administrativa es una industria en crecimiento y ha desarrollado una filosofĂ­a y una prĂĄctica. La filosofĂ­a consiste en pretensiones sobre los propĂłsitos y los resultados de la formaciĂłn que no se pueden cristalizar en la prĂĄctica. Los que intervienen en la industria estĂĄn conscientes de esto y resisten la evaluaciĂłn real de sus pretensiones, que fundamentalmente consisten en usar la filosofĂ­a expansionista de la formaciĂłn para crear o justificar beneficios personales o institucionales. No se determinan los costos de esta estrategia de “doublethink”. En cambio, se ha creado deliberadamente un lenguage especial para evitar los significados precisos: una forma de “newspeak” que reduce las posibilidades de debate eficaz sobre temas que merecen una nueva evaluaciĂłn penetrante

    Robotic process automation and the work identity of accountants

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    Advances in technology create change, dilemmas and great possibilities for companies and their finance function. The accounting field is continuously evolving, as technology based tools are able to mimic the work and actions of humans. Robotic process automation (RPA) is the most recent automation technology to transform financial accounting by providing a quick, accurate and effective way to perform routine financial accounting tasks. These disruptive changes can cause various reactions in financial accountants ranging from positive to negative. Thus, identity theory, which includes work identity, provides a way to better understand RPA and its effects from the human per-spective. The objective of this thesis was to discover the relationship between RPA and the work identity of accountants. More closely, the point was to find out the effects that RPA has on the work identity and roles of accountants in addition to discover which aspects of RPA strengthen or threaten the work identity of accountants. Moreover, the aim was to see how accountants perceive future automation and their future roles and work opportunities in financial accounting. The empirical data of this qualitative research was collected through semi-structured interviews with eight financial accountants from one case company with various educational backgrounds, financial accounting experience as well as knowledge and use of RPA. After data collection the interviews were analysed using discourse analysis. The findings of the study showed that there are various effects that RPA has on the roles and work identity of accountants, which mostly depends on the use and knowledge of RPA. Mostly RPA was perceived well with RPA bringing beneficial changes to the work of accountants. The increased job satisfaction and better quality work impacted work identity positively while the possibility of losing a job and malfunction had a negative impact on work identity. Furthermore, the future of financial accounting was seen with increased automation either RPA or artificial intelligence and the roles of accountants were predicted to be different in the future

    Interpretation Problems in the Courts

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    Multi-Sensory Deep Learning Architectures for Slam Dunk Scene Classification

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    Basketball teams at all levels of the game invest a considerable amount of time and effort into collecting, segmenting, and analysing footage from their upcoming opponents previous games. This analysis helps teams identify and exploit the potential weaknesses of their opponents and is commonly cited as one of the key elements required to achieve success in the modern game. The growing importance of this type of analysis has prompted research into the application of computer vision and audio classification techniques to help teams classify scoring sequences and key events using game footage. However, this research tends to focus on classifying scenes based on information from a single sensory source (visual or audio), and fails to analyse the wealth of multi-sensory information available within the footage. This dissertation aims to demonstrate that by analysing the full range of audio and visual features contained in broadcast game footage through a multi-sensory deep learning architecture one can create a more effective key scene classification system when compared to a single sense model. Additionally, this dissertation explores the performance impact of training the audio component of a multi-sensory architecture using different representations of the audio features

    The structure and function of human phosphoinositide 4-kinases

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    The biosynthesis of phosphosphoinositides underlies a wide range of important biological processes including receptor signalling, cytoskeletal remodelling, and vesicle traffic. This thesis describes the molecular cloning and biochemical characterisation of phosphatidylinositol 4-kinaseÎČ (Ptdlns 4KÎČ) and the type IIα phosphatidylinositol(5)phosphate 4-kinase (PtdInsPK IIα), two enzymes believed to lie in PtdIns(4,5)P2 biosynthetic pathways. I have cloned and characterised two splice variants of a novel wortmannin-sensitive, cytosolic PtdIns kinase, PtdIns 4KÎČ, with homology to Pik 1p, the archetypal Ptdlns 4K from S. cerevisiae. The two PtdIns 4KÎČ proteins differ by the presence of a short serine- rich insertion which can be phosphorylated in vitro by casein kinase II. Also presented in this thesis is the cloning of PtdInsPK IIα and its expression in E. coli, S. frugiperda and mammalian cells. Recombinant protein has been used to produce a monoclonal antibody which recognises PtdInsPK IIα by western blotting, immunoprecipitation and immunofluorescence. Sequence analysis of PtdInsPK IIα showed no statistically significant homology with any known phosphotransferase enzyme. However, identification of the nucleotide-binding residue using a combination of affinity labelling and mass spectrometry has permitted identification of the active site. The importance of the nucleotide-binding residue, and of others predicted to be important in catalysis, has been confirmed by analysis of mutant proteins generated by site-directed mutagenesis. The unique substrate specificity of PtdInsPK IIα suggests that it may lie in a previously undescribed PtdIns(4,5)P2 biosynthetic pathway. The possible significance of this pathway is discussed

    Social Justice and the Metaphor of Gaps

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    "The doctrine of social justice is a rather curious name for the project of equalising the access of all citizens to whatever is valuable. It is a curious name because justice traditionally means that individuals have rights to something they are entitled to, and this is commonly defined in terms of custom and law, though justice may also be used as a moral judgement based on a less definite kind of value. Social justice however argues injustice on the mere fact of inequality. To be human is to deserve to enjoy whatever anyone else enjoys. The element of desert has dropped out, though some qualifications based on economic functionality may often be recognised. A great deal of modern political philosophy consists in variations on this theme."(...
