433 research outputs found

    On ladder diagrams compilation and synthesis to FPGA implemented reconfigurable logic controller

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    The paper presents synthesis process of a hardware implemented reconfigurable logic controller from a ladder diagram according to IEC61131-3 requirements. It is focused on the originally developed a high-performance LD processing method. It is able to process a set of diagrams restricted to logic operations in a single clock cycle independently from the number of processed rungs. The paper considers the compilation of the ladder diagram into an intermediate form suitable for logic synthesis process according to developed processing method. The enhanced data flow graph (EDFG) has been developed for the intermediate representation of an LD program. The original construction of the EDFG with attributed edges has been described. It allows for efficient representation and processing of logic and arithmetic formulas. The set of compilation algorithms that allow to preserve serial analysis order and to obtain massively parallel processing unit are presented. The overview of a hardware mapping concludes the presented considerations


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kemampuan kerja sama yang kurang terasah dengan baik pada siswa kelas IV A dalam salah satu SD Negeri di Kecamatan Sukasari Kota Bandung. Hal ini ditandai dengan kurangnya kontribusi siswa dalam diskusi dan dalam pengerjaan tugas kelompok pada saat pembelajaran secara kooperatif. Hal ini dikarenakan kurangnya kesadaran anak bahwa dalam kegiatan belajar secara berkelompok para siswa memiliki penanannya dan tanggung jawabnya masing-masing demi menunjang keberhasilan kelompok itu sendiri. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan kerja sama dengan menerapkan pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Stay and Stray. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) dengan mengadaptasi model PTK dari Kemmis dan Mc. Taggart. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam dua kali siklus. Subjek penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IV A yang berjumlah 28 orang, terdiri dari 12 siswa perempuan dan 16 siswa laki-laki. Hasil kemampuan kerja sama yang ditunjukan dari siklus I mencapai 59% dengan kategori kurang, sedangkan pada siklus II kemampuan kerja sama siswa meningkat, hingga hasil yang diperoleh mencapai 86% dengan kategori baik sekali. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan pembelajaran Kooperatif tipe Stay and Stray pada kelas IV A terbukti dapat meningkatkan kemampuan kerja sama yang dimiliki siswa. Dengan demikian diharapkan model pembelajaran ini dapat dijadikan suatu alternatif dalam pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan guru untuk meningkatkan kemampuan kerja sama siswa. ;---This research is based on the ability of cooperation that is not well honed in student in grade IVA at one elementary school in sub-district Sukasari Bandung. This is characterized by a lack of student contribution in discussions and in group work assignments when the learning activities are conducted in groups. This is due to a lack of awareness that child in learning activities in a group of students has its role and responsibilities of each in order to support the success of the group itself. The purpose of this research is to improve the ability of cooperation by implementing cooperative learning type of Stay and Stray. The methods used in this research is the Research Action class (PTK) and adapt the model PTK of Kemmis and Mc. Taggart. This research was carried out in two cycles. The subject of the research in this study are grade IV A of 28 people, consisting of 12 female students and 16 male students. The results indicated cooperation capabilities of the cycle-I achieve 59% with deficient categories, while on cycle-II cooperation capabilities of students increased, the results obtained to reach 86% by category. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the application of the Cooperative learning type of Stay and Stray on class IV A proven can improve teamwork owned students. Thus, it is hoped this


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    NENG MILIK WULANSARI: THE LEXICOGRAMMATICAL ANALYSIS OF PROCEDURAL TEXT IN SOME SELECTED WEB MAGAZINES Procedure text is one of the materials in lesson English. Usually, the teacher is only explaining generic structure like goal, material, and steps in a procedural text. So that, the students is just understood about generic structure and not understands about others features in procedural text. In fact according to Wignel and Gerot composition book, in procedure text there are generic structure and procedural text have also lexicogrammatical features. So, the writer interest in analyzing the lexicogrammatical analysis of procedural text in some selected web magazines. Lexicogrammatical features of various genres are integral to those genres, for it is through the lexicogrammatical choice that meaning is built up in a text. In this case, analyzing lexicogrammatical feature especially is procedure text. According to Gerot and Wignel (1994:206), lexicogrammatical explaining more detail about temporal conjunction/linking words, generalized human agents, simple present tense/imperative, material process/action verb, factual description of participant, and information details in procedure text. The writer was interest in analyzing the lexicogrammatical analysis of procedural text in some selected web magazines. In doing all, the writer analyzes the lexicogrammatical in procedural text by using qualitative research. The techniques of collecting data are by library research to found further in information and some theories related with subject matter from books, and browsing the websites from internet there are 10 procedure texts as object in this study. After data has been analyzed, the writer has concluded that the most complete text and most complete perfect in 10 procedure texts is procedure text of making candles, because there are 11 out of 11 elements of genre. Meanwhile, the function does the lexicogrammatical in the selected texts’ play. They are; the lexicogrammatical features can be measure completely of procedural text, the lexicogrammatical features can compare writing of procedure text with other procedure text, comparing completely of procedure text with other procedure text, and difference and similarity of procedure text. In conclusion, the writer found that the most complete text and most complete perfect of lexicogrammatical in procedural text on some selected web magazines is procedure text of making candles and there is function does lexicogrammatical in procedure text. The writer hopes this thesis can give contribution to increase the lexicogrammatical feature of procedure text for the teacher, the student and the next researcher

    Studying identity and control in online worlds: ethnomethodology and categorization analysis and its applicability to virtual space

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    Thesis (M.A.)--Boston UniversityThe worlds encountered by players of online games are sociologically important, but attempts to observe and analyze action online has been stymied by methodological limitations. This paper analyzes research done on the online world for the subjects of identity, organization, and social control. It suggests a set of methodological tools for use with online research based on ethnography, ethnomethodology and categorization analysis that relies entirely on the online character for data

    Chaos at the border of criticality

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    The present paper points out to a novel scenario for formation of chaotic attractors in a class of models of excitable cell membranes near an Andronov-Hopf bifurcation (AHB). The mechanism underlying chaotic dynamics admits a simple and visual description in terms of the families of one-dimensional first-return maps, which are constructed using the combination of asymptotic and numerical techniques. The bifurcation structure of the continuous system (specifically, the proximity to a degenerate AHB) endows the Poincare map with distinct qualitative features such as unimodality and the presence of the boundary layer, where the map is strongly expanding. This structure of the map in turn explains the bifurcation scenarios in the continuous system including chaotic mixed-mode oscillations near the border between the regions of sub- and supercritical AHB. The proposed mechanism yields the statistical properties of the mixed-mode oscillations in this regime. The statistics predicted by the analysis of the Poincare map and those observed in the numerical experiments of the continuous system show a very good agreement.Comment: Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science (tentatively, Sept 2008

    Shared-Semaphored Cache Implementation for Parallel Program Execution in Multi-Core Systems

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    The paper brings forward the idea of multi-threadedcomputation synchronization based on the shared semaphoredcache in the multi-core CPUs. It is dedicated to the implementationof multi-core PLC control, embedded solution or parallelcomputation of models described using hardware description languages.The shared semaphored cache is implemented as guardedmemory cells within a dedicated section of the cache memory thatis shared by multiple cores. This enables the cores to speed up thedata exchange and seamlessly synchronize the computation. Theidea has been verified by creating a multi-core system model usingVerilog HDL. The simulation of task synchronization methodsallows for proving the benefits of shared semaphored memorycells over standard synchronization methods. The proposed ideaenhances the computation in the algorithms that consist ofrelatively short tasks that can be processed in parallel andrequires fast synchronization mechanisms to avoid data raceconditions

    Shared-Semaphored Cache Implementation for Parallel Program Execution in Multi-Core Systems

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    The paper brings forward the idea of multi-threadedcomputation synchronization based on the shared semaphoredcache in the multi-core CPUs. It is dedicated to the implementationof multi-core PLC control, embedded solution or parallelcomputation of models described using hardware description languages.The shared semaphored cache is implemented as guardedmemory cells within a dedicated section of the cache memory thatis shared by multiple cores. This enables the cores to speed up thedata exchange and seamlessly synchronize the computation. Theidea has been verified by creating a multi-core system model usingVerilog HDL. The simulation of task synchronization methodsallows for proving the benefits of shared semaphored memorycells over standard synchronization methods. The proposed ideaenhances the computation in the algorithms that consist ofrelatively short tasks that can be processed in parallel andrequires fast synchronization mechanisms to avoid data raceconditions

    Persistent Unstable Equilibria in Wonderland

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    Models of the interactions between population, economy, and environment often contain nonlinear functional relationships and variables that vary at different speeds. These properties foster apparent unpredictabilities in system behavior. Using a simple deterministic model of demographic, economic and environmental interactions, we illustrate the usefulness of geometric singular perturbation theory and local bifurcation theory. In particular we show how it is possible to obtain analytic expressions for: (1) the level of emissions above which environmental deterioration begins, (2) the time it takes from reaching the critical level of emissions to the beginning of rapid environmental deterioration, and (3) the level of emissions at the time that rapid deterioration begins. Because our results are analytic, they make the outcomes of demographic, economic, and environmental interactions more predictable, and, therefore, potentially more manageable

    Uwagi w sprawie funkcjonowania Rady Nieustającej w latach 1778–1780

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    The Permanent Council was the first central executive authority in the his-tory of the Republic of Poland. It was really significant for the development of Polish administration because, in that way, a new form of authority was estab-lished. What is important, the Permanent Council was claimed to be able to help the Republic of Poland to deal with the anarchy. However, the term of office 1778–1780 clearly indicated that the Council was not able to rule the country independently and effectively. First of all, it was caused by the law and the activity of Commissions (called: The Great Commis-sions) which significantly restricted the Council. The activity of the Great Com-missions often collided with competencies of particular departments of the Coun-cil, for example, the Revenue Commission with the Revenue Department. In addition, there were not adequate regulations enabling effective activity of the central authority. In fact, a great number of the Council’s initiatives remained only on a paper. Moreover, as a „tool of Petersburg”, the Permanent Council was attacked by patriotic circles since the very beginning. It was mainly criticized for the range of its entitlements. The opposition was afraid of the strong Council’s rule that could threaten freedom of the Nobility. It was even postulated to abolish the Council. In spite of all, it is admitted that activity of the Permanent Council was beneficial for the country and it allowed to develop modern forms of administration

    Modeling Amyloid Beta Peptide Insertion into Lipid Bilayers

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    Inspired by recent suggestions that the Alzheimer's amyloid beta peptide (A beta) can insert into cell membranes and form harmful ion channels, we model insertion of the 40 and 42 residue forms of the peptide into cell membranes using a Monte Carlo code which is specific at the amino acid level. We examine insertion of the regular A-beta peptide as well as mutants causing familial Alzheimer's disease, and find that all but one of the mutants change the insertion behavior by causing the peptide to spend more simulation steps in only one leaflet of the bilayer. We also find that A-beta 42, because of the extra hydrophobic residues relative to A-beta 40, is more likely to adopt this conformation than A-beta 40 in both wild-type and mutant forms. We argue qualitatively why these effects happen. Here, we present our results and develop the hypothesis that this partial insertion increases the probability of harmful channel formation. This hypothesis can partly explain why these mutations are neurotoxic simply due to peptide insertion behavior. We further apply this model to various artificial A-beta mutants which have been examined experimentally, and offer testable experimental predictions contrasting the roles of aggregation and insertion with regard to toxicity of A-beta mutants. These can be used through further experiments to test our hypothesis.Comment: 14 pages; 8 figures; 2nd revisio