9 research outputs found

    Activity of Antioxidants from Crocus sativus L. Petals: Potential Preventive Effects towards Cardiovascular System.

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    The petals of the saffron crocus (Crocus sativus L.) are considered a waste material in saffron production, but may be a sustainable source of natural biologically active substances of nutraceutical interest. The aim of this work was to study the cardiovascular effects of kaempferol and crocin extracted from saffron petals. The antiarrhythmic, inotropic, and chronotropic effects of saffron petal extract (SPE), kaempferol, and crocin were evaluated through in vitro biological assays. The antioxidant activity of kaempferol and crocin was investigated through the 2',7'-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate (DCFH-DA) assay using rat cardiomyoblast cell line H9c2. The MTT assay was applied to assess the effects of kaempferol and crocin on cell viability. SPE showed weak negative inotropic and chronotropic intrinsic activities but a significant intrinsic activity on smooth muscle with a potency on the ileum greater than on the aorta: EC50 = 0.66 mg/mL versus EC50 = 1.45 mg/mL. Kaempferol and crocin showed a selective negative inotropic activity. In addition, kaempferol decreased the contraction induced by KCl (80 mM) in guinea pig aortic and ileal strips, while crocin had no effect. Furthermore, following oxidative stress, both crocin and kaempferol decreased intracellular ROS formation and increased cell viability in a concentration-dependent manner. The results indicate that SPE, a by-product of saffron cultivation, may represent a good source of phytochemicals with a potential application in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases

    Allergic sensitization to common pets (cats/dogs) according to different possible modalities of exposure: an Italian Multicenter Study

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    Background: The query "are there animals at home?" is usually administered for collecting information on anamnesis. This modality to consider exposure to pet allergens constitutes a potential bias in epidemiological studies and in clinical practice. The aim of our study was to evaluate/quantify different modalities of exposure to cat/dog in inducing allergic sensitization. Methods: Thirty Italian Allergy units participated in this study. Each centre was required to collect the data of at least 20 consecutive outpatients sensitized to cat/dog allergens. A standardized form reported all demographic data and a particular attention was paid in relieving possible modalities of exposure to cat/dog. Results: A total 723 patients sensitized to cat/dog were recorded, 359 (49.65%) reported direct pet contact, 213 patients (29.46%) were pet owners, and 146 subjects (20.19%) were exposed to pets in other settings. Other patients were sensitized by previous pet ownership (150-20.75%) or indirect contact (103-14.25%), in 111 subjects (15.35%) any contact was reported. Conclusions: Only 213 patients (29.46%) would be classified as "exposed to animals" and 510 (70.54%) as "not exposed" according to usual query. Our classification has shown that many "not-exposed" subjects (399-55.19%) were "really exposed". The magnitude of exposure to pet allergens at home is not related exclusively to pet ownership. These considerations should be taken into account during the planning of epidemiological studies and in clinical practice for the management of pet allergic individuals

    Valorization Of Typical Regional Food For The Improvement Of Health And Well-Being Of Consumers Through An Innovative Nutraceutical And Nutrigenomic Approach.

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    This project aims to investigate strategies that can increase the well-being of citizens by making available, in various forms, food-derived bioactive compounds that can counteract chronic inflammation and maintain healthier conditions. Among the potential products that are rich in bioactive compounds, a particular emphasis was placed on typical central Italy foods of vegetable origin. In this perspective, the most widespread healthy and ancient varieties occurring in the Mediterranean diet habits, were chosen. The extraction and characterization of bioactive compounds of two apple varieties (Mela Rosa Marchigiana and Mela Abbondanza Rossa) and discard from the Marche Region have been performed. In vitro callus cultures from these pulp fruits have been used to obtain a matrix with a high amount of secondary metabolites. The same extraction and characterization methods have been applied to callus samples. The assessment of the functional activities of fruits/callus extracts demonstrated antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities useful for maintaining a healthy microbiota and for the development of new nutraceuticals and functional foods. The evaluation of nutrigenomic properties of the bioactive extracts from these apples, will be considered to obtain information about the mechanisms through which they exert their functional activities. From a preliminary investigation on lifestyle habits by the analysis of Mediterranean Adherence in healthy adults and people affected by chronic diseases, it was possible to underline the need of specific strategies to improve knowledge and awareness of healthy behavior and eating. A lifestyle educational program has been developed and tested showing appreciation and improvement of cardiometabolic conditions and nutritional practices. The overall purpose of this project is the development and transfer of innovation to make regional production systems more attractive, enhancing sustainability and improving the quality of life with a healthy diet. Preliminary results of our study will be disseminated by a website specifically designed. This project is an integral part of the Vitality, cofounded by the European Union—Next Generation EU—PNRR MUR project ECS_00000041- VITALITY—CUP H33C22000430006

    A survey of clinical features of allergic rhinitis in adults

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    Background: Allergic rhinitis (AR) has high prevalence and substantial socio-economic burden.Material/Methods: The study included 35 Italian Centers recruiting an overall number of 3383 adult patients with rhinitis (48% males, 52% females, mean age 29.1, range 18-45 years). For each patient, the attending physician had to fill in a standardized questionnaire, covering, in particular, some issues such as the ARIA classification of allergic rhinitis (AR), the results of skin prick test (SPT), the kind of treatment, the response to treatment, and the satisfaction with treatment.Results: Out of the 3383 patients with rhinitis, 2788 (82.4%) had AR: 311 (11.5%) had a mild intermittent, 229 (8.8%) a mild persistent, 636 (23.5%) a moderate-severe intermittent, and 1518 (56.1%) a moderate-severe persistent form. The most frequently used drugs were oral antihistamines (77.1%) and topical corticosteroids (60.8%). The response to treatment was judged as excellent in 12.2%, good in 41.3%, fair in 31.2%, poor in 14.5%, and very bad in 0.8% of subjects. The rate of treatment dissatisfaction was significantly higher in patients with moderate-to-severe AR than in patients with mild AR (p<0.0001). Indication to allergen immunotherapy (AIT) was significantly more frequent (p<0.01) in patients with severe AR than with mild AR.Conclusions: These findings confirm the appropriateness of ARIA guidelines in classifying the AR patients and the association of severe symptoms with unsuccessful drug treatment. The optimal targeting of patients to be treated with AIT needs to be reassessed